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304970 tn?1331425994


Where are you?!?!?

I am worried about you and (im)patiently awaiting an update. I hope everything is ok!!


Anyone heard from her by chance?
9 Responses
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422823 tn?1229736847
My goodness, you had a heck of a day!  Im sorry that the whol ordeal was so traumatic, but I am glad to hear that they have gotten it figured out for you and you are on track (hopefully) for feeling better soon!
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508203 tn?1233234804
I am glad they figured out what was wrong - but you shouldn't have had to go back a second time to be checked. Thats not fair, they should have checked everything when you went in the first time. Things like this make me really angry, so many women are overlooked when something maybe wrong in their pregnancy and have to push for proper diagnosis and treatment.

I hope you're feeling ok now, keep us posted!
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294043 tn?1354207946
Sounds like a nightmare!  I am glad they are treating the infection and I hope you can go for a few more weeks.
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268356 tn?1236002604
BTW, I think I am putting yesterdays experience down as the worst day ever during this pregnancy.
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268356 tn?1236002604
Thanks for the support, it has been great! I probably should have known that I had an infection, but I've been having a lot of cervical mucus (normal at this stage) and it was clear and odorless. Nothing out of the ordinary. I was very surprised when she said that I had an infection. The cramping has subsided a little bit (maybe that is just the tylenol talking). I slept with a heating pad on my lower abdomen most of the night last night which seemed to help me at least get some rest.
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304970 tn?1331425994
Thank you for the update and HOW TRAUMATIC!! Yikes..

I am glad they got it squared away, but I would be upset on the oversight as well!! Feel better and keep us posted!
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489000 tn?1364302227
Im glad to see that you are ok but Im so sorry you had so much pain and now have to deal with an infection.

yes, take it easy, you deserve it!  
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427258 tn?1266445242
wow! what a day you had. we were all so worried! im glad they caught the infection and your treating it now.
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268356 tn?1236002604
Hey, I was in and out of the doctor's office all day yesterday trying to figure out what in the heck was going on. I went in to L&D at 6:30 yesterday morning and they tested me for amniotic fluid which came back negative. THANK GOD!!! They had started prepping me for a c-section and of course I was scared out of mind. They had the baby and contraction monitor hooked up to me but could only see slight contractions. They are occurring about every 25 minutes, but nothing to write home about. But I was in alot of lower abdominal pain like the contractions should be considered active labor. They didn't check me or anything just said to go home and get some rest. Okay, so I go home. Lower abdominal pain is still very consistent. At this point it hurts so bad that I am in tears when I call the OB's office. I told her I was still feeling very wet and that I was going to the bathroom to wipe so often that my nether regions were getting chapped. Nurse said that the best thing to do go back to L&D and see if I am leaking and it just wasn't caught earlier. Well a trip to L&D without labor is considered an ER visit so I had to pay my 50$ copay earlier and wasn't looking forward to going back and paying another 50$ just to have them tell me everything was fine when I knew something wasn't. So, I begged the nurse to see if they could get me in to look me over. She said if I could be there in about a half hour then they could squeeze me in, but otherwise it would be morning. So, I flew out of the house (took a sick day cause of the pain and lack of sleep night before), picked up my daughter, and went to the OB office. They pulled me back and we did the normal stuff, pee in a cup, weight, etc. They didn't check me for dilation earlier in L&D, so I stripped down to check. Since I'm getting my strep B next week, they figured why not go ahead. So, she inserts the handy dandy duck bill and it hurt so bad that I about came off the table and am now in tears again. Come to find out I have a bacterial infection that is causing the contractions and the irritability in my lower abdomen. Of course bacterial infections, if left untreated can cause you to go into labor early. So, got some meds - cream and pill - and started the antibiotics yesterday. It could take up to 72 hours before the cramping/contractions stop. In the meantime, I need to take it really easy because the infection is already causing me to efface more than I was last week. Still 2 cm's though. I am exhausted and in pain, but am managing the worst of it with some tylenol. By the time, I got home yesterday afternoon, I was so tired all I could do was pass out on the couch. I was so relieved but still really upset by the lack of research on L&D's part. If this wasn't my first pg, I might of just taken it with a grain of salt that this is normal and went about my regular business. That is so very irritating.
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