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I need your advise ladies

Hello ladies, i want to hear your advise on my dilma. I am 35wks pregno today, I have schduled a c-section for Feb 23 i will be 40 weeks then...I am having a major melt-down! I DO NOT WANT TO WAITE FOR UNTIL  THEN!! this pregnancy has not been easy, i have 2 kids to run after and no help what so ever. My dr. will not do c-section before the 39th week, unless she does an amnio. my husband and my mom "my husband more" is flipping out about the whole thing. He thinks i am selfish and inconsidered,  am i?? I Just hit rock bottom today, I had to be on bed rest the first trimester due to heavy bleeding, i had bladder stone, and really really bad morning sickness and nauseau all day, acid reflux, back pain, lots of low pressure,my sides my shoulders and arms hurt soo much, and when i woke up today my hand were so stiff i could not open them and close them....
Right now i am dead set and setting up an appt for an amnio at 38 wks, but everyone is making such a big deal about it its giving me a headache.

What do u ladies think??? Am i doing anything wrong? is it wrong for me to want to be comfertble couple of weeks earlier??

7 Responses
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Thanks Sally, I knew you meant c-section.  I really thought i was in labor last night, my kids have had a virus for couple of days, and my 2 yrs old son has been my lap non-stop i guess the stress got to me, and i had Strong BH all night. I am just hoping that i dont catch what they have its really nasty.
How have you been feeling? any contractions yet?
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231441 tn?1333892766
oops... meant cesarian, not induction.
38 weeks is considered term, so unless there is some confusion with your dates I reckon your doc should be willing to proceed....
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231441 tn?1333892766

Yes, I understnad you can't have a natural.  Totally support you to get the amnio and then earlier induction. As we've all said, only we know what we're going through.  It's your body AND your baby.  Hang in  there.
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Thank you ladies, you really did make me feel better. Sally I cannot have natural birth since i have had 2c-sections,  i was induced after my due dates before and the boys heart beat would drop so they would rush me in for emergency c-section. I wish i could have natural birth, recovery after c-section is not easy with 2 little ones running around and a new baby.
Good luck to you all, hang in there we still have couple more weeks to go.
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341551 tn?1266980730
You poor thing! I'm so sorry you have to go through all this with your husband and family! It doesn't sound like you had an easy Pregnancy either. Just remember we're here for you!!
But I don't think its selfish at all...like the other girls said, no one knows how your Pregnancy has gone but you. You're the only one who feels what your body is going through and at times, it's extremely tough! I think we all get to a point where we just want to have our babies and move on with the rest of our lives..get going on our momma routine. Especially towards the end when we are the most uncomfortable. As long as the baby is safe I think there is no harm in what you want to do at all. It's your body, your baby...so as long as your not harming you or your baby, the decision should be up to you and I don't think your being selfish at all!
Good Luck and hang in there these last few weeks!
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514428 tn?1287598456
That's just NUTS!!  

I've been seeing my doctor since I was preggo with my son (about 4-5 years now) and when I was 12 weeks or so, I asked him about inducing me.  Just for the fact that I have 3 kids to chase around, I'm home alone with them 24/7 basically, if i went into labor, I have NOBODY to call to help me out.  Plus the weather is just crazy this winter...so Thursday (tomorrow) I see him and I'm going to find out more when he night induce me.  I swear, if he tells me the same thing like your situation, I'm going to FLIP!!  My husband can't leave work, my Mother-in-law ans Sister-in-law are never home and my Mom shares her vehicle with my Dad.  So it's CRAZY and I'm hoping he tells me about 38 weeks or so he'll induce me if these contractions don't get me first.  

I'm not too sure how they do C-sections, I've never had one, but I would do what Sally said...try "inducing" yourself and then he'll have to do a c-section earlier :)  But make sure you have help to get to the hospital before trying these.  Good luck and wish you the best!!  
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231441 tn?1333892766

I reckon moving the C-section is ok. It is totally normal to want baby out already. I think all of us here are now just looking forward to getting the baby's out and our bodies back. Though we will be slaves to our new babies for a while to come.  :)

I am also so ready to have my baby.  

My Obe is happy to deliver or induce by 38 weeks....  am hoping my baby makes a natural appearance before next Monday when I will be just over 38 weeks.   I think my Obe will want to induce by then if baby hasn't come out on her own.  But will see.

If you have no help is there any option for natural delivery?  Just asking, 'cause the recovery from C-section is much harder than from a natural.  Can you be induced?

Do what you think best.  Try sex if you can, walking, spicy foods, etc. all these things are supposed to encourage baby.  If you can go into labor naturally, they will have to do your C-section anyway immediately...
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