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Strange body odor follwing me

This gonna be a bit long, but I'm really serious and everyday is like hell so I'd appreciate if you read this and help me.

I thought it was GI problem or skin problem first time, but all the test results were healthy so every dr. sent me to psychiatrists.

I still think it's physical or neurological problem but people treat me like I'm mental so I write here. (No offense)

I've always had IBS all my life, and sometimes had body odor, but both were normal range and had nothing to do with each other. I mean when my IBS had really flared up there was no BO. and I'm hygienic person, I shower everyday for 1 hrs.

It started when I stayed in humid hot country. I'm weak to spicy foods or hot weather or stress, so I guess the place was the trigger--I developed severe underarm odor and become really gassy.

I'm usually a bit gassy and it's been odorless. But after staying that country(hot weather, severe stress, terrible diet) my body odor and gas(sorry, yuck) became really offensive.

So when I came back home I tried to eat healthy, lots of vegetables, limited proteins, no processed foods, etc...

Strange thing happens from here.
My skin odor disappeared and gas became nearly odorless, but strange smells started to follow me.

First I thought it was environment problem because it was not human BO. It was raw sewage smell or strange ammonia odor(not women's odor, pure ammonia smell), sometimes dirty clothe smell sometimes just undescribable something.

but time passes by I realized it was me. Because it followed me and when I bent down I could smell it coming from my body.

Then I thought I had rectal problem so intestinal gas leaking, but it was not.
One day I felt something more subtle than air coming out from my groin area and this air-like something was carrying the smell of my urine INSIDE my bladder. I didn't leak any urine, and my underwear, clothe were clean and my groin area skin didn't smell,
Something very subtle, air-kind something was seeping out from my body emitting odor of my inside.

Now you think I'm mental. don't you?
Sometimes I think I'm crazy too. and I WISH I were crazy.

And this smells change up to places, foods, condition, hormonal change, mood, or even weather.
I really can't pinpoint which thing trigger which smell. I just always have BO that follows me like radiation. Strange thing is my skin rarely have any BO now. (or my gas)
It's.... more like aura around me.
So people doesn't notice it was me first time, but slowly they start to notice it's me.

More bizzar thing is, this smell can travel to hundred meters in sec.
I saw all the people walking hundred meters ahead me suddenly stare back at me, then start to look around as if they thought 'normal looking person like me' cannot emit this kind of odor spreading so vast area.

Plus, my family or friends or docs can't detect this smell. (though nurses can smell it I don't know why)
Many strangers can smell it (one day whole compartment of subway glared at me because of my smell. I remember the angry disgusted glares of people. I don't take subway after that.)
Some people mention it 'what the hell is that smell'... 'who **ted'... 'that's her'...
But my friends can't smell it. They are not lying. They usually point out my every defects, so when they say they don't smell, it's true.

Further strange thing is, the smell changes up to places.
Sometimes it start to emit in basement or bathroom, sometime in alleys, sometimes at my home, it just changes and I don't know why.

Just one more plus, some odors not emitted from me(like garbage smell or other persons smell) FOLLOWS ME.
One day there was an alcoholic in waiting room and I stayed there about one hour. After that day, for 2 days I emitted alcoholic stench from my body. I wasn't even sitting next to him but it was like my body aura absorbed the stench!

Think it was demanding reading, sorry.
But I had to vent all the strange symptoms that's killing me everyday.
How can this kind of symptom exist?

Severe BO? I can live with that. But smell of my inside gut or bladder escapes me?!! and it spreads to vast area in seconds?! and whatever I eat however I shower the smell doesn't go away?! and the BO is not normal human stench?

Sometimes the smell is so not human, more like sulphur substance in Lab, I can blame it to sewage problem.

Now I'm taking xanax to calm me down, and it helps me about sulfhuric odor, but when I take xanax too much it becomes rotten garbage odor.

Already too long to read, I'll add some more in replies.

Is anyone here have this problem?
What the hell is this? How can physically this kind of thing exist?

PLZ, somebody, help me.
My psychiatrist gave up on me and just throw me some xanax sometimes risperdal but they don't work much.

Oh, and every physical dr (GI, Hormonal, Traditional docs) gave up on me too.
Best Answer
480448 tn?1426948538
Hello there!

I think it is very telling that the people who are around you (and people who care about you and would be honest with you) do NOT smell anything.  You THINK strangers around you are smelling you, but that just may be a psychological reaction, because YOU think you smell, so you think they smell it too, and you feel self conscious.

What do you mean nurses can smell it?  How many other people, besides you, and not including strangers, have verified that they smell something?  How do they describe it?

While there is no doubt that certain medical conditions and diseases cause different odors, you've seemingly had a lot of very thorough work ups from many different specialists, and again, it is just too significant to ignore that really, YOU are the only one who smells this.

I'm sure you are frustrated and I'm sure you genuinely believe this is going on (and it might be, obviously I can't say either way), but my own personal assessment is that perhaps this IS indeed psychological in nature.  It could be olfactory hallucinations, it could be an exaggerated perception of a very subtle normal body odor.  It sounds like perhaps when you stayed in the "hot" country, something happened there that changed you.  Maybe due to the circumstances, when you WERE having BO and other issues, you became so overly sensitive to it and upset by it, that you were sort of left traumatized?

I'm not saying that you're crazy, and I feel for you, but with all the medical assessments you've had, and the fact that no one close to you smells it, really points more toward something pyschological in nature.  Have you tried therapy?  How about any other meds besides Xanax?

I wish I had something better to tell you, but that's my hunch.  I think it wouldn't hurt for you to dive into mental health treatment, give it a try.  In the very least, if the smell is real and undiagnosed, you need support to get you through this. I'm sure it is affecting every aspect of your life.

Very best of luck to you!
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Hi Sleepmonster i have same problem with u. what happend to you know did the smell become worse? or did it already get away? Because me this is already for 2 years im suffering in this problem i am so ashamed in going to school sometimes i dont go to school because of this and my friends sometimes find hard to stick with me because of this odor even thought its not coming from me. Im Always Lonely and Sad please someone HELP US :'(
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this is OP..
plz forgive me not coming back for a long time and not responding to your posts and messages..
I simply didn't have any willpower or energy to do anything else than lying on the bed thinking what's wrong with me.
am I cursed? is this alien disease? am I crazy? am I dreaming?

Recently my smell got way worse without specific reason, I was completely house-bound for months.

But I found some weird thing going on which might be related to the smell.

I feel this blazing fire inside me--which makes my lungs feel like burning, filling my breath with some fire smoke.
Or I feel some heat or energy is exploding from inside, making my head really hurt(not just headache, but exploding pain) or making me suffocate without actual cause.
Sometimes I feel nauseous with uncontrollable anger rising.

This fire... I don't understand. It's not actual heat, not even the usual flush heat people experience when hormones fluctuate, no.....not that ones.
This heat is very furious, exploding energy, doesn't go away even when I don't eat anything, even when outside is very cold, even when I'm outside where the temperature is nearly zero.

After I ate full meal this fire makes everything darn stink.

I've read about kundalini rising...maybe it's the case? I don't understand what is this heat? I'm sure this is not hormonal flush. This is somethinig else. Extremely intense energy only I can feel while my actual temperature is a bit lower than normal.

right now, I eat full meal only once or twice a day. In between I eat only fruits or small portion of sweets with coffee.
it makes me less stink.

probiotics or supplements all made the smell worse. Nutritious foods too.
I think my liver can't break down normal food very well, only can digest simple sugar in small portion.
Or, this blazing fire burns everything I consume, so if I eat small portion or simple food, the burning smell is less potent....I guess.

I tried to put down this fire with drinking a lot of cold beverages but they all only made things worse. I don't think this is actual heat, though a bit of cold beverages help.

I don't know what it is.

Right now, not eating anything much but nearly starving myself can keep the smell at least within 1 feet around me.
Oh, I can eat veges and sweet fruits, some sweets moderate amount without stinking up. if I hadn't have full meal before consuming sweets.


and 'fading', plz don't insult me and yourself by saying it was all in your head. I don't mean to be rude, but what you said kinda hurt. I'm not crazy. you weren't either.

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when I was approx. 12yrs I had a smell coming from my crotch area I would try to deflect the smell form the kid sitting next to me by pushing my chest hard into my desk in the hope that the smell would in some way push out the front of the desk rather than coming up to our noses (remember I was only twelve) in no way did I think this eradicated my smell but I thought that in would help. I could never concentrate at school it was hideous. I was so ashamed for years. When the kids queued for a lesson I would hide until they had gone into class thus avoiding contact in the queues.
I lived within 1 mile of school and would change my trousers and have a shower even though I had a shower before school. The smell then miraculous transferred to my feet they absolutely stink. I also had the problem of the first person in this post I thought other people had recognised me smelling. This would go on for years. I am retired now and do not have any occurrence of this problem. I feel more relaxed now than I ever have and this I think is the issue.
All of my life I have suffered with depression/anxiety and I think now this problem never existed, it took me a few decades to come to this conclusion. No one could have told me that I was imagining it. Now I am convinced these episodes were stress/ anxiety issues. If a person imagines himself to smell he/she does smell and that is the problem in a nut shell and that is why a person with this problem will not be convince otherwise. my advice would be to try as many different anti-anxiety drugs as you can to try to find one that works for you. Anyway I hope this helps
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I was on a similar diet for about a week. The first three days I fasted and only drank water; the next several days I ate kale, and other vegetables. After that I ate only rice, olive oil, kale, and spinach, but saw no reduction in my symptoms. The problem with starving the infection is that we also starve ourselves, and deplete our bodies' ability to fight for us. I don't think fasting would be effective at all unless one with very good health fasted with only water for several weeks. But most people are too nutritionally deficient for that. I believe that we need to eat nutritious foods if we're going to see long-term recovery.

I haven't started the "correct" diet yet, I'm still eating a vegan diet, mainly rice, olive oil, black rice, blue corn, and now I'm introducing hemp seed. I'm going to start slowly introducing animal foods now, and then make the full switch over to a low carbohydrate diet in two weeks. Which means the bulk of what I'll be eating will be cooked vegetables, and oil.

I think you'll do well to eat plenty of cooked vegetables. Check out the teachings of Dr. Lawrence Wilson at drlwilson.com. His articles on nutritional science have taught me a lot. He also has articles about fungal/candida infections, which I think we have.

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Thanks for your posts. I think I'll try zinc and copper!

I've done the reverse of your diets - I tried pure vegetables. They worked. Gas and smell were significantly less, and people around me didn't notice anything... but I mean the random farts were still there, and I'm pretty sure the gas and smell would soon follow after extensive public exposure.

I mean, it's weird, all of us are fine at home when we're relaxed, but in public everything just goes haywire.

But yeah, I did a 24-hour nothing but boiled spinach deal because I wanted to go to a convention the next day. And those are my results... I'd like to keep doing that diet, but no one in the world can do that without having some deficiencies. And also, I'm too weak-willed to go vegetarian.

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I forgot to mention this:


So today, a friend of mine reccomended I try oil pulling for good dental health. I decided to do it-- when you arise in the morning, before eating or drinking swish a vegetable oil around in your mouth for twenty minutes, taking care not to swallow any. The theory is that it pulls toxins out of your body, but more likely it kills the microbes in your mouth, and even kills microbes up to a millimeter deep into your gums and soft tissue. I did it with coconut oil, which was fine and not too unpleasant, but when I spit the liquid out (into the trash, not your sink) I had the most horrible taste in my mouth--as if I hadn't brushed my teeth in three weeks. Well, I imagine the oil pulling was a success! I then flossed my teeth for the first time in way too long, and cleared out very foul smelling gunk from between my teeth.

Next, I rinsed my mouth with a solution of salt water, iodine, and vinegar. I did this several times, first swishing around in the front of my mouth for a minute or so, then spitting, then doing the same again but this time also gargling in the back of my throat for a minute. GET THIS: when I spit it out, there were large chunks of... something. It had a mucous-like consistency but had a definite structure, was slightly dark, and definitely wasn't mucous. I think it was fungus. I think the fungus had mentioned to expand its colony throughout my digestive tract and all the way high into my throat. The oil pulling cleaned my mouth very well, and then gargling with salt water, iodine, and vinegar killed the fungus in my throat, and I managed to actually spit out chunks of it. This gives me more evidence that our problem is a fungal infection (most doctors, I have heard, will tell you that these mucous things are simply mucous, but common sense dictates otherwise. Yes, there is mucous on it, but the fungus itself has a structure which the mucous clings to. You will see what I mean if you try it.

I then went on to brush my teeth normally, but very thoroughly, with good tastepaste and baking soda, and then rinsed once more. At this point my mouth was very, very clean. So I took my most potent probiotic, with sixteen strains, opened up a capsule, and poured the powder into my mouth. It had a prebiotic in the formula and tastes sweet, like fructose. I did this twice. This is the repopulate my mouth with good bacteria, and is the same concept as swallowing the capsule, except people always forget that the front line in this war of your digestive tract is the mouth. Oral hygiene is very important, I believe, and frees up resources for your body to contain the enemy in other places.

I will continue this routine every morning from hereonout. Also be sure to shave yourself to be as hairless as possible, and to wash your hair either with strong shampoo, or as I do with antibacterial soap. Its very harsh but luckily my hair is naturally dry and tough so it doesn't affect me. Ladies, you may want to condition afterwards. That is all. Keep up the good fight everyone.
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