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392430 tn?1382904781

Monday Updates April 26

Phin is a few days away from 14 months old. He is into everything! He climbs anything he can and loves to sit inside of whatever he can fit into. We are still having problems with food, with only 4 teeth there is some stuff that he just can't have yet. But we tried oranges yesterday for the first time and he loved them. He will not eat grapes, carrots, bananas, green beans or veggie dogs. I don't know but can you live on cheerios, yogurt and applesauce? oh and cheese and black beans. We have a wierd kid. ^_^

We is obsessed with outside, and wants to go out all of the time. He will toddle over and hand you his shoes and then run to the door. Very funny stuff. We are still getting up once a night to nurse but hopefully that will taper off in the next 7 months, I do not want to be up all night nursing babies!

AFM-I am 9 weeks along now and have our first appointment on Wednesday. I hope to hear this little one's heartbeat. I no longer feel sick 24/7 more like 13/7 which is an improvement! I have one last week of school and I truly cannot wait for it to be over. I have 2 essays left to write and a 15 page research paper to piece together from all my rough drafts...all I want to do is sleep though!
8 Responses
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427382 tn?1298209586
Mady is into everything as well.   She LOVES talking, she never stops.  SHe also has her molars coming in, and her nose has been gross, but finally seemed to come to an end.  She even got the bubbles outta her nose.   EWWWWW.  SHe eats pretty much anything besides bananas.  We give her whatever we eat for dinner, she will eat most of it, not a ton of the veggies but a few bites.  She def has an appetite.  
We got the results for her echo, she has a small hole in her heart, the dc isnt concerned she thinks it is shrinking and she is very healthy.  So we are going to do another echo in 1 year and see a cardiologisty if there is still a hole.  
Jem- Mady does the what does a dog say wof wof, what does a cat say owwww and today what does a monkey say ooo ooo.  It is soooo cute.  I couldn't believe it when I saw it.  
AFM-  we are on the ttc stage, idealy we want to get preggo in Sept due to school and breaks, i would love to have the next in the same time frame as Mady and not return to work from Spring Break.  But if it happens it happens.
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414635 tn?1272217693
Napping- Carter went about 3 weeks without an afternoon nap, but now hes taking them again. I find it frustrating because all of my friends kids do the afternoon nap and Carter has always been a big morning napper. Its hard to do anything. All playgroups and swimming is in the morning, and nay playdates out of the question because schedule don't match. I have tried to delay the morning nap with no luck, when he was down to 1 nap i thought i could push it later but after being up 2 hours he wants to go back to bed. What's going to happen when he has to go to daycare and they only have 1 afternoon nap???
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490829 tn?1234568174
Ava is now 13 months old and not walking yet. She will walk with her toys and hold onton the couch, table...etc. We have been having trouble with eating. Ava won't eat her usual foods. I'm am nervous she won't grow properly. She is already small for her age. Hat vitamins to you give your babies? I give my 4 year old son the gummie vitamins but I think Ava is too small for them. Afm- I am now 21 weeks with another girl. We are naming her Gabriella Lynn. Having a 13 month old and being prego is hard work! But add a hyper 4 year old and its worse.
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Mark, too, is everywhere and into EVERYTHING. My house is not exactly a child friendly one, and last week he broke another antique. He also loves to reach into drawers. If we leave the bathroom door open his baby radar immediately goes off and he runs in. Once there he plays in the toilet, tries to eat the toilet brush and find whatever he can in the drawers before I catch him in there. UGH! I am getting exhausted just typing this stuff :)

We have also dropped the afternoon nap, though I have to admit that I still put him in his crib for an hour for "quiet time." I do this with both my children because I think I would otherwise go crazy.

We are still breastfeeding with no signs of stopping in near future. I  have been trying to ween him, but he is not ready yet, and it is not worth the battle.
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Jem... two things... we have also had the lovely teething runny nose.  So gross... can't wait until this phase is over with!  haha

And, the nap thing... yeah, at this point, I think we would keep the AM nap and nix the PM one.  Yesterday she went without her PM nap and was fine.  But, if she went without her AM nap I have a feeling she would be the ultimate grump master.  So, probably the PM nap would go at this point.
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368461 tn?1291515587
We're with you guys - Hayden is the master explorer. She is into everything, too. She looves to turn off the TV. She still hides her toys under the sofa. And goes nuts "barking" when she sees a dog (yelp yelp yelp). i love when I say "Hayden what does a dog say" and she barks. She is getting 6 teeth in (four molars and the two on each side of her bottom teeth). She has had a runny nose (clear) for what feels like a month now!

Ovaz with Leighton being funny on her afternoon naps - do you think she will keep her a.m. nap? Hayden is doing two naps but if I had a choice which one she kept - it would be her morning nap. But most people I know have kids that do an afternoon nap.

Kele - can't wait to hear the latest news!

Lachises - nice to "see" you again - and even though it must be hard being 23 weeks preg and having a little one - just think how great it will be having them so close in age.

AFM - I wonder if my love handles will ever go away. We are going to Connecticut next week to visit my college friends - mom and hayden! Dad will stay home and work - boo!
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Yep... Leighton is into everything as well.  She has discovered that she can pull out her dresser draws... which also means that she pulls out EVERYTHING inside of them.  Leighton most definitely recognizes the word "no" because she will freak out and either cry like no other because she is scared or throw a full blown 2 year old tantrum :)  It's fun.

Her afternoon naps have been a little weird lately.  I think she is going to be done with them soon... although I know some days she will need them still.  But, most days, she just plays in there for an hour or more... which is a needed break for me!  I know eventually though, that she won't be so fond of just playing in her crib for an hour in the dark... ha!

As for teeth, she has 4 molars, 4 of her top teeth, and 3 on the bottom.  So, can handle pretty much anything we give her.  Although, she chooses not to eat most of the veggies we give her!  Oh well... vitamins make up for what she lacks in food.  She will only eat chicken if we squirt lemon on it or it I put chili powder on it.  As long as she eats it, I don't care what I put on it!  haha

Other than that, nothing too crazy.  I think May will be my last month of BC so I can get my body back onto its natural cycle before we start TTC again (which won't be happening until Sept.)
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585282 tn?1237997045
It's been a while since I've given an update.  Isabelle is crawling like mad and will standup and scoot along furniture but is in no hurry to walk unassisted.  I think she likes being a baby.  :O)  She finally got some teeth.  Didn't hear a word on the bottom two but all heck broke loose on the top one.  She was grumpy for like two weeks straight.  It was hard becuase I missed her smile.  She's finally starting to smile again so I think things are getting better.

Ever the daycare baby she got sick again.  (she's been sick like once every three weeks) this time it was roseola.  She had a really high fever (around 104) and there wasn't really a cause.  The doctor said that if the fever goes away after a few days and then she breaks into a rash then it's roseola and that's exactly what happened.  Head to toe rash.  Sometimes it's a little trying.

AFM - I am 24 weeks now.  Showing and able to see the baby kicking.  Hormones are really out of wack and I didn't realize how hard it would be to have a 13 month old and be pregnant.  It's very very difficult for me and my husband.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Can't wait to see how the babies are doing.
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