154765 tn?1237247944

please someones help

I have frequency urination  and bloated.  I urinaye all day but it doesn't wake me up  @ nite. Im bloated and gassy 24 hours a day.  When I eat I get worst.  I have a 1cm cyst in  one of my ovaries. My quiestion is. Does this sound like cancer? Do you think  these symptons are from this?  Thanks with any info.  Just scared....
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I understand about being scared.  The one way to get over that is to be proactive about your care.  I think talking to your doctor on Friday is a good thing - put all your fears to her and explain that you do not want to live with the bloating/urination any longer and what steps/treatment should you do for that.  That is basically what I did with my gyn and she put me on medicine for cystitis (which did not work), now she wants to do another procedure for my bladder. However, since I feel from reading these posts, that my problems (frequent urination, feeling full, bloating, pain in my sides, fatigue), are still related to the cysts and enlarged uterus, I am seeking a 2nd opinion.  Once I speak with that doctor, show him all my procedures, etc., then I feel I can make a better informed source.  Yes, sometimes, I still worry about ovarian cancer; however, as stated by so many on this forum, it is rare, so I don't overly think about it - I do however; plan to stay on top of all my symtoms and get some relief and some answers.  Good Luck on Friday and let us know how it goes.  Do not let your fears overwhelm you!!!
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154765 tn?1237247944
You all have a good support group.  You ladies help  everyone.  I have a appt. with  my OBGYN on friday I would like to talk to her in person.  I think I will understand better than on the phone. I just scared cause my grandmother died of ovarian cancer.  She fought for  5 years.  I do have a Risk .  Just frequent urination and bloated Is symptons of ovarian cancer this is why Im nervous....
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With the way stress effects you, I'd suggest NOT getting the CA-125.  It really doesn't mean a thing for diagnosis.  Not a thing.  Yet if it comes back elevated (which can be from the cyst itself, fibroids, etc.) it feels stressful and it's hard to remember that it doesn't mean anything.  That's true for anyone, and I'd be afraid that you'd have a hard time with it.

Your risk of ovca is extremely, incredibly small.  Even if that incredibly small chance happened, it would then likely be stage I because the cyst is so small so long term survival is something like 90%.  So, stressing over this isn't the best place to put your stress.

If you've been seeing a counselor for a while and are still feeling high levels of stress like these, then ask her/him about it.  Consider getting a consulation with a psychiatrist or another psychologist who can work with you on medications.  I have no idea what you'd done so far or what stage you are at.  But there is a lot out there to help with this syndrome, and you shouldn't have to be feeling this way.  Even if you feel better on medication, couseling can help over the long term, but there should also be short term help offered to you meanwhile.  
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154765 tn?1237247944
You sound like a very strong person.   Are you scared?  I don't know Im just worried cause they said on my ultrasound is within normal limits thats good. Don't know if the 1cm cyst is causing these symptons.  Im just nervous...The doctor is going to call me on Friday so I can have her explain everything to me.........Did you ever get the CA-125 test? Im thinking of asking her if I can get that....
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to answer your question, I have been going through this for approximately 6 months.  some of the symptoms for 2 years.
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16702 tn?1234090645
So glad that you realized that SimplyStar was trying to help you...You must try to control you anxiety as it is controlling you now and me be the cause to your frequent urinatin/bloating issues.  Have you tried some kind of breathing exercise like Tai Chi or Chi Gong or yoga?  I do a breathing exercise everytime i feel my anxiety level go up, especially the night before and the day of my chemo!!! Lol I just took a deep breath and exhaled my anxiety as the thought of my upcoming chemo just hit me!!
go prepared to your next dr visit, make a list of the questions you have heard about/read or wonder.  Don't hesitate to question your dr's statements as well.,..better to leave with a good understanding than more questions.  Also DON'T leave until there is another game plan to attempt to find the cause of your frequent urination/bloating.
Now sit back, take a long slow breath, feel the air go into your stomach (not lungs)hold for the count of 5 and then slowly exhale all through your nose.  Do this 4 times then get up and do something nice for yourself!!!  Now we are all anxious to hear what your doctor will say, so keep us posted.
ps: here is another excercise I found on the net;
BREATHING.  First, let's talk about breathing... You must learn to breathe properly. Shallow "Chest breathing" results in lesser energy levels. The best thing you can do to prevent shallow breathing and breath correctly is to sit and stand up straight. Don't slouch over. The richest blood flow occurs in the lower lungs. When this area fails to be adequately ventilated with air, you end-up oxygen depleted. Proper breathing requires the use of the diaphragm... taking DEEP breaths.
Practice using this breathing pattern to increase your energy and help to exhaust weak acids from your body: Inhale, hold your breath, and then exhale... in the ratio of 1-4-2.  For instance if you inhale for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 16 then exhale for a count of 8.
Repeat this 10 times, and do it 3 times per day. In order to effectively detoxify properly, you must activate your lymph system. Your lymph system is responsible for removing the waste products from your cells - it is the sewage system of the body.
It does not have a pump to make it work like the heart. Instead, it relies on the diaphragm. Doing this simple exercise will greatly increase your energy... every time you do it!

BREATHING.  First, let's talk about breathing... You must learn to breathe properly. Shallow "Chest breathing" results in lesser energy levels. The best thing you can do to prevent shallow breathing and breath correctly is to sit and stand up straight. Don't slouch over. The richest blood flow occurs in the lower lungs. When this area fails to be adequately ventilated with air, you end-up oxygen depleted. Proper breathing requires the use of the diaphragm... taking DEEP breaths.
Practice using this breathing pattern to increase your energy and help to exhaust weak acids from your body: Inhale, hold your breath, and then exhale... in the ratio of 1-4-2.  For instance if you inhale for a count of 4, hold your breath for a count of 16 then exhale for a count of 8.
Repeat this 10 times, and do it 3 times per day. In order to effectively detoxify properly, you must activate your lymph system. Your lymph system is responsible for removing the waste products from your cells - it is the sewage system of the body.
It does not have a pump to make it work like the heart. Instead, it relies on the diaphragm. Doing this simple exercise will greatly increase your energy... every time you do it!
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154765 tn?1237247944
Thank you so much.  I just think of the worst.  I had anxiety for 13 years always something and I should of done something about it along time ago.  How long you been going through this?  I been for a couple of months.  
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I have had similar symptoms as yours and I have decided to get a 2nd opinion. Based on that 2nd opinion, I will decide how to proceed.  My gyn does not think my cysts and enlarged ovary are causing my bloating and urination, fatigue, etc; however, after reading lots of posts, I would like to rule these reasons out before I start searching elsewhere.  I think you should get a 2nd opinion, and after that, make an informed decision on how to proceed. You might need to go back to your general doctor and have him figure out where to go from there, whether it be a gastroenterologist, urinologist, (examples), etc.  Taking care of yourself first will help you deal with your anxiety and be better for your children.  Take care.
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154765 tn?1237247944
Thanks for caring about me.  Ill let you know on friday cause Im going to have the doctr explain everything to me she been on vacation. The nurse just said I have a 1cm cyst.  I rather the doctor explain to me Ill feel better and Im seeing my councelor next week.
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154765 tn?1237247944
I did call my councelor and seeing her next week.  I just get scared more than other people.  Im sorry for overreacting to you.  I haven't got much sleep and just been grumpy. Its affecting me.  Im havimg the doctor call me friday when she comes back and she will explain everything to me.  I think Ill feel better.  Talk to you soon....
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155056 tn?1333638688
Simplystar is in no way putting you down.  She is suggesting ways that you can deal with the problems that you are currently experiencing.  At this point the OB/GYN has done everything that they are supposed to, other then a follow up in a couple of months to check on the cyst.  You need to address your concerns directly to the OB/GYN and if you are still experiecing high levels of anxiety, a doctor that deals with anxiety, is the way to go.  I too when I was told in 2004 that they were going to have to take my remaining ovary and uterus, lost an ovary in 2000 to early stage OvCa, I was emotionally a mess.  I was put on anti-anxiety meds and group therapy helped me through it.  Anxiety is a real illness that needs to be treated.

The doctor told you that it is a fluid filled cyst...the chances of it being OvCa are very very slim....but, if you feel that you OB/GYN you are seeing isn't telling you everything, then see another OB/GYN.

Good luck.
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I don't think SimplyStar was attempting to "put you down", but rather to suggest that you take control of your concerns by seeing a doctor who can help you alleviate the anxiety you've been experiencing.  Thus far it seems like you've received some very positive news from the doctor you've seen, but it sounds like you continue to experience symptoms that concern you.  Those symptoms could be from a variety of causes and ovarian cancer is probably one of the lowest on the list.  Even symptoms that could "look" like ovarian cancer don't necessarily mean that is what it is--the best way to find out for certain is to go to a gyn/onc, get the CA-125 test and have the doctor do an ultrasound.  If the doctor sees anything suspicious, chances are he/she will further investigate via laparoscopy.
I myself have a much larger cyst on my right ovary that my GYN has said doesn't appear to be cancer--she is pretty sure it isn't, but it does have to come out because it's not going to go away on its own and it's about 8 cm.  I'm going to have surgery next month to remove this cyst and they will do a biopsy during surgery to confirm it's benign.  While I know it's difficult to deal with the unknown, the best thing to do is put your mind to ease by getting the second opinion.
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167426 tn?1254086235
I went back and read most all of your posts, as a trained physch nurse I have seen many anxiety problems like yours seems to be, helped.  Why live in fear when you can put those aside and live and have happy days with your children?  I was not putting you down at all, I was trying to help you. If I have a foot problem I go to a Podiatrist, a tooth problem , a dentist, a broken bone , an orthopedist .  The chances of you having OVCA are so very small, because it is a very rare disease.  This is a good forum and the ladies here, and the gents too, help in many ways to alliviate worry and offer helpful suggestions.  But in the long run it is up to the individual to seek the proper help for their own situation.
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154765 tn?1237247944
You don't have to tell me I have a anxiety issue and I need phychiatric help.  I guess this was a good forum  your putting me down and you have no clue who I am.  You don't have the right to say this about me.....

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229895 tn?1261601948
I have had both endometrial and ovarian cancer take care :)
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167426 tn?1254086235
I checked the archives and found that you have posted 119 issues, you evidently have a very high anxiety level and need to gain control of that.  34 years old, 2 kids. You have been told you have a very small cyst, and that is giving you an obsession that you might have cancer. What you need is to get your help from a phychiatrist.  Imagination can cause a person to live in fear.  You have posted  your fears on many forums,  the help is not going to come from reading these answers to your posts, it is going to come from facing the fact that you need phychiatric help.  There is no shame in seeking that kind of help.  Please make an appointment and let us hope you can gain control of your life that way.  
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154765 tn?1237247944
thank you so much for helping me.  Do you have ovarian cancer? you sound like you know alot...
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229895 tn?1261601948
Well seeing your concern is about Ovarian Cancer get a referral to a gyn/onc so your concerns can be addressed and the appropriate tests can be run
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154765 tn?1237247944
I went to see a OBGYN where do I go get a second opnion?
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229895 tn?1261601948
As I said in the previous posts go and get a second opinion.... so far from the ultrasound that you have had all seems to be OK and it is not cancer and it could be a number of other things that are causing your bloating/urination. Ask for the CA125 blood test as this will help put your mind at ease on the issue of ovarian cancer.  Just remember it is up to you to drive your follow up care in regards to your health, if you are not happy with one opinion as you still feel something is off go to another doctor with your medical records and seek their opinion on your health concerns.
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154765 tn?1237247944
Does this sound like ovarian cancer to you?
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229895 tn?1261601948
Your frequent urination could be caused by a number of things, I think I read in one of your posts that you had two children, perhaps you have weakened floor muscles, it good be a dietary issue with your body, perhaps you are eating or drinking something that is your body is not processing correctly.

What I do suggest is that you get a second opinion to help put your mind at ease take along the results of your ultrasound. If you have not already had a CA 125 blood test insist on one. Also talk to your doctor about how your frequent urination and bloating is distressing you so they can work out the correct next step in your health care.
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154765 tn?1237247944
I just have very bad anxiety constantly. Im scared of the worst.  They just said they seen 1cm cyst fluid in my left or right ovary and I don't know if that is causeing my symptons or not.  They keep saying don't worry.  Easy said than done I just feel bloated and pressure on my bladder and I pee soooo much. Do you think this could cause my symptons with this?
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229895 tn?1261601948
I have been reading quite a number of your posts and from what I read your recent ultrasound came back normal even with the 1cm cyst on your ovary. So to me that is positive news :). But if you still have concerns you should seek a second opinion. Have you thought about going to a gastroenterologist??? Have you had a CA125 blood test in your investigations so far and if you have what did the reading come back as?

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