915119 tn?1341948989

Getting to know eachother

I guess we can post on here our little introduction about our pregnancy!!
Well I guess I can start.... I am currently pregnant with my third child. This is, however, my 4th pregnancy. My first was my daughter, which is 6 years old. My second, I miscarried, I had a very high-risk pregnancy. I was pregnant with quintuplets and I ended up miscarring at 16 and 17 weeks, about three weeks after I had a reduction done. My third pregnancy is my baby girl. She just turned 1 in October. This pregnancy was a surprise. I always had to do fertility treatment and with this pregnancy I got pregnant on my own, which was a huge surprise. At first, my hubby and I were in shock and denial. We were worried about what we were going to do with three children, but now, I guess reality settled in and we are happy to be expecting our third.  We both hope for a boy, but as long as our baby is healthy, we will be happy. By the way, our quintuplets were all boys!! I would really like to read everyone's stories on how they got here and any information you would like to add. Happy and Healthy 9 months to everyone!!!
27 Responses
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362249 tn?1441315018
I'm Joy nice to meet you im currently PG with my first child and i just turned 30 on the 10th! My 20's i was married twice and tried to get pg and it just never happened! My last marriage we never used B/C and i tried EVERYTHING herbals temping charting nothing worked! That marriage ended about a year ago I met my BF a few months ago i knew he had a child from his previous marriage but i was convinced i was sterile and there was no possible way for me to get pg so me not thinking and us not being cautious i got PG the first month we were together!! I was in complete shock still am!! Im very happy though im having the child i thought i would never in a million years get to have! The ultrasound for sure made me nervous i was so scared they were gonna tell me there was no baby in there i have hardly been sick at all just nauseous and tired but all was fine as soon as they stuck that wand on my belly there was my baby! We're hoping for a boy too my BF is convinced hes gettn another son and i feel he s a boy but it does not matter to me at all im just excited its finally my turn! I just got my pics on FB but for some reason my profile page is not working here and i cant access to add the pics here!
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915119 tn?1341948989
OMG, your story is somewhat like mine. I, too, could not get pregnant for years. I had to do treatment with my first 3 pregnancies. I never ovulate (until now) so I would never get my cycle. When I found out I was pregnant I was in shock and I didn't believe it until they did an ultrasound and saw the heartbeat!! Well congrats and hope you have a happy and healthy pregnancy!!
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362249 tn?1441315018
TYVM U2!! Well i was on Depo for 4 yrs and off for exactly 8 yrs now that im pg! I had regular cycles everything was normal I was able to time my O I took the herbals and got my CM bk my temps were good but for some reason it just didnt click i never got pg! I wont preach but it really is in God's hands i was with my X husband for 6 full yrs and it just wasnt meant to be for some reason!

I know the shock is always there im learning that LOL! i took SEVERAL home tests and when i went to the clinic i was drinking juice cus i was scared to dilute my pee and make the test negative LOL! When i was 7 wks i knew but i still took another test and it was just darker than the first i originally took and when i went to the dr i was beyond nervous i was so relieved and happy i could not take my eyes off the screen i kept asking where is his heart again but it was there he was just being a jumping bean and it was hard to focus!

Do u happen to have any idea why i cant get to my profile page or how i can? Maybe i need to report to MH so they can fix it?
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362249 tn?1441315018
ok my page started working so my pics are uploaded now!
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I'm sophie, 20 years old. Pregnant with second child, 4th pregnancy however. 1st pregnancy a misscarrige at 17 years. The 2nd, 4 months later. My little girl is 16 months today and I am 10+2 with this pregnancy.
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915119 tn?1341948989
Well, congrats!! I'm sure your little girl will keep you busy throughout your pregnancy so rest up as much as you can!! Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!!
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1854861 tn?1333474904
Hi! This is my first pregnancy but I have two stepsons (11 & 9). I'm eight, almost nine wks and due on june 19. I was terrified during first ultrasound, as im high risk because of my epilepsy and have no morning sickness. Except for the morning I thought cherry frosted poptarts and spicy chicken ramen noodles sounded good for breakfast. Its not!! Congrats to everyone! Glad to finally have june forum :)
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640548 tn?1340553355
I am 32 and have 2 girls, one just turned 7 and the other will be 2 Dec. 1.  This is my 5th pregnancy, I had 2 m/c before my youngest daughter was born.  I am due June 27th by LMP, but adjusted for my cycles it will be more like June 30th.  I have my first u/s 11/21.  I have been very sick, DH brought home some nasty bug and we can't get rid of it.  He was on 3 different antibiotics before the infection cleared up, and I just finished antibiotics last night and my throat is so sore I can't eat.  I know pregnant women get sick all the time, but I really hate having to take medication, and it worries me.  I can't figure out if I am nauseous from pregnancy or being sick!

Good luck to everyone, here's to a happy. healthy 9 months.
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1846492 tn?1321384476
I'm Victoria, I'm 25 and just over 9 Weeks.  I have a 4 year old boy who is used to being the center of my world so I'm mildly worried about that. We are very excited though! My mom informed me the other day that the 17th is fathers day which is my dd. (which pretty much guarantees that I won't go in that day! Haha) but for the rest of you close to there might have a good gift for your daddies! also my sons bday is 6-10 and I refuse to go in that day! :)   good luck ladies!
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915119 tn?1341948989
@ FirstUterally & Mikaleen- Congrats on the pregnancy and hope you both have a happy and healthy 9 months!!

@ Victorian87- First of all, congrats!! My first daughter was 5 when my baby was born and let me tell you it was nothing what I expected. She was very jealous. Like your son, she was used to all my attention. When the baby came, everyone's attention was for the baby so she was super jealous. Even now, a year later, she's still jealous. The baby can have something and my 6 year old wants it just so that the baby won't have it. It's very difficult to deal with this. I just hope it gets better when I have this baby. Oh, my 6 year old's birthday is on the 7th of June, and she wants my to have the baby on her birthday.
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640548 tn?1340553355
aww, I'm sorry your daughter is so jealous!  I guess I never realized how lucky I am, my just turned 7 year old has never shown any jealousy.  She is wonderful with my 2 year old and is very patient.  I have the feeling it will be a very different story though with this baby and my 2 year old.  She doesn't like anybody else having my attention and gets physically aggressive trying to get everyone away from me.

I hope that the having a new baby helps out with your oldest.
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689528 tn?1364135841
Hi, I'm Heather. Hope you don't mind me joining in on some of the convo, I'm not due till July 6th but since it's soo early in the month I figured I would join both! :)
I'm 6w 6d tomorrow with my second baby. My son just turned a year. We were shocked that I would get pregnant so quickly. We just decided to "not prevent" anymore and BAM! I honestly thought I'd have more time! haha
I too am afraid of jealousy but he will be so young still that he will never remember a time without a sibling. It's nice because I have a half brother I never lived with and a little brother that is 7 years younger than me so having children close together was important to me.
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1883676 tn?1325093264
Hi im louise xxxx im nearly 10 weeks with my 3rd  pregnancy xxxx its been a crappy start, ive had bleeding for 4 weeks but all stopped now xxxx I have 2 girls 7 and 8 I have 3 step children and 2 step grandchildren xxxx im only 28 lol xxxx life is busy but fun xxxx nice to  finally have our own page xxxx im sure we will all chat soon xxxx
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915119 tn?1341948989
Wow, 3 step grandchildren at 28 lol!!! How do you manage? I only have two and I'm going crazy!!! Well this will be a very fun journey for you!! Hope you have a happy and healthy 9 months!!
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1883676 tn?1325093264
Well they are step grandchildren by marriage and my hubby is 17 years older than me lol xxxx but it works for us xxxx life is great and now looking forward to being an auntie again 4 days before my due date and a step granny again in 23 weeks lol xxxx omg busy year ahead xxxx
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1883676 tn?1325093264
And thank you xxxx hope your pregnancy goes well xxxx
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1152301 tn?1331591080
Hello everyone. My name is Ashley, me and my dh have been married since April 2009. We started trying right away since I knew it was going to be very difficult. I was diganosed with PCOS and Endometreosis in 2006 when I was just 17. In July 2009 we started our first round of fertility meds which was clomid. We tried that for two rounds with no luck. In October 2010 we starting seeking help from my RE which tries another med femara for four rounds without any luck either! Everyone was convinced I was going to become and IVF patient since I wasn't producing any eggs. In August 2011 I asked the doctor to let us try injectable meds. The whole cycle I have to give myself 2 shots a day in the belly and my follicles still wouldn't grow! On CD16 I had a scan and still nothing, small follicles, me and dh cried knowing that we couldn't go any further since we couldn't afford ivf, military insurance wont cover any of it! I called my mom crying, she came over and rubbed my belly and said "come one follicles one of you are going to be my grandbaby I just know it!" Dh's sister attended a wedding the next day and she prayed for my husband and I to get pregnant. After 5days of waiting I go back for my next scan and we have one mature follicle! I couldn't believe it! CD 21 I finally produced an egg and ovulated. Now here we are at 11 weeks tomorrow, due June 13th and can't believe it.  This is our miracle baby already, just being able to concieve was quite the journey. Me and DH have put our marriage to the test. TTC is one of the hardest parts of marriage. He is amazing and has always stood beside me and let me cry and he has cried with me. To me that is a true bond.  I want to wish everyone a very happy and health 9 months. Goodluck to you ladies!
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1901977 tn?1333991726
Hi everyone, just a little bit of a formal introduction. I was actually working a lot and in school when I got pregnant - I'm a community college professor and was working on a dissertation, trying to finish a Ph.D. as well - so this whole thing was totally unplanned for both me and my now ex-boyfriend.  

But I love kids and have always wanted kids, after I finished my degree I had actually planned to adopt, and it seems life had another plan for me lol.  Although it's required a lot of sacrifice (I dropped out of my graduate program after 10 years of work), I am so very happy to have this child.  My family and friends have all been great, and my ex is doing okay with it.  We're working on being friends and I actually think he'll be a very good father, but I will be raising this baby as a single mom.  

It's not ideal to me, but I think we can make it work.  Even if he does end up disappointing us both and not doing being the best dad, I'm grown so I can handle it.  I'm in my 30s, am lucky enough to have a career that I love, be financially stable and have health insurance (I spent a decade broke and uninsured, so I appreciate the difference), and above all can love this child in every way he or she needs.  So I'm not letting it stress me out and am just enjoying my child and this experience of pregnancy.  I did have some bleeding and a "threatened miscarriage" very early on, very scary experience, but baby has stabilized and in the last scan he was perfect. :)

I've decided to tell my parents for Thanksgiving. I'm going to frame and wrap up the ultrasound pic and give it to them as a present. Since this is their first and probably only grandchild, I think they're going to be ecstatic.  Very exciting time for all of us - I wish you all the same, and a very happy Thanksgiving. We have something special to be thankful for this year.
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my name is amanda and im 12wks with baby #2 I have a 2yr old little girl. Im 22 I work full time and I go to college full time. Both of my pregnancies were accidents, I havent been to see a doc yet because im still waiting on insurance which really *****, I did go to a pregnancy clinic and im getting my first ultrasound monday. I want a boy but ill take whatever as long as its healthy.
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1903533 tn?1322939027
Hello everyone. I'm Megan and this is my first pregnancy. I'm 22 and will also be a single mother, but we'll be okay by ourselves. I'm super nervous but I have a great family that's been really supportive so far. Nice to meet you all.
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Hi all! I'm Chelsea 28 and pregnant w baby #2. I live in NY and have a 7 year old daughter. I've found my soulmate and we're engaged. This will be our 1st child together, he also has a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. I'm due June 12th 2012! This pregnancy so far has been very easy. No sickness. I'm a nurse and my fiance is a purchaser for a hospital. We're very excited for this baby and hoping its a boy but a little girl would be fine too.
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Hi all! I'm Chelsea 28 and pregnant w baby #2. I live in NY and have a 7 year old daughter. I've found my soulmate and we're engaged. This will be our 1st child together, he also has a 6 year old daughter from a previous relationship. I'm due June 12th 2012! This pregnancy so far has been very easy. No sickness. I'm a nurse and my fiance is a purchaser for a hospital. We're very excited for this baby and hoping its a boy but a little girl would be fine too.
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Hi ladies and congrats on your pregnancies! I'm Alicia. I found out I was pregnant a little over a month ago. It was definitely not planned and sadly I can't say I was excited. I am 24 years old, recent graduate, and just had intws
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And im horrible at posting online...well im going on 13 weeks and am in love with my baby and super excited. I can't wait to meet my lil one, regardless of the hardships ahead of us. I had an US last week and my lil one had its thumb in its mouth ( or so it looks like in the photo). Hoping for a healthy baby and an easy delivery! Im soo afraid of giving birth.
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