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94902 tn?1330479667

Sleep Vent

OK - I think this should be established as the official Sleep Vent Post!  LOL!  Whenever you are having a phase with your little one when their sleeping patterns are driving you crazy - just post here.

OK - Me first!  Cash has been doing wonderful.  We had a solid nap routine and night routine.  He is still pretty good with naps, but he is not doing so well with night sleeping.  He was sleeping 11 hours straight - might wake up once and I would just give him his pacifier and pat his bottom and stroke his face and off to sleep he would go.  Soemtimes his Aquarium toy would work too.  Not now! No sir!  He wakes up and immediatley starts protesting wanting to be held.  No amount of soothing will calm him.  I have to pick him up and hold him for him to go back to sleep.  He wakes up about every three hours.  Bless him, he gives me the sweetest looks though when I pick him up!  He is totally worth the sleepless nights, but they are starting to wear on mommy! LOL!
59 Responses
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615752 tn?1361867986
Controlled crying is when you let your child cry e.g. 5 minutes then go in and check up on him/her, provide a little comfort (e.g. words, pat, no picking up), then wait another length of time (e.g. 5 minutes or increase to 10 minutes) before you go in and repeated until baby sleeps.
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443968 tn?1288612689
what is the controlled crying method?
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94902 tn?1330479667
I ended up not trying the controlled crying last night.  I gave our regular routine one more try and it failed!  At 2 AM I ended up bringing him into the bed with me - where he instantly went to sleep and slept until morning.  When he's in my bed he sleeps on his back, but when I put him in his bed he sleeps on his tummy - he's more comfortable that way.  My husband works nights and will be for about three more weeks, so its just me.  Cash will let him soothe him though which is great bc in three weeks when my husband goes back to a day shift he will be able to help me.
I am going to try controlled crying tonight though bc I am completely exhausted.  I just hope I can stick with it.  Usually halfway through the night I get so tired that I just put him in the bed with me bc I go into survival mode and just do whatever works.  Sleeping with mommy always works! :-)  I just really haven't wanted to start that habit since he has been moved out of his co-sleeper for almost a month now.  I feel like putting him in the bed with me is going way backwards!
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615752 tn?1361867986
ladybugbob-  My sister tried so many things with her second son and controlled crying was what she ended up doing and she said it wasn't easy but it worked. It may take a while (at least 3 days). Are you doing every 5 mins or firstly going in after 5, then 10, then 15 minutes?  I know how you feel, I feel like tearing my hair out at times, but you're working which is different to my situation at the moment (I'll be starting in April) so you really do need your sleep. What about getting your husband to get him back to sleep? Or does Cash only want you? Medina only wants me to soothe her. I tried controlled crying for 3 days, it didn't work. Every baby is different.

I bought a new mattress as she was way too big for her co-sleeper so she has been in my bed for a week. So I hope that helps in her comfort. Plus in the past few days she has slept 7.5 and 8.5 hours straight which I find great. As long as I breastfed then I think she will wake up at least once in the night. She sleeps on her tummy which I think is better for her.

eternidad - Regarding weaning off the breast, that took a few days. When she was really tired and half-asleep, I would take her off, close her mouth by pressing her chin up. I tried again and again until she feel asleep. She eventually learned after about 3-4 days but now she sleeps in my bed (we always co-slept) and I usually breastfeed her and she gets off usually awake but tired and I sing her a lullaby and hug her, sometimes rock her and she sleeps more content on her tummy. When she gets her new mattress, I will try to get her to sleep in her new bed but I don't want to think about that yet!
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94902 tn?1330479667
Ugh!  I think I really am going to have to go to the controlled crying/CIO combo.  Cash had me up until 3 AM!!  And I have to get up at 6AM for work!  I am sooooooooo exhausted!  And there is nothing wrong with him bc when I pick him up he is asleep before I can even sit down in the rocker, so I am going to try the cry, soother, cry, soothe, cry, soothe method until he gives in.  Pray for me girls!!  I am at my wits end!  Working full time and staying up with the babe til all hours of the night is wearing me out!
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756023 tn?1338520435
Iliana slept 11 hours last night too but Anika was up at 4am for some reason.  Talk about frustrating.
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615752 tn?1361867986
Wow. Congrats :-) I had that pleasure on Wednesday night after my major vent here but yesterday Medina still woke up several times during the night. She slept 5 hours straight somewhere in between.
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432737 tn?1358549432
My little Jack slept through the entire night last night from  7:45 pm until we got up for work! Whoo hoo ! :)
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94902 tn?1330479667
If you guys have a Baby Depot near you (they are typically with Burlington Coat Factories) they carry the breathable bumpers for a little bit of a cheaper price.  
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443968 tn?1288612689
OH, breathable bumpers, I must go and get them, James now wants to sleep on his tummy all the time, and he keeps rolling over and over everywhere in his crib, I lay him face up heading one direction and when I go and check on him he is in his tummy and totally with his head on the opposite place I left him, so I was begining to worry about the bumpers on his crib.
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94902 tn?1330479667
I changed our cute bumpers that match his room out for the Breathable Bumpers bc Cash too sleeps on his tummy and likes to scoot to the edge.  Search for them online - they are great.  The same company (and website) make breathable lovies.  Basically if you hold your face up to them you can breath through them - they are great.  They make a few different lovies to choose from.
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432737 tn?1358549432
Jack sleeps better on his tummy, I'd say. We put him on his back and every time we check on him he is on his tummy with his bum in the air like an inch-worm. Ha Ha. I think he sleeps better that way. The only time I worry is when he inches himself into the corner and has his face in the bumper. When I find him like that I move him back to the middle.
I would say he's been happy turning and sleeping on his tummy the last month or so. He'll still sleep on his back but I think he gets better sleep on his belly!
Last night he did OK. He woke up with a lost pacifier twice, but went right back to sleep both times after I gave it back. I will try a lovey tonight...I just need to pick one first!
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615752 tn?1361867986
Wow the majority of us are having our problems. Sounds a bit mean, but it makes me kind of feel better that I'm not alone here!

Well a small miracle happened last night after my major vent and serious consideration of getting proffesional consultation (no joke as I'm buggered and haven't slept good in around 10 months). For the FIRST TIME, Medina slept 8.5 hours!!!! From around 10 pm - 6.30 am, and then she woke for a short feed and then went back to sleep until 745 am.

What did I do differently?? I don't know, we had the typical struggle in the evening, she cried twice (each 5-10 mins) and it took around 75 min to get her down (we were out and she just feel asleep in the pram for 15 min before we came through the door, maybe that's why it took a while). She didn't eat her fruit in the evening like she usually does yesterday because we were out. Well after she feel asleep in my arms, I tried putting her in the portacrib and then she woke up wailing. I took her out put her in my bed and she rolled over onto her belly, put her head up a few times to look at me, and then I left the room and she fell asleep on her own!! She slept on her belly the whole night, maybe she's more comfortable that way as she doesn't then move so much in her sleep (she's a light sleeper, wakes up to almost every sound just like her Mum). To be honest, I don't think she will sleep so well tonight. We'll see (I'll be praying she does).

Regarding bathing her, have tried that, doesn't make a difference. She loves taking a bath and I massage her as well.

For naps times, I read to her from a particular nursery rhyme and short stories book, that's our routine. For bed time, we have other books which I read to her so she knows when she needs to sleep.

Anyone elses baby sleep better on their tummy? If yes, since when?
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756023 tn?1338520435
all this sounds exactly like iliana.  i know she isn't teething yet but has regressed the last 2 weeks or so and not sure why.  she used to sleep from 8pm-4am before waking for a feed, now she wakes between 1am and 2:30am.  I try putting her paci back in and turning on her seahorse (it's like a glow worm) but nope.....not happening.  I let her play for awhile thinking she'll fall asleep and nope.....I eventually get up and feed her as I am afraid she'll wake up Anika.  Following her feed, she'll sleep until 8am or so.  I too am tired of going and putting in her paci (as sometimes it'll let her sleep another 30 min) but I am not comfortable putting a blanket into her crib as she loves putting things over her face.  She does have the seahorse.  I may try that as it plays music as well.  

Anika didn't sleep with a soft stuffed animal until 15 months.  We then got her an Eeyore and to this day she sleeps with him and her large Eeyore.
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400358 tn?1320234443
I would say that the story of your friend is a freak accident bc they say about about a year you can start using blankets and stuff.  I would say try giving him a small teddy bear or toy.  Something that he couldn't get tangled in.  They say that when he is up and feeding to put the lovey in between the baby and you so that they start snuggling with it and associate it with calm times.
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432737 tn?1358549432
That sounds like a good idea, but what kind of lovey would be safe in the crib? I am too scared to put a blanket in there. One of my best friends has a 14 month old. He had a blanket that he loved and he would put his toe in a hole in the blanket and suck his hand while holding onto it. Went months sleeping with it and being fine, but then one night she heard weird noises on the monitor and when she went in the blanket was wrapped around Luke's neck five times! Her story scared the heck out of me so Jack gets no blanket right now. A toy might work...but I want to make sure it's safe. Ideas??
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400358 tn?1320234443
Firstcub4bear - I read in my book about sleep that if the child needs a pacifier that you should try to get him to attach to a lovey.  Which is either a stuffed toy or a blanket or something that they can snuggle up with so that instead of needing the pacifier and you having to constantly go back in and put it in his mouth he will have the lovey to snuggle up with.

To all -  They also so that if they are cutting teeth they slide backward in their sleeping.
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94902 tn?1330479667
It seems like we are all having the same problems.  I'm leaning to thinking  that maybe this is just a developmental stage that our LOs are all going through.  Cash does the same waking for the slightest reason when he was sleeping through the night like a champ before he started cutting teeth.  Maybe they are just getting more aware now.
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364288 tn?1300144506
Oh my this sound like the problem I had with my son. He was doing great sleeping at night maybe waking up once or twice for a bottle and then after Christmas things went down hill. My daughter was on Christmas break and was staying later than normal and sleeping in more nor usual and with everything so crazy my son went from waking up 1-2 time in the night to waking up every 2 hours. AHHHHH!! He's getting better now and almost back to his normal routine but man the last few weeks have been killing me!! =)
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432737 tn?1358549432
Jack has this weird thing now where he's really fighting sleep when we try to put him down to bed at night after final bottle..he wants to play play play. So we'll put him in a pack n' play with us downstairs and the next thing we know..he's out like a light in the pack n' play snuggled up to a toy! We'll then move him to his crib and he'll squirm a minute and then conk out. Then, he'll wake up a few times through the night screaming but he's asleep and screaming. I'll walk in there in a big grog and see what's wrong. His pacifier is usually out of his mouth and I'll put it back in. He'll suck right onto that thing and conk back out immediately. It's good that he's going right back to sleep, but not good that he wakes up at 2:30 then 3:30 then 5:30 a.m. needing that darn pacifier. I just feel like I'm getting very interrupted sleep. This just started happening in the past week or so. I feel like we've gone backwards in his sleep. When he was younger he slept so much better and now the smallest little problem works him up. Oh well. Hopefully this too will pass! I work full time and I'm exhausted!! Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.
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400358 tn?1320234443
Something that I found that helped with the napping bc we were also having problems with him going down for naps.  He goes down fine at night and sleeps through the night not waking up.  So what I started to do for naps is to read him a story and sing him a song so then usually he will go right down for his nap.
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443968 tn?1288612689
Zazou- I can see what your are going through, James and I did that once he was about 2 months, then he did again once we were in California, he will fight it, fight so hard that I was on the verge of breaking down. So I realized that I had just to try to do my best. Now I cuddle him, feed him, and rock him until he start getting fuzzy then he goes to his crib, he keeps quiet for a bit and then when he cries I pick him up and sooth him again, it only takes 2-3 tries, but is better than fighting him.

Ladybugbob- I noticed that before Callifornia James did great because he was on his room since he was about 2 months old, but then we were at my inlaws and we had to be together so he got used to me holding him every night once I will put him in his bed next to mine he will start bawling, babies are smart little things and they can figure things out pretty well..
Now we are back home and he is back to sleep in his own room, and he is definitly doing better, still fights it buut I lay him down and reassure him couple times, and things are moving along well.
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94902 tn?1330479667
Cash is now in his own room at night.  He seems to be sleeping etter as of last night, but I too have had a hard time.  I have had to leave him in his crib to cry for a few minutes so that I can get myslef together before I go back in to pick him up.  After the eighth try of getting him back to sleep my nerves almost can't handle it.  Last night was better though.  He only woke twice.  He went down at 8 and then woke at 10 and then 12 and then slept until 7.  I think he may be viewing night time like nap time bc his naps are usually 2 hours and that is the times he was waking up.  But I kept rocking him and putting him back down and just being completely consistant and it worked (at least last night - I'll take what I can get! LOL!).  I usually end up getting tired and wore out and just bring him into bed with me, but last night I didn't and he did well.  So....I'm going to keep at it, maybe he'll get the idea soon.  I sure hope so.  This is the first decent nights sleep I've had in months!
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615752 tn?1361867986
So here is an update on our situation. I've moved Medina into a portacrib. So she doesn't fall asleep on the breast anymore but this little girl is tough, I mean REALLY strong and she really fights me, twisting and turning even when I try to comfort her. I have to admit that I am an overly extremely patient person but in this case I get really on the verge on breakdown that I just put her down and walk away or stay in the room and let her cry for 5 - 10 mins because nothing I do helps. I mean really nothing I do helps. It's exhausting me and I haven't had a proper nights sleep since around 10 months.

I have a routine, she gets sleepy but doesn't want to fall asleep (most of the time, mainly at nap times though) and then the whole ordeal begins. She's so sweet and really a darling but falling asleep is just a horror. Sometimes I think she is a high maintenance baby, but when she's so content during the day (and content to play alone alot), then I don't think so. I guess I have to go with it a little longer............
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