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392430 tn?1382904781

Monday Updates

33 Weeks
EDD March 1

More lack of sleep...how can I fall asleep at 7:30 on the couch and then get up to the bedroom and not get comfy at all? Last night was ridiculous as far as sleep goes. If I didn't wake up to move to a different position I woke up to go pee or get a drink or rub my aching hip. I also can't get comfortable as far as temperature goes.  I am roasting all of the time and DH is freezing while I am opening windows in the middle of a Vermont winter...
Phin continues to be active, but it is more rolls and stretches than kicks and punches. I have also been getting sharp pains in the cervical area but as of last week there is zero dilation. I have been peeing a lot more and I very much feel the baby's weight more and more.
I feel like I am getting quite short of patience and am prone to get angry quick. I am trying to keep a handle on it as I feel bad for snapping at people. I get winded pretty quick as well. We went for a walk this weekend and I thought I was going to fall over by the time we got home. We walked for all of a 1/2 hour. I have been having contractions like crazy too. If I exert myself too much I get hammered with one after the after and have to stop immediately and rest.
While I can't wait to meet our little man, I think I will miss feeling him inside.

School starts today, in 2 hours actually and I am happy about that. Hopefully it takes my mind off the impending birth. ^_^ I am only taking 4 classes (Painting 2, Intro to Human Services, Art Therapy and Abnormal Psych) so all fairly simple classes and I know all the teachers so it should be a peice of cake semester. I was also offered a part time job over the summer at a place I used to work at...but we'll see about that once summer gets here.
11 Responses
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506820 tn?1295051333
I too have a lump on the right side of my pelvic area. I told my doc and she said it is a vericosity. For me I have had this for the last few months. It has progressively gotten worse.It is almost like I have a cluster of blood blisters in that area. Honestly I try not to look at it. I examine it every once in a while to make sure it is generally the same, but other than tha I avoid it. It makes it really hard for me to stand for more than about 30 minutes at a time. By the end of the day I am pretty tired and very achy in the lower regions. My doctor said it should go away after delivery but in some cases they do stay around to some degree.  I am hoping for the former instead of the latter. I have a feeling mine are due to my little guy sititng so far forward in my uterus and putting extreme pressure in the front. He is also concentrating his weight and activites on the right side of my stomach so that could be another factor.

I hope yours doesn't get any worse. It is kind of a drag. Oh well....not much longer now I guess. :)
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209371 tn?1315946940
EDD March 26th
29 1/2 Weeks

I'm a few weeks behind most of you girls, but have the same things going on.  For the past month I've been having a lot of braxton hicks contractions, I usually wake up once in the night to pee and I wake up probably 8 times in the night to roll to my other side, sometimes it takes me 2-3 hours to fall back to sleep, even though I'm EXHAUSTED!
I take naps with my 3 year old everyday, otherwise I would be going to bed at 6:00 every night.
My baby is VERY active and moves more in rolls now.
I have been very sick (not baby sick) this pregnancy. Since the begin. of Nov. I've had 2 boughts of colds (ea. lasting 2 wks. each), 3 rounds of the stomach flu, my gall bladder thing (still can't eat any fat), and I got shingles on my back and chest (they're almost gone!)  So this week I've felt pretty good, I'm happy to report!
Oh, and my baby has hiccups ALL the time!  2 or 3 times a day, poor thing!

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EDD: March 1st

Well, I am truly an insomniac... no joke.  For the past 2 weeks or so I have been running on about 2 1/2-3 1/2 hours of sleep a night.  Yep, you read it right.  I suppose my body is getting me ready for the lack of sleep I will be getting here in 5-7 weeks!

I don't know when a women is supposed to "drop", but my family and friends, as well as myself, have noticed a definite change in the shape of my belly.  I am carrying much lower than even 2 weeks ago, PLUS I am able to breath better, which makes me think that she is "dropping" into my pelvis.

I am really looking forward to our baby shower on Saturday.  Looks like we are only having one... our family and friends are flying in from all over the country and driving in from all over the state.  We are expecting roughly 60 people for the shower.  Hopefully I can cross some items off of my "wish lists" after the shower.
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569254 tn?1267372644
EDD - March 7th
32 weeks

I am very tired, and teaching all day does not help!  I started sitting a lot more when I am teaching.  The kids are good with it.  When they're too noisy, I tell them that they're hurting Brock's ears and they respond quite well to that!  Funny!  I noticed I have a lump on the right side of my pelvic area.  My friend told me that it could be a varicose vein.  Anyone else experiencing anything like this?  I have a few nice, new spider veins on my legs!  I started getting another cold, so that's great!  We are expecting temps. well below zero this week, so I'm hoping for a day off school!  It's amazing to think just how close we all are!  Hope all is well for everyone!
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561183 tn?1269101892
EDD March 21st
31 weeks 2 days

Wow, like you all have said, I cannot believe how close we are!!!! I still remember getting my BFP and meeting all you wonderful ladies on this forum, how the time has flown! :)

I am doing well, still stuck on bedrest, but at least a little less restricted now. I have my next ultrasound appointment tomorrow, I can't wait to see how much she has grown. My last appointment 3 weeks ago she went up from the 12th to the 14th percentile in size, so I am excited to see how much more she has increased in size.

I am feeling okay, I can't believe how much I have to pee these days!! Lol, I thought it was bad in the 1st trimester!!! Sleep is definitely hard to come by these days, I can fall asleep the first time, it's just falling back asleep after waking up to pee that is the problem. I am feeling the baby's weight a lot more too, since I am in bed most of the day, once I get up, my stomach is just so heavy, I get tired very quickly and have to go lay back down.

Hope everyone is doing good, counting the weeks! :)
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589762 tn?1330207135
EDD March 13th
32 Weeks (tomorrow)

UGH I ditto everything Kele1129 and Jem say too...... I am very tired, I of course still cant sleep due to hip pain.... and alot of pelvic pain.... Its soooo weird to be so tired but your body just wont let you sleep..... i still wake up on my back which worries me a bit but Noah will still be moving and kicking around so I guess no harm done.... and the doc said i could sleep how ever I am comfortable, that if its harmful my body will wake me up, so that makes me feel a bit better! I do well a little but thankfully not to often, and i am more cranky.... poor dh I try not to snap on people LOL..... I think I am getting some braxton hicks.... but its kinda hard to tell like Jems says, dont know if its the baby rolling or pushing or a contraction sometimes....either way lol both can be very uncomfortable..... Baby is moving tons still.... more so rolls and pushes and an occasional punch or kick but more so just moving.....I have my second 3D ultrasound Wed (gave me a second setting free for better pics) so I am excited to see the changes even within the two weeks! WHEW we are almost there ladies!
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368461 tn?1291515587
EDD Mar 19
30.5 weeks

I ditto everything Kele1129 says - i feel like sleeping sitting up on the couch. Or I leave the bed to hit the couch and go back and forth. I still always get so nervous when I wake up on my back. I do get cranky. My ankles swell a bit - but not too bad. I will miss feeling her moving around in my for sure after. Her moves are more like roles but will still get "jolts" here and there which I believe are kicks.

I feel like I still get the stretchy pain in my vaginal area - like everything pulling up. Are round ligament pains still normal? I am also pretty sure I am getting braxton hicks - usually after exerting myself. But sometimes I am not sure if it is BH or a "roll" by the baby.

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EDD March 27
29 weeks 3 days

He has been very active lately moving, kicking and so forth. I find myself being alot more tired than normal. I could have just woke up and then eat something and then I am sooo tired again for some reason. I have to get up in the middle of night to use the restroom and then really cant go back to sleep until 3 or 4 hours laters. Other than that all is well...I cant wait until March for sure
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506820 tn?1295051333
EDD March 17th
31 Weeks (tomorrow)

Same ole complaints here...aching hips, having a hard time sleeping. For the past few months my little guy has been sitting really far forward in my uterus. This is causing extreme pressure in my pelvic area which in turn is causing a large amount of blood vessles to swell...awsome! Anyway, having all that pressure makes it hard to stand for more than about 30 minutes at a time these days. Thank goodness I have a desk job though it makes getting things done on the weekends a bit more of a challenge. Other than that things are moving along just swimmingly. Counting down the weeks but I too think I will miss feeling him moving around inside.

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561451 tn?1257476350
EDD March 8.
32 weeks ish I believe

I am 8cm dialated, and 100% effaced!  They have me on bedrest at home.  I have medicine that is making me sleeping for 22 hours of the day, so i'm not up and about.  I can't be in the hospital, it drives me up the wall!  So my doctor and his wife, who is a nurse in L&D come to my house for my appts.

I don't have much longer to go, but they want me to make it as far as possible.  They believe I am already this dialated, because I had gotten food poisoning, new years day and had been throwing up for 3 days straight.  This is what they think anyways.  Oh well!  

Only a few more weeks until I was expected to go anyhow.  This is all normal for me.  With ym second I was dialated to 10cm and 100% effaced at 5 1/2 months.  Just have to take it easy really.  

I hope everyone else is doing good!!

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571042 tn?1271447141
March 1
33 weeks

I caught a stupid cold from one of my friend's babies this weekend. :( So I have been battling that all weekend. Having a cold when you are pregnant really stinks. I have been taking tylenol cold stuff because that is safe and even though I know I can take a few other things I am just trying to beat it with the minimal amount of meds I can take. But I am almost over it...so that is good.

She moves all the time! We went to a birth of your baby class Saturday and she just kicked and punched the whole time! It was like she was saying "Yeah I am coming soon! Better prepare!" haha. It was a good class though. Talked about everything and I am glad we took it.

I get up to pee all the time at night (still) and I have lots of discharge (sorry TMI) but that is just normal the closer we get I guess! I still can't believe how close it is until the due date!!!!
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