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I am obssesive about get infected by HIV , im getting tired!

hi friends

im obsessive about get HIV , almost every month now i put myself in a situation to get afraid than i wait for like a month take 2 HIV tests and than i get the relief my mind needs i know thats OCD but i cant control .

now im afraid to have being contaminated by a trial contact leans .

im doing treatment with a psichiatrist without sucess yet .

what should i do ? please help

here is the question that i posted in the hiv prevention forum but i will not post there anymore or they will ban me .

hello Friends

im very worried im 25 years old guy brazilian guy ,yesterday i was at the mall here in Brazil than i decided to buy blue contact leans (not for vision correction just to change my eye color ) i went inside the shop where they sell glasses and contacts stuff like that and said that i wanted a blue contact leans , i choosed the model , the lady than took me the case and took me to a small room to teach me to put them on , so she teaches me to put the contact leans on and then she says well im gonna get your contacts leans now ,those were only for test . at that moment that didnt make much sense to me first because i have choosed the color and i would pay for that anyway , i think i saw her opening a litle box so i thought she was putting new contact leans on me .when i was coming back to my house i start to get worried thinking "what about if that test contact leans are shared with other people interested to buy contacts leans " anyway that could be new but could have being tried by other people i know that she put the contact in a solution to sterelize them but im very worried mainly with HIV . i ask people and they say in Brazil they do this but they put the leans in a solution to sterelize it .

I came back to the shop today where i got the contacts the lady said she put the trial leans in a solution to sterelize it diferent than the solution  used to clean it .

Friends whats do you guys think

1- any possibility of HIV transmission by (trial)used contact leans if it was previously used by an HIV positive person ?

2- should i test or get pep for that incident .

3- am i worring with no reason ? ( im person that is very worried about HIV )

thank you very much for the help .
16 Responses
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if you can read what i have writed before read please . I WILL WIN OCD IT WILL NOT DESTROY MY LIFE AS IT IS DOING I CONTROL MY LIFE NOT OCD . i just want to say that thanks
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sorry for everything
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Treatment for OCD is not working for me i think  i will change psichiatrist i dont know im deseseperate , I have this Huge fear of HIV and its killing me literally i can handle anymore , My exposure as you know is literally impossible according to sciencie but not to my mind THE USE OF TRIAL CONTACT LEANS that were previously sterelized , i called 3 specialist in infectious diseases here in Brazil and they say this is not a risk at all to HIV , i talks to others Drs too and they said no risk , contact freedom health UK they said no risk , contact thebody.com no answer (probably the think im a crazy person not worth answer but its sad ) .
anxiesty was too strong than 21 days after " exposure" if we can call that tuesday , february 3 at 8:30 am i went to get a HIV DUO test , i have a very bad luck because the sector where they make the HIV test is in renovation so the test are taking much longer to have the results , the results were normaly available in 12 h -24 h and it took basically 100 hours almost for the result to came back , it was negative by the way , can you imagine the amount of suffer that i went throught in that 100 hours of wait 40 pills of clonazepam 2 mg and alot of alcohol . so friday morning i didnt have the results and i was freacking out i went for a diferent lab and took a duo test there that one 24 days after "exposure " . the problem is that in southeast brazil where i live there are only 6 diferent labs (of course they have hundred of units to get the samples ) but anyway the lab that i went on friday belong to the same company that the lab that i went on tuesday so the sample goes to the same place to be analised and as they are in renovation in will have some delay i sent an email to the lab and explained my situation to them that i suffer alot with anxiety and on wednesday i could not fell my left arm it was dorment and on tuesday on my right arm my blood veesels were having litlee eruptions i went to a doctors and he said that it was due to stress . a lab lady called me this morning and they were impressive humane with me she said that my result from tuesday 3 (21 days ) was ready and she was putting a note to the result for the friday 6 test (24 days ) to be ready as soon as possible as of now it is not ready . initially when i receive the negative result i got relief but now anxiets come back and with fear . I only fell safe with a 28 day duo test result because it is UK and CDC guidelines ( if you read guidelines for the new york state it is 16-18 days for a duo test ) . I will have to suffer alot because this is the only complex of labs that offer a duo test in this region of Brazil so i will have to wait long for the results as they are in renovation .

Please nurse girl talk to me i need some relief in my heart i cry all the time . help me please not even lots of clonazepam can get me calm .
In the other hand i thing never a person got HIV from contact leans that is a innanimated object (what is that made of probably some kind of plastic )

I need to go to a pschiatrist hospital but my psichiatrist says that this gonna be worse for my condition .

thanks to heard my words
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ok i will dowload
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1699033 tn?1514113133
You can download them from Amazon or Barnes and Noble onto an Ereader.  
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do you know where can i dowload the book you recomended me ?
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ok thank you for all of you
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480448 tn?1426948538
I think you may be misreading the insurance policy info.  Usually, one isn't monetarily rewarded for committing suicide, actually, most insurance policies have exceptions where the policy becomes void and un-payable if the policy holder takes his/her own life.

You can do more alive to help people than if you're dead.  Even if what you say is true, I cannot imagine that any reputable organization would take your money if it was obtained in the manner you describe, and certainly, they wouldn't tell your story.  Think about it...if this was true, all kinds of people would be offing themselves to put their loved ones (or whoever) in a better financial situation.  So, either the info you got was a total scam, or you misunderstood.  

I have to be honest...I find it a little odd how you went from discussing your irrational fears about HIV to this whole thing with foundations, money, insurance and suicide.  You need to concentrate on helping YOU first before you can EVER consider trying to help others.  You're still very much struggling with OCD.

Lastly, as for the HIV forum, you have to understand that MOST of the threads involve completely unrealistic, irrational concerns.  People don't take the time to browse through the forum, where the same exact topic has been covered over and over.  

It's also probably one of the busiest forums on MedHelp, which is why we tend to keep our answers brief....that, and also because we're just repeating ourselves over and over.  Also, the last thing we want to do with an anxious person is engage them in a detailed, lengthy discussion.  It just goes round and round, with the same questions being asked in different ways.  Having a detailed scientific explanation as to why you're not at risk for HIV won't help you.  It would make you feel relief for a short time, before the anxiety wells up again, and the "what if" thoughts start again.

So, in simple terms, you don't have anything to worry about regarding HIV.  Your issue is the OCD, which is where your energy and focus should be.

Good luck to you.
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1699033 tn?1514113133
Sorry...I can't intervene for you on the other forum.  
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yes im reading its helping me a litlee OCD its not easy to fight .

I also believe the HIV forum could be more compreensive with me i only received a answer from one menmber ! and thats it , i also sent tp freedom health UK and Dr sean there said he never heard of this and that is not  a risk , i sent to the Body.com and got no answer . the best answer i got was from the Brazilian society of infectious diseases thats says " HIV is not transmissible by contact leans even in the case that it was previously used by an HIV positive person "

i would like one more answer from the HIV prevention community forum , can you ask them ?

i have beeing suffering with OCD for 17 years im 25 that is 70 % of my life and i have a very severe OCD .

i dont have enought money to open a foundation to help people with OCD and to try to find a cure for it . i was couple months ago offered a life insurence of 800 Brazi reais a month about 400 dollars on the contract says that if i end my life (commit suicide after 2 years of the beggining of contract ) they will pay 4 million Brazil reais thats around 2 millions dollars . i neeed someone to help me to open that foundation and that will use that money to help people that suffers with severe OCD like me and to find a cure i dont think my relatives are trustable they would use the money with luxurious things , buy houses , cars live a rich life .

would you help me . thanks

im not saying im gonna do this what im saying if i had to give my life to help find a cure to OCD and help people with OCD i would do this .
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1699033 tn?1514113133
OMG you should absolutely stop testing.  It does nothing for you.  Initially it might be hard to not test so you need to deal with the resulting anxiety by meditation, controlled breathing, occupying your mind.  You cannot give in!  Read Self-Coaching by Joseph Luciani.  

Also, read this article on OCD

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do you believe i should quit the HIV testing ? , because it help me relief my OCD
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i will do that thanks for the help
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1699033 tn?1514113133
Do you have access to books?  If so download or get the following books

The OCD Workbook:  Your Guide to Breaking Free of OCD;
Self-Coaching by Joseph Luciani;
Brain Lock

Read the books and say NO I AM NOT ACCEPTING THIS LIFE and do something about it while you work on getting a psycholoogist.  Getting a handle on OCD takes work and dedications.  Start now.  You said you are 25...no time like the present.  
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i dont do cognitive behavioral therapy here in brazil pschiatrist only give medication i tried sertraline that didnt work , luvox also didnt work im taking a new medication(anafranil) now i feel a litle better but the side effects are horrible .
im looking for a pschologist that will help me with therapy because i suffer alot with OCD .
Im 25 and i start to develop OCD when i was 7 or 8 years old at the beggining i have weird rituals to go and back from places , touch stuff and etc when i was 13 i start to have to wach hands and keep old stuff , 16 to 18 i developed a severe obsession with numbers i would relate the number i see to bad things that could happen to my family finally when i was 22 i had sex with a very promiscuos girl but with protection than it came to my mind what if i got infected with hiv ? , than after that i probably got involved sexually with two one girls , one of them was just oral sex . well i was seeing how would i be afraid of HIV i cant have sex even with condom because i dont trust , i cant have oral sex even with condom because i also dont trust and i cant kiss any girl because i never know if she can have some blood on her mouth so i decided to totally abstain from sex and you know what couple months ago i was scratched by a guy and i thought i could get contaminated , now i have the trial contact lenses problem even if drs tell me its not a risk my mind dont accept it i have to take the test and not only 1 but 2 . its better now i use to do 6 or 7 after a risk i have done more than 30 HIV test in the last 2 years .

You have no ideia how much i suffer with that . and i blame me because i think why i went there to get contacts and i blame the techinician why she just dont gave my the new contacts but she tested one before , because of that i will suffer for at least one month . its a difficult life but i have to accept .
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1699033 tn?1514113133
If the HIV prevention forum said you are not at risk, then you are not at risk.  They know more about HIV than me.  And no you should not get PEP because PEP isn't something you just go out and take.  It is only for people that have real risk situations.  

Tell me about your psychiatrist and what you have learned.  Does this person teach you cognitive behavioral therapy?  I'm sure they have told you that testing is pointless for a person with HIV anxiety or OCD right?  All it does is keep you in the loop of irrational thinking.

Think about it for a second.  You make up scenarios in your head as to how you could become infected, you then take the test, you get a negative result because the thought does not make the infection real, and you actually believe the result for like 30 minutes or 30 seconds and then guess what...you are back at thinking up something else irrational.  When does it end?  Do you see an end in sight?  I sure don't.  This is not the way to get over HIV anxiety.  

What treatment are you doing with your psychiatrist?

P.S. and the reason they will ban you on the HIV forum is because you are not listening to them.  In order to get better you have to open yourself up to suggestion and if you just ask the same question over and over or the same question with a different scenario, you are not going to get a different answer.  At some point you need to stop and take in the suggestions.  
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Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
STIs are the most common cause of genital sores.
Condoms are the most effective way to prevent HIV and STDs.
PrEP is used by people with high risk to prevent HIV infection.