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392430 tn?1382904781

Monday Updates

Phin is his usual happy self. We take him out for walks when Chris gets home and he loves to look up at the leaves and branches of trees. He would stare for hours! Also we discovered something else he thinks is fascinating...balloons^_^ He was cooing and talking to some balloons at the grocery store.

So Chris and I came to a "solids" agreement. Phin no longer gets cereal, but he does get real food that I have been making. His first food was banana and then avocado. He loves both of them. The past two days he has tried pears (not a big fan of the pears) and sweet potatoes. He eats the sweet potato but avocado has been his favorite so far.

Even with eating real food he still gets up once a night to nurse. I don't have a problem with it. He will only be my baby for a short time so I will soak up all the 2 am snuggles I can.

Rolling has taken a downslide and now he rarely does it, but holy cow does he love to stand! Standing will fix him of any issue he has. He lookes so proud of himself everytime we stand him up.

I lost 2 pounds over the week, which makes me feel great. I can see parts of me toning back up. My goal is to be back in real pants by the end of August.

8 Responses
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414635 tn?1272217693
hmmm thought I had done mine before i left for the cottage...

I have started Carter on cereal...it is early here as it is not reccomended until 6 months. But he was not eating enough formula. I also had to start givoing him prune juice, water alone was not helping his bowels move, actually there was blood in his stool again this morning so we are going to the Dr tomorrow.
He has stopped rolling over while playing, he only did it for about 1 week and hated every moment of it, he is scootching around on his back (like a crab crawl)
He now sleeps on his side and sometimes his belly now, he still gets up once a night to eat, I am trying to break it with no luck, after the long weekend (we have a holiday on monday) I will try letting him cry, we'll see how that goes.

I am exhausted, I think my iron levels are still low and i;m having a hard time functioning, the house is a disaaster because i can't clean when he naps, i have to nap and i got to bed shortly after he does at night. I can't beleive i have gained 9lbs since having him but i have no motavation to get it off...going to buy more fat clothes today
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569254 tn?1267372644
Brock is still doing well!  No rolling  over yet!  He is still talking a lot, scooting around, and loves his jumperoo!  We had our 2nd day at "The Little Gym" today!  It is very fun, and I love it!  I think it will be much cooler in a couple more months!  He's still young, but holds himself up and can hang pretty well with the older babies!  It's great for motor development!  I'm excited to see how he'll grow as he's there!  It is a little bit spendy, but worth it!  We are eating just cereal, and he's not quite catching on yet!  He doesn't really open his mouth and some stays in and some comes back out!  We'll keep practicing!  I can't believe I'm going to have to go back to work next month!  Ugh!  I have to start getting my classroom set up once summer school is over!  I love going in to someone else's mess in my classroom!!!  Brock is waking up earlier and earlier it seems.  It's terrible to go from 7:30 to 4:00...yup, today was 4:00!  He drank his bottle and right back to sleep!  Hopefully he grows out of that!
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589762 tn?1330207135
Noah is doing great....lol he will do the superman thing too! Too funny...he has also started to pull his legs up under him but does not do his arms yet just the leg but Hey I guess thats a start! He has started to scoot also but only backwards. He is not big on rolling over and only does this every once in a while but sure does scoot alot... He used to sleep really well but recently within the last couple weeks (2-3) he has started wakeing up again 2 or more times a night.... very frustrating!! I think I am just going to have to try the ferber method! He isnt hungry or hurt he just wants out i think... the minute I put the bottle in his mouth he falls RIGH back to sleep!!

Noah is eating Ceral, Green beans, Sweet Potatoes and Peas so far! The doc said after 2 weeks of veggies we can try fruit! I think I will try some fruit for him tonight!
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571042 tn?1271447141
Blake is doing wonderfully as well! She is growing like a weed! She eats cereal mixed with apple juice (she LOVES it). I am about to start her out on avocados and a green veggie..not sure which though.

Blake pushed up on all fours pretty often. I think she seriously wants to crawl! She will scoot all over the floor to get to where she wants to go. It is amazing. We seriously have to baby proof soon!

I am still about 10 pounds from my goal weight. It is mostly in my butt and thighs. Ugh.
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368461 tn?1291515587
Hi all
Hayden is 4.5 months and growing tons. She rolls everywhere, so I have taken to laying down blankets in our living room to let her go! She also does superman arms - on her belly she raises legs and arms and it is hysterical. When she is in her saucer - I say "BIG ARMS" and hold my arms out and she copies. So cute.

Lately she has been having about 4-5 poop diapers A DAY. What is up w/ that? She is 100% formula fed.

She is developing a schedule for sleep and naps - but still up 1 sometimes 2Xs a night. We are getting there.

I on the other hand am FALLING APART. Chronic back achs  and my right foot - has runners heel. Had to get a cortizone shot in it yesterday. Still 15 lbs from pre-preg weight too.

OH and I got my period back.
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427382 tn?1298209586
Mady is also doing very well.  She is just about 4 months old.  She is really a great baby except for when she freaks in the car then she can really scream.  She is trying really hard to roll from back to tummy she just can't seem to figure out her legs yet.  But at night she rolls from tummy to back all the time.  Mady loves her jumparoo and just laying on the floor checking everything out.  
She is not "eating" yet, but my husband and I are thinking about starting cereal this week.  I know she is ready!  
I am not sure of my weight, I have a check up tomorrow for a pap smear then I will find out.  I am happy as long as I am the same or less than my 6 week.  We walk everyday and I try to do yoga or some sort of exercise each day but I am not overly worried anymore, just want to get into my work clothes, which I pretty much can.  Ugh work in 3 weeks so not looking forward to that.
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Mark is growing so much each day, it is so wonderful to see him thrive. He definitely has a mind of his own and wants to do everything his way! For example, when he is eating I am not allowed to put the spoon in his mouth. If I do he refuses to open, so I must load up the spoon then give it to him then he puts it in his mouth! It takes so much longer to feed him this way, but thank goodness I stay home and have the time to do it!

Last night Mark was playing on his tummy and, as we were playing peek a boo, he got really excited and lifted himself up on all fours! It only last a few seconds, but he kept repeating the movements while we played. Also he has started doing this reverse crawl type thing. When he wants a toy he scoots himself (I am assuming in an attempt to get forward), but he always ends up going backwards- it is too funny.

Lets see- Mark is currently eating Avocado (his favorite), papaya, banana, peaches, butternut squash, sweet potato, peas, and zucchini. He also loves to suck on watermelon (supervised of course). We have a huge garden in our backyard so I often go and grab some sort of veggie (like zucchini) and just prepare it for him for he day.

My personal weight has not changed, and I am moderately okay with that. I have decided that as long as I can wear my fall clothes this fall I will be happy. I keep reminding myself that this takes time and Mark is only 4 months old. 10 lbs to go....
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Leighton is doing great as well.  She really is just a happy little baby... loves to flirt with Daddy, that's for sure!  When John gets home from work, she will peek up at him from my shoulder, shoot him a smile, then bury her head in my shoulder, then look up at him again, and laugh.  It is histarical!

Leighton eats from the following foods... avocados, carrots, squash, and banana.  HATES the squash, but digs everything else.  Carrot and avocado are her favorites.

She has moved on from her tummy time mat and solely plays in her exersaucer.  In fact, if we even put her on the tummy time mat, she cries.  She is bored to death with all of the things that she used to enjoy.

I think that I am forever stuck at 14 lbs. from my goal weight.  Honestly... the scale won't budge no matter what I do!!!!!  haha... If I can lose 7 more lbs. I will be happy.  

We are headed to Newport Beach tomorrow and am sooo excited to take Leighton to our favorite beach.  In fact, any beach!  She loves the water so much, and I am curious to see her reaction to the ocean.  We are beaching it for a week and can't wait to get out of AZ!!!
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