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NT/1ST Trimester Screening

I've heard of several ladies who indicate the sex of their baby was determined during their NT/1ST Trimester Screen ultrasound.  I've heard you generally find this out at 18+ weeks.  Anyone been able to find this out eariler or at the screening ultrasound?  I'm so excited to find out!!
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Well my doctor was right!

We found out today that both our babies ARE indeed girls, just as the specialist said at our First Trimester Screening.

So I guess if you have a doctor that is good and his ultrasound equipment is good, then YES it is possible for them to tell that early!  
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Regarding the CVS or placenta biopsy, I am not quite sure what you mean about the blood work.  We went to a specialist to have this done and didnt give any blood for bloodwork.  Tey did ***** my finger to get a drop of my blood to rule out any mosiac.  We had the placenta biopsy done, the quick test is done in two days just like the Amnio.  Then the cells from the placenta are cultured for two weeks and then the chromosomes are tested to make sure.

There is a small risk that blood from the mother can taint the results and you get a "mosiac" but this is a very small false positive:

"A small percentage (1-2%) of pregnancies will have confined placental mosaicism, where some but not all of the placental cells tested in the CVS will be abnormal, even though the pregnancy is unaffected. Cells from the mother can be mixed with the placental cells obtained from the CVS procedure. Occasionally if these maternal cells are not completely separated from the placental sample, this can lead to discrepancies with the results."  

But also from amnio there is a risk of error in the results.

Originally we did not want any testing at all.  But then the doctor told us about the extra fluid around each babies necks and since we are pregnant with two, it was a very hard couple of weeks.  We finally decided on doing the testing, and since the risks and the false-positive risks are just about the same, we went with CVS since it can be done earlier.

We get the final results TOMORROW!  But since the quick results came back "normal", we assume and hope that the long-term culture results will also be the same!  just 24 hours and this waiting game is over. :)))))))
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200957 tn?1236136923
Sorry. I meant to say black in the neck. For those women who concieved through IVF here is a little info on the CVS testing. The Dr.'s usually discourage you from having the CVS testing since it involves bloodwork. The risk of false positive's in the blood work involved with CVS is high. In our case we started this pregnancy off with 2 sacs, this would have meant the risk of a false positive would have been substantially higher.
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(Actually it is the black area between the white in the neck area that they measure....as the black is the fluid)

I can post mine as well...and then you all can see the extra fluid in both babies necks.  Ascotts looks normal so you cant even really the fluid so well, but in ours as ours measured more than 3mm, it is pretty obvious.

And what Ascott says about the upward and downward is exactly what our Specialist told us too....He also gave 80% accuracy that both ours will be girls.  Now I just have to wait until Tuesday to get the final results of the CVS and we can lay this whole NT thing to rest and in the past.  
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200957 tn?1236136923
If you would like, I posted the pictures of the NT sreening. You are welcome to look. The white in the neck area and face are the areas they measure.
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200957 tn?1236136923
I had my NT test last wk at 12wks. My Dr. is a Maternal/Fetal medicine Specialist. The test is usually performed on women 35 and over. The test is used for a priliminary look for abnormalities. They measure the amount of fluid in the neck, anything under 2mm is normal, anything above maybe cause for concern. They also measure the nasal bone. Children with Down syndrome tend to have no nasal bone, hence the flatness of their face. And yes, you can have the sex of the baby if he or she cooperates. The tech made me cough a few times. He moved my stomach with his hands. Did you know by 12wks you can get your baby to move by moving your stomach. Of course you won't feel him/her, but that is pretty neat. I try not to move to much after 9, to make sure days and nights are not mixed up. JK JK !! Anyway back to the test. The tech measures what the call the genital tuber. I think that's how you spell it. If it point in an upward direction, boy. The penis is begining to form. If the tuber lays down or points downward, girl. The libia is begining to form. They begin to look for the 3 lines. The tech said it was 80-85% accurate. The dr. came in and verified the techs results. We were very excited. Hope this helps.
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461551 tn?1328992584
Mine was also done by a specialist and the tech was really cool and talked about eveything, she even told me that she saw no liquid around the heart like I was previously told by my dr office. She even took 4d pics just for fun she said and you could clearly see his manhood. It and she was awesome.
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The NT test itself is ONLY a risk evaluation based on the amount of fluid around the baby's neck.  It tells you nothing about the babys sex.  The NT measurement tells helps access your risk of the baby having chromosome problems if there is extra fluid in the neck area.

The NT test is done between 11w+0d - 13w+6d.  If you have a very skilled person doing the ultrasound, then apparently it is possible for that person to see certain things that indicate the sex of the baby as early as that time frame...but it HIGHLY depends on who is doing the ultrasound and how good their equipment is.  Like I said, we were at a specialist who is one of 30 doctors in Germany with a certain qualification and of course an excellent machine.  

Usually though, it is around the 16th-17th week that the baby's sex organs can be clearly seen by most ultrasound technicians.
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400358 tn?1320234443
So if I call about the NT test could they tell me what the sex is?
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171768 tn?1324230099
i had my NT today. She gave no indication of the sex.
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461551 tn?1328992584
U mean people really abort because of the sex of the baby? That is crazy.
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I promise I will let you know if the doctor was right about it being two girls, but we dont have the CVS results yet.  NT and CVS was done by specialist this past Wednesday, and I have to wait 12-14 days for the final results.  That means Monday, the 23rd!

We got the preliminary results of the CVS which said no chromosomal abnormalies :) !!!!!  and I asked about the sex because I thought maybe they could confirm that too now.  And and she said since they did the chromosome tests, they do know the sex but that she is not allowed to give out that information until I am in 14th week (that is because abortion is legal here up until the 14th week without any reason necessary.  After the 14th week you have to have a strong reason like deformity of child or threat to health of mother, etc.  So to prevent people from having abortions based on sex of child, they wont tell anyone until the 14th week!)
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461551 tn?1328992584
For sure, you can't leave us hanging like that!!!
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425962 tn?1285086458
Hi! Oh please please come back and tell us if he was right about the sex of your bubs!  How exciting! :)
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I have to admit, my answer to this post when I first read it last week was going to be "no, you can not tell so early"....

But today we had our "official" NT screening with a excellent specialist in prenatal diagnostic.  He told us with 80% certainty the sex of our babies.  We had the CVS done so we will know in a short time with 100% certainty if he is right.  But I really dont care what the sex is.  I will just be so relieved if I can hear that they are healthy.  Then I can enjoy being pregnant again!!!!
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461551 tn?1328992584
The test is offered to women I think of 35 and over because they have a higher risk of downs and trisomy 18. I am 38 will be 39 when this baby is due and also with my 5 yr my doctor insisted on an amnio, but this time I went with the n/t because of all the risk of the amnio.
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I believe it's done somewhere between 11-13 weeks.  If you're interested I'd check with your doc to be sure.
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735152 tn?1241750069
Quick question i never this test done with any of my pregnancies, now i am 14 weeks 4 days is it still possible to get this test done?
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461551 tn?1328992584
I had my n/t done last week at 12w and my u/s was more advanced and also the tech was really cool and did one in 4d just for the fun of it. It is a boy.
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128458 tn?1286476787
found out at 15 1/2 weeks to rule out genetic problems - and my doc was 100% confident in the fact that she was a girl!
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425962 tn?1285086458
it is POSSIBLE... they judge the angle of the genital tubercle or the "nub"... google it, its very interesting. HOWEVER, there is a lot of room for error, so I wouldn't go out and paint your nursery pink or blue based on it...
the theory goes if: the nub is angled at 30 degrees or more, its a boy, 30 degrees or less, its a girl...
and these days you DONT have to be 30 or over to have an NT Scan. ANYONE can opt for it... Its to measure the nuchal thickness in the neck and to check out the nasal bone to check for downs, etc. they pair it with a blood test, although i know some people who opted out of the blood work, once the scan was normal. its a personal choice. good luck!
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Thanks all!!
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178698 tn?1228774338
It depends on the quality of the ultrasound equipment.  And I think 3d mode.  But they can tell pretty early if the fetus cooperates.   I know before 16 weeks, but 12 weeks might be a little bit early...but i'm pretty sure that;s what she said.  
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667409 tn?1309152183
I had my NT scan at almost 12 weeks...not sure how they could possibly tell the sex that soon. There's not a lot of detail visible. It would be very cool if they could, though! I just doubt it.

I think we could tell with my son when I was about 18 weeks or so. If you have one of those places near you that do a 3-d ultrasound (the one near me is called Fetal Focus), I bet they could tell sooner!

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