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341551 tn?1266980730

February 3rd-Weekly Check-In!!!

Hey Ladies!! This is my last weekly check in before Caiden comes!! Since I am being induced a week from TODAY, I will definitely have a baby next week! So next time I check in, it will be all about my labor and delivery! WOO HOO! I hope I go into labor before then though :)
I have a feeling a lot of us are going to go into labor this weekend or early next week. I feel like we've all been waiting so long for our little ones! So whats the update on everyone? Hows everyone feeling? Any new symptoms or news? Doctors appointments coming up?

Me, still WAITING! It's becoming a bit painful now when he moves. I think him being full term, he is just sitting on all my major organs, so whenever he moves his arms or legs he is banging into them because sometimes I jump when he moves. I love him being so active but it hurts sometimes! It feels like there are bubbles popping in my lower pelvis...kinda weird. Still have BH contractions, cramping and lower back pain. Last couple days been having a horrible headache too. Kinda *****. Still sleeping great...I'm even finding myself tired during the day even though I've been sleeping good and sleeping in late. Maybe it has to do with the fact I get up every hour to pee! He must be running completely out of room in there...sitting right on my bladder cuz as soon as I feel the urge to go, I better go ASAP! Still feel that strong pressure down low when I get up from laying down or sitting. My belly feels so darn heavy...I'm amazed I'm still carrying it around okay and I'm not waddling! Still eating anything and everything I can get my hands on....love being pregnant but ready to meet my baby!

I watch a baby story everyday and its torture! I watch everyone else have their baby and I just want mine! LOL. Just trying to be patient and keep everything clean and organized in the house. Its snowing here now..prolly have about 2-3 inches out there...so maybe tonight isn't such a great night to go into labor but I'm hoping its soon! I think when it gets this close to the end it just becomes torturous! My next appointment is Feb 5th...hoping for an internal to get more answers. Than as of Friday, I'll officially be LATE!

Some moments I feel like my water could break any second, other moments I dont even feel pregnant...its so strange. So how is everyone else doing?? Can't wait to hear everyones updates!
9 Responses
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487124 tn?1256654549
well i  have my u/s   on tues and my  appointment  was  after . THey arent going to  do anything  even though the baby is above the  97% in size and measuring  and has always been  bmeasuring at about  two weeks ahead on u/s  and every where else . So  here iam  suffering  in horrible  pain all the time and i  cant take anything lol ***** to be me  right now lol  but  ithink  that at some point we are all  feeling that way. The  doctors  do  seem  worried that she is  getting near the  8 1/2 pound mark on  u/s  and techinally i still have three weeks left  going by  date of  period. Yeah i know i am  venting just  i have  had enough  of pregnancy i want it over. Sleep is something i havent been  getting  at all for the  past month and half would be  so  bad if  i didnt havet o  cahse my youngest around all day and  if i could relax but hey   that is  being parent and iwouldnt  trade it ( well maybe the  pain lol) But  Mckenna is doing  fine she is going to be a very big  baby that is what they are thinking but yet they  do  nothing even though my  BP is still unstable and i know  have swelling all over my body  in my hands and face more than  my ankles which has me worried.  i didg et my  GBS results back and they are postive again which i  already though that was  going to happen did with the other two. an donly  1 cn  dilated  nothing to exciting to write  home about..
        THey  did give some idea what they are  going to  do . i am having another u/s on  next week sometime to check her size again  good news they are not letting me  go past 39  wks  but still  i have no scheduled  date or  anything. so  i hate to wait and see i guess chances  are iam going to be  induced again for the  third time so  atleast there i  no what to  expect. Well now that i am  done  ranting and  raving well  wait to make matter worse after leaving the  doctors i  slipped on the ice with my  son and  fell .talk about added insult to injury . everything is fine  expect my  knee now has huge bruise on it and hurts like h****.  well againg wishin u ladies the  best luck with all ur  pending  babies.
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354219 tn?1259981842
So had my 38 week appt today. Nothin new changed. Still 3cm dilated. They say his head is VERY low and its only a matter of time until he comes. Only gained 1lb which is nice.

Induction at the earliest will be end of next week. Hope fully Logan will make his entrance on his own sooner that later.

I am SORE all of the time and tired all of the time. It hurts to do everything. Sleep is unbareable. I am now on leave so i am home alone for most of the day which is good but lonely.

I just want Logan out. AS much as i have enjoyed the pregnancy i am so ready to meet my little boy and feel less in pain again.....
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514428 tn?1287598456
Well, I've been in and out of the hospital for the past 2 days with Pre-Eclampsia symptoms and signs.  I'm just waiting on my blood work and last urine test to come back today.  So I'll find out more.  At first, they thought it was just the flu bug because my BP was awesome (122/70) and my urine came back fine.  When home and after bing home for 2 hours, I was vomiting for 15 hours straight...went back to L&D and my urine showed protien....I was there for about 7 hours and came back home with no answers.  I'm REALLY pissed because for sure, aren't they supposed to all these tests, make sure I have nothing before sending me home?  The night I was in the hospital (2-2-09) the baby's HR was in the 160's for the high....lastnight it was 178-198, then would DROP to 118...OMG I was so scared.  They didn't say anything about the baby.  Maybe because I was vomiting nonstop for 15 hours and it was dehyrated or stresed out because of what's happening....

I have a appointment tomorrow with the doctor that took my urine test, so if I DON'T find out anything today (which they promised I would)~I'll def find out tomorrow.  Just scares me because I don't wantto get rushed up to L&D and not be able to get one here...

The night I was atthe hospital (2-2-09), I had a internal because my contactions were every 7 minutes and I was 2cm and 70% effaced...so I made some progress...but nothing like I really wanted :)  I'm hoping I get to 3-4 so it goes fast!!

Good luck to all the Mommies that are getting induced.  I really thought I would of known what was happening by now because of what my doctor and I disgussed, but he had to be a jerk and take a 13 day vacation before my due date.....ARG!!!!

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643558 tn?1258402509
Hi there ladies...I hope you are all staying warm!!  I live in Virginia, and we are suppose to get a winter storm as well today...we shall see!!  

I have all the same symptoms Gina and Megz are having....just feeling big, swollen, heavy belly, I have been wiping away a lot of clear snotty stuff, and the worst is all the pressure and the movement Nate does on my cervix...man it hurts...I keep telling him, "If you are going to use that much pressure just break the waters down there already.."  Doesn't seem to be working, he is stubborn already!!!  

Almost there, one more week for myself as well...Cervix softening scheduled for 7 PM on the 10th, Induction on the 11th!!  I really hope that I go own my own though....
My friend was induced with her son, and she said it was a breeze, but of course it is different for everyone...I have heard that it hurts worse, stronger contractions!!

Just a waiting game for this next week.  

babyadam- Wow, this Friday...how lucky are you!!  That is awesome....Do they feel that you have pre-eclampsia?? Are you swollen really bad???  Good luck and keep us posted on your appts...

Good luck everyone, and here's hoping we all go into labor soon...very Soon..like NOW would be really nice!!!
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538174 tn?1234725096
I am feeling alot or pressure on my cervix tonight, like the baby keeps banging his head into it. I have been having contractions, but nothing regular, they seem to be getting more painful.  Yesterday I had a back ache so we will see.  

Sounds like you may go into labor before your induction.  Good Luck.
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316024 tn?1248899826
I do live in Canada, in Winnipeg.  Where everyone here calls it WINTERpeg...haha.   It does get very cold but I actually am finding it nice since being pregnant, since I am always feeling too hot!  I feel the same way about not feeling what a contraction will feel like but I'm sure we'll soon find out!!  SOON though :)  Can't wait to hear more news.
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341551 tn?1266980730
babyadam-Wow your being induced this Friday?? How exciting! 3 more days until you get to meet your little baby! Thats awesome! And you are already so dilated...I don't think your going to make it til Friday if you are almost at 5! Have you been laboring at home? Are you having any contractions? Well good luck and I hope you have a safe delivery and a very healthy baby! Can't wait to hear all the details!

Megz-Where do you live? Dang thats cold! I thought 30 degrees was cold here! Are you in Canada?? Yep it seems like were both feeling the same way. Sometimes I think I won't even know what a contraction will feel like. Everyone tells me I will know but I think because I've been waiting so long I just think I wont know! Well the wait continues! Good to hear from you ladies!
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316024 tn?1248899826
I'm feeling pretty much the exact same as you!!  I am finding it so hard just to move now, almost feels like her head is almost out!  Just turning over in bed is such a big effort.  Had my doctor's appointment today and had very high blood pressure so she was concerned about that so I have to go back in on Thursday :(  Been having a bit of a problem with my blood pressure the last few appointments but I guess this one was way higher if I have to go back in on Thursday.  I just really hope it goes down because I don't want to have to be induced if I don't have to.  Don't want to be on the "high-risk" floor.  Otherwise everything has been good, been sleeping TONS throughout the day.. Now it's just the waiting game.  I have a feeling too there's going to be a lot of announcements after this weekend!  Hopefully all this cramping and back pain will put me in labor!  Where I am living it's almost always snowing haha.  Or the weather is horrible like -40...brrr.  

Our time is almost here and sooo exciting!  I so can't wait to see pictures of everyone's babies :)
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538174 tn?1234725096
I had my 38 week appt today and I am being induced on Friday, 9 days before due date.  I am 4.5 cm dilated so we will see if I make it to Friday.  I cant wait.  I am a little nervous about induction but cant wait to meet my new baby boy.  I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and baby was already 7lbs so we will see how big this one is.  My son was 8 lbs 7oz and I had him on my due date.

Good Luck to All.
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