349463 tn?1333571576

Checking in with everyone how are you feeling?

I've been so busy these last two weeks I haven't had much of a chance to reach out and see how people are doing. So here it goes how are you all feeling? Is the third trimester slowing you down or bringing on any new symptoms? Does anyone have their nursery done yet? What's been going on with all of you?

I had my shower last weekend and it was fun and chaotic all at the same time. Bella is doing great kicking like crazy and I'm pretty sure she's still breech. My next appointment is July 9th and they are going to do a growth scan on her to see if she is measuring big or small. At my last appointment the dr thought she was measuring about 2 weeks behind so who knows. I'm having BH every day now some are really painful, but I have procordia to take if they get closer than 5 minutes. I still haven't even started on her room yet and now it's FULL of baby stuff. I plan on getting going on that today or tomorrow. Oh the worst third trimester complaint is the weight gain! OMG I can't even get on the scale anymore it's just depressing how fast the weight seems to go on now.
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349463 tn?1333571576
I'm so glad to hear that you are all doing well. It seems like we all have the same problems right now with heat and swelling.

It's good to know that I'm not the only one who's got a laundry list of things to get done for the baby. I'm driving my dh crazy. We just got back from American Furniture trying to pick out a desk for the new office. We can't start Bella's room until the office gets moved and can't do that until we have a desk. You get the idea.
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Ladies, glad to hear everyone is doing ok. As far my complaints, my feet are starting to get pretty heavy! I can bearly walk without complaint...i honestly feel like I'm walking on someone else's body. The baby seems to be kicking less but his kicks are A LOT MORE INTENSE NOW, sometimes taking my breath away. UFFFF

We already painted the nursery room this week! THANK GOD. It seemed like it too my uncle for EVER to do the touch up paints throughout the house, build the fourth bedroom in the basement, etc. We are almost DONE! The only thing that's left is the hardwood floors. My DH will be working on that this weekend. We are getting the hardwood throughout the living room and dinning room. We are also schedule to have the carpet cleaned in the baby's room and throughout the house.

The baby's furniture is expected to arrive here soon. My mother-in-law has ordered already......

Other than that Brandon and mommy are doing GREATTT.
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439903 tn?1380137882
Hi ladies!!

I'm so glad to see everyone doing so well!! It's so exciting! Things are great here, the move is taking longer then expected but were pretty much done!! I've been slowing down a lot too and am waddling more with each day, espcially with my nightly trips to the bathroom!! One more week and I will be in the 3rd. Can't think of my next ob appointment date but after that it will be evry 2 weeks! Bryce is head down and very active from about 8 am to about 1 pm and mellow till about 8 pm then for an hour or 2 he's pretty active and then sleeps all night!! From my last appointment I have gained 16lbs, not too bad!  Oh and I got my glucose results back, I didn't get a number but they said they were in the normal range. Thank goodness!!

As for the nursery, minus a few touch ups, and waiting for the bedding, it's done! Have my first baby shower July 11 and the second one July 18. Cannot wait to get all the new goodies and start opening and washing stuff!!

It's getting harder and harder to get comfy at night buy once I fall alseep, I sleep heavy till I have to pee =).  And I've been having to nap during the day too!! I can now feel his body an see the lump of where he is positioned, left or right!! And he knows when daddy is watching the belly or touching it because it's an instant stop!! Vs. I can sit and watch his move like crazy, it's weird how he just knows!!

Other then that, things are just flying by and are great!! I get another u/s next Wednesday, think it's my last one! We will see, take care ladies!

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507875 tn?1423160261
Hey My Preggo Buddies!

I am starting to feel myself slowing down and like Stacey, the heat is not helping...today it may reach 97 and a heat index over 100!!! Because of all of this excessive heat, my feet and ankles have started to swell...that seems to be my only new symptom. I still suffer from the occassional nausea wave, but not as bad as before.

My nursery is not complete. We had to do some basement work first to switch the rooms around and will probably paint the room the second weekend in July. My shower is scheduled for August 1st! I am so excited!!!

My pumpkin is already head down and I pray she doesn't change positions...she is very active and loves music!!! My next appointment is on June 30th and after that I will be going every week...So far I have gained about 12 lbs (that ws as of my last appointment) I think that number will change a great deal when I go in for my appointment on Tuesday...I feel heavier! LOL

I am looking to schedule my birthing class and breastfeeding class between this week and next week and I also plan on scheduling a tour of the hospital L&D floor...

That's it for now!
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473246 tn?1293833673
Hey NicMom!

I'm feeling good but definitely slowing down.  The heat is also affecting me with headaches and the slowness.  I have not yet had any swelling (knock on wood!).  The new symptom I had last week was bad rib pain...ouch!  I couldn't even wear a bra.

Is everyone going to their OBGYNs every 2 weeks now?  I had my appt yesterday.  Blood pressure is good, passed glucose test (yay!) and baby is head down.  As I mentioned in my other post my c-section is booked for Aug 12 - so excited!

However, I agree with you on the weight gain!  My appt 2 weeks ago showed I actually lost 1 pound.  Well, yesterday, it showed I gained 5 pounds from 2 weeks ago!  WTF???  Aside from a few ice cream cones :) I have not really changed my diet or excercise.  I thought I was doing ok!  Total weight gain is now 25 pounds...."gulp!"

Mentally and emotionally I am ok.  I wake up thinkng about all the stuff DH and I have to do and when he wakes up I bombard him with everything.  I am probably driving him crazy!  But I also find that I cannot focus.  Work is difficult because I would much rather be thinking about my baby and all that comes with it.

That's all for the moment!
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Hey nicmom:  I have noticed im starting to move a lot slower and activities like the movies etc. is becoming less appealing.  My shower is not until july 26th, im sending the invitations out today, and i have to meet with the manange of the hall july 15th with a a head count, meal menu etc.

  The nursery was suppose to be painted last weekend but was postponed, so it will be done this weekend, the changing table is already put together, the bed needs to be put 2gether once room painted.

As far as wt gain, i think i burn off much of that at work (i work 12hour shifts at hospital and 8 hour shifts at nursing home) so im doing a lot of walking, sometimes fast pace walking when a code is called.

Im hoping to get a 3d/4d u/s b4 the babyshower, im curious to no how the baby is positioned, i do notice that i feel kicks or punches below my pubic hairline,

I still have a lot to do also, all the donated clothes i got, i have to wash them:(  i am glad that they are separted already by size:), i ll wash once bed and dressor is up.
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