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OT- Embarrassing Pregnancy Oops!

Has anyone else out there made a complete idiot out of themselves yet? Well, I have and I am going to share my most embarrassing pregnancy moment with all of you! :)

I was at my girlfriends house a few weeks ago. We were discussing how dangerous her stairs (leading to her basement) were, and that she needed to get them fixed. Well, I decided it was time to go and I had to grab my 4 year old from the downstairs where he was playing with her daughter. As I was walking down I slipped and BUMP BUMP BUMP I went down on my butt. Not only did I fall down, but as I went I also peed my pants! Oh, and not just a little, like a whole bladder full! The baby was fine, of course, I went to the doctor just to be sure the next day. But I will never be able to forget the time when I peed my pants at my friends house!

Ok, now it is your turn to share...
5 Responses
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368461 tn?1291515587
oh no! I have been pretty absent minded with some things. I was making Xmas cookies and turned on the mix master full speed without it being locked in. I was covered in confectioners sugar completely. For some reason that day - while trying to make cookies EVERYTHING I came into contact I dropped, spilled, splattered, broke.

My other embarrassing things was on my way to the shower (when I was in Connecticut) we were driving and I was chewing gum. Something happened, I can not recall but it caused me to SWALLOW MY GUM. I freaked after wondering if it would damage the baby. I was a little worked up when I got to my shower and everyone just laughed and said she'd be born with gum in her hair. ;-(
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I gave birth to my first son in between fall and spring semester. I went back that spring. It was really difficult to leave my new baby, and to study when all I wanted to do was stare at my newborn LOL.

Good luck with school!
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392430 tn?1382904781
This past semester was a rough one with 5 classes and most of them psych ones. But this semester I am only taking 4 and chose fairly simple ones with teachers I know and have already spoken to about time off for birthing/recoup time. I am hoping school makes the next 2 months go by faster ^_^
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571042 tn?1271447141
Oh no I am not taking classes during spring semester! haha I figured it would be too much of a gamble because I hate to deal with the "unknown" and since I can't schedule the birth of my baby (and I wouldn't anyways) and I am taking freakishly hard classes (Organic Chemistry and Physics..) I think I have to wait for summer or next fall. But I am right there with ya on the whole embarrassing moments thing. My husband swears I am a total idiot now and I feel like one! We were playing a game with some friends last night and you have two dice for it and I kept saying the wrong number. Like someone rolled an 8 but I said they rolled a 9..not that big of a deal but it happened everytime! It was sad. And funny. I am not a complete and utter moron all the time but it seriously will embarrass me when I have a moment like that. haha. I am such a little "know it all" anyways so I guess this is good and humbling for me but I really hope this goes away after she is born! :)

But seriously more power to you Kele if you can  take classes and have a baby in the middle of the semester! I am impressed...I really really wanted to do it but this semester was hard for me and they weren't as hard of classes as I need to take in the spring.
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392430 tn?1382904781
I have just had pregnancy brain big time. Makes everything difficult to concentrate on. While I can't wait for the spring semester to start up for school, I dread having to pay attention to teachers...
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