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Frequent urination, pulse bounding in hands and neck

I am now 53 yrs old. I started to have some pretty scary symptoms last year. I finally went to the ER to get some answers. I was mainly having a strong pulse - mainly felt in my hands and neck area. This goes on still to this day. This keeps me awake many days. (I work the third shift)
I have frequent urination, which awakens me, also.
Last year, I had episodes where I felt weird after sitting for a long time, and then standing up. Upon standing, I felt as if I was going to lose consciousness. If I tilted my head back, it was worse! Got a strange sensation in the back of my head and neck. Sometimes my head feels like it is being squeezed. Well, after going to the ER, and three different doctors, not really anything was found. All tests came back normal. I do have degenerative disc disorder, and arthritis in my upper spine. This was discovered by a chiropracter. Could my symptoms be related to a neurological problem? Could this be a circulatory problem? Is this related to menopause? My family doctor came up with two different answers. He thinks it is caused by severe tension, and hormone imbalance. Yes, I have had many tests done. I cannot afford anymore testing. Financially drained! Had CT scan of head AND neck. Had carotid doppler testing. Had EKG and stress test done. Also, I have been to ear specialist, and cardioligist. Nothing turns up. Can severe stress AND unhappiness cause this strange malady? Please someone, please help me. I am at the end of my rope, and sometimes I want to just "go." I feel so alone in all of this. Thank you!
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I really sympathize with you. I am now 53 but went through menopause at 47.  This is when ALl my problems started. During a very stressful time in my life I started having dizzines and feeling like someone was pushing on the top of my head all the time. This was making me sort of off balance or tilting somewhat when I walked but not really loss of balance. Also my eyes started bothering me, really red, dry and sensitive to light. Then I had a really bad dizziness attack while at the computer early one morning. I work starting at 3 a.m. I was not getting a lot of good sleep prior to this as I had problems with my teenage daughter, husband, etc. Well after this sudden dizziness attack while looking at the screen (the computer turned sideways or so it appeared) I got freaked and thought I had a stroke. It left me weak and exhausted. Well I really just kept on with my work-a-holic schedule along with extreme stress. The dizziness and weird feelings got worse. Then I was up in the mountains, had a horrible vertigo attack after hiking all day. Ended up in ER. He said there was lots of fluid in my ear but that is all.
Well since then, three years ago I have never been the same. With countless tests, MRIs, MRA, EEGs, all normal. The only thing one ENT said is that he thought I had "classic Meniere's disease" because i had ear pressure, tinnitis, off and on vertigo.  Well I am not sure about this.  I later found out that hormones can cause these symptoms too.  i also had brain fog, losing memory, aches and pains, lower back pain.
The first MRI they though they saw a lesion so for months I was convinced I had MS. That is when I really broke down. I got so sick and my hormones were so bad with sweats, heart palpitations, anxiety, severe panic, SEVERE depression. I was close to death. My adrenals then gave out. I became so sick.
I had a second MRI and a neurologist told me that the first reading was wrong and that it was just a blood vessel not a lesion. That I needed to get de-stressed and see a shrink. Mind you I had always been healthy, positive and happy until menopause. That is when I just could not handle anything any more. Could not handle stress. I really believe I had a nervous break down...  It happens a lot during menopause with all the hormone changes. Well after finally stopping the doctors and spending THOUSANDS on alternative care, I realize that my health is in my own hands. So changed my diet to vegan, no alcohol, coffee, sugar or junk. I mostly eat raw veggies, nuts, seeds and fresh fruit. I am now 80% better. I still have strangge senstions in my head at night like a pressure or feelings of falling at times but I am better and am on NO DRUGS..
It took a while to get through the menopause phase but with a few good natural remedies like natural progresterone cream, wild yam cream, some herbals and SUPPLEMENTING with superfoods and eating a perfect diet, and most of all getting enough rest adn cutting down on work hours, I am really so much better.

You gut tells you it is hormones, your gut is probaly right. Try to naturally balance hormones, change your diet, exercise my walking or running slow or rebounding, do stress control things like you are with yoga, etc.  It will help regular your hormones and you will get better. Just believe it. Be positive. Don't let your mind run away with you and convince you that something is seriously wrong and don't listen to doctor's diagnosis. They just make you dwell on your problems.
You can with God's help heal....if you treat your body the right way.
Take care, God Bless,
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I want to thank all of you for your comments on my strange disorder! I am sorry it took so long to respond to your comments. I am seeing a neurologist on Monday the 14th. I HAVE heard to POS, and am going to ask him about this. (I probably won't have to mention it...he will know)
  I am still having the heart pounding in certain areas, and I can't help but wonder if it is the "good ole" hormones playing a part in all of this! I NEVER experienced any of this until I was 51 and a half years old. This makes me suspicious of hormonal fluctuations. I also get many more aches and pains than what I am used to. I know I am getting older, but I can't help but wonder if these are some menopausal symptoms. Would someone please answer my post. I feel so alone in all of this, for I live all alone, and feel lonely alot of the time. (I have FEW friends due to having to work many hours to support myself. Not a good time in my life right now!
Thanks again!
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Hi did you have your thyroid tested?  It can do all those things.
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Your symptoms sound like mine. Tachycardia, blood pressure dropping when I stand up leading to blacking out/ fainting.
headaches. I could go on and on.
I did some research and found that there is a condition called POTS. Stands for Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It's a fancy way of describing a condition where you stand up, your blood pressure drops, you blackout/feel dizzy/lightheaded/maybe even faint, then your heart races.
It's a problem with the autonomic nervous system. The part of the nervous system that controls heart rate and breathing.
A neurologist would probably help you although the condition is not well known or understood.
My problem, in addition to all the others, is that I have a large ovarian cyst (very large) that may or may not be cancer. I'm having surgery next week.
I sure hope this helps you. Do a search on POTS or on "Neurocardiogenic Syncope." That's another condition involving the autonomic nervous system.
Good luck to you and don't give up!

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Sorry to be posting again but I forgot to mention this.
The main test that you need to have done if you have POTS or any other problem with your autonomic nervous system is called the tilt table test.
You lay on a table and your blood pressure is checked. Then you sit up and again your blood pressure is checked. Then you stand up and your blood pressure is checked once again.
If your blood pressure drops more than 20 points on the top number and more than 5 points on the bottom, that is a good indication something is wrong with your autonomic nervous system.
At least this is as far as I understand it.

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To comment on your answer. . .
I am doing yoga at least three times a week. I am walking at least three times a week, and I do take vitamins.
I do think that stress is playing a factor in the way I feel. However, I still can't help but wonder if something is not wrong with me. (physically that is) I know I am an emotional wreck. I will take your advice and seek out a therapist. I did pay a visit to a chiropractor today. He thinks I have subluxaton of the spine. So far, what he tells me has made some sense. I do think something is off-kilter. . . . and I am not totally crazy. Not yet, anyway.
I want to thank you so much for your response. What you have told me makes alot of sense, too. I will try not to get so stressed about everything. Thank you, doctor!!
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242601 tn?1216996647
A. It really sounds like you are having a difficult time.  The good news is, you have seen many specialists and had many tests and everything is normal except for the arthritis in your upper spine.   Severe stress and unhappiness can cause many of your symptoms though it isn
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