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floci of flair

I don't understand what scattered floci of flair hyperintensity within the cerebral white matter means.  I have been diagnosed with white matter changes two years ago.  Also how do I manage white matter changes?  
Thank you for your time.
2 Responses
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572651 tn?1530999357
Immisceo gave you the perfect explanation - well done Imme!   As for managing white matter change, it all depends on what is behind the changes.  It's hard to manage something that you don't understand what it is.  please do see your doctor and review these results.  best, Laura
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5112396 tn?1378017983
Managing white matter changes depends on the underlying cause. What you state sounds like the 'Findings:' section of an MRI report, am I correct? Usually  on the same report there will be a section called 'Impressions:' or something similar. This is where the radiologist lists possible causes for what they found. It's important to remember, however, that the radiologists themselves do NOT make diagnoses. They look, report what they see, and this information is then passed on the the relevant specialist, in your case a neurologist.

"scattered floci of flair hyperintensity within the cerebral white matter" states that small/tiny areas (foci, not floci, is the plural of focus) in the white matter portion of the brain 'brightened' when the FLAIR sequence was run in the MRI. Another common sequence seen in brain MRI reports is T2. FLAIR is usually written in all caps because it stands for fluid attenuation inversion recovery. But to the laymen, it's just one of the very noisy, rhythmic 'beats' going on when you're in the tube.

White matter is mentioned to distinguish it from grey matter areas of the brain. Their use of the word 'scattered' indicates these bright points weren't located in a specific area.

Many things, from blood pressure issues, to demyelinating disease, to simply ageing, can lead to white matter changes. I would be sure to discuss these finding with my doctors.
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