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514428 tn?1287598456

Just Checking in~

I was just wondering how everyone is doing!?!  I haven't heard much from some of you and jsut hoping everyone is doing well.  For most of us, we're almost THERE :)  Other's say they don't have signs of anything...(you'll soon get there)....

Hope everyone is ok, just getting anxious for us all :)
10 Responses
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487124 tn?1256654549
well i will be  35 wks on thrusday. Yeah i  hope i  find more too  but hey now it is all a waiting  game  it is just hard for me to try to rest like the tell me to   i too  have kids at home  I have  6 and three year old that make me run a million milesann hour u  know how that is. Yeah  worry about her size given my son was  big and  i had trouble after i had him with  bleeding and such that i  didnt have with my frist one who was 8 12 yeah the little ones  dont  run in my  family  history. I am going tomorrow at 930 am  hopefully they will have some  answers i will let u know what happens  hopefully all is well for you  and i think we are  getting  close to the i am  so being done  being preggo  feeling lol
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368690 tn?1284357253
I had my 34 week appt yesterday.  :)  All the measuring is right on (34 cm fundal height).  I gained 3 lbs though, but that's ok since I had lost 2 lbs at my last appt.  now I have a grand total of 25lb weight gain, and I guess I'm not really going to gain much more from what I was told..?  Has anyone found weight gain to slow at 36 weeks on?  
I'm kind of hoping so, but def want Daniel to be big and healthy...I can make the sacrifice  :)

Sally, I didn't know you were home!!!  that is so great :)  I hope your little darling comes very soon.  Also, same to you Lance.  I hope the time you do have remaining off is worth every second with your baby, in or out of the uterus.  :)
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316024 tn?1248899826
Hey!  Went to my appointment this morning and had slightly high blood pressure, nothing like it was at the hospital though.  Finally got my Strep B test done, have no idea why I'm getting it done at 37 1/2 weeks.  Won't know my results till next week tho.  The doctor told me she dropped and is into position, so I guess that could mean anytime?!? I've been having a lot of pelvic pressure and is sometimes hard to walk, does that mean it's close?  I don't get to have an internal unless I'm having lots of contractions etc.  I asked her if I was dilated or anything but she just told me that she won't check till I am close to my due date :(  I was disappointed with that.  I would really like to know if I'm making any progress or anything.  Did another urine test for protein but even if I have more of it they aren't too concerned due to it being so close to my due date and she told me it's common for women in their third trimester to have a bit of protein in their urine.  That's about it, just to put my feet up due to the excessive swelling and play the waiting game.  How have u been doing?! Take care :)
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525485 tn?1314361301
Yea..i have appts on thursday too and I am almost hoping that something comes back in my urine (doing a 24) like protein or someting...so that I can be induced. I want to have some time at home with her and I have already been home for 3 weeks, which takes away from my full 12 that I get!! I am getting very anxious!
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514428 tn?1287598456
I'm wondering the same thing for me because I can literally feel the pressure now and I'm feeling shorter/tighter down there (sorry TMI)...but I guess it's better because the baby is RIGHT THERE and it's not going to be much longer.  I have a appointment on Thursday and I'll find out more then.  Maybe talking about induction if he feels that I could be ready...but only if it's favorable.  So looking forward to that talk :)  Good luck to you and hope everything is ok

I'm doing ok....just wanting this over with :)  When I was 29 weeks, they measured the baby to be 4 1/2-5 pounds at that time.  I did have an U/S at 32 weeks, but to see what the gender was, they're still NOT 100% sure what it is...so far we had a gues it was a girl.  I measured 44cm at 34 weeks (2 weeks ago) and I have my next appointment on Thursday for the Group B Strep test and an internal since I was contracting and dialating 2 weeks ago in the L&D department within 2 hours...but I was sent home because my contractions calmed on their own.  I've had problems with contractions since I was 9 weeks along, so this would be my 4th internal...exciting :)  But I'm nervous as heck to give birth to a 9 1/2-10 pound baby.  My Grandmother gave birth to 6, 10 pound+ babies and literally hurt herself with the last one (almost 11 pounds)...my son was 8.6, my twins equaled to 13 pounds and they think this oneis going to be big due to the stretching the twins did.  Hoping they're wrong and it's just 8-9 pounds :)  

But good luck to you and hope you find out more soon.  How far along are you?


I just can't believe you're HOME :)  I really have been thinking about you and wishing you the best with every minute you have that baby in your belly :)  How far are you??  I know you're probably in the safe zone now to have her, but I'm not sure.   I'm 36w1d now and just STOKED to have made it this far.  Eveyday I feel that wonderful fullness and pressure when I walk and sometimes can't move my legs.  They get jammed up from my hips having "something" in them...LOL  

Everyday I look for different signs...new stronger contractions, bleeding, leaking...SOMETHING and I really havn't had much other then BH now...drives me crazy!  But I want this baby in for as long as possible...38+ weeks would be GREAT!  

Tht's funny your OB told you that :)  I would be so excited right now to hear that, and I bet you are!!  I wish you the best and thinking of you and the baby all the time!!  Take care Hun
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231441 tn?1333892766
Hi, home now.

Actually am in to the office this morning.... have some things to get done before baby finallly comes - all sitting, and better than waiting at home.  Contractions and lots of pressure, low and midback pain, hurts to walk, rolling over in bed is exquisitely interesting, but maybe these contractions are not the real thing yet that result in cervical dilation.

Baby is doing fine anyway.  I can't wait for it all to happen.  I definitely don't want to go to my due date of 6th Feb.

Actually have no more appointments with my Obe.  She just said she'll see me in the delivery room..... I hope that means she thinks she'll see me there soon.  Also no more schedule with my endo, but I have admitting instructions from him.

Lost my plug a few days ago.  But I know that can happen up to 2 weeks or so in advance.  No internal for the past week, so don't know what's going on down there.  I tried to feel my cervix (figured no harm with washed  hands - after all, we can have sex!), but it's shifted and can't reach it at all.... before I could feel it... no more... so I've no idea????

Am going to try doing some more walking to get things moving... but first I'll finish all the urgent (financial checking) I need to do here.  I am the manager of a small company.  So I can't take complete leave -  still have to be manager and on top of things. But I'll have flexitime AND they'll come to me for urgent things so I won't have to spend to much time physically in the office for the first days..

I asked the nurse at the hospital when I should go back.  She said need to look for the pink show AND contractions less than 5 minutes apart AND getting closer together and stronger (and which wrap around from my back, not just involving the front of the belly), or if my water breaks.  

Good luck and hope things happen soon and smoothly for all.
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487124 tn?1256654549
hi there well i am hanging in there i have been home on  restrictions  since last tuesday. I go  back to the  dr on  wednesday and i hope they are going to tell me what there  plan is going to be.   I have had  cramping and serve  back and pelvic  pain but they  seeem  not be worried about that at  this point seeing as  she is  doing ok  the  fluid level are fine  she is fine  just aon the really big side  she is  closer to  7 lbs now and i am  due 02/26 so that has me a little worried i had  big baby  before with my son and he  was 9lb 6 oz and  i had some trouble  but ihave  decided i am not leaving the office until they  give some answers. I will also  find out if i can go back to work on  wednesday  because  my job is giving me a hard time with being out.  even though they knew about this months  ago they  are telling me i  only have 6 wks then i am  going to be let go even though i have more that  given  laws but  i am not  going to worry about that now. HOw are things  going with u?    I  dont know about u  but i think  well i know i am all done with  being preggo lol  have goodnight  ttyl
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525485 tn?1314361301
Had a doctors appt this morning...told them I felt like I was contracting..so they did an internal.
She told me I was 1cm, 50% effaced...and I was like, what??? How did I go backwards?
A couple weeks ago I was 1+cm and 80% effaced. She said that the baby prob had more pressure down there when they checked me last and that she probably isnt putting as much pressure there now. Last night I felt like things were happening..i was extremely crampy and just felt "off" but I guess not. My blood pressure is still high..so they are keeping a close eye on things.
I have 3 appts on Thursday, an amniotic fluid check, and OB and an NST.
so, we will see how things go. I had lab work done today and everything came back fine.
Only time will tell!
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514428 tn?1287598456
Hey Meg~

I really hope everything gets better for you instead of worse. Please come back on here tomorrow and tell us what you find out.  Just praying it does get better instead of worse for you.  I can't wait until we have these babies come out and see what we've all made :)  Take care of yourself and wishing you the best Hun~

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316024 tn?1248899826
Hey Brandi!!

  I'm hanging in there, went into L&D last night due to high blood pressure (never really had any problems with high blood pressure before) and had excessive swelling in my hands, legs, and feet.  They got my blood pressure to finally go down and everything seemed to be alright to send me home.  They tested my urine and found a bit of protein in it but still sent me home, so I'm assuming that its ok?!?  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow so I guess I'll know more then.  They did not do an internal so I have no clue if I am dilated or anything (due Feb. 7th).  Guess only time will tell.  How have you been doing?!  Take care and we're almost there, our month will be here in no time!!

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