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I just found out I have an enlarged ovary! Can someone tell me what it is.please

I just found out I have an enlarge ovary on my right side...I had experienced a period for over 3 weeks then it stopped...during this time I was experiencing some real bad back pain and abdomin pain...My doctor told me the results of the ultra sound but my gynocologist hasn't called me due to her not being in the office...I am 38 almost 39 and worried to death about this...my 3 pregnancies were all cesarians and I had my tubes cut, tied and burned...I don't know to much about enlarged ovaries but have been reading online...I think I am going through menopause also because I have been having the nights and day sweats and get so angry every time I get them...if anyone knows about the enlarged ovaries and what usually happens when you get them please let me know...thanks so much..worried in Virginia
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hey virginia,

my doctors also found my ovary to be 'enlarged'. it was actually the same size as my uterus on my first ultrasound. it was pretty inconclusive from that point so they sent me for a detailed scan ultrasound.
this revealed it is a complex cyst (having both solid and liquid parts) between my uterus and left ovary with possible impeding of the ovary - it just looked like the ovary itself was enlarged on the initial ultrasound.  but really that is all they know until i see the gyno - which i am scheduled for August 29th.  
he will probably examine me, check out my ultrasound results and schedule me for a laparoscopy (according to my doctor) to get it out of there and determine what it is.

hope this helps a bit. not sure if there is any relation with your previous childbirths.

i am 26 with no children.
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thank you so much for your help and comment...it helps a little bit, I am just worried if they will remove the ovary or give me a hysterectamy (might not be spelled right) or just leave it there..the doctor could not put me on the pill for I smoke and I have a family history of blood clots and also my mother had uterin cancer when she was young, just worried until I hear from my gynocologist...thanks for your help...
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I also just found out I have an enlarged ovary.  The CT scan says that the left ovary is enlarged with heterogeneous attenuation.  What exactly does this mean?  Also, I have an extremely large uterus.  I have had two children one three and one seven months.  Via c-section both.  I have not been right since my last pregnancy.  At my eight week visit I had an IUD put in and had it removed within three weeks due to pain.  Then two months later I had my tubes clamped and I have had bowel problems since May after the Tubal.  The OB sent my to a GI doctor which did a colonoscopy and then the CT scan.  He originally thought that the OB may have did something to my bowels.  But the tests did not prove that.  When my tubes were tied I had a severe amount of scar tissue wrapped around my tube and he had to disturb that in order to get to my tube.  I am still having bowel problems and the GI said it is related to something that the OB would have to address.  I did not have this bowel problem until my tubes were tied.  The ct scan showed my ovary enlarged what does this all mean.  Is the scar tissue laying or pressing on my bowels the ob said maybe but it would be hard to diagnose.  What do I do.  Any suggestions.  I was scheduled for a hysterscopy and endometrial abrasion with a d and c.  But I am having second thoughts with all of this happening.  My uterus is enlarged anyway so he said eventually I could need a hysterectomy anyway.  >HELP>
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your history sounds alot like mine, alot of scarring post tubal ligation and an enlarged uterus....my uterus was boggy and had hyperplastic cells upon removal biopsy (at 31, now I'm 33) then last year my ovary was 10cm on ultrasound which turned out to be an inclusion cyst (scar baggies is how I describe it)and they are ever returning.  How old are you and are you still trying to conceive or thinking of it?  I was just wondering if you started planning your next step yet.
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oh, that last one was to lulu.  My inclusion cyst had engulfed my ovary and tube and was stuck all in between my vagina and bowels.  VERY PAINFUL!  It actually radiated to both hips and was mistaken for something completely bowel related.  They kept trying to put me on spastic bowel meds but I knew it was more of a something is in the way issue.  Finally found it with ultrasound.
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I am in the process of recovering from laprasopic surgery. The doctor removed my left ovary and fallopian tube.  I had an enlarged ovary. (It was determined after numerous CA125 tests that I could have ovarian cancer-am still waiting on the results of the biopsy report).

During the surgery, my doctor found that I have extreme endometriosis, but since my consent order for surgery was removal of the ovary and fallopian tube, he could not remove the other ovary and my uterus.  At some point down the road I am going to have to have it all removed.  It is very upsetting to me because I was told it would be a miracle if I got pregnant since the endometriosis is so extreme.  I am still in the process of recovering from surgery, so I do not think I have absorbed all of this information very well.  

I am not trying to scare you; I am just telling you what has happened with me. I hope for you that all it is a cyst, and that once it is removed, you will be fine.
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hi i am sorry that i can not be much help on everything but i just found out a week ago that my right ovary is bigger than my left twice the size.i ahve looked and search all over the internet and all i get is cancer, cysts. i am 23 and i have 4 childs, can someone please help me and give me an answer, i have called the gy dr but they don't know nothing until i get a transvaginal ultarsound sorry about the spelling but what i am getting about everything from readind is everything looks more like cancer i have no mass  everything else is fine. please help me
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STAM72 - Sorry for getting back to you so late.  I am 30 and I already have two beautiful kids 3 1/2 and 7months.  Since my last post which was last month I have had a Endometrial Ablation, hysterscopy, d & c and Polyups removed from the inside of the uterus (the works).  I still have the cyst on my ovary but the doctor wants to wait until Oct/Nov to see how much bigger it has gotten.  He said there is a chance it could go away on its own.???  If it doesn't than we will do the transvaginal ultrasound to see how much it grew.  Lately it has not bothered me too bad, my mind has been on the other procedure I just had done and waiting for those pathology results.  I have been preoccupied.  Today I go for my follow-up appointment from the endometrial ablation.  Since I have choosen to have this done this means I cannot have any more children.  There is no turning back.  The procedure burns out the inside of you uterus and clamps the blood vessel to relieve menstral flow.  Possibley get rid of it completely.  60% success rate.
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sounds like you have been through a lot. i go monday to get a transvaginal ultarsound to find out what is going on hopefully they can give me answers. all i know is my ovary is enlarged enough to for them to say something might not be right. my right ovary is twice the size than my left. i hope you get to feeling better about everything and that everything goes good for you.
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I have an enlarged fallopian tube on my right side.
I want to have a baby and I am scared for what
they may do. Does anybody know the procedure
for this and how long the healing process is
before I can start getting pregnant?
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I too have an enlarged ovary with solid and liquid mass (my ovary is 3 times the size it should be).  I have chosen to have an ultrasound in 4 weeks and if the tumor has not gotten smaller then I am scheduled for a laproscopy. My mother's mom died of ovarian cancer but none of my aunts have developed it so far.  I have told my dr during my laproscopy that if he finds endemetrosis or if he suspects it is cancerous to do a complete hysteromecty.  I am 37 and have never had children.  We tried for many years.  I do a C125 test every year and have for the last 5 years (since my grandmother was diagnosed and died)  Please keep up with your exams.  My mother feels I should go ahead and have the surgery and not wait, however I can't get in for 4 weeks anyway.  I figured if I have to wait I'll take BC pills and have another ultrasound before surgery just in case it is something that will go away.  Please let us know what you find out.
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I just found out I have an enlarged ovary on my right side via cat-scan. In December of 06 I had a paritial hysterectomy and they left my ovaries and my cervix. I had admyoius (totally misspelled) and fibriods on my uterus it was also fairly enlarged. My doctor has now asked for me to get an MRI done. It seems from reading everyones comments most have had to have the ovary removed. I am in consistant pain ...I'm alwasy uncomfortable but at times it is really painful and I have to stop what I'm doing. The reason I had the hyster. was to get rid of the pain...this is very frustrating
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I went to go get a complete physical and my dr. said that i had an enlarged right ovary.  So I went to the hospital out-patient and got a pelvic ultrasound done.  I get my results to day and i am so scared!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I don't want to die and no one understands.  
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i had sex with my bf on my 9th day and had i-pill in 24 hours and da next day i had sex with him again with safty precautions.after 6days of taking pill i started bleeding. after 4 days of bleeding i went to gyn and she said my left ovary became large. im priya not married im 23 yrs. can any 1 help me. is this dangerous and is thr any need of operation( to stop bleeding and for ovary_
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I also have enlarged ovaries. with up to 10 multifolliculars :O My right ovary is bigger than my left. I'm really scared. All day I've been on the net trying to find out how, and why I have it and how to fix it. I read that a healthy diet is essential eat - Rice, Fish (oily fish), yellow-green vegetables. Also going on the contraceptive pill can lower the high male hormone. I have irregular period and very bad menstraul cramps. I don't know about all of you but being positive don't stress and what ever will be will be!
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My ovary on the right side is 3 times as big as the left and is covered in cysts. No one will tell me anything, Iam booked for a laperoscopy in 4 weeks, and I hope they will sort it then. I have suffered extreme pain for the last 18 months and have been given stuff for my bowels, I have also suffered lower back pain, after reading this I am sure this is related to my enlarged ovary. Theyv'e ruled out PCOS as they say it is only on one ovary. I am really scared but the Docs and nurses dont seem worried, sometimes I think maybe its just me, does anyone else feel like this. The pain feels like someone is kneeling on my right side
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I have also just found out that both my ovaries are slightly enlarged with volumes of cc (dont know what this is) and small follicles noted. What does this mean? Please help?
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Hi i have been having pain on right side for months. It affects pressure on my bowel and bladder,and I get low back pain.I had an ultrasoundscan last week and the sonographer said i have cysts and swollen right ovary. I am due to see my doc tomorrow. I am scred as all info on net points to ovarian cancer etc.
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Just seen my dr today and got ultrasound scan results. I have a mass on right ovary 5x3x3cm heterogeous (?spelling) mass. Also cysts. Need to have laporoscopy asap. Scared re ? cancer. Anyone know anything about this?
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Ovarian cysts can be alarming and very painful. For those of you who are waiting in fear to find out more information, please understand that most cysts are harmless. Painful and annoying, yes, but the chance of them being cancerous is very, very small. I have ovarian cysts also. My right ovary, before removed, was multi-cystic and they would bleed which caused debilitating pain. Then the ovary twisted and adhered itself to the abdominal wall so by the time it was removed, it was half necrotic and half hemmorhagic. Horribly painful, but as scary as it was, the cysts themselves were harmless in that they were benign. So don't let the information you read scare you. Wait for that doctor visit where the details are explained and then make your decisions.

My prayers are with all of you, as it is clear just by reading this forum (and others like it), as well as from my own experience, that there is still so much to learn about women's health. I hope some breakthroughs will be made soon.
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got my ultra sound back today. Right ovarys bigger 13 ml volume what ever that means left 8ml. right ovary shows cystic area 24mm. and right kidney shows fullness of the pelvicalyceal system. Doc didnt say much but good see gyno      does any one know what it all means. when of this because bleed on and of for 3 weeks     chrisgood  
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I have had a larger fibroid for years , that really only caused haevy menstral cycles.In the last year I have had alot of problems. I have irregular bleeding , it actualy hurts to use a tampon ,bleeding for 3 weeks at a time , once I had sever pain and then this brown slimy substance lasted for days . A year and a half ago an ultrasound and transvaginal ultrasound showed larger fibroid 7 cm or so .and a left ovay size of 12 mm and the rt at 2.2 x4 cm - quite a difference. I had another dual ultrasound last week and the result was fibroid considered myometrial exophyticm endometrium measured 12 mm, the left ovary was not seen and the RT ovary measured 5 cm ! The radiologist impression only mentioned the fibroid !

I am in the med field ...I KNOW that a 5cm ovary is far from the norm and I'd almost feel better if it had shown or possibly indicated there was some cystic type of activity to go along with the enlargment. But RADIOLOGIST didn't even comment on it.

I am a sonographer myself ,however not a pelvic sonographer ( other body parts) and while the lady was scanning me ,she kept saying she didn; know what she was looking at ,she couldn't tell where it started or stopped ( considering the fibroid) She said I'd have oto have some other test to get a clearer picture ...problem is ..because I  am a sonographer I KNOW that the readiologist only see's and comments on the images presented to him, it is up to the skilled sonographer to show the Doctor what he needs to see and he only commens on THEIR ( sonographers) findings , so the probelm is he is dictating my images off what she showed him ,which SHE herself ,said she had no idea!  I tried to convey this to a gyn that I have seen only wice and have never felt comfortable with here ( she refused to let me have ultrasound for my fibrocystc breast even though I told her a fellow sonographer felt all cysts in the breast were just that ,but ONE looked suspicious to her ,this doctor refused to listen to me ,she did only a mamogram which showed mothing , not even my cystic breasts!   Today when trying to convey what the sonographer has said and seen about  my needing a further type study lke an MRI, this suggestion to the doctor sent her through the roof , she stated you guys are just sonographers ,I am the Doctor ! She then informed me she would no longer be my doctor and said she would make copies of my medical records and have them sent to me ...I politely told her , in a very calm amnner that this is WHY she had two high dollar med malpractice suits her insurance had to pay out , one was in the amount of 750,000 . I told her that was fine and that I would try to find a doctor who would allow me to be an advocate of my own health !

GOOD LUCK ladies , and by the way , I am having extreme , hip and sacroilliac joint pain , hips want to dislocate , I actually feel as if my cervix is dialted , have bloating ( I weigh 110 ) it is very obvious , have  bowel and urgent bladder symptoms , the gammet of all the bad symtoms I have !

Please feel free to respond and add as well...Thanks for reading.
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My wife has an enlarged right ovary, 3 times as big as the left. We are also 12 1/2 week pregnant.  Dr doesn't seem very worried, but we are very concerned. Any thoughts and/or ideas would be helpful
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I jumped on line to get info on enlarged ovaries and found this site and started reading. I've been where most of you are now and want to tell you please try not to worry. I know it's hard but here's why i'm saying it.

I was diagnosed with 2 ovarian cysts on my right ovary 3 years ago. I had moved from CA to IL and this was my first drs appt in the 2 years since i moved there. How long those cysts have been there i don't know and neither did my doctor, but she wanted me to go to a gynecologist for follow up. Of course i didn't do it, i was too busy at work. Well, i went back again this February, still had the cysts and this time followed up. The gynecologist did a transvaginal ultrasound and she just kept telling me i was a mess inside. She kept insisting that i had pelvic inflammatory disease (pid) and that i had to have had an infection somewhere along the way. (Btw, look up pid someday, i was royally p****d off when i read the 2 most common causes).   I also had the blood test done at her request for CA125, which is supposed to be a marker for ovarian cancer.  The CA125 level was above normal ( up to 35 is normal, i was at 55) and next thing i know she's talking about surgery. I was scared at this point and was convinced i had cancer until i looked up CA125. There are SO MANY things that can cause the level to be high and from the things i read it's not that accurate. You can have ovarian cancer and have a normal level.  The level can be in the thousands and you don't have cancer. I went to a gynecological oncologist at a very large nearby hospital and he went over all the info the gynecologist had sent him, he was convinced i had endometriosis (don't you just love the medical profession?)  Both pid and endometriosis can cause the CA125 level to be high. He wanted me to have the test again and in one month it gone up from 55 to 63 so now i was totally traumatized and convinced i had cancer. Surgery was on 6/30/08, unfortunately this is the most accurate way to tell if you have ovarian cancer.  It is NOT a bikini cut, the incision goes from below the navel straight down. This is because of you have cancer they have to take out the lymph nodes and the omentum, which is a layer of fat in front that starts up pretty high under the stomach. So now i have a big incision and  thank god no cancer. And no pid or endometriosis either. I did have extremely enlarged ovaries, one the size of a tangerine, the other an orange, along with the the 2 cysts, which were pretty big. I think about all the worrying i did and i how sick i made myself and realized if you have it then you just take the next step in dealing with it. You may think, okay she's past it, that's easy for her to say, but chances are if your CA125 level is high it's not cancer, there are just too many other things that can cause it to be high.
I still have my follow up in 2 weeks, and the first thing i will be asking is why my ovaries were so enlarged, and what kind of cysts i had.
If you do end up having the surgery with the big incision, maybe i have a high tolerance for pain, but i didn't think it was that bad. Of course i got a morphine drip the first day and a half, but i went in on a Monday morning and was released Wednesday morning. No, i'm no spring chicken, i turned 50 a few weeks before this. Plus i had a lumpectomy in April. It's just not that bad.
So hang in there and good luck to all of you.
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