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168006 tn?1241012961

Loving the Last Trimester

Hello Ladies!

I was just thinking about how easy it is in these last weeks to be tired of being pregnant and just wanting this kid out!  But as normal as that is to feel, I was dwelling on how precious and special these last weeks are.  With my first pregnancy I was plotting how to get labor started from the time I was about 30 weeks, but I promised myself this time I would fully enjoy my pregnancy, knowing that despite the aches and pains and fatigue, there would come a day not too far in the future when I would miss being pregnant.  

After this, the focus will be on baby -- not you!
After this, you will have to share your little bundle -- right now, he/she is all yours!
You'll miss feeling him/her inside your belly.
You'll miss watching your belly move.
.... and believe it or not, you'll miss your round profile in the mirror.

So, while there are things that are hard about this time, let's remember how brief and precious the experience of carrying a child is and how blessed we are to experience it.

10 Responses
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593530 tn?1263847957
Love this post!!  I totally agree!!
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143123 tn?1274300825
Well put!  I complain about back pain, hurting when I walk, cramps and pressure, but I know as soon as Reece is here I am going to miss it all.  Having him inside me and ME feeling him move and hiccup and all that fun stuff is a special bond me and him have.  So, no matter how miserable I am with not sleeping and hurting, I will miss it all!
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708222 tn?1276135032
AWWW.... this totally made me cry!!!  Here I have been feeling bad for myself with all the new aches and pains... I am so selfish!!  God has given me a huge blessing and a wonderful gift to be a woman who can conceive and bear children and yet I've been complaining about how yucky I feel... what a waste of time... Thank you for reminding us all how blessed we truly are to be pregnant!!!!
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551604 tn?1333983135
Totally agree!!!! Nicely put...
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298046 tn?1240264571
you know I agree as well....I am one that is counting down the days. I am so uncomfy, plump etc. And I kept saying I cant wait until this was over...It has been a long road with many many months in the hospitqal but at the end of the day I am greatful for the expirence. I said that to say thank you for making me think and remember to enjoy the end of my pregnancy as well as my last pregnancy. Thanks again and God bless all of you ladies who share your life and pregnancy
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I agree, I love how I am the only person who can experiance her movements, its very special. i love sitting down at night with hubby and watching my belly move. There are some crappy things about being pregnant but we are truly the only person who will ever connect with baby before their born! what a blessing
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562884 tn?1279632334
Well said njrohe! I couldn't agree more.
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After knowing what life is going to be like after my ds was born, I am not in any hurry to have labor come early this time. Not even the hardest days being pregnant for me compare to what it is like taking care of a newborn while trying to recover from delivery and not sleeping. Enjoy being pregnant while you still can.

One thing I am trying to do that I did last time is cooking and freezing as many meals as possible. It was the best thing I did to prepare for what it was going to be like after the baby was born. Also, having other people bringing meals is great. Most friends/family want to help out in some way and this is a great way for them to do it.

We are coming down to the wire and it is hard to believe we are almost done. I hope everyone has a safe and easy birth.
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736293 tn?1316517842
I just want to thank you for this post...As the weeks wear on i am getting more uncomfortable, but i truly am going to miss having her all to myself.  I guess sometimes it just takes someone else writing it out for you to really stop and think about it!!
I hope everyone else appreciates it as much i did...
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554628 tn?1362777919
i agree with this 100% i'm so ready for madison to be here, and be out but i know when she's out i'm def gonna miss...........
*feeling her move
*watching her move
*and my big belly

it's an amazing experience.

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