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108861 tn?1227246048


Greetings and Welcome to Cyber Party 1st Anniversary!
     The first Cyber Party evolved out of a thread I started called "Storm Watch" becuase a major winter storm was moving from the Rockies over the Midwest and onto the East coast.  I was in Arlington VA where there was 10 inches of snow at the time. We were all comparing notes on the conditions and such when the conversation went on to getting to know each other beyond the medical issues that brought us all here.  I continue the Cyber Parties on Saturdays when I can and have been looking forward to this one.  It has been quite a year Cysters! MV
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I just finished re-reading the entire thread here...I have to admit I have a smirk and grin on my face...boy can we get snotty!  I guess we all have to let it out sometimes and it is good to let it out here rather than on those who live with us and have to look at us all the time!
I do care deeply for all you guys....thanks for putting up with me when my claws emerge!  Love you guys!
Peace (and I do mean it!)
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Sorry if I am late but a rough weekend... I am somewhat new here... I am one of the lucky 99% ones.. In fact I am getting ready to have a LAVH next month.. I am only 38... I have a great husband and I think that I love him more now then the day I married him.. We met beck in highschool when we were 16 and got married at 18... In fact he turned 18 in bootcamp... We just had our 20 year married... I have only been sick for about four months... I think back and I have had some problems for about a year but that is it... My wedding dress was white and I brought it for 50 dollars... I think my sisters dress for my wedding was only 20 dollars... My thought was not spending a lot of money on the wedding.. I just wanted to me married to this guy... I could only think now what my parents were thinking when I told them I wanted to get married... I was engaged at 17... Our daughter is 19 now and I could not think of her getting married that young...
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for everything all of you girls have done on here... I love to read all posts and have helped my out so much...

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117289 tn?1391712825
Hey all, I surely have missed these little parties.  I am so upset that I got on this one late.  Well, better late then never!  We are expecting a big snow storm.  Reminds me of our very first cyber party!  What a hoot.  I miss this place sometimes, but lately it has not had that warm fuzzy feeling.  Hopefully, we get back on track and continue to help everyone who comes here.  Continue on Battalion!
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140437 tn?1215109742
Too true, Well I hope to goodness someone is gonna start bringing healthy food to the cyber parties cos I am fed right up this morning. After eating sparrow food for 3 weeks I am close to giving up this poxy diet. I lost 2 pounds a week for the first 2 weeks then nothing last week NOTHING. Damn and blast all this sacrafice and I may as well have had a curry.

Anna x
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140437 tn?1215109742
Oh my days Ravens is a ......... da da daaaaaaaa............ CULT LEADER :O

These cyber parties are just a cover up for some unsavory goings on, instigated by Raves :((

I swear to god I have never NEVER laughed so much in my life.

Anna xxxx
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108861 tn?1227246048
I chocked on that bit too Anna but the shoving is over now.  Let's move on.  MV
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108861 tn?1227246048
Hi Bootsie, a belated Welcome!  I conked out rather early last night so missed you!  Great stories from everyone about wedding attire!  Thanks for the idea Katie!  MV
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(boosty, love the name) Welcome to the party in case no one said that to you yet! Your post was neat!  You sound like a very cool gal.  Try not to feel bad about what happened ... When you are an old broad like me, you'll truly know, It's not about the dress!  Maybe that's why we all laugh over these stories.  Sometimes I think brides get so focused on the wedding they forget about... UH OH the next day... and the next gazillion days with that one man!
Hang onto to that love, marriage is tough but oh such a blessing!
Also, sorry you got exposed to a bit of cat fighting here this week, doesn't usually happen!
Looking forward to your posts....take care
Love, Katie
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136956 tn?1688675680
Are we missing some posts??
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106886 tn?1281291572
First of all, I found the post you were refering to, Becky, on page two. I posted a (sentimental) post over there on that thread to Raven, Angela, and Dian. I also wanted to clear up some confusion, Dian, regarding some posters...as I see it, at least. You'll see. It is from 2/07 "Steph, where are you?" or something close to that.

I see not everyone is impressed with the Cyber Party idea. Okay. Not sure why, really. It seemed an obscure comment at best. Well, as one of the oldest, in many ways :( I put in a good word for the parties as a means of connecting with others. Just part of human nature. Maybe when the dust settles from this recent flare up, the true meaning of the Cyber Parties will be realized.

Becky, I almost cried when I read your post. I am so sorry you had such a sucky day. And, your comment about Adam. Well, I got a lump in my throat.

Angela, I appreciated the comment you made about the setting on this forum. So, interesting, huh? It is happening for you on one computer (at work, right?) and on the one at home. Strange.

Katie, did you see my (tongue in cheek) comment regarding JCPenney's??? Remember my confusion awhile back when you were commenting on something I had purchased at Penney's and you wrote, "oh, we don't have those here" and you were writing about the item indigenous to Minnesota and I thought you were talking about JCPenney's? Gosh did we laugh over that. We could reminisce on so many things over a gin and tonic and some limie chips.

Well, great party as usual. Sorry I missed the middle of it. But, Jed and I had a nice night with our friends and a great dinner.

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hello to all. sorry i am a bit late to this party. i am also a bit new to this whole website. i live in california. i am 26 years old. i am persian and my husband is american from oklahoma. he is one year younger than me and a veteran. he is out of the marine corp now. i have a two year old little girl. the wedding dress question... hmm... well, i planned a really big wedding. i bought my 2000 dollar dress, got the beautiful party place rented and already paid 2000 for the flowers. and thats when i sit down and thought instead of spending all this money just for one night for food and all so much stuff that people will just enjoy for a few nights, i should instead keep the money and go on a nice honeymooon. so even though i had spentsome money already, instead we went to vegas and got married in jeans. we had a wonderful time though. but now i think i should have done it . i wish i threw the party and wore my wedding dress. my husband and i battle constantly but deep down inside ,waaay deep in our hearts somewhere, we love eachother. it feels so weird coming oline and going to a cyber party . i am still tryint to get used to remember every name on this site. i will get the hang of it i guess. well, its gettign late, i better be going. thanks for the party you guys.
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Hey all! Shawn from Texas here!  My first wedding I had the whole she-bang, but when we went to get our marriage license, due to family conflicts (controling mother), we got married right there in the court house.  I was wearing a white dress with pastel strips and white pumps.  Can you tell this was 1983???  And I was only 18!  Well that ticked my controlling mother off royally, since it was 2 weeks before the church wedding.  We planned on going thru with the church ceremony, but she made me cancel it.  I had to send letters out to everyone!  I'm sure every gossipy ninny assumed I was preggo!  I wasn't, I was just tired of the stress of it all and not being able to pick out anything for myself!  Whose wedding was it anyway?  

My lovely husband of 20 years lost his battle with renal cell cancer and ironically died on our 20th wedding anniversary.

I am happily engaged now to a wonderful man who has been there for me...thick and thin.  He helped me this last year with I had the big OVCA scare, but thankfully I was in the 99% club.
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135691 tn?1271097123
Hey everyone! Well.... I'm thinking I'd like to go to Trinidad to see some of those men....!
Not a chance you'd catch me in Mexico right now... little bit of a problem with Canadian Tourists over there! Oh well.
My first wedding was a beautiful sleevless, drop waist, box pleated gown - white and trimmed with beads along the hem - only $600! (probably polyester...) it's in the salvation army drop box somewhere!
My second wedding... well, lets see if Adam sticks around through all this cancer ****! Just kidding... any man who can wake up to my bald head and alien eyes and tell me he loves me, you know he's not goin' anywhere!
If I can get a ring out of him, it will be a destination wedding - Dominican? Cuba? Hmmm... somewhere hot, for sure!
Won't be around long tonight...had my chemo Thursday and have been vomiting non-stop today. Not so fun. Thanks to the Dr who told me I wouldn't need to take my Zofran this time because I was just having Carboplatin - wonder if he'll be coming by to clean my toilets for me!
Have a good one ladies and please...have a drink for me!
Love ya!
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108861 tn?1227246048
We will Becky!  A Cyber POX on that Doc!  Tell Adam we said hello, matter of fact give him a big old kiss from us when you are feeling better! MV
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Hey there Lady!  Haven't used my voice at one of these things for a very long time...I remember a year ago when I was having my "hair dilema"....we were all talking and I said we should have an old time slumber party....jammies on fixing eachother's hair...thus our first "cyber party"....wow...and none of this would have happened without you Blondie!   Anyway...much has happened in this past year...saw my onc yesterday and was told "everything looks good"...my CA125 came in at 2.4....my last pap was off a little but I am not worried...will repeat it in a month or so.....
Now lets get serious....my wedding....no..errr....weddings....all three of them..first one was wearing a skirt and jacket in Fla trying to "not look too pregnant"....the the justice of the peace told me not to look so worried...just get a divorce if it doesn't work out....the second one was in a cream dress...very simple..after all, simplicity is classic...and it would have been classic if I wasn't committing bigamy....my divorce hadn't been finished up paperwork wise...My third marriage was quite beautiful but I changed my mind and wouldn't have shown up if my youngest wasn't with his soon to be step father's parents....I cried not for joy but because I kept asking myself "why are you doing this again!"....after the ceremony when the ministers said "you may kiss the bride"....I kissed the ministers as I liked them better! Oh well, that was 29 years ago...no matter how hard I tried this guy just refused to leave (and now I am glad and consider myself a very lucky woman to have such a wonderful husband....not that he is perfect or anything....).
I have taken up enough space....maybe I'll be back later...oh yea....I will even leave my bottle of Chevas with you ladies but watch the scotch in the hot tub...just might get too intense!
Peace ladies.
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135691 tn?1271097123
Ohhh, we're gettin' slammed yet again... go to page two - you'll see what I'm talking about! I thought everyone was over all this....
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108861 tn?1227246048
Hi Dian,
     Been meaning to call you.  Wedding wear, what a loaded subject!  Great stories though and glad you remember our first Cyber Party, especially since you gave me the idea.  Long road since the but so glad to have traveled it with you!  (I'll make sure there is no spillage of the scotch till you return Girl!)  MV

I do remember what a bad time we all gave you for your attempt to dye your new hair after chemo, it came out orange-pink if memory serves me.  Between Cysters, it's OK.  There was a little "shoving" around here this week but I think we all survived it.
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108861 tn?1227246048
Oh Angela,
     I am so sorry about your Grandma!  It is so hard to watch those we love go!  Please forgive me for being so clueless in the previous post.  All the more reason to be here Angela.  Here, let me join you in that glass of wine.  MV
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OH YES I remember the hair story, you had me laughing so hard I was crying!  What did you refer to it as, was it Ronald MacDonald?  Bozo Clown?  Oh I can't remember.

LOVE YOUR wedding dress stories, keep it up girls!!!  

I went to church tea a few years ago and they had a fashion show... YES you guessed it, everyone wore their wedding dresses!  The styles!!!  There was one little old doll who had been married in I swear 1785 or something.  
A few that were left open at the back, couldn't close anymore, it was hysterical.  What a fun day that was.  

Pass some limie chips Mary.
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108861 tn?1227246048
     You got it my Sister Katie!  I can just picture the unzipped backs!  How brave was that!  
     Shawn I did not know you had seen the widow bit, I am so sorry!  I was a widow at 23 without being a bride.  A Texan too, I love Texans!  He drove out in front of a train in Germany.  Life sucks sometimes!  But there are second chances and thrid and fourth, your beloved is proof of that!  Good for him, what a lucky Guy to get you, one of the coolest Ladies I know!  Make certain he understands that and the first time he forgets I will send a virtual head-slapping his way!  MV
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136956 tn?1688675680
I meant 2hrs, wow was that a typo.

I dont want to post anything sad on here so I will post maybe tomorrow on the BBBC.  

I have a headache, must be from the third glass of wine.

I am in serious need of a vacation :)

I am glad this cyber party still goes on its so much fun :)
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108861 tn?1227246048
So glad it was a typo Girl, you are of my heart and I hurt for you as does Grace.  So where was she when you were saying your Goodbyes?  Guessing not there but could be wrong.  She, as always, will be your strength.  Talk to her Angela as she will understand, but only when you are ready.  She's a child and we are your Cysters so talk to us when you want.  Hope the morning brings clarity and that tonight has brought you release!  Glad I dont have to wait two years to hear from you, even though I would.  Lotsa Love!  MV
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Thanks Ravenlady!  I will let him know that you've got my back! LOL

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108861 tn?1227246048
Welcome Cysters!  
     Glad to have you here Lesie!  I think you are the first Cyster we have ad from the Carribean!  Sounds like you had a chance to live on an island too Cirella!  
     Wow Leslie, I wish you could be out at a Carnival party but glad you came to Cyber Party tonight!
     Gail your dress sounds breathtaking!  Maybe Angela can borrow it should she decide to marry!  Hope your team wins, drop by later and let us know.
    Angela, so why is it a sad day and what do you mean by "see you in about 2 yrs"?  
     I have a nice cabernet if anyone would like a glass and there are always my famous Margaritas.  MV
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