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518733 tn?1333017015


my 3 week old has never liked to sleep on her own, iv tryed everything from a nice massage to relax her to walking around my house pushing her in the pram to get her to sleep, she would sleep all night if i cuddled her but as soon as i put her down she screams, i think where she was snuggled up for 9 mounths she dont like being put down because of the space, has anyone else got this problem, or any ideas as to how i cant get her to sleep on her own?
9 Responses
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341551 tn?1266980730
We try burping him more...while feeding and even afterwards. Sometimes we'll pat his back for over 30 minutes after a feeding just to try and get a burp. Usually we don't get one but we try. I think on top of him being gasy I think he is having trouble pooping. He is giving us 2-3 poop diapers a day but it seems like a struggle for him to get them out. So I'm sure that on top of having gas isn't too pleasant for him, the poor lil guy. But I just feel like we've run out of things to try. We've seriously tried putting him in every position possible, rubbing him everywhere, warm cloth on the belly...and when he is at his worst, nothing works. He seems to be doing better on the Mylicon but I still feel like he's not 100%. I think a few more days of this and we'll try the Gripe Water. I just can't stand seeing him cry and hurt...I feel so helpless!
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151668 tn?1239921105
Our son had reflux and now our daughter has it too. Just as my son slept in his Fisher Price Aquarium swing, my daughter does the same thing. Since it lays back, yet still has a slight angle, it really helps with the reflux, and since it comes up on both sides, it makes them feel "cozy" and secure like in the womb. We put a soft blanket in it to cover up the straps, then wrap her up in another blanket or swaddler and lay her in it.

As my son outgrew the swing (not for regular swinging, but to sleep in it) we put him in his bassinett. We propped the head of the bassinett up on two thick books to give it a nice "angle" to help with the reflux. Then, we swaddled him in a "swaddler" and put him in between the little triangle positioner that keeps him from rolling over (not that he would, but it still made him feel "cozy" between the two wedges. If he still got fussy, we would put a small pillow over his foot area to give the impression that someone was there. The extra weight made him feel more secure. I know it sounds crazy, but all the extra "little things" that we did ended up working. I'm not saying any of these things will work for your little one, but it will let you know that you can try ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to get them to sleep! LOL  It's a simple case of trial and error to see what works best for YOUR baby.

You should get the book "Secrets of the Baby Whisperer". It has been helping me in a lot of areas of taking care of my new daughter. It helped with my son as well, but I didn't follow a lot of her advice last time. This time, I plan on trying to follow it a little more. Not just about sleep, but how to read your baby's cries and body language, and she gives you tips such as "when you burp a baby, don't pat too low on their back or you're patting their kidneys". I never would have thought about it, so it's good to know things like that.

Good luck, and know that we're all in the same boat right now! :-)

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464337 tn?1237651655
I'm sorry to hear you are all having issues with your babies sleeping. My son sleeps whether we hold or put him down. He has had an upset tummy a few times but i lay him on his tummy and rub his back and he goes to sleep. SOmetimes he just has some gas and will burp a few times then go to sleep.
At night he sleeps with us so it is easier for me to nurse him. He gets so close to my face sometimes I can feel his breath. I think he just wants to be close. I am not nervous about sleeping with him since I don't move and any little sound he makes wakes me up. I feel more comfortable with him right there since he has had some reflux and I have him propped up on a pillow most nights but I wouldn't do that if he was in his basinet.
You might want to try burping them a little longer after they eat. Sometimes they need to burp more than once. Also, I have heard that Gripe Water works better for gas than Mylecon drops. I use it when he has the hiccups. We use a dropper and just give hi a little until they go away, but they are also for gas. you can add them to water or give them straight from a dropper like I do. Also, sometimes babies get gas from a pacifier so if they are sucking on one for a long time you might want to try to burp them.
I know it is hard when they are screaming and you just want to put them down, but this stage will pass. Good luck ladies...
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341551 tn?1266980730
Caiden loves to be swaddled but he doesnt like his arms to be tied down! So we swaddle him with his arms free and he loves it.
However, lately he's been so fussy after eating...he will finish feeding and than be pleasant for 20 minutes and than just start crying. We figured it must be gas...so we have him on Mylicon...seems to be helping but he still cries sometimes after he eats. It's only during the day too, at night he eats and goes right to sleep. I can't figure him out? He'll be fine one second...and than screaming the next. I get so upset too because I don't know whats wrong and he seems to be in so much pain. The doctor said just keep giving him the Mylicon...he's prolly eating too fast. But its so exhausting. Yesterday he cried for almost 4 hours straight and than we finally got him to sleep. It was horrible. Is anyone else having this problem??
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231441 tn?1333892766

Micheala is pretty good at sleeping.  Lucky for me.  She sleeps with me at night. Much more accessible for breastfeeding and she has no problem lying next to me and sleeping.

I worried the first few days if I'd roll on her, but I don't move much in my sleep and now i'm confident she's fine. I just have an edge that I put on the bed so she can't roll off.  I also put a pillow below her and well above her (that I would have to roll on before rolling on her - but really I am confident I wouln't roll on her, and I am very aware she is there and where she is).  

Daytime we've got her used to calming herself in the cot or pram.  We just put her down, put on her musical mobile, and leave her.  If she cries we come back check her. If she's not too upset I change her position (sometimes she sleeps better on her tummy - I knwo they say back sleeping is better, but my sister's midwife said no problem so I let her sleep on her tummy during the day), I sometimes give her a dummy which helps.  If she's upset we'll try feeding her more, if she's hungry, burping her, and then give her a little cuddle till she starts drifting off and then put her down.  If she fusses a little when put down again I pat her for a minute and then leave her.  If I'm sure all is fine I try to settle her without picking her up.  

Easy said, not so easy done.  

Baby hates being swaddled. If there is anything over her face she goes hysterical.  hmmm... they're all different...

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518733 tn?1333017015
i brought a swadling blanket but lilly dont like it as she wants her hands out, also she has colic so she dont like the pressure on her tummy, she is getting enough milk as she gaing weight realy well and my boobs are are always so full, she just wants cuddles but i dont wanna sleep with her in my bed as im scared she will get hurt so i end up staying awake all night so i realy havent had a chance to recover from labour.
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341551 tn?1266980730
Caiden was like this the very first night! He would feed and than fall right asleep. We were like SCORE. Than the second we would go to lay him down he would scream. We literally tried everything and nothing worked. We later learned that he wasnt getting enough breastmilk. (at that time I was breastfeeding all day and all night no bottles) and he wasnt getting enough milk so the poor thing was hungry and if he wasnt being cradled he would wake up and cry. Its gotten better since we started supplementing bottles and using them at night. He's fuller and goes right to sleep.

However, during the day after he eats he just loves to be held. He would absolutely prefer to be held than put down. Sometimes if we try and put him down too early he will cry. We have to wait until he is sound asleep to lay him down. They just like to be warm and close...plus when on your chest or in your arms they can hear your HB and that soothes them. My mother in law bought this bear animal that clips to a crip or changing table and it plays soothing sounds and one of them is a stream and I swear it sounds just like the womb! Sounds like things moving around in water...like the womb would and it always soothes him and puts him to sleep..its been our miracle toy! I think she got it at buybuybaby, its awesome. Other than that, things that have worked are putting him in his swing and turning on music or swadling him really tight so he's nice and warm rocking him and than laying him down. It's tough though, most babies just want to be held!
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518733 tn?1333017015
iv been looking on the net today at cd with womb sounds on, thort it may help settle her at night with the sound of something soothing for her!
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525485 tn?1314361301
I am in the same boat, except sometimes I can get her to sleep in her pack n play in her sleep positioner...however, she would prefer to sleep in the crease of my arm in bed with me. Its hard, because they are used to us..they know our smell, our warmth, and they feel secure with us....

I am clueless on what you can do it help have her sleep on her own..because I am too in the same boat. Just wanted you to know you are not hte only one!
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