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566175 tn?1278430472

Dr. appt today (14.3 weeks) and I am so confused...

So as most of you know, at the 12 week ultrasound, the maternal fetal specialist dr. predicted a girl, and "possibly a boy" based on the angle of the genital tubercle.  The two definitely looked different.  So we thought he was correct.

Today, at 14.3 weeks, I had an ultrasound done by an u/s tech at my routine ob appt.  The tech said she doesn't like to make guesses this early, but also said she "disagreed" with the original prediction, and stated "I don't see ANY boy parts."  So she left the room.  My hubby stared at each other like, okay maybe two girls then?!?!

Then, the dr. came in and I asked her to look.  She said sure!  She only looked for a minute, and several times she said, "I think you're having two boys."  She thought Twin A was definitely a boy, and Twin B looked like a boy too but don't hold her to that just yet.

Ahhh,  I am so confused.  I go back in two weeks, so they can show my hubby how to give me progesterone injections (once weekly starting at 16 weeks, as a preventive measure against premature labor.)  At that time, they are going to try to peek again for me.

The main thing is, they appear healthy.  And regardless of the gender, I am already deeply in love with them.  

Just wandering what you girls think?  I'm looking for your opinions here, and not necessarily "it's not predictible this early."  I already know it's mostly guesswork at this point, not down to an exact science, obviously.  But based on my story, what do you guys think?  

I'm putting this as a poll, because I thought it would be fun, (we don't get many polls on here.)  And this way, some of you may want to make your selection anonymously.   Comments are also welcome.  Thanks, everyone for listening to me vent.    

22 Responses
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I think at least one girl - I trust what the maternal fetal specialist said.  When we had the 12 week ultrasound our MF doc was doing a study if they could predict gender at 90% so I think they are pretty accurate.  They were very correct with our dd!!  Did you get a picture? I still have my dd's and I could post it if you want to compare notes!  Let me know!
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Im not sure if that is true about boys distant them selves from mothers. I think its how the kids are raised and what matters to them. Growing up we were taught no matter what Family is important and you need family. I am 32, i have two sisters age 29 26 and two brothers age 24 22. We have family night once a week at my parents house, sometimes more. We also have gatherings once a month on my mother side of the family. I am just as close to my mother as i am to my father.  Me and my son have a very strong bond and he knows family is important. He will be 14 this july, me and his dad is not together but he goes over there every weekend. I had a talk with him and told him since he is becoming a teenager and pretty son will be a young man would he like to stay with his dad and he could come home every weekend. For whatever reasons, he does not want to do that, and not to add his half brother lives in atlanta and he will be 14 in november he is coming to stay with there dad for a year, my son loves his half brothers and sisters to death, i said well would you at least like to stay with him for the year your brother is here, he said nope, i will see both of them on the weekend.

My fear was having a girl, bcuz of all the things girls have to go threw, me myself i would love all boys, but now it does not matter what i have, as long as its healthy, i just have to work a little harder if its a girl.

Like i said on your other post, i pray that you are having 2 GIRLS even though it seems as if everyone has been having boys so far this year, mayb you will be the one in our forum for the PINK TEAM:)

Therese i thought i wanted a big family to, i was 19 with my first and the pregnancy went fine, heck i was young and very active only remember labor being hard.  NOW 14 years later, to even think about another one after this one, i would need another gap inbetween for this pregnancy has been ruff and im sure i would forget it:)
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566175 tn?1278430472
Yea, twins, i know.  At first, I wasn't exactly thrilled about adding two more instead of one.  I hadn't planned to quit work but now I am forced to consider it.  And then I got to thinking, well at least my chances are better of getting a girl out of this, so thinking that way had gotten my hopes up.  And it made the thought of quitting work seem more fun.  

And i must say this whole weekend i feel like somebody has taken the float out of my boat.  My heart has felt sad and I do not want to feel this way.  I know I will love them regardless.  But i just need to find some peace inside my heart right now.  I am just sad at the possibility that I may never get my girl and I just have this fear of two boys being so much harder.  And so much more of the same.  As boys grow up, they distance themselves from the mother.  Girls are more relaxed, more cuddly and loving, and as they grow into young adults we could go shopping together and all that fun stuff.  I see little girls and all the frilly stuff and it just makes my heart melt.

A friend of mine had twin boys and I went to walmart with them one day.  The boys took off running in different directions and hiding in the clothes racks.  It was awful.  She went on to have a total of 5 boys after that.  And I always felt so sorry for her.

*chokes back a tear today*

Thanks again everybody, for listening to me vent.  You're all the greatest and I appreciate that y'all are trying to make me feel better.  I really appreciate your support.  The next few weeks waiting on my next u/s is going to kill me.

Like I said, I don't want to feel this way, I wish I could be happier about this!  I must sound like an awful mom.  Please pray for me to find some peace with this no matter what the outcome is!
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287246 tn?1318570063
I have no idea, but I wanted to tell you that I am so very glad things are going well and that they are both healthy (whatever gender they are).  LOL!  This will be a great story to tell them one day, about how they were giving you trouble before they were even born!!  Ha ha!!!
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99457 tn?1321878677
hmm can i guess too. My hubby and i had a laugh about this we sadly think two boys lol. It just makes sense that it will be boys, however i am crossing my fingers and toes for you to join the pink team with me. As you said doesnt matter as long as they are healthy. WOW i dont know how you can do it, twins im having enough trouble carying one, i always said that i would like 5 children now i think maybe just one or two with a big enough gap in between that i can forget everything that went wrong through this prenancy.
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566175 tn?1278430472
Murphy's Law ~ anything that can go wrong will go wrong.   AHHH the story of my life.  I am generally not a lucky person, that's for sure.  BUT at least they appear healthy, and I have been blessed with healthy children so far, that's for sure, THANK THE LORD. =)
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178698 tn?1228774338
You're funny!   I say that Murphy's Law will kick into play on this and you'll end up with 5 boys!  Geez could you imagine!?    Who knows....I guess you will  just have to suck it up and wait it out until they can tell for sure!!  Hang in there!
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I say two girls because the u/s techs seem to always know more than the docs. hahahaha. They see so many!!!
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566175 tn?1278430472
LOL, okay girls, I hope we're all correct that there is at least one girl in there.  This has turned out to be tooo funny.  My gut tells me I should go with the obgyn though.  Deep down, I think I was destined only to produce boys.  ho hummm.......................  I really will be okay with it though, once I know for sure.  It's just a matter of being confused and frustrated right now because I have been told so many different things! I must admit I am still holding out a little hope for a girl though.

Pookie, I had preterm deliveries (32-36 weeks) with all my past pregnancies. And with twins (as you know) it can be even more of a concern. The drop in progesterone is one of the things that can cause you to deliver prematurely.  So the new "preventive measure" is to try to keep my progesterone up until about 35 weeks.
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I voted to go with the fetal specialist' guesses.  

My prenatal specialist told me it is possible to tell that early but he could only do so with about 80% certainty, and that was by one of the top 10 doctors in the country (Germany)!  I do not think that my normal doctor would have necessarily been able to tell at that early time frame because she isnt as skilled/trained as he is, nor is her ultrasound equipment as good...and I think the ability to tell at that time is dependant on those two things.

But I think it is strange that all three had such different opinions.  that would drive me nuts too!

why do you have to have prog shots?
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507875 tn?1423160261
LOL Nic...it's all a guessing game!

I voted two girls just because I am always rooting for the PINK TEAM!!! You need some more estrogen in your household!! Can't wait for you to find out!!!

BTW Advice for the prog shots...use ice to numbe the area before the shot and put a warm/hot towel on the area right after the injection...doesn't hurt as bad!!!
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349463 tn?1333571576
I think it's funny that we all don't trust the word of the OB.
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I say two girls, I'm having this weird feeling it will be two girls!
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566175 tn?1278430472
LOL  I think yall are just trying to make me feel better.  hahaha  I'll tell you one thing, the parts the dr was referring to as boy parts looked more like an upward pointing triangle.  The parts eventually look more like "turtles" with a head sticking out if it's a boy.  14 weeks is just so early to tell and it's driving me nuts-o.  I am such a control freak.  LOL  And I hate not knowing for sure.  
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562884 tn?1279632334
Well I still think it is a huge gamble to rely 100% on the measuring of the tubercle, but I think it is more accurate than a 14 week u/s. Only b/c at this point they are looking at the "parts" which are still developing and still are indifferent ~ It's actually called an indifferent penis at this point boy or girl. I would say by 16 weeks for sure you will be able to have a more acurate guess! I told you if you need me to come slap the tech for you that says 2 boys I will! LOL I can't wait to see in 2 weeks, I know you are going NUTS!!!
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473246 tn?1293833673
I'm gonna go with a boy and a girl.  After seeing the boy parts on the u/s myself, there is no way you can miss those!  So I think if your Dr said "definitely" a boy, not sure how that could be a mistake.  With the other one, if she didn't get a clear view then it could be difficult but I'm going to say girl :)

It's so fun trying to figure out!!  I look forward to finding out the definite answer soon!
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486867 tn?1307139011
I'm going with what the ultrasound tech told you today. Two girls : )
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210400 tn?1325380570
I felt like guessing so I said 2 girls... :)
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Well i guess you will tell us  a definite later in the pregnancy. Im not one for guessing bcuz it is a 50/50 guess on both ends of the doctors, my cuzn seen a maternal specialist and he said she was having a girl, the testicles jus blossomed a little later down the line. Since you have 3 boys im going to say i hope you get 2 girls, its already a lot of testerone in the house, need some extra estrogen in the home:)  
But im glad to hear the babies are healthy:)
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594189 tn?1386916607
I figured maternal fetal specialist dr. because they seem to specialize in this. But I really don't know.
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566175 tn?1278430472
I voted myself. =) My hubby thinks the dr. acted unsure about the second one being a boy.  He thinks most likely it's one of each because the twins obviously had different looking "parts" at the 12 week u/s. And the prediction at 12 weeks is supposed to be 80-90% accurate.

Please chime in, folks! Feel free to take a guess,  Just for the fun of it!
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143123 tn?1274300825
I have no idea...so I'm not voting.  I just wanted to tell you I'm so happy things are going so great with you!!!  I will share this, I went for an early u/s on the side and tech said it was definitely a girl...baby was moving around so much (thanks to the caffeine) and he didn't think he saw any boy parts.  Well, you know how that went...I'm having a BOY!!!  This was at 15w6d.  I went again to another tech on 16 weeks and saw BOY!  
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