178698 tn?1228774338

Probably going to fail glucose tolerance test....GD in the picture for me!

Yesterday I slipped down the stairs at my house..on my back, probably 9 steps.  Apparently I had lost bladder control during this fall, but thought i broke the amniotic sac, hence a visit to OB triage.    So other than being a bit humiliated, I'm sore and baby's fine and I didn't rupture my amniotic sac.  

But here's my question....they did a urinalysis and the nurse asked me what I ate for breakfast.  I said I had a small bowl of cheerios (honey nut), banana and milk (in the cereal).   She said that I was spilling sugar into my urine and for me to eat breakfast high in protein...like eggs....okay I can do that..

But now I'm wondering what the likeliness is that I may now have gestational diabetes?    If so what will I be able to eat???  Do I cut out all breads, sugar, rice, -- basically carbs??    Is wheat bread okay?   Should fruits be cut out?   I love my bananas.  

Maybe I will pass the 1hr GTT, if I stop with the carbs (i know veggies are okay), sugar and fruit.    Any diet advice for gestational diabetes...maybe i should just start a diabetic diet - which I know is probably much better than a regular diet.  

And if I do have GD?  What does that mean with regard to this pregnancy and the baby....what can i expect to happen?  I have a feeling my OB will freak out....he expressed that I had so many issues at my last visit that my two-vessel umbilical cord was the least of my worries .  

Maybe I wasn't meant to have this baby...maybe i just pushed it and it was never meant to happen.  I know honestly my time has passed for having children, yet I had to keep trying at age 42.  I guess the 5 miscarriages weren't enough to warn me to stop trying for  a baby.

23 Responses
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254689 tn?1251180040
Y - have fun this weekend & relax - i'll talk to you when you get back - jen
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667409 tn?1309152183
Yup! Oceanv is right...don't completely cut out carbs. But, really, most of us get plenty without even trying. There are carbs in almost *everything! Just pay attention to labels. A good rule of thumb is no more than 45 grams of carbs during meals, and 30 grams in snacks. That should be good!

But, this is all a little premature, Yvette! You don't even know if you have GD! Keep us informed...and let us know how your ultrasound goes today!
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667829 tn?1297978123
Don't go too crazy with knocking out the carbs because going into Ketosis is not cool either! (that's what the body does if its not getting enough carbs) kind of like if you've ever done the atkins diet. Definitely NOT cool in pregnancy.
Enjoy your weekend,
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178698 tn?1228774338
Good advice:  "just take it as it comes... try not to think too far ahead."  

Tanker Chic:   I'm sorry for your difficulties too...i know you were on bed rest for a while.  
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178698 tn?1228774338
My next ultrasound is today....so we'll see how that goes.  

I just feel a bit overwhelmed these days with this pregnancy...one two occassions I had good news about the pregnancy, the rest of the time is worrisome.  

I'm just a bit worried about the GD along with all the other business I have going on.  

We are going out of town this weekend -- so I'm not going to do the glucose tolerance test until next week.  I'm a wee bit concerned about what I should eat and not eat, but I will learn what's better for me and stay away from the bread carbs and sugar in the interim - which is soooo hard!!  I love rice, potatoes, bread.    I tossed this yummy smelling flat bread that I got with my black and blue salad at Quiznos...it was hard!!

I feel better about things today than i did yesterday.
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189192 tn?1261341628
OMgosh Yvette, you stop talking like that... this is gonna work out.. GD is not that big of a deal.. people with diabetes and GD have babies everyday.. all it means is some life style changes..  extra monitoring... I think sometimes the babies are bigger too, so sometimes they will induce prior to 40wks.  

With my son, I failed my 1 hour glucose test and passed the 3 hour one by the skin of my teeth...  there are actually two standards.. on the 3 hour one I failed the most conservative one and barely passed the less conservative one..  

If you call you dr and request it, she should set you up with a diatician who will tell you what the best diet is for your situation.  

I do know how you feel tho.. I have been going through a lot myself.. 4 cm dilated, emergency clerclage, hospital for a week, bed rest at home, amniotic fluid leak scare and trying to figure out how I'm going to take care of my son through out all of this...  I caught myself just the other day looking at my son, thinking maybe he was all I was meant to have...  and if it came down to it, I could be happy with that.. but we shouldn't think like that... believe and expect the best...  if it doesn't happen, you deal with it then... for now, believe and EXPECT the best..  it isn't all for nothing...

just take it as it comes... try not to think too far ahead..  I'm sorry you are having such a hard time... it is very stressful.. i know :)  
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461551 tn?1328992584
I was also told about 2wks ago but a specialist that I had a sugar in my urine and he said he was going have my dr test me sooner the average 26-28wks. But I had the test done on this wednesday and it came back fine and I was so happy a bit worried at first bc of what I was told first. Everything is fine.
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254689 tn?1251180040
Yvette - seriously, girl, I'm going to spank you!!

When watching Noah flush a whole toilet roll down the toilet today, I thought, now, jen were you too old to be doing this (chasing after a 13 month old)??  Well, I answered myself and said, now he!! no!  He's much easier than a teenager by far even if he wants to constantly plug up the toilet!  You can do this, Y - you're just down right now and need a little perspective.

I don't know much about GD but Tricia's advice seems right on target - my advice would be to follow her diet guidelines - even if you test okay for GD, maybe your glucose levels are funky for you.  Eating more protein is a good idea anyway even if you continue to eat carbs.
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631676 tn?1333718203
No sure about GD but my MIL had it and had healthy 3 boys. She is hear you wanna ask her? LOL. It just came back to her as an adult when she was like in her late 50's. But she is fine and needs no meds only watches her sugar intake. Yvette I always appreciate your practicality and you never sugar coat things (no pun intended) but I believe this will all be fine and look forward to when the spunk comes back in your messages :)
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377493 tn?1356502149
I don't know anything about GD so all I can do there is wish you luck!

However, I do want to comment on your comment about "not being meant to have this baby" and "being past the point you should be having children".  I would have to ask....in whose world??  You stop that!!!  There is no such thing as being too old...until you are ready to say that.  Look at me, trying to have my first at 40, and fully intending to go for 2.  Am I too old?  No more negative speak girlfriend.  You went through a lot and worked hard to have that child.  GD is manageable and certainly not uncommon.  That baby will be born healthy and you will be so incredibly happy when you have her.  You were absolutely meant to have this baby!!!!!
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667409 tn?1309152183
Yvette - when is your next ultrasound, then? I remember you saying that baby was measuring small. Has there been some improvement?

Oceanv - yes, it's odd how some foods effect one person totally different from another. See, I would be FINE with grilled cheese. In fact, I often have a cheese quesadilla for breakfast! Wheat bread, tortillas, cheese - no problem. But, man - that pasta! I had spaghetti the other night, and my BS was 178! (I'm supposed to keep it under 140 an hour after meals, and under 90 for morning fasting.) Weird thing, too - we went to a baseball game, and I had cotton candy! PURE SUGAR, right? My BS was 126. Very, very strange. But, if I eat an over-ripe banana (apparently the riper they are, the more sugar there is), my BS spikes. So, maybe I'll just stick to ice cream and cotton candy, huh? LOL.
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178698 tn?1228774338
Well on a positive note...since my baby now is currently small for dates, maybe the GD might bring it up to normal size.   I am currently getting monthly ultrasounds for the baby being small, they will start with more antenatal testing and stress tests after I get to 28 weeks.   I think I will soon be reaching my insurance out of pocket maximum.  
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667829 tn?1297978123
I can eat potatoes and pasta almost no problem :-O) my favorite lunch is lamb souvlaki, with greek salad, potato instead of rice and lemon something soup.....and 1/2 pita..... and my numbers are fine...weird. at lunch only. if i tried that at breakfast i'd probably set a record.

I couldn't eat anything other than two eggs and 2 pieces of weight watchers bread (18g carb) for breakfast otherwise my numbers would be over 10 (180 for the USA people) then the eggs and bread started giving me trouble - unbelievable!

I never even dared to try and go over 30grams of carb, I did oatmeal, weetabix, grilled cheese sandwich - all disasters. Insulin seems to be the easiest (for me), although I am doing nph 2x (long acting) a day and nr (novo rapid) 2x a day. We had to dial down the nr at breakfast because I've gone hypo 2x today (once at the diabetic clinic...out came the apple juice) did you know if you get in a car accident because of low blood sugar  they won't let you have your license back until after you stop the insulin ??? yikes.

Its funny what is a problem for some people and not a problem for others isn't it.
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667409 tn?1309152183
Same here, as far as all the scans and stuff. Ultrasounds every four weeks now...but just started non-stress tests this week (twice a week), and ultrasounds every two weeks beginning next week.

Like oceanv, it was my fasting sugars in the morning that were the problem. I was able to control the 1-hour after meals reading with just diet, but the fasting sugars were always high - that's why MD put me on insulin. And, honestly, it hasn't been that bad.

Oceanv - my MD has me on fewer carbs because that is what tends to spike my blood sugar. I'm supposed to keep it at 30-45 per meal - especially in the morning. They wanted me to have less carbs in the morning and no fruit or milk because of the natural sugars in them. Have you discovered yet what spikes your sugar? Like I said, for me it's potatos and pasta! (Unfortunately, spaghetti is one of my cravings!)
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384150 tn?1399904816
You will have your baby and it will be healthy.
I had GD with my DD at 41.   It was considered mild and I was told to take my sugar reading 2 hours after every meal.  I had to write them down and see a neonatal Dr every two weeks.  I did not need any meds and the only thing they really worry about with me is that the baby may grow very large if I did not control the sugar (not to mention my health). I also had to have scans to size the baby and non stress tests to keep an eye on the baby.  I liked the scans.  I got to much more of my Chloe in my tummy as she grew.
You are right that a diabetic diet is much healthier for you anyway.
I wish you good health.
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178698 tn?1228774338
Thanks for the great advice....good to know my breakfast was bad in terms of sugar!   THought it was a pretty decent breakfast too.  I guess I need to be better educated about proper foods to eat.  I will cut out on breads, potatoes, rice and limit bananas.  

I'm 25 weeks pregnant and the GD test is next week, probably next thursday or friday.  

I do go to the bathroom a lot, but it's hard to tell if it's from drinking so much water or diabetes related.  And I do my best to drink 64oz a water a day, just because I've had low amniotic fluid and it's been advised.  The only times I feel thristy is in the middle of the night but I think that's because my mouth gets dry as I've turned into a mouth breather at night. (?).  

I'm really hoping to avoid being on insulin, my mom had Type II for a few years, and i know diabetes is very dangerous.  I'm already injecting my self twice a day with blood thinners.  

Sorry for being pessimistic, I just can't understand why my pregnancy can't go smoothly.  It's not like I ahve one thing that's a problem. I have many.  My first pregnancy was so easy, but I guess I just take day by day and deal with each hurdle that comes along, keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best.
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667829 tn?1297978123
15 grams of carbs for the 3 snacks,

i don't know how far along you are?

diet didn't work for my fasting or breakfast numbers so i'm on insulin and i don't find it a big deal at all, i thought i'd be horrified with injecting myself.

age plays a part because the other two girls in my gd class were under 30 so....... basically the body is going to do what it wants!

stop falling down stairs though! that will definitely damage you :-O)
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667829 tn?1297978123
when you're watching your carbs (for gd) you can eat 1/2 a banana because they are equal to 1 orange or 1 apple. 1 apple or orange is 15carbs i think.

They want us to eat 45 to 60 grams of carbs per breakfast, lunch and dinner. But basically once you become insulin resistant you may be able to control it with diet or might not.
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667409 tn?1309152183
Oh, Yvette...you poor worry wart! Firstly...as someone who has GD for the first time, I can tell you that the breakfast you had was HORRIBLE from a blood sugar perspective. LOL. It's no wonder there was sugar in your urine. Honey nut cheerios are VERY high on the glycemic index, as are bananas (especially the more ripe ones). Milk in the morning is also bad...although you can have a glass with dinner. I don't know why that's so - but it is. Do you have any other symptoms or GD? Drinking a lot, urinating more than any other pregnant woman, etc? If not, TRY not to worry about it. But if you want to loosely follow a GD diet, then eat protein (NO fruit) in the morning. Eggs. Peanut butter on toast. Something like that. Cut down on processed carbs and sugar. Cut down on french fries, potatos, sweet bread. Also, everyone processes sugar differently. I have found that my blood sugar spikes when I eat carbs, but not straight sugar. I can have ice cream, and I'm fine. But if I eat a baked potato, my BS goes up. When is your GD test?

Now, young lady...I don't want to hear anymore of this defeatest **** like you aren't meant to have this baby. You have come this far, and you will go all the way. I know it's discouragine to have issues - after two unevently pregnancies and two perfectly healthy babies when I was younger, I had to adjust to the idea that I have to have insulin shots every night, and I have to see the MD ALL the time, it seems. But, I keep in mind that I'm doing what I'm supposed to, my doctor is taking good care of me, and the baby is healthy. YOU HAVE TO DO THE SAME! You are doing great so far...just keep your chin up. We're on the downhill slide, honey!

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First, you are ABSOLUTELY meant to have this baby.  Put that out of your mind right now.  Secondly, I totally failed my first glucose test with DS and passed the three hour one.  I have to say I ate anything I wanted in that one (not too bright, and I'm trying to be more sensible this time around).  Anyway, I don't know what you can expect out of GD, and I don't think you should trouble your brain with it at this point, because you don't even have confirmation that you have it.  There are enough worries with pg, and I think the best approach is to take one day at a time - one test at a time.  Sure, easy for me to day, but you really set me straight with your post to me about swine flu (I have to laugh, because it's ridiculous for me to even worry).  I don't know your history, and it sounds like you have other things you're worrying about.  Don't spend time on GD - you don't need to - not yet, and I pray you never have to.  Best of luck.  
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178698 tn?1228774338
I just wonder if I'm pushing fate.   I'm so freaked out that I won't carry this baby to term and sometimes I can't help but wonder if this was meant to be.  I used to think I was being punished for the miscarriages, but I know realistically that wasn't the case.   Sometimes I think there's a higher being that calls the shots in our life.   The sugar in the urine didn't bother me too much until i had 24 hours to dwell on it.
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544906 tn?1291345405
I failed my 1hr big time, but had no probs with my 3hr...and let me tell ya hon, it has nothis to do with age. i had the same issues with my son and I was 18. I didnt make any dietary changes between my 1hr and 3hr, and all went well (except I was HUNGRY by the end if the screen!!)
I think the AZ sun is cookin your brain, love. Itll be just fine, and you worked hard to get where you are, and have a TON of love to give.that is what makes for a good mom!!
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151928 tn?1275707337
Ok I was ok with your post until I got to the last paragraph...Do I need to drive over and sit you down and talk some sense into you?  You were definitely meant to have this baby and you are not too old and it will all be great!  Tons of women get GD and it isn't always about the age.
Call Amy at the OB's office and get her advice so you can start eating even better before you do that test :-)  
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