155056 tn?1333638688

Becky - Tybear Want Wish You Luck

And let you know that we will all be there with you through the entire surgery and recovery process.

Just a couple of more days to go.  I am sure that there is so much going through your mind right now.  I feel really certain that this surgery will be a success!!!!  

Sending lots of love and positive thoughts your way!!!!!

I will be thinking about you.....want nothing more for you then a successful surgery and speedy recovery.
45 Responses
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135691 tn?1271097123
Thanks for explaining the "grafts" for me! and all your encouraging words! So helpful and great to read. Hoping Beck will be posting back on here soon enough. I know she misses talking to you all.
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hoping on a speedy recovery, my prayers are with you, take it slow, so you can heal quickly lol
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329994 tn?1301663248
Thank you for posting. I have been anxiously awaiting for news. I am glad to hear that they got some but so wish they could have gotten it all. God Bless Becky. I don't know how she is enduring all this and I know it must be hard on all of you too. I will keep her in my prayers. Please let us know when you can. Much love, Colleen
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167426 tn?1254086235
these are two types of "grafts'  used on an impaired femeral  vein,  both are time comsuming  but usually effective.  

femoral popliteal bypass
Femoral popliteal bypass is the surgical opening of the upper leg to directly visualize the femoral artery. It is performed to bypass the blocked portion of the artery using a piece of another blood vessel. Blood vessels, or vein grafts, used for the bypass procedure may be pieces of a vein taken from the legs. One end of the vein graft is attached above the blockage and the other end is attached below the blockage, rerouting blood flow around the blockage through the new graft to reach the muscle. In some situations, a prosthetic (made of artificial material) graft may be used for the bypass graft, rather than a vein graft.
percutaneous transluminal angioplasty (PTA) of the femoral arteries
Percutaneous transluminal angioplasty is a minimally invasive (without a large incision) procedure used to open the blocked or narrowed femoral artery and to restore arterial blood flow to the lower leg without open vascular surgery. A special catheter (long hollow tube) is inserted into the femoral artery. The catheter has a tiny balloon at its tip. The balloon is inflated once the catheter has been placed into the narrowed area of the artery. The inflation of the balloon compresses the fatty tissue in the artery and makes a larger opening inside the artery for improved blood flow. A stent (a tiny, expandable metal coil) may be inserted into the newly-opened area of the artery to help keep the artery from narrowing or closing again.

our Becky is in serious condition and needs lots of prayers.   Marty
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187666 tn?1331173345
Well, don't worry about explaining all the details perfectly. Speaking for myself, much of the medical terms go over my head anyway. As you say, they got some of the problem areas touched up, can do more later if need be, and best of all, she's still with us. I'd be curious to know what they were doing with her leg artery. For big things, if they can't use an arm, they may use the subclavian one in the neck area. I was fortunate to never have that one used for my heart procedures. I hear it's pretty sore afterwards.

Thank you for letting us know how the day went, how the surgery went. I'm sure you're all exhausted from the wait and the stress. Of course we'll be anxious to hear how she's doing over the next few days. Just update as you can.  Hugs to you all.  irene
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196469 tn?1365387975
Here is what her sister posted for the update.........

Friday, August 14, 2009 9:40 PM, CDT

Hello everyone...this is Ashley (Becky's little sister)
I am so sorry I have not been on here sooner. Of course upon getting back to our room at 9:30 - there were internet issues - anyways I'm in the lobby now writing this...
On a more important note,
Becky is recovering. We were able to see her briefly tonight (they had a shift change in between so later then expected) around 8ish I think it was. We were all happy to see her - felt like an ETERNITY!! That is the main thing about today - seeing her alive and well at the end of it all!
Unfortunately, surgery did not go as anticipated. I hate writing this as its not the news we were all expecting but, as I said, so long as we have her :)
It started around 9am (hard time finding a vein for IV). around 12pm (us girls were at lunch) but, Adam and his parents were notified that some "damage had been done to a main aretery" to her left leg I believe it was. This caused quite some delay as they had to take proper care to repair this severe problem (did a graph-sorry I don't know the spelling of these terms ;)
Before this happened they were able to remove a lot of the tumors on her abdominal wall (she has mesh there after).
So, unfortunately the tumors that were affecting her kidney and bowels were left untouched - too severe and they aren't sure if b/c of trmt/chemo/scar tissue or what but, they were "cement" like - too risky to touch.
I'm sorry if my times or 'medical' information is off - I tried taking notes but, it is so much information to take in! And well - the girls and Beck's mom were going to help me with this but, b/c of the delays with internet - its sleep time for them after this day!

They did not do a colostomy(sp?) bag - they didn't feel it was necessary at this time - they can do this as well as kidney removal if needed in the futue.
Dr B did say that there is tumors up front of the vaginal wall and we must watch the one on her tailbone - nerve damage - feeling in legs but, she hadn't had much problems prior to.

The main thing - they did get 'some' and she is alive and recovering. There are risks with every surgery and we all went in with that on our minds. After the issue w/ the artery - that fact really clicked in - made us all want to see her so badly after!
Please keep Becky in your thoughts and prayers! She'll need it more then ever. And thank for all your prayers so far.
I will keep you updated - we'll all be in to see her tomorrow!

I hope I have kind of explained things half decently. :)

With Love,

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So it all should be over now and I am just hoping that you are resting comfortably after they managed to remove every single spot of cancer. I have been thinking about you on and off all day sending positive vibes. I hope your family coped okay as I imagine it was an extremeley stressful day waiting through such a long operation.
Rest well, heal well. Hopefully it went better than your wildest dreams.

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429647 tn?1249753429
I pray all went well and that you have the strength to get you through each and every day until you are home with your family.  Kerry
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408448 tn?1286883821
I know, Heidi.  I have been on edge all day hoping things are going well for her.  Marie
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196469 tn?1365387975
I have been so anxious all day today thinking about Becky!!!!!!

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155056 tn?1333638688
Becky today is the day .... and I just want you to know that I am thinking about you, Ty and the entire family.

I just know that everything will be okay.

Love to you,
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329994 tn?1301663248
Reading what your son said brought tears to my eyes, I do believe he might have been visited by God last night and was somehow reassured. Many hugs, prayers and love your way,
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196469 tn?1365387975
A new beginning..........Blessings to you and Ty!  

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178345 tn?1242536246

I am truly amazed by your courage and strength all through this difficult time.  You never cease to amaze me.  Stay strong and I will be praying for you,

Love, Gia
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You get my thoughts and prayers too, grasp with your  all  this wonderful opportunity your amazing medical team  have custom planned just for you with the strengths of youth on your side.
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801514 tn?1273676786
Take comfort in that there will be an enormous amount of positive energy directed your way.  May your surgeon's hands be sure, your mind at peace, and your body relaxed so that you heal easily and thoroughly.
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415684 tn?1257329318
You know I am with beside you in spirit ... love, Judy
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272338 tn?1252280404
   You have a lot of angels on your shoulder. I know how you must be feeling but please don;t forget that we are all right there with you. You are a strong woman and I know that you will come through this just fine, speed right through your recovery and be able to come see us all in Chicago.
   I take Karen's hand and keep you in my prayers. Wer love you Becky.
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438514 tn?1305734140

Best of luck and wishing you a speedy recovery!


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Dear Becky,
We'll all be thinking about you and praying for a successful surgery, a quick recovery and good health.
Your son is an amazing little fellow and he deserves a healthy Mom.

You're a brave and strong lady and I wish you the best of luck.
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Thinking of you.  Sending prayers your way for a successful surgery and a speedy recovery.
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187666 tn?1331173345
Love you Becky. Hugs to your little boy. What a sweet hearted young man.
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135691 tn?1271097123
Thank you all so much for these encouraging words of support - how lovely it is, to wake up and read all these messages.
I had my pre-op on Tuesday and although it was a long day (and hard too, because my cousins funeral was that day and I had to miss it) I had lots of my questions answered and I feel better about tomorrow. My doctor came to see me after he was out of the OR and made sure that we were on the same page. I met the ostomy nurse and was marked for my colostomy and possible urostomy - we decided that if he could get all of the cancer and all that was left was some on my bladder, then and only then, could he go ahead and remove it. Otherwise, if there's any disease left anywhere else, he's not to remove my bladder. I've got two little "x's" on my lower pelvic area where they will go, if I need them. It doesn't seem to bad - it's actually under my underwear and not up high, like I had originally thought.
I met with the anesthetist who explained all of my risks to me - I asked him if it was very dangerous to be under for so long and he said no - the danger is more related to surgery than to the anesthetic. He also told me I qualified for an epidural, if I wanted one - I told him definately. The less pain I have to feel when I wake up, the better....
My doctor was great - he told me he would be there the whole time and that he wouldn't let anyone do anything to me if he didn't feel it was in my best interest - that made me feel much better...
I also decided to splurge and get a private room while I recover - I always seem to end up sharing a room with some strange person so I thought, if I have to be there for 2 weeks (or possibly three, the nurse told me) I might as well try to enjoy it. I will be sent to the ICU on Friday night and then, if I'm stable in the morning, I will go to the step-down unit - it's two patients in one room with one nurse 24 hours a day - it's like the ICU, but with two patients instead of one. I have no idea how long I'll be there...
I've had a rough couple of days here with my little boy...he's very scared and last night, he clung to me while I'll slept in his bed. He kept telling me he didn't want me to go because he didn't want my doctor's to hurt me. Well, when we woke up this morning, he looked at me, put his hand on my cheek and said "Mom...I changed my mind - I think you should go to Toronto tomorrow...it's worth a try, right?" He promised he would come and see me as soon as he was allowed to and that he'd bring me flowers and a new stuffed animal to make me feel better :) I'm a lucky Mom...
Adam just went out to get a Tim Hortons coffee for me and then it's on to the bowel prep - I literally gag at the thought of it. I just want to get it over with! The doctors all reminded me though what an important step this is and I know it needs to be done. I just wish it wasn't so...awful.
I know tonight will be so hard but I'll get through it knowing I have all of you in my corner. My Aunt told me at my cousins visitation on Tuesday that I have an angel on my shoulder now and that she'll be watching over me on Friday...it was the sweetest thing she could have said. I'll have a few angels watching over me, I hope :)
Someone will be in touch...I think my little sister will be posting here under my screen name.
Love to you all...
Becky xx
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thinking of you too Becky.   (((hugs)))
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