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422823 tn?1229736847

My update

Well, things have not been good. Some of you may have read in the 18-34 forum, but they found cysts in Corrine's brain, they are Choroid Plexus Cysts.  Now, if that is the only thing then everything is fine, because the cysts are harmless. But, the cysts can be a marker for Trisomy 18, if you are familiar with the condition you can automatically understand my fear.  Now, you must understand that logically I shouldn't worry because my AFP screening was good, although they are not 100% accurate. As far as I know everything else on her u/s looked good, if there were other issues they didnt tell me. These things together seem to point to the fact that the cysts are isolated, and will cause no issues, so there is nothing to worry about. But, now it is in the back of my mind that this could mean that she has trisomy 18.  I go from being extremly sad to frustrated to okay, and then back to angry. I upset because now Im too scared to enjoy anything, her kicks make me wonder if she has the condition, I dont like going into the nursery, I feel paralyzed.  I have an u/s on October 2nd to see if the cysts are still there, or if they have resolved. I pray they have resolved, because if they are still there I will spend the rest of my pregnancy with this fear. I want to enjoy being pregnant, I truly do, and Im not now, that makes me angry and sad.  I guess Im just feeling bummed, I need  some words of love : )
11 Responses
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422823 tn?1229736847
spoke to a pediatrician, and he assures me that I have nothing to worry about.  Although the cysts can be markers for trisomy 18, since nothing else is wrong it is safe to say that the cyss are begign. Granted, there is still a small, small, small, concern, but I have stopped worrying because the pediatrician seemed very sure that all is fine, since she has no other signs of a trisomy and there would be others if there was an issue.  It is two weeks until my follow up u/s, it is on Oct 2nd.  I will of course update everyone after that.

In the mean time, I wanted to say thank you to all of you for your kind words and support, I love you all!!!!!
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489000 tn?1364302227
One of my officemates had the same dx with her little girl when she was pregnant and her baby was just fine and still is at 14 years old. (I have been on vacation and just got back yesterday, so sorry for that delayed post.)

Did they offer to do an amino?  Would that be an option?  I am under the opinion that is a pretty solid test result for Down's. I only ask this question because you are so worried, as I would be.  Even though I opted out of testing for down's (outside the  nuchal transluceny test) I think I would be seriously reconsidering an amino if I was going through this.  Just my two cents...  

Per the "Down Syndrome and Beyond" website at  www.cdadc.com "The biggies for ultrasound are the lack of nasal bone and thickened neck, which are more specific to chromosomal abnormalities, such as in a Down Syndrome pregnancy.
- but it's still only a risk, not a certainty, of a Down Syndrome pregnancy."

I am so very sorry that you are going through this.  I worry over a pain here and there..I can't imagine what I would be going through if I were you.  Remember, you are not alone and all of us on here are there for you!  Please keep us updated.    
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453798 tn?1262633421
I am so sorry!!!  That is one of the reasons I refused down syndrome testing.  I did not want to ruin my pregnancy.  I completely understand your discouragement.  I will say a prayer that you and your baby girl will get through this time!  Let us know!
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367100 tn?1330914725
ur baby will be absolutely fine. there is nothing to worry abt.
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377296 tn?1281095438
My girlfriend was told the same thing.  She totally freaked out and everything ended up turning out fine.   The Doctor had told her that they usually disappear by delivery and hers did.   Have faith.  Things will be ok.  I think you would have seen more things if it was Triscomy 18.  
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Try to be optomistic and enjoy the pg it is a time u can't get back.  I know that is easier said than done but worrying only makes the situation worse.  I am not familiar with the conditions so I'm not sure of the symptoms but I understand your concern.  I will keep u and your family in my prayers I am sure your little girl will be fine.  Have faith:)
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OMG.... So sorry to hear this Stacie.... but cos ur AFP was clear..I don't think the baby has any issues (I believe that ... really do) . I have heard of false +ves not false -ves with the blood screening. But I understand that its hard not to worry. I would too. Thats a mom's full time job. I would however try to stay +ve and send all those vibes to the little one . I really pray that the next U/S puts ur mind to ease... and its going to be hard road until then. I pray that the cysts be gone and u see a beautiful baby kicking and smiling in ur next U/S.
Stress is the last thing u need. YES WE ALL ARE HERE FOR U...
Sending hugs and +ve vibes ur way sweety!!
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304970 tn?1331425994
This is the first I am seeing of this!

I cannot even imagine. I am so sorry. I wish I had words of wisdom, but I am a lot like you. I would be angry, worried, and NOT AT ALL at ease until the next u/s. I will be thinking of you guys and if you need to talk, I am usually around! I do think if it was Trisomy 18, they may have been able to see more symptoms, but again, I understand your concern.. We are all here for you!


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422823 tn?1229736847

Thank you for your suppport. From what I have been told odds are that there would have been more signs, likely in her overall size or in her heart, and as far as I know all of that was great. I'm a little concerned about her hands because she showed us two fingers, but not the other three. Granted, no doctors have mentioned the "clenched fists" that are associated with the trisomy, but Im a worrier so that has been bothering me.  You are completly right, logic and odds say there is nothing wrong.  Im hoping, and trying very hard to get that to be at the forefront of my mind and not the worry. I think the thing for me is, like I said above, Im not ahving fun any more because I am worried. And what scares me most is if they are still there at my next scan,  I dont want to feel this way until January, I want to enjoy the pregnancy and my baby.  
I really appreciate your support, and I know that you know first hand how exhausting this type of stress can be. Logic will prevail, any moment now I will stop being scared, I just know it!!!

Thanks Helen, God Bless.
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294043 tn?1354207946
I looked up trisomy 18 and it's pretty obvious that it would have shown itself on 20 wk u/s right away.  I think that your girl is OK.  I know that it's impossible to worry but I hope that logic and all the evidence will help you to get to that Oct. 2 u/s where I hope you will get good news.  
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294043 tn?1354207946
OMG, I can't even imagine what you are going through!  I pray that your little girl is OK and the cysts will go away in utero.  You and your baby already overcame such odds, I refuse to believe that your girl is not 100% OK.
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