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1052015 tn?1253844987

Why is my 3 wk old throwing up?

My baby seems to throw up when I BF. I have been pumping and giving her bottles but at night I just put her on the breast cuz its easier but the past 2 nights she has thrown up 3 times. The reason i went to pumping was cuz she was getting milk to fast and was gettin bad tummy aches. is that whats causing her to vomit also?
6 Responses
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439903 tn?1380137882
I agree Michele, burp every half once or once, it usually calms them too!! The other day I was goingto head to the store but had to feed Bryce first. Well he's eating almost 3oz now and as soon as he was done I changed his diaper. He threw up probably everything he had just eaten. It scared the **** out of me. I was about to run to the er. I checked his temp he was fine and seemed to be feeling fine so I waited a few
minutes and looked it up online... Wait for about 10 15 minutes after then eat to change them and make sure you keep them sitting up right. Basically I squished his little tummy and squeezed everything out of him! He of course was hungry a short time later but since I started doing all of the above and making him slow down when he is eating too fast (burping him even more often) he hasn't thrown up or spit up More then a sips worth since!! Good luck!!
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287246 tn?1318570063
I didn't read all of the comments because I don't have much time.  My little Mary is very demanding :)  Anyway, I suggest trying to burp more often if you don't already.  The baby may be overeating, which can cause them to throw up.  You may also want to try to Mylicon (gas) drops also.  Breastmilk has more glucose in it than formula, so it can cause the babies to be a little more fussy as well.  Oh, and drink tons of water.  That is the very best thing for breastmilk production as far as quality and quantity.  Oh and my 5th child had Acid Reflux and had to be on Prevacid for a while when she was a baby, so that is always a possibility.

But I would also speak w/ your doctor about this as well; espcially if it's projectile vomitting.  Def. worth a call to your doc.

Good luck!!!
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761653 tn?1266271699
So here is the odd thing, after I posted this yesterday, my son threw up last night, probably half of his bottle(2oz), and I'm not sure why... he's never done that before, but last night he did seem to be a bit more fussy than normal so I think that he had a belly ach, because since then he's been fine, slept threw the night (what was left of it), wetting enough diapers, pooing in enough as well... so I'm thinking it was just a belly ach.  

Oh and I would like to add, it was projectial style, I had just layed down in bed and I head the gurgly odd noise, so I got up to cheek on him and he had spit up around the top of his clothes, so I picked him up to change him, he seemed fine.  Well I put him down on my bed so I could unzip him, he was fine, well I got him out of his one outfit and into another.... and that's when it happend, as I'm holding him up, getting ready to lay him back down in his bassient, he litterly shot it at me, and on our bed, my pants and my shirt.... So I had to get DH out of bed to change it, after he'd just fallen alseep, I felt terrible!  But it was a bit comical... Maybe not at the time, but it defintally is now.
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349463 tn?1333571576
I agree with the ladies above and also would like to throw one more thought in there... do you drink a lot of milk? I had to cut back on the dairy because it was making my daughter sick after nursing. Try cutting dairy out all together for one day and see if that night the baby does any better.

Good luck
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761653 tn?1266271699
I agree with Latrice, I would call the doc ASAP because there could be something else wrong.  Have you cheeked her temp.?  Dose she feel fevorish, fussy, is she pulling on an ear?  I mean does she show signs that she could be sick?  Those are all things the doc will ask you when you call him/her.  Also does she always throw up after you feed her or is it only at night?  Cuz that could be a hint as to what's wrong with her.  But I like Latice really don't know my son isn't brestfed, and I've never see him throw up, spit up yes, but never throw up.
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First i would like to say congrats, and i wish you couldve been here during the begining of the forum and gotten to know you, but you had you lilttle one and i guess this is a good start also of getting to know you, Welcomme to the september forum mommies

im not sure, i was reading something that said if baby is getting milk to fast take them off breast and reattach and try to get them to be calm,  i would suggest calling the dr to be on the safe side, you wana make sure she is getting all her nutrients.
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