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148691 tn?1260194903

Poll- when you were a first time mommy...? (and some pics)

Hi ladies!!! =) thank goodness is FRIDAY!!! I took some pics last night of my bare belly! lol... here they are:




And well, I wanted to ask the experienced mommies here, when you became a first time mommy, how far along were you?!!?
Did you deliver early?

I am flying my parents for the birth of Maddie... and well, since last time we had a little 'hard time' I decided we needed more space and picked the flights 2 weeks before my due date, now i realize that many girls (first time mommies) deliver between 37w and 40w!!! =S i would really love to have them here for the big day! =/

I haven't had any complications so far... just the occasional cramp, BH's.... hmm.....but last time i was checked (about 3 weeks ago or so) i wasn't dilated or anything....
If this has something to do with the whole deal ( i know petitte women tend to deliver earlier): I am 5'10", not too skinny, not too.... well.... yeah a little meaty... lol ;), and my complexion is medium-small....meaning my bones are narrow, long but like, my hips are not large... my ribcage is not wide.... (didn't have much of a waist either...lol).
and the way i know about my body build is, i heard when you can wrap your fingers around your wrist and close them, you are medium-small.... is you can't then you are what they call a 'big boned' girl....;)

AHHH! I guess im just being bored and thinking cr-p i shouldnt... but now im getting anxious because her room is not ready yet... and my parents are not here yet! =S (i know,... im being VERY silly....)

34 Responses
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178590 tn?1294176767
yeah our wal mart doesn't even have cute maternity clothes although they have one top I've got my eye on it's pink and I'm a pink aholic.....but my problem with finding maternity clothes are I can't fine any low rise mat. pants and I can not stand anything on my tummy I feel like it's choking me or something but I've heard old navy and target have low rise mat . pants so now I just got to get DH convinced I need to take a shopping trip I'm running out of clothes.....
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148691 tn?1260194903
absolutely true!!
girl, you don't even have to go shopping at expensive maternity line stores! they are more expensive than regular clothes! =S i go to walmart and sometimes find maternity cute things there, or even to the XL sizes and get nice tops that look good! =)
Wow! 90 miles! that's a heck of a trip! now, i do like shopping and i used to go all the way down to Philly sometimes to do the King of Prussia mall..... ;) so i don't blame you... shoppoholics! hehehe
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178590 tn?1294176767
yeah I'm ready to go shopping for some clothes but there's no place in town that has any I'd be caught dead in....LOL  I'm ready to go to Cape and go shopping it's only about 90 miles away.......a full day of shopping could be fun.   And I agree nothing is prettier than a glowing pregnant woman.,......heck we're all babes LOL
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148691 tn?1260194903
aaawwwweeeeeeee!!!!!!!! BRANDIII!!!!! you look like a doll!!!!! you are so cute! what are you talking  about girlfriend!??? your tummy is too cute, your face is glowing and you look like a happy healthy momma of twinkies!!!! so, there's a reason behind that belly (and kitty-prints....aka. stretchmarks).

We are all beautiful and I've found a way to make myself steem pump up a little more... dressing nice! =) i got some pants someone gave to me when she was preggers and working.... and they fit! =) and got some maternity clothes on sale at target (like 6 bucks each!! can't beat that!)... and THANK GOODNESS my office is warm and toasty and i got rid of all those darn layers of sweatshirts, and replaced them with nice maternity tops! =)

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178590 tn?1294176767
ok here we go dare to compair...I make you look little so if you feel big just look at my pics.....



and you're almost double as far as I am....LOL
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178590 tn?1294176767
ok I finally got those pics up to compair with your tummy.....I think I either tied or got you beat....LOL mine tummy isn't as pretty as yours though
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148691 tn?1260194903
Girls!!!!!! you are ALL so sweet!!!!! thank you for all these words!!! it surely made my day!
I am so sorry I couldn't log on for the past 2 days... im at my new job! yay! it's going awesome, my office is amazing... (compared to where i was working before) and my boss is SUPER nice! =) i don't feel checked up on all the stinking time and there is A LOOOOOT to learn! it's a little overwhelming tho, but I know i can get there sometime! =)

I love you girls!!! thank you!!!

Can you all believe we are getting there so quick?!?!?! we are most of all over 30 weeks now!... I am hitting 35 weeks this sunday! holy molly!!! i cannot believe it! Maddie could be born anytime now, be healthy and chubby and i could certainly hold her right now to no end!!!! =))

She's kicking really hard now! lol =) it almost makes me say 'OUCH' out loud! this morning i thought for sure my stomach was gonna be smeared in between my ribs since her head (or little foot??) pushed it really hard out my ribs.... OUCH! i was driving and seriously thought about pulling aside of the road!!! =S lol i don't mind tho, i could take that and MORE! that's what mommies are for! right?? =) wait till she comes out and i'm gonna eat those chubby feet with kisses! just so she learns ;)

Major kissing to all my girls here, thank you for the very sweet comments and tell me how everyone is feeling!! ok??

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208686 tn?1293030503
Oh gosh, I've been missing in action and miss all the fun posts! I was 18 with my very first. I did delivery early, with both of my kids actually. That's why I am planning on Brayden coming VERY soon! Yay.. I would like for him to stay in there as long as he can but with me I have a very good history of my water breaking, so chances are this one will too!

Vanessa- you still look absolutely stunning!
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Van- I truly hate you. You are one of those freakin beautiful pregnant women with an adorable pregnant bump...LOL  OK I dont hate, I am just jealous!  That baby is gonna be a looker!!
I had my first baby at 24. She was born 6 weeks early but thank Goodness, she was Healthy!!!  I was the one with the health issues.  But you look nice and healthy and I bet everything is gonna be great! =)  
xoxox the "other Vanessa"
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290447 tn?1218052751
V- you look so cute, I need to post my belly photos up, I'm like you I'm tall about 5' 9" but I weighed about 180 when I got pregnent but I'm big boned!  Very hippie so hopefully that works for me but after your story who knows:(, what saves me from the stretch marks is my many many battles with weight, been as low as 145 (looked kind of sick, but good) I like my weight and portion size at 180; I had become a runner so I was more toned, I'm hoping to get back to that size when I'm done delivering.  I'm currently 34 weeks, wow how time flies. She's due on May 4th and we decide on the name Jadian (combination of Jada (spanish version) and Ian)  and for her middle name I want to name her after my mommy's mom, Mariquita (well her nickname for Maria)  I can't wait to see little Jadi, she's constantly moving now, I'm so excited and for you to have your mommy and papi with you, that is great.  Take care, need to get back to the chamba before the jefe notices I'm slackin today, hehe:)  mucho besos!
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I was 32 when I had my son and he was born at 37 weeks 1 day. He was 6 lbs 10 oz and 19 1/2" long
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148691 tn?1260194903
hehehehehehe!!!!  =)) you all made my laugh!!! =) and made my day!!! thank you for the sweet comments girls!!!!! and thank you for sharing...!

Lori! long time no see sweetie! where in the living hell have you been!?! ;)

I guess it just makes me nervous since the one lady told me about her baby almost being a stillborn when she delivered...she said 'if i wouldn't have delivered on wednesday, by friday he would have been dead..., he was a week late already!'....OHHHH!! it just gives me the chills to think about that!!! =(

Girls, i am very sure we all feel larger than what we actually look! plus for the second or third time mommies (or more!), you guys tend to show earlier! =) which, is what i wanted at the begining of this pregnancy! i could not possibly wait.... and now, yeah, i might not feel my sexiest... but boy! i loooooove to show off my big belly! (yep, you're right Lor! hehehe) i remember looking at very pregnant women when i was having all my issues and feel nothing but jealousy....=(
I sometimes wonder where or if there are women out there that i may pass at walmart or the mall and look at me and can't help but feel sad.... I feel so bad for them! i was there once... i wish i could know who they are so i can give them a big hug and encourage them to keep going... it's a long painful process,... but in the end... we will ALL be blessed! =))

Jenny!!!! you gotta post pictures girlfriend!!! what did you get?!?!?! bunch of blue cute stuff?!?!?! gotta tell me! =) did you have fun??
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254689 tn?1251180040
Hey girl - sorry to be joining this thread late but better late than never!!!  I had my 1st little baby at 21 while senior year in college!!  Something I'll never forget!  Had him at 36 1/2 weeks. Now he's in graduate school - weird.   I haven't looked at your pics yet - I'm gonna try to post some of me & my kiddos.  I had my shower today btw..........love ya, jen
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159047 tn?1213896873
Cute belly!  I'm a few weeks behind you and I think my belly looks bigger.  I delivered my first child when I was 40 and he was 4 days late.  The really rough part was the labor that lasted 42 hours.  Not to worry though, the long labor was most likely attributed to  cervical scarring from previous surgeries and in addition I was in back labor which made it very hard to relax between contractions.

Both OB's that I've had have told me that the first child is typically very close to their due date or a little late.  My doctor says he expects this one to be a little early since the baby is so big already.
Good Luck!
Melanie (29 weeks)
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I got to see the first 2 pics. Your belly is cute!! It has such a nice slope (sorry, can't think of a better word.) I'm almost 14weeks and just look like I'm getting fat (sigh) and mine starts up high, right under my ribcage.That is how I carried last time, instead of going out I got big long wise from my ribcage to my pubic bone. That will be an attractive look the bigger my belly gets, the lower my BB get,.... I'll be able to wear them each on one side. (Don't have a mental pic. It's not good!! LOL!)

tahariel- I'm due Sept. 23rd right on the line. So I'm gonna keep my fingers (and legs LOL) crossed...Isn't it weird how peoples personalities due tend to match their birth signs?? (i'm cancer by the way) .....except, have you ever watch Jon and Kate +8 ?? they have sextuplets and they all have very different personalities.
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u definately have the cutest belly :) i am so big its crazy!! if one more person asks me if im having twins im going to scream! lol im just happy shes healthy thats all i care about :)
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Okay.  Just looked.

You are tiny, girl!  Well, 'cept in the bump!  You look wonderful and you are a show-off.  I am so jealous!

Good for you.  Your DH is a hottie, but he is married to one too...
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Hey Vane-

Real quick as i have to go copy and paste your pics...

First baby (many moons ago) I was 19.  I am 5'2" about 100 pounds.  I can easily touch my thumb and pinky around my wrist...whatever that means as that was the first time i ever did it.

First baby due Jan 20 and he was born Feb 15, so 4 weeks late.  Also, he was over 8 pounds and i had an average 11 hour labor.  Never fear.  I dont think they let you go a month overdue anymore.  That was back in the day...as he just turned 25 and his first baby is due in 2 days....

Good luck.

Gotta go download...

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My first born and my husband are both Virgos and does that ever make life interesting . . . lots of drama in my house. I'm a Libra and would love another Libra in the house, but baby #2 and this baby are/will have May birthdays. Oh well.
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189192 tn?1261341628
wow you look great. I don't know what you looked like before, but it looks like you haven't gained any weight outside of your belly.  You go girl!! I'm jealous.  
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Oh, P.S. I can never see the pics.people put up. I try copying and pasteing and it doesn't work.
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I was 29 with my first, I'm tall too. 5'9 I started out that time at 125lbs and was induced a week after my due date....I'm hoping to go at least a few days over this time to. So I can have a Libra baby, not that there's anything wrong with Virgos I just read that Libra's tend to be easy to get along with. I could use a nice docile personality around here LOL!!    

     How'd that work out for you melimeli?? Is your Libra easy to get along with??
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Yeah a model for midjets maybe!  I have size 4 for the low rise jeans, but I can rarely fit them well.  Most of the time they just look funny on me.  In order to accomodate my large hips I have to get size 4 but then they are too big for everything else. It's all relative I guess. When I wear the only pair of low rise jeans I have (sigh!), even my husband says all I can see is your hips!!

Anyway, I read that the pelvis bones should "open" around week 34 to prepare for the delivery of the baby.  Apparently that didn't happen with me...yet!  Hormones (almost them!) are responsable for them.
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i cant wrap my short fingers around my wide wrists lol.  caleb came at 37 weeks exactly but i had been on bedrest since like 30 weeks (who can remember he is almost 10!).  addison i was having a great pregnancy, just great but at 34w6d i woke up and jumped out of bed for some odd reason and whamo my water broke.  id love another baby (yes already im sick) but my trend scares me i wouldnt want a baby early again.  there is no way to tell vanessa.  but if your mom is here making you shop all the time maybe she will come earlier than later lol.  
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