1285651 tn?1319642429

I confess.....

I saw this on a different thread and thought it was way too funny. I think we should all have the opportunity to just totally open and share whatever random things we can think of with NO JUDGEMENT or NEGATIVE feedback. I'll start us off.....
*I take my prenatal vitamins about 50% of the time because I forget. I am convinced that pregnancy has eaten my brain.
*I eat sugary and sweet things all day long like they are going out of style. I have no preference and am not picky about what kind. The more, the better :)
*I still eat Chinese food, hotdogs, deli meat and most other things that the books say not to. One thing these authors must not know is Dont get in the way of a pregnant woman and our food!
*I dont exercise AT ALL. My exercise consists of doing everyday activities such as walking around the grocery store while picking up groceries (buying sweets), vacuuming, walking to my desk at work, ect.
*I am a work-aholic and haven't slowed down at all since i've been pregnant. I have bad anxiety issues and need things to be done right, and as quick as possible. Which usually leaves the tasks up to me.
*I used to cook around 5 nights a week. And I mean homestyle meals that could put Martha Stewart out of business. Now we eat out about 90% of the time.
*I have gained 26 pounds probably because of all of the sweets and fast food that I eat. Most people say im all belly but they dont see me naked. I feel bad for Eric - no wonder why he doesn't want to make love to me as much as he used to.
*Our house used to be clean and now looks like a war tooks place there. Who wants to come home and clean after working all week and bearing a child/children at the same time?
26 Responses
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1450627 tn?1296616593
Your hubby sounds so sweet! Good to have all that help around the house, how wonderful :). and I too don't limit my sweets, the only thing I ever limit is my soda intake and coffee. I could eat gummys and chocolate all day, and I do most of the time. I thought FOR SURE that we were having a boy since the beginning, and he thought itd be a girl. He was right! Ugh! Hehe. He was so proud to be right. :)
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1285651 tn?1319642429
Wow you are a good girl with a ton of self control!! I dont know how you can go an entire week on 1 box of candy. I eat sweets daily and do not limit myself at all. In between breakfast and lunch I ate a piece of Tiramisu. How bad is that! haha  I agree with the napping thing, I just wish that I had more time for it. I work all day and by the time I get home its already time to eat dinner, and then I watch a bit of tv or read a book and it's already 9pm. I sometimes wish there was more time in a day but I'd rather take a shortened work day. I also cant wait until February, it's only right around the corner :)
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1345697 tn?1430619021
Love this...
*I am scared to death of labor and still considering an elective c-section even if it's not entirely necessary. I know it's stupid but I still don't care.
*I have felt like it's a boy since the start and finally told my husband I didn't want to know because I feared I'd be disappointed if I knew otherwise.
*I think about soda and snacks all day but have not consumed anything but water, juice, and milk since April and buy one candy bar or box of candy a week and ration out a little each day.
*I haven't eaten a single thing on the "do not eat" list for fear it will be the cause of something gone wrong.
* I never have sex, ever, because my husband is scared to death of hurting me or the baby.
*I don't complain because I get more sleep and don't really think about sex right now. Plus, my dreams take care of that  :-)
*I avoid sharing anything about my pregnancy with my mother because she stresses me out.
*I am becoming so ridiculously forgetful. It's sad really. I am generally super organized and have it totally together but I cannot maintain focus or hold interest in much for very long without becoming distracted.
*I am obsessed with shopping for baby stuff, no matter how small.
*My husband thinks I'm completely helpless... won't let me carry anything including my book bag to and from school or the laundry basket to the room across the hall.
*I am worried that all H E double L is going to break soon as this has seemed far easier than I anticipated.
*I could sleep all day, every day. And I've never even been a napper.
*I LOATHE people touching my belly. Drives me insane. Seriously. CANNOT STAND IT.
*I bought a prenatal yoga CD 5 months ago; it's still wrapped and sitting by my TV.
*I wish it were February... NOW!
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1285651 tn?1319642429
I love the: " i expect my husband to be more loving than before and more compassionate, but either i am too picky or hes worse than before... "

I think we can all relate to this. It's like our men think that being preggo is a breeze (which yes to some, it is). He's not the one going through the morning sickness, tiredness, sore breasts, nausea, achy back, heartburn, constipation (or the opposite), frequent urination and lets not mention sacrificing our once tight bodies! I dont need my guy to kiss my @ss but a little bit of sympathy would be nice. I know we aren't alone on this one....

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1124862 tn?1303850973
mine are:
- i have become lazier than ever...
- i suddenly hate excercising, and havent done so since i found out i was pregnant
- i have acquired a an obssesion for mcdonalds mcchicken sandwiches and sweet tea.. i must have some at least 2ice a week.. at least i only spend 2 dollars on lunch :D
- caffeine reduction?? mm i dont think so... i am still drinking at least 2 caffeinated drinks per day... i have done better the last couple of weeks though since i started buying spiced apple cider and have been hooked on that...
- going out in pjs hasnt been an option for me since i only go out for work and straight to school then on the weekends when we do go out we are always going somewhere i wouldnt dream of wearing pjs to... lol... but how i wish i could spend all day in pjs..
- I hate HATE HATE maternity clothes, 1st i am 5'0 and 134 lbs so alll the pants are like a foot long on me... i recently bought my first pair of petite small jeans and if it werent for the band they would probably all off my hips... even the smaller of maternity shirts look huge on me since i have NO boobs, pregnancy has brought me to a full 34b cup and thats huge for me...
- i cannot stand people trying to be smart, but unlike before pregnancy, i cant seem to find the words to say what i feel...
- i expect my husband to be more loving than before and more compassionate, but either i am too picky or hes worse than before...

Thats all i can think of right now but, im sure theres a lot more...
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1450627 tn?1296616593
Oh no! I do it ALL the time if im driving through :) No need to get all dressed up to drive to get food right!
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1328636 tn?1389367392
I'm quite certain that's the first time I've ever left the house in that kind of attire.  My husband was so not amused.  I told him to watch out, pretty soon I'm going to be leaving the house dressed like that all the time!
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1330108 tn?1333677304
This thread is making me fat ;) I've now had to eat candy, burgers, slushies, DQ, sushi, deli sandwiches and hotdogs. Man oh man!  Oh and avacado with lemon pepper. If only this thread was about fresh fruits and veggies...
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1330108 tn?1333677304
Seattleview I've done that too lol!  :)
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1328636 tn?1389367392
I confess...for lunch today I hopped in the car in my pajamas and slippers and went to a fast food drive-thru.  My husband is probably crying at this little tidbit.
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1450627 tn?1296616593
Lemon pepper huh? Sounds kinda good! Aavcados are one of my favorite snacks, that at bananas with sugar lol.
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1285651 tn?1319642429
spirit - That is soooo funny because I have the worst mood swings as well. I try not to bring them out at home but at work I think everyone has seen me turn from a sweetie to a monster in seconds! Or from mad to crying. Oh and I also blame everything on my pregnancy. DF jokes around and says that he's gonna tell the girls one day that I blamed everything on them haha

{::::Fart:::::}  Me: "It was the babies!" ;)
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1330108 tn?1333677304
Yum a slushie sounds SO good!  Man all these posts are making me crave food lol!
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1368291 tn?1299629804
Mine are...
* I absolutely have to have a Route 44 Lemon Berry slushie from Sonic everyday if I can get it.
* I have turned into a complete nympho ...which hubby doesnt mind a bit
* I dont exercise at all either except while doing errands and house work (this is where walking comes in..lol)
* I go from being nice as honey to the Exorcist in a matter of seconds...hubby can vouch for that
* My patience level has completely disappeared and I find myself being rude and blaming it on being pregnant (which is kinda true but still and excuse)
* I eat whatever I crave as I crave it but in moderation. Good thing for me my craving generally revolve around fresh fruits and veggies (and he occasional chocolate cake!)
* Poor hubby cant say or do anything without me thinking of some off-the-wall thing that makes me upset...like him checkin out the checkout clerk when all he did was pay for our items...lol

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1330108 tn?1333677304
Mmmm avacado rolls are my fav!!  

Alyssa have you tried avacado with lemon pepper?  It's better than salt! :)
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1450627 tn?1296616593
Mmm Avacados, with salt.
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1285651 tn?1319642429
Thanks!! Oh and I also still eat sushi :) I actually picked up some (Avocado Rolls) last night on the way home from work. Your post made me crave it! But once I got home it didn't sound good anymore (because its healthy) and only ate a few pieces and then made mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner instead haha
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1330108 tn?1333677304
They will also tell you that you love the other child more. My sister and I said that ALL the time. My poor parents!  You will be an amazing mom :)
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1285651 tn?1319642429
Missing - I am also scared of being a bad mother. With the two I am worried how I will be able to take care of them both at the same time. Will I treat them the same and love them equally? It terrifies me that one day my daughter will tell me "You love ____ more!"
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776366 tn?1295689591
- I am craving sugar like nothing else. I've never had a sweet tooth before
- I eat junk food for lunch because it's easier and it's what I want, I no longer protest when hubby wants to eat out either
- I've never had a bum before... and I know this new one is all junk food and I don't care.
- my exercise is a 10 minute walk to and from the car every day at work
- my mother says "you probably won't be able to breastfeed because I couldn't" and although I argue new studies, new kinds of help, I'm scared that she's right.
- I'm scared out of my wits that I'll be crap at being a mother and hurt by baby somehow
- I'm worried I won't love my baby despite our struggle to even GET pregnant.
- I'm also worried that I'm doomed to have my mothers post baby figure...
- hate that despite all the reading I've done that should intellectually assure me that these things are unlikely to happen, I can't get them out of my head...
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1330108 tn?1333677304
I'm the same way about the supermodels!!  My husband tells me I'm beautiful and I say "yeah for a cow"

And honestly hotdogs and deli lunch meat are fine you have more of a chance of getting in a car accident than getting sick from those things. I heat them in the micro for 30 sec to be safe that will kill any bacteria. And sushi is totally fine if it's the vegetarian or cooked rolls so screw the pregnancy books EAT and ENJOY :D I wouldn't even heat the meat except since I food poisoning while pregnant it totally made me think twice about it cuz that blew donkey balls!

I joke that if I get fat after babies I'm going to make my husband get me lipo bc I hate exercise and he's the one who made me all fat and pregnant ;)
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1450627 tn?1296616593
yes. the meal.
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1450627 tn?1296616593
and i eat a flamethrower from dairy queen at least 3 or 4 times a week
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1450627 tn?1296616593
lol. thats cute. im in the same boat with many of those.
i never exercise either
i eat fast food (mostly burgers), chocolate, and starbursts all day
i eat junk food all day
im scared to death of stretch marks and being fat after this. and i have a problem with exercising so i dont know how this is going to work
i too love napping, something i NEVER could do during the day before i got pregnant
i ask my husband to do a lot more things than i probably need to have done for me, because im just so tired and complain so much now
every day im scared to death that something will go wrong and i'll lose her
i call the dr every time she doesnt move for a day
i now put make up on every day reguardless of where i go to make myself still feel pretty
i love the food channel now
i eat all those things that we areent supposed to eat. way too good not to and my mom says that its fine and so i think they're being dramatic
i actually clean more now because it makes me feel like its a better environment for HER lol...and shes not even here yet. i used to be a messsssy person
i can no longer look at the super models on tv without crying on my husbands shoulder :S
BUT i feel better than i ever have in my life because of whats coming to me and wouldnt change a thing for the world.
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