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Ok ladies, for those who are breastfeeding i need some advice.  Trinity is not latchn on correctly, it hurts very badly, last night i started to bleed when she was sucking.  I saw the lactation consultant and even with her help it was still hurting when she sucked.  So today i let her suck even though it was hurtn now both my nipples are to sore to let breastfeed.  The hospital gave me a can of powdered goodstart just incase i have problems with BF.  Well she will not take the milk, i feel so bad, she is only 1 day old.  So it took me 30 min just to get her to drink one ounce of formula.  My sister is pickn me up a manual breast pump 2mrw(35 dollas).  My nurse left a not for my dr to write a script for a electric pump, the lactation consulatant said i should get something in the mail in a few days if im approved.  Im just wondering if she is use to the colustrum and dont like the milk.  bcuz i was told its easy for them to learn how to suck a bottle but hard to BF.
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761653 tn?1266271699
I actually had the some of the same problems with BFing, that's why I chose to use formula insted, plus Owen got almost all of my colestrom(sp?).  Any who in the hospital he was constenly hungry, and he never seemed satisfied with nursing, I mean he would latch on and off, even if I would switch sides, undress him, tickle his face, feet hands and belly... none of which would help him latch on and/or maintain his latch, and/or keep him fully awake throughout the nursing sesion.  And he was getting frusterated and I was getting upset because I felt like he was going hungry by not getting enough to eat, which frusterated me... not to mention him who spent one night crying for almost an hour before the nurse finally came in to see what was wrong.  And at which point the nurse asked if I minded if they supplimented his feeding, and I said no, go ahead, as long as it will make him quit crying.  So she did and from there out I decided to just continue to formula feed, because there is nothing worse that the thought that you weren't producing enough milk and or you weren't doing enough for you baby.  Plus my nipples were so craked, chaffed, and bleeding that I physically couldn't take it any more, this was after they gave me the lanish(sp) lotion to put on my nipples, but it seemed to make them wose.  

Also Owen didn't have any problems switching from BM to formula and/or taking a bottle over the brest.  So I dunno what to tell you Latrice.
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280369 tn?1316702041
Amberlee....I know how you feel. Usually first time BFing moms have it the hardest, because I sure did. It was a challenge with my first. Everything you described, is exactly what I went through. I did have a pump at the time, but didn't want to use it until he was older. I wish people wouldn't have told me that you can't pump the first 6-8 weeks because your milk supply will diminish. I was so engorged from him not nursing a lot and I was in agony everyday. I know better now! In fact, this time around, I never even got engorged.
Here were my rules when it came to BFing my first son.  Don't stress out, even if it turns into an hour feeding session. If he just nurses, 5 maybe 10 minutes on one side, that will be plenty at first. I would undress my son, change his diaper, and then just nurse him in his diaper so he would be fully awake. I would make sure his mouth was wide open for a good latch and as soon as he would open, I would pull him to my breast. He didn't stay latched long, but then we would try it again until it was a full 5 minutes of actual sucking and nursing. It took a while, but after a couple of weeks of consistency, he finally got it and was nursing in longer intervals with no problems. I was exhausted at the end of 1 session but I really wanted to do what was best for my son and I'm glad I stuck it out. It is tough!! Also, he lost the typical amount of weight for a newborn and but gradually starting gaining again with no issues. So I knew he was getting plenty at the time even though he would barely nurse it seemed like.

I had a similiar issue with the nipple thing, and I think that may have been part of my problem as well. Before I would begin to nurse, I would pull them out until they got a bit harder. I would just gently massage them until they started to come out a bit. You could also try using the pump to pull them out before a feeding. I know they also sell things for inverted nipples to help draw them out, maybe you could try those and see if it at least helps. I'm sure some of the other ladies  can share their experience to help you as well. If you can stick with it, it gets better and is wonderful! But I know it doesn't work out for everyone, but try to stay as positive as possible and just keep thinking that in just a couple of more weeks, things will get better!
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439903 tn?1380137882
I'm having BF problems too. Bryce is 5 days today and is not latching on at all. He will lunge at my nipple and get it in his mouth, suck for a second an then either just open his mouth so it falls out or thrash his head around. He will even just sit there and like lick it and smack at it. I haven't seen a lactation counsler yet but if someone has some advice. I've been pumping so he is still getting BM but I want him to get it by himself and me not have to go and pump every few hours (I am getting about 5oz at the moment which is about 2 to 3 feedings, depending on how soon he gets hungry and how much he eats) plus my nipples aren't hard like they were during pregnancy, they are flat but not inverted. I try not to stress or force him but he gets frustrated quickly when I put him to the breast like after just a few minutes. HELP please... Thank you!!
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TY Chantal
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280369 tn?1316702041
With my first son, I had such awful pain for weeks, even months, and I would have to take an hour for each feeding because, for some reason, he would only latch for about 2 min. at a time. Talk about a hassle. It took him an hour to actually get one nursing session in because he would latch, get off, then I would struggle to get him back on and then he wouldn't be on long again, oh it was frustrating to say the least. BFing is not easy, but definitely very beneficial. With Jesse, it seemed like he knew more than me! lol. He has no problems, thankfully.
The first week is the hardest to get through. Make sure her lips look like duck lips around your nipple when she is sucking. That would be the best latch and will not make you as sore. The initial latch is always very painful and toe curling. If you can get through the first week, it will only get easier from there.

Another thing, when you are trying to BF her, don't stress out. I noticed when I did that, it made it harder and then baby gets stressed out. Just try it and be relaxed. My son has some major suction...and yes it hurt at first. He is just about 2 weeks old now and it's so much easier. I would almost scream at first though and my nipples got so sore, and a little bit cracked. It's work, but if you stick with it, it's so wonderful!!
Having a pump is a great idea as well. I have already pumped and frozen some milk for Jesse. He has no issues with a bottle and then going back to the breast. I started my first son right around 2 weeks with a bottle and he too never had a problem. Some babies can get confused though, so just watch for that. The first bottle I gave Jesse, I think I put almost 2oz in it, he barely drank 1oz and it took him a very long time to get it down. The other day I tried it again and he drank 1oz, but a lot faster this time.

Just remember she is still so new to this world, and things will take time and practice and won't happen overnight. Also, the colostrum is GREAT for her right now and will help clean out her system until your milk comes in. The more you nurse, the better she will get.

Are you putting anything on your nipples to soothe them? I use Lansinoh and it helps tremendously!! It soothed the cracked, dry skin within 2 days and it's nice because you don't have to wipe it off before a feeding.Hang in there!! Maybe pumping once your milk comes in will work better for you if you are still really sore. It's not as painful, so it can give your nips a break!  
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