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16702 tn?1234090645

hot flash and flax seed

just read this on msn dot com :
Flaxseed for Hot Flashes? Recent research suggests it might just help.
By Anna Roufos, EatingWell.com
New research suggests that lignans, estrogen-like compounds in flaxseeds, may help relieve hot flashes. In the pilot study, 28 women consumed four tablespoons of ground flaxseed daily
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nothing wrong with taking flaxseed, at the min it will give you omega 3 fatty acids (it's the vegetarians version of fatty acides since we don't take fish oil).

phytoestrogens:  mimic regular estrogen in the body but because they are, how to say this, less 'powerful', if they bind the estrogen receptors in things like cancer they won't have the same effect (that's why they are used in certain cancer treatment alternatively)

oestrogen:  just another name for estrogen; typically referred to in talking about female estrogen

yes, make sure you ONLY take fermented soy products.  Regular soy is not the same and does not have the same effect as fermented
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16702 tn?1234090645
wow...had no idea that this article was going to be so much more informative..I really did not know that flaxseed was a form of estrogen...Ok I admit now I am confused...I, too, will have to reread all the postings above and figure out the differences between estrogen, progesterone, oestrogen, phytoestrogens ,...trogens!!! So what is the bottom line? take or don't take flaxseed?? I did find the doctor's email address at Mayo Clinic (her specialty is breast cancer) and have emailed her about our concerns here on this forum...hopefully she will reply.
In the meantime, I am going to take more fermented soy products....Tks everyone
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I think what everyone should be consdiering (and is talked about) is phytoestrogens compared to oestrogen/estrogen that your body makes.  Remember that plant phytoestrogens are less that oestrogen so that's why they are important in cancer treatment (for estrogen based cancers) they mimic oestrogen and can bond/prevent cancer that way.

The best ones are fermented soy.  I've written and talked about this extensively before (here's a link:  http://www.alanpeto.com/articles/7/1/Genisteinthe-cure-for-platinum-resistance/Page1.html ).  Fermented Soy also contains other compounds that make it a potent cancer fighter (that is why Phenoxodiol, used to restore chemosensitivity in ovarian cancer patients, is based off it).

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Yesssss, I wasn't even thinking about the estrogen keeping the progesterone receptors open.  I bet that is the key.  That might be why small amounts show improvements.  I totally agree with you on that one.  This stuff is so confusing, and the things we are happening upon are cutting edge.  Even most doctors don't know about it.  Someday they will have it all figured out and it will make perfect sense.  But like you said, they dump estrogen into one category, which is why most doctors think bioidentical is the same thing as synthetic.  There has to be a good balance, and I know we are on to it with the bioidentical thing, but there has to be more to this puzzle.  Now you have me thinking about this even more.....  lol   Shannon
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106886 tn?1281291572
One more comment and then I am off to the store so I can be back in time to watch the Super Bowl...

Kimchi, Just wanted to say another thanks to you, too, for keeping us all on our toes. And, for sharing your findings. I was intrigued by the posting on Flax seed because I recall Northrup loving it...and, I used it for a time, too, while on a special diet. So, I used the type Northrup recommended...From the Fields in North Dakota, if I recall correctly. Who knew? But, I have found this whole area of estrogen, Xenoestrogens, parabens, and Phytoestrogens rather confusing. And, it is just a reminder to dig deep to sort out all the confusion especially regarding the hormone jungle. Anyway, I always appreciate your posts. There is so much to learn.

Thanks again,

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106886 tn?1281291572

I just wanted to pull this section of the article out.

"A researcher looked at flaxseed. If cancer cells were placed alongside flaxseed in a petrie dish, the cancer cells grew. This has yet to proven with live subjects," I just wanted to pull this up since, again, it is something that has not been tested on live subjects.

       *******Here is the one that made me pay attention however:***********

"When referring to phytoestrogens, it is generally thought that a "weak" estrogen may actually be protective against cancer causing xenoestrogens. The best example, is Lilian Thompson PhD’s work that showed that oral ground flax seed reduced breast cancer size to one half between the time of diagnosis and surgery. A strong phytoestrogen may actually make the disease worse. Again the list that follows is incomplete because of the lack of research money and interest:"

What I find interesting about this is that it seems to me (mulling this over and trying to form an educated guess) is that perhaps this is why a little bit, or a weak, estrogen can give protection.

The only thing that I can correlate this to is this:

One of the reasons I stay on an estrogen patch (Vivelle, Bioidentical, low dose balanced with Progesterone) is because you need some estrogen in the body to keep the receptor sites for Progesterone open. And, I won't be without my bio Progesterone. I spoke with someone the other day who said her doctor told her that the estrogen, called Estrone, that we make as a by-product of the fat in our body gets washed out easily. So perhaps this is not enough to keep the receptor sites open.

So, here we are back to the flax seed....maybe the makeup of the estrogen-type effect it offers is not a bad one after all. Yet, unfortunately all estrogens get dumped into one category. But, as we do know, not all estrogens are created equal. Something to think about.

Just one more word on the reasons I won't take myself off the progesterone. I set myself up for all kinds of issues when I am low in Progesterone...Bladder issues worse than ever, leg cramping to the point of feeling totally hopeless (that was the feeling before increasing my progesterone once working with someone who really knew what she was doing), high cholesterol for the first time in my life...with a high level of the good cholesterol.  

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106886 tn?1281291572
Oh my...thanks for the kind words. I appreciate it...but you know I love this forum and I love how we all work together to support each other.

I am going to actually add something to this post, but my spouse is eager to do laundry ( I know...there are those times after 27 years when I think....he really does try!) and our hot water situation is strange...so, off to a bath for me (he just caught me on the computer instead of drawing a bath for myself!) and so I shall return.

Love to all, Mary
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Thanks for the info!  As usual, you are great!  Like I have told many, you have helped me more then you know!!  Love ya, Shannon
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187799 tn?1219609573
I'll be reading this post when I start to go insane in the next few weeks and bugging the hell out of you two to help me!

Best...... Elizabeth
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thank-you!  I really needed that info about the flax!
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106886 tn?1281291572
Northrup has some great information in her Menopause book all about Flax Seed and even the kind to buy and even the region from which to buy it for those who pursue this.

Thanks for all the research you do, Kimchi!

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106886 tn?1281291572
Just had to say hello and it is sooooo good to see you on this board. We're home, Katie!

Love, Mary
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106886 tn?1281291572
Hi, Yes...I was interested in all this since I know you and I had talked about this and I was wanting to learn more. Interesting that the cancer cells grew but that this has never been proven in living things...Gosh there is so much information to sift through.

Take care, Mary
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106886 tn?1281291572
I just sent a message to you...thanks for the note!

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146692 tn?1314331773
I am not as up on all of this as so many others here are so cannot attest to the benifits of anything. Kudos to Mary for her wonderful research and information given. For me personally I was suffering terribly with hot flashes and night sweats, and eliminated all dairy from my diet. I now use soy products (some will say no to this as well I am sure, so dont take my choices, as the right choices) nonetheless...My night sweats have stopped, and I am not struggling with hot flashes anymore.
Thanks for the research Mary, and good luck to all with your own trials.
P.S should probably note: I am not on solid foods so all of my food is puree and liquid. morning and evening meals consist of Soy shakes with carnation instant breakfast, whey protein, and flaxseed. afternoon meal is soy yogurt one day, and hardy organic puree homemade soups.
best of luck
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Hi Mary,
That was interesting albeit confusing on my little brain!!!
Can we please find a culture that is free from these diseases for centuries and find out what they are doing and eating??
So ... we shouldn't eat sunflower seeds? Darn about the coffee too!
Those hot flashes are so lousy... I still get them on the Estroderm patch, especially when it is wearing off.  Wine makes it so much worse too (not that I giving that up).   It has been 40 below Celsius this week and I continue to go out just in a fleece hoodie, I roast in my coat!!!  Hope my car doesn't break down though lol
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Very, very interesting.  I have never heard that about flaxseed making cancer cells grow. I have a friend who bugged me over and over again to take flaxseed oil once I was dx.  I used it a short time but didn't really notice a benefit.  Thx for the info.
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106886 tn?1281291572
Just to let you know how I found this information, I googled the words

parabens, oestrogens, and  flax seed

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106886 tn?1281291572
One more...this is from a website dedicated to the treatment of liver cysts.
From the article:

Flaxseed contains phytoestrogens. A researcher looked at flaxseed. If cancer cells were placed alongside flaxseed in a petrie dish, the cancer cells grew. This has yet to proven with live subjects, but in the meantime I have eliminated flaxseed. I am relaying on the essential fatty acids contained in hemp seed oil and in 5 almonds for my daily intake.
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106886 tn?1281291572

Hi Guys....I found this on a website and thought I would copy it. I saved the website to my favoite places so if you want the website, leave me a message on my profile and I can send you the website info. This whole area is a bit confusing to me so I am always trying to learn as much as I can. Interesting stuff though.


Avoid Chemicals, Foods and Herbs that Act as Estrogens

Source: Women's Therapeutic Institute

Phytoestrogens, Naturally Occurring Plant Estrogens Plants produce chemicals that mimic estrogen, and block progesterone. In general, it is thought that they tend to wash out of the body within several days in contrast to months or decades that the xenoestrogens take to be excreted. Whole grains, fruits, seeds, beans and herbs all are know to have estrogen and/or progesterone activity. In general, any food that has been eaten by a culture or people group for centuries is probably all right to eat if the people group in question is relatively free from these estrogen related diseases.

When referring to phytoestrogens, it is generally thought that a "weak" estrogen may actually be protective against cancer causing xenoestrogens. The best example, is Lilian Thompson PhD’s work that showed that oral ground flax seed reduced breast cancer size to one half between the time of diagnosis and surgery. A strong phytoestrogen may actually make the disease worse. Again the list that follows is incomplete because of the lack of research money and interest:

Coffee is a known phytoestrogen. Coffee is commonly known to make fibrocystic breast disease worse. It is not thought to be the caffeine, but coffee itself mimics estrogen strongly. Thus, decaffinated coffee still may be estrogenic.

Clover, Red Clover tea, Alfalfa Sprouts. Australian sheep grazing on imported European clover developed still births and sterility 3 years later. Finally, formononetin was determined to be the culprit. Formononetin mimics estrogen.

Sunflower Seeds. Coumestrol found in sunflower seeds when fed to the mother rat caused permanent reproductive problems in the rat pups: female pups when grown did not ovulate, and the male pups had altered mounting behavior and fewer ejaculations. Neonatal rats and immature rats exposed to coumestrol had premature estrous cycles. Flax seed oil and Soy oil are known NOT have the active phytoestrogens. Sunflower oil MAY or MAY NOT have active hormone components in it.

Queen Anne's lace (wild carrot) During the fourth century B.C., Hipocrates noted that Queen Anne's Lace prevented pregnancies. It is now know that that seeds contain a chemical know to block progesterone needed to maintain a pregnancy.

Pomegranate The Greeks used this plant as a contraceptive. Modern research confirms strong estrogen activity.

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Kimchi, if we need to avoid estrogen, then I am not sure if this is good, especially for anyone who's cancer is estrogen receptor positive. I have heard that they should avoid all estrogen and even nautral.  Remember all the talk we did about Oestrogens and parabens etc.?   I think this would be included in that.  Hope all is well with you!  Don't see you on the board as much since it has changed.  (I personally don't keep up with it as much now because I can't see the posts as easily) Anyway, something to think about!  Shannon
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Hey does flaxseed oil work the same as the ground flax?

I have oil in my fridge,  i am excited to try it, and take it more often
if it is effective.

Evening primrose oil has not really been working for me.
Those hot flashes can be a real pain!!!
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187666 tn?1331173345
I'm guessing the results may vary. I use ground flax seed in a lot of things. I started using it about a year ago when I kept bloating and thought it was just slow bowels or something. Yeah, it was something alright. Anyway, I sneak it into cookies, oatmeal, on cereal, in yogurt, even sprinkle a little on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It keeps me regular but I still get my tingles and hot flashes. Oh well. At least I'm not constipated too. :-)
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