334776 tn?1249968581

well, we're hardly ever on here lol...so i'm asking a "roll call"

lol, i see we post alot of questions, and such, but usually it can be 2 days before any other activity happens....so, since we're all so "talkative" i thought i'd post a "roll call" about where we are, in pregnancy and on the map lol, etc......so here goes

your age:25
partner's age:30
where r u on the map:houston
where r u in preg(effacement, dilation, etc):no idea, find out thursday
# of children:this is df's 3rd, my 1st.....so this is #3 total
sex of prev. children:1 boy, 1 girl
sex of new baby:boy
How many babies are you expecting?!:just one
name(s) of new baby:christopher alexander
how many babies are you wanting, total:i used to want 2, but since df has 2, this makes 3, so i'm content
marital status:taken....somewhere between engaged and common law lol
pre-preg hobbies:reading, swimming, going to mom's every few w/e's to see younger sibs
preg hobbies:same, only add sleepless nights to it!
pre-preg fave foods:omg, everything.....loooooved steak, and grilled chicken
preg fave foods:PB&J, tuna(in moderation, which sox), ice cream, lasanga, spagetti and ravioli's lol
how are you delivering(midwife, home, dr, hospital):hospital with a dr i hope lol
how is bf/df/dh/partner reacting now:getting into it, we were both TOTALLY shocked at first, but he's come around
had shower yet:nope, 10/4
how'd it go:idk yet lol, but i expect some drama, as i invited my "original aunts" and not just my uncle's(2)  new "girl toys"
any annoyances(family, friends, in general):everyone's inability to get along...see answer above...my family can't get around the fact the shower is about me and baby, instead it's about who'll be there, and who they don't like or don't wanna be around....
do you work:dare to dream....
have you/when are you taking ML:not applicable
are you going back to work afterwards:definitely yes, i'll go crazy if not!
what have you left to do to be prepared for baby:car seat, stroller, and pack n play
how are your other children reacting:my DSS doesnt know, as we can't talk to him right now....my DSD has an idea, but she hasn't been formally told yet
how did your family react:my mom and her b/f are freaking ecstatic, and so are my brother and sister....my mom's bf buys more than she does now, lol, and my brother rubs my belly, then goes "guess what! I AM GONNA BE AN UNCLE"....apparently he's already told all his teachers and friends lol...
how did df's family react:MIL was happy and congratulatory....FIL has yet to even meet either of his grandsons, so he thinks that he'll never meet alex either, so he kinda keeps his feelings and such bottled....we'll find out for sure when xmas comes, and we plant the baby on his front door lol......not literally, we're going with him ;)
if i missed anything, and i'm POSITIVE i did lol, just add it.....
9 Responses
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435762 tn?1244682620
your age:25
partner's age:25
where r u on the map Va
where r u in preg(effacement, dilation, etc  no idea, she is breached
# of children 1
sex of prev. children 1 son and girl on the way
How many babies are you expecting?!:just one
name(s) of new baby: Mollie Grace
how many babies are you wanting, total:Either 2 or 3.. probably 2 though.
marital status: happily married going on 4 years
preg fave foods: honey nut cheerios, icecream, anything sweet!
how are you delivering(midwife, home, dr, hospital):Hospital.  Probably a c-section if she want go head down
how is bf/df/dh/partner reacting now: He is ready for his 8 week paternity leave!  Looking forward to a baby girl!!  He is a very involved father.
had shower yet:Had it Sunday and had a great turn out!!  Got everything on my registery and then some.  I have about 60+ thank you notes to sent out!!!
do you work: Part time nurse anywhere from 16-24 hours a week
have you/when are you taking ML: probably the week before due date
are you going back to work afterwards: will remain part time
how are your other children reacting: He is 2 and still has no clue what is to come!!
how did your family react: everyone excited, supportive
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578434 tn?1243479712
I remembered another one...

How much weight gain so far/total?: only 10 lbs. for me.
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334776 tn?1249968581
Breastfed/Bottlefed/Both?: Breastfeed 1stly, then pump when i go to work...
Cloth/Disposable Diapers?: Disposable...because I have a really bad gag reflex...lol(haha right?)
Does DH/DF/BF Get time off? he has 30.5 hrs now, and i think he's taking a week, then the weekend, so about what? 7-8 days maybe? unless an offshore hitch starts, he's going then!  but it's paid, that's the BEST part lol
worse pregnancy issues:none yet that i know of....just been worried the past 2 weeks about going into labor(well contractions), and not "knowing" it.....
best pregnancy issues:ah, the movement! even when i'm trying to sleep, it's still enough to laugh about, when my whole belly starts jiggling cos he won't sleep lol.....

i knew i'd forget stuff lol.....sometimes i wish df were still in the Navy....he'd get 10 days paternity leave, and it WOULDN'T count against his normal leave.....ah, that'd be freakin awesome lol
Helpful - 0
385560 tn?1234190277
your age:32
partner's age: 33
where r u on the map:Just outside Boston
where r u in preg(effacement, dilation, etc):50% effaced last week - had preterm labor
# of children: This will be our first :)
sex of new baby: boy
How many babies are you expecting?!:just one
name(s) of new baby: Ewan James
how many babies are you wanting, total: would love 3
marital status: Married 5 years
pre-preg hobbies:reading, crafts, making jewelry, music, going to concerts
preg hobbies: Reading and knitting ... on bed rest and can't do much else :(
pre-preg fave foods: Lasagna, steak, tapas
preg fave foods: aby kind of pasta, cheese, baked potatoes
how are you delivering(midwife, home, dr, hospital):hospital with a dr
how is bf/df/dh/partner reacting now: Over the moon and really excited we were TTC for 3 1/2 years.
worse pregnancy issues: heartburn, ligament pain and pre term labor.
best pregnancy issues: Love feeling my little boy move around ... he is very active.
had shower yet:no, I'm not having one ... I'm from the UK and we don't have them there.
do you work:Yes, working from home now I am on bed rest.
have you/when are you taking ML: As close as possible to my due date!
are you going back to work afterwards: yes but would rather stay at home with my little boy.
what have you left to do to be prepared for baby: wash the crib bedding and diapers.
how did your family react: They were thrilled seeing as we'd been trying for so long.
how did df's family react:same as my family
Breastfed/Bottlefed/Both?: Hope to breastfeed.
Cloth/Disposable Diapers?: I'm going to try cloth diapers.
Does DH/DF/BF Get time off? Yes but not sure how much.
Helpful - 0
338963 tn?1253660822
your age:20
partner's age:22
where r u on the map:Hemet, Ca
where r u in preg(effacement, dilation, etc):95%effaced 0 dialated since 12 days ago

# of children:0 1st baby
sex of prev. children:0 babies
EDD:whenever he wants to be born i have a confusing situation
How many babies are you expecting?!:just one
name(s) of new baby:Aiden James
how many babies are you wanting, total:2 or 3
marital status:married
pre-preg hobbies:shopping, movies, dancing, hanging out with my husband  
preg hobbies: Eating, Hanging out with friends lol not too much.. sleeping, cleaning

pre-preg fave foods:sandwiches chips salads olive garden lol
preg fave foods:roast mashpotatoes macaroni and cheese sandwiches apples grapes peaches plums everything oh and pickles..
how are you delivering(midwife, home, dr, hospital):Hospital.by my doctor
how is bf/df/dh/partner reacting now:very very exited
had shower yet:nope and not going to i did it on my own
how'd it go:  
any annoyances(family, friends, in general): yes my husbands family i cant stand them.especially his mother.
do you work:no
have you/when are you taking ML:yes i did about 3months ago but just started getting paid for it.
are you going back to work afterwards:work and school
what have you left to do to be prepared for baby:everything is ready since i was to be due in about 5 days however they moved me way back and ended up in oct again who knows i might still deliver pretty soon.
how are your other children reacting:dont have any
how did your family react:very happy
Helpful - 0
383382 tn?1323487391

your age:33
partner's age:35
where r u on the map: Right outside of Boston
where r u in preg(effacement, dilation, etc):no idea, will hopefully find out tomorrow
# of children: My 2nd DF 1st
sex of prev. children:1 boy,
sex of new baby: Girl
EDD:10/13/2008  Its a Monday not a Friday LOl (everyone askes)
How many babies are you expecting?!: just one
name(s) of new baby: Sarah Ann
how many babies are you wanting, Maybe try for 1 moret
marital status: Engages
pre-preg hobbies:reading, Scrabble and Texas hold'em poker
preg hobbies:same, only add sleepless nights to it!  
pre-preg fave foods: anything Italian
preg fave foods: Cereal, and steak
how are you delivering(midwife, home, dr, hospital):hospital with a dr
how is bf/df/dh/partner reacting now: Excited
had shower yet: Yes 9/6
how'd it go: It was great!  we had alot of fun and got a bunch of really nice things
any annoyances(family, friends, in general)  Work
do you work: Yes unfortuatly,  but i think i'm going to cut down to part time for the next few weeks, the stress is getting to me.
have you/when are you taking ML: My last day is 10/10/08
are you going back to work afterwards: Yes but only part time and not back to my current job.
what have you left to do to be prepared for baby: LOL Just about everything
how are your other children reacting: My son is very excited he cant wait to meet his little sister
how did your family react: Excited and happy for the most part,
how did df's family react: They were very excited, this pregnacy has actually brought me and future sil closer

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Avatar universal
your age:21
partner's age:28
where r u on the map:New York
where r u in preg(effacement, dilation, etc):no idea...should find out soon since Aiden is really low
# of children:this is my first and his second
sex of prev. children:1 boy
sex of new baby:boy
How many babies are you expecting?!:1
name(s) of new baby:Aiden Michael
how many babies are you wanting, total:1
marital status:taken
pre-preg hobbies:sports
preg hobbies:eating and sleeping
pre-preg fave foods:turkey
preg fave foods:ice cream
how are you delivering(midwife, home, dr, hospital):hospital with the midwife if everything goes good
how is bf/df/dh/partner reacting now:happy
had shower yet:nope, this saturday
how'd it go:i don't know yet
any annoyances(family, friends, in general):a lot of things
do you work:no
have you/when are you taking ML:not applicable
are you going back to work afterwards:i'm going back to school
what have you left to do to be prepared for baby:pack n play
how are your other children reacting:he is happy
how did your family react:they are getting use to it
how did df's family react:they were happy
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578434 tn?1243479712
your age:27
partner's age: 29
where r u on the map:San Angelo, TX
where r u in preg(effacement, dilation, etc):no idea, find out Wed.
# of children: #2
sex of prev. children:1 boy (3 1/2 yr old.)
sex of new baby: girl
How many babies are you expecting?!:just one
name(s) of new baby: Sarah Elizabeth
how many babies are you wanting, total: whatever God blesses us with
marital status: Married 7 years
pre-preg hobbies:reading, exercising, baking, cooking, fishing, hunting, crafts, scrapbooking
preg hobbies:SLEEP!, Reading
pre-preg fave foods:Pizza, Mexican Food, Seafood
preg fave foods: Deli Foods like crazy, Cheese, Anything really..
how are you delivering(midwife, home, dr, hospital):hospital with a dr
how is bf/df/dh/partner reacting now: DH was glad, since we had been trying for 8 months..
worse pregnancy issues: non-stop morning sickness, indigestion/hburn, muscle cramps/ligaments
best pregnancy issues: More Movement that last PG, Can keep more food down/eat more food I like!!
had shower yet:nope, this weekend
how'd it go:idk, will let you know!
do you work:Yes, FT
have you/when are you taking ML: 9/26
are you going back to work afterwards:Nope, staying at home with my DChildren
what have you left to do to be prepared for baby: crib mattress, new curtains, new stroller (pink) ;), and Diapers!!!
how are your other children reacting: DS is super happy and excited...I honestly should have waited to tell him because hes SOOO ready...very anxious to see his sissy!
how did your family react: My parents and sister thought I was going to wait till my son was around 5 to have another, but now they are happy because its a girl and on my side fo the family its the only granddaughter!
how did df's family react:MIL/FIN were both happy to hear because they knew we were having a time trying and were even more happy that it was a girl!\
Breastfed/Bottlefed/Both?: Breastfed
Cloth/Disposable Diapers?: Disposable...because I have a really bad gag reflex...lol
Does DH/DF/BF Get time off? Yes, 1 week vacation he will take off....
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503882 tn?1288843037
your age:19
partner's age:20 (not exactly my partner.. but we are going to be working on that)
where r u on the map:Wisconsin :D (I hate the winters though)
where r u in preg(effacement, dilation, etc):Probably nowhere.. lol Ill be 33 weeks this Thursday.
# of children:0 (first baby after 3 miscarriages)
sex of prev. children: I know that one of my miscarriages was a boy.
sex of new baby:boy
How many babies are you expecting?!:just one
name(s) of new baby:Jadyn Alexander
how many babies are you wanting, total:Either 2 or 3.. probably 2 though.
marital status:Single.
pre-preg hobbies:Reading, dancing, partying (I know Im not 21... dont lecture me.)  
preg hobbies: Eating, Hanging out with friends lol not too much.. pretty much mostly working and sleeping.
pre-preg fave foods:Hmm.. Idk Im not TOO picky but I hated peanut butter and pickles and now love both of those things lol
preg fave foods:Peanut butter and jelly, Peanut butter and apples lol, Pickles, Mashed Potatos...hmm.. tuna casserole lol..
how are you delivering(midwife, home, dr, hospital):Hospital. But most likely not my doctor unless im induced or have a c-section.
how is bf/df/dh/partner reacting now:He is actually really excited.. He is coming to help me set up all the baby stuff from my shower on Thursday.
had shower yet:Had it yesterday :D
how'd it go: Awesome!! Had about 35 people.. Got EVERYTHING I need and more.. it was amazing.
any annoyances(family, friends, in general):Work.. People that I work with are so lazy and I end up busting my A** to pick up everyones slack.. and Im the one who should be relaxed.. also I live with my parents and 3 younger sisters and for some reason my sisters all seem to think that anything I own is theirs too.. Anytime I bring home any type of food its gone before I even get any of it... and I just went shopping and bought a 50 dollar sweatshirt.. gone.. and I didnt even get to wear it yet.
do you work:Unfortunantly.
have you/when are you taking ML:Well i get taken off the schedule october 6th (I will be 37 weeks) in case of induction or other things.. but I will probably still pick up my 24 hours up until I deliver so I have enough PTO to supplement when I do take my actual leave.. I get 6 weeks off with the baby but I think Im going to try to find a job closer to home in the meantime so hopefully I will get to take a little more time off.
are you going back to work afterwards:Eventually.. Just not exactly sure when.. If I keep this job around 6 weeks.. and if I get a new job Im not sure.
what have you left to do to be prepared for baby:Wash the rest of his clothes and find somewhere to put them all.. Set up his bouncy, jumper, swing, and crib..
how are your other children reacting:Dont have em.
how did your family react:At first they were sad... Now they are more excited than ever.
how did df's family react:They were happy.. Travis's mom knows about all my miscarriages and stuff and felt really bad about everything I had to go through so she kind of sympathizes with me a little more.
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