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complex ovarian cyst questions

Hi...I'm new here and have a few questions that possibly someone out there could help me with.
I had an U/S done a couple months ago which showed a complex cyst on my ovary...I had a follow up U/S done 6 weeks later which showed it had grown 1cm (it's 2.5 cm now).  I had a CA-125 test that came back normal.  My doctor is recommending a complete hysterectomy.  I only have one ovary (other one was removed when I had a huge dermoid cyst at age 17...I'm 42 now).  
My questions are...does this seem drastic to anyone?  Has anyone had a complex cyst go away?  I suggested a third U/S to my doc and she said "I was just putting off the inevitable", but agreed and scheduled one for me.  I'm having it done next week.  My gut is telling me that this is an extreme measure to take (total hysterectomy).  Any thoughts...advice?  Anything would help me at this point, I'm pretty freaked out.
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I have  all  symtoms you have, plus more.Ive been going back in forth to dr's for the past 2 months.  I am 31 and I have 2 cysts on my right ovary, which keeps growing.  My periods come 2 to 3 times a month ranging from 2-15 days at a time. The last test they did on me was blood work to have my thyroids checked.  I'm waiting for the results.  My advice to you is since your so young and want to start a family is to stay on top of things,keep getting tests done.  Get 2nd oppinions.  
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Hi, my name is Emily. I am 24 and I found out a week ago that I have a 3 inch cyst or tumor on my left ovary. I had a CA 125 test done and I called the gyno he said it came back fine. What does fine mean? I just got married in March and we want children. Should I be scared? I hear of the CA 125 test not being exact? I have horrible period pains and pain during and after sex, a lot of gas and very tired. I don't understand can anyone help? I will go back in, in 5 weeks for another ultra sound
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I suppose that I would concur that if they do take my right ovary (only one left) and I would be in menopause why not take it all out!  I'm a little emotional about this as I will be 42 in March and have no babies -- and I probably won't but I'm just not ready to be told I can't...  Anyway, I wonder what makes a doc decide to watch a complex cyst versus taking it out?  My doc doesn't believe that mine is cancerous, however, when in doubt, take it out!  Thanks everyone for sharing...  All of this waiting is truly nerve wracking and it is nice to know we are all not alone.  God Bless!  Whiz
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also, I have always been pretty slim, but over the last year have gained 10lbs right in my gut.  I work out alot and diet, but this 10lbponch won't go away.  Now after reading about warning signs I'm so scared.  I have also had gas and more frequent bowel movements, but nothing else.  Could these symptoms just be related to a 10cm mass even if it's not malignant.  Gotta go to CT now.
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i was diagnosed 2 days ago with a 10 cm complex cyst after one episode of cramping.  I'm fortunate enough to work in a cancer center with access to an ultrasound tech who insisted having a look.  It probably saved my life.  The cyst has a 3x3x3 cm solid component and is septated.  Before 24 hours ago i'd never heard of any of this.  I'm 42 and terrified waiting for the results of CA125 test which won't be back until Monday.  I'm having a CT scan this afternoon to look for fluid and lymph node enhancements.  I'm just so scared.  I saw my family doctor late Tusday night, she paged the OB/GYN on call stat, they ordered another U/S yesterday morning.  The radiologist came in during the scan and looked around everywhere else and said a good sign is that he saw no ascites anywhere outside of the immediate area around the mass.  I saw the OB/Gyn this morning and apparently everything hinges on the results of the CA125 and the CT scan.  I want it all out and I want it all out now.  I'm a radiation therapist and I'm much more afraid of cancer than I am of losing my uterus and ovaries.  I just want to know if it's cancer.  In addition, they've told me if this thing ruptures I could possibly bleed to death within minutes.  I can't get into surgury soon enough!  But they won't do surgery until they feel confident that it's probably not cancer because they don't want to spread it everywhere if it is.  Any thoughts???
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117289 tn?1391712825
I too gained 10 lbs in the gut area in less than 1 year.  I just had 2 softball sized dermoids removed 12/21/05 and lost 8 lbs!!  Don't fret yet, it most likely is not ovca.  Keep us posted and here's a hug to let you know you aren't alone!
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I know, it is very frustrating, and scary, and no one seems to be able to give you definite answers. It cannot be a fact that a complex cyst doesn't resolve sometimes, as mine did. If you have to have both ovaries gone, it makes sense to have a TAH, as you would go into surgical menopause anyway. What I did was kept researching different docs in my area until I found one that would give me ALL of the details of my charts workups etc and tell me what he thought.My other docs didn't seem to like that I did this, but it is my body, not theirs, so I didn't mind their objection. No one wants to have OC and it is an insidious disease. I would put some pressure on the docs to explain to you in detail why you couln't be a candidate for a less invasive procedure, then research the validity of their responses. Sorry you have to go through all this, it is agonizing, I know...Take Care Claire
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That's exactly what I'm hoping for!  My gyn said that it was "very unlikely" that a complex cyst would resolve itself.  Upon investigating online I've found out a lot seem to.  My Primary doc said that the cyst didn't look "suspicious" for cancer, but the only way to know would be to go in and check it.  I'm just wondering why my gyn would jump right to total hysterectomy?  I can't wait to have my u/s done next week.  I'm so hoping it didn't grow anymore.  I loved hearing your story and knowing that someone went with their gut and it worked out.  Ive really been a mess trying to decide which course of action to take.
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I do agree with you Canyon...if they are going to remove my ovary I will go ahead and have it all out.  I will be forced into medical menopause because of only having one ovary at this point anyway...what I'm trying to avoid all together is ANY surgery.  =)   That's why I wondered if anyone had ever had a complex cyst resolve itself.
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OK, I guess I am dumb but if one does not have one ovary and the other is going to be removed because of a cyst what is the point of keeping everything else. I would think it would be best to get rid of it and not have to worry anymore. I wish to heck I had had a total hysterectomy when I was younger as the older you get the harder it is for surgery and the more risk you take for everything. You are going to go in to menapause if you don't have the ovaries anyway and you can handle surgery better when you are younger.
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Hi Christine~
  Do your fibroids cause you pain?  I wonder why my doc didn't offer the wait and watch approach?  I had to push for it.  I'm definitely going to get a second opinion and even a third if need be...I only want a hysterectomy as a last and life saving option (it's sorta funny because I don't have kids and don't plan on having kids...so why am I so adamant about not getting a hysterectomy?).  Did your doctor tell you at what point you would have to consider getting the cyst removed?  Did he/she bring up hysterectomy with you?  Maybe it's my age?  I dunno.  Sounds like we are in the exact same boat...I will be keeping my fingers crossed for you!  I'll keep you posted and you be sure to do the same.  =)
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Everday is a live a learn it seems for all of us.
Just coming in here, and to keep reading allows us to get a sense of what others are told and experience.

I also have a complex ovarian cyst. The size of a grape.
CA125 came back normal for me. A watch and watch approach for me. Every 3 months, another CA125 and ultra sound has to be done.
I have fibroids growing in my uterus also.

If your uterus is not a problem. Your right about why have a full hysterectomy mentioned and that to me personally doesn't make sense.

If it's not broken don't touch it approach.
I totally understand your fear because I am also concerned that it will be that way for me down the road.
But, the doctors have said lets wait for me. Which Personally I don't understand either.

Hugs!!! Get a second opinion.
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I didn't have aa CA125 done until the day of my surgery. It came back at 150; in December it was 3.9.  I will have it checked again in March; hopefully it will remain low.
Also, my niece is in her early twenties. When she was tiny she had several annurisms and multiple surgeries.
Is there a clear cause for this disease?  My niece had a sore throat when she got immunized with the MMR and that seems to be the beginning of her symptoms; any correlation or just coincidence?
I hope you find Peace and good health.   dian
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Oh that's good news about your CA test!  Great!  
Hmm...to my knowledge there is no cause and no cure for Hashimoto's...just maintenance.  I've read and heard that it can run in the family...both of my parents have thyroid issues but not Hashi's.  I hear that it's more common in women my age, but it can happen in younger people too...I've not read anything about the immunization possibly being the reason (sounds unlikely but heck...I dunno).  I wish your luck a speedy normal reading!  Some people get lucky and regulate really fast.  Hopefully she's one of them.
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I had a complex cyst also -and fibroids-my Ca125 elevated over 2 months from 37 to 95. However, I had several ultrasounds done, and the cyst was smaller in the latter ultrasound. I had 3 opinions - all total hysterectomy, because of my age 52 and fibroids and possible risk of ovarian cancer. I knew that a shrinking cyst is not generally a sign of cancer. I went through with pre op bloodwork. Before surgery, I asked about my CA 125 level. It went down to 16. I cancelled surgery, over the objection of my gyn. I went to another gyn. He did an ultrasound right there in his office and showed me. the ovaries looked good - the cyst had totally resolved! I did not have ANY surgery recommended by him. He turned out to be friends with my second opinion guy(an oncologist) who said he wasn't very concerned with OC, but went along with the hysterectomy idea because of my age fibroids etc. That part wasn't reflected in his report. So, I too, went with my gut, and am glad. In the end, it is always up to us -we can't leave our healthcare to the doctors alone. Keep asking questions, keep researching options, and always do what you think is safest and best for yourself. I wish you luck.Take Care  Claire
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I'm so sorry to hear about everything you've gone through.  I have to admit...that's my fear if I wait.  Can I ask you if you had a CA-125 test and if so how did it come out?  I know it's not a screening device, I just was curious if yours showed negative.  This whole thing is just so scary.
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Getting a second opinion never hurts.
I am 55 and I had a TAH last spring; I had no pain either, but did have ovarian cancer. My synptoms were occasional pressure on the rectum and, sometimes, pain during entercourse.  Other than that, I was just fine, or so I thought. I had an ultrasound and a trans-vaginal ultrasound on April 25th; I had a large tumor on my left ovary which had been thought to be fibroids in the uterus;I had everything removed April 27 at 7:00 a.m. by a gyn/onc surgeon.
I finished my chemo in October, and now go routinely for follow up blood work, paps, and to get my port flushed.
Somehow my ob/gyn was experienced enough to recognize trouble when he saw it; I am not a person to rush into anything, but ovarian cancer wasn't anything I wanted to mess with.
I was referred by my gyn to a surgeon who specializes in gyn/onc for a second opinion. I saw him the next morning and surgery was scheduled immediately. My gut told me something was wrong; I think I knew something was wrong before I even went to the gyn; I followed my own instincts and I am glad I did. I guess, in the end, we all make our own decisions.
Good luck in your decision making; I hope yu find Peace.  dian
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117289 tn?1391712825
I am with the others, get a second opinion - it can't hurt.  Keep us posted.
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It's funny because I'm just like you and I ask why a lot (you know...some dr's just don't like that).  My gyn seemed "miffed" when I asked her too many questions...almost like, who was I to ask HER.  I guess a lot will depend on this next U/S (is there a certain size that they must operate on?).  It just sucks to have no pain and know you may have to face such a scary surgery.  If I had all kinds of problems (pain, bleeding heavy, etc..) I'm sure I would want to have it all yanked out...it's just different when you feel FINE.  No doubt I will be seeking a second opinion...I just don't know how to go about that yet.
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Since I have had so many probs in my frustration I told the doc to take it all out!!!  He said I was too young and that he wants to save the ovary...  He also said that my insurance wouldn't cover a hysterectomy because it wasn't necessary...  He is really hoping to save the ovary this time.  I can't figure out why they are so anxious about "doing it all??"  Seems that their first concern would be to save your ovary... how would they know before they get in there to see what is going on?  I'm not trying to be argumentative about what your doc's have said...since I'm not one, however, if it were me, I would get a second opinion...
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Thank you both for responding to me...
The reason she said she wanted to do a complete hysterectomy was that I have uterine fibroids (always have).  They don't hurt and I have no unusual bleeding or spotting.  She said that the main reason was the cyst on the ovary though.  If she takes that ovary (which is likely) she said I would go into menopause right away...since I would be under anyway she said take it all out and never have to worry about it again (cervix and all).  At first I was all for it, until I started reading what so many women have gone through after a hysterectomy...I'm also afraid that if I just monitor it with U/S and CA-125 tests that I'm taking a huge risk.  I went to my PHC provider and she was no help...sort of just backed up the gyn point of view.
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I have the same thing - have already had my uterus removed and am awaiting the repeat US in another month.  I would def want the cyst removed to find out what it is but not knowing what it is and doing a complete does seem extreme.  Second opinion seems like the best advice right now.  Keep us posted.
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I'm having a complex cyst removed on 2/6 -- No CA125 was done, it hadn't changed size in a month and the doc is hoping to save the ovary (only one I have left)..  so a complete hyst sounds crazy to me...I am also 42 (in March)  I would get a second opinion if I were you...
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What was the reason for his suggestion of a complete hysterctomy?  Given the size the of complex mass I think it can be done by a laparascopy (usually 3 or 4 small incisions).  If they feel that the ovary needs to be removed it can be done the same way.  This is something that I would talk to him about.  42 is still young (I'm 44 and have the same thing).  You need to be completely comfortable with what's happening to you - if your gut is telling you something else, always go with your gut feeling.  You can ask to have a copy of your ultrasound reports and ask further questions.
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