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Has anyone started off breastfeeding then switched to formula?

BF is takn so much out of me im ready to switch 2 formula. i am pumping then  gvn her the breastmilk threw the bottle, i may nurse her 3-4 times a day, its jus so hard 4 her 2 get full when nursing, she is consuming 3-4oz a feeding, she is 9 1/2 lbs as of today, dr said she is content with her wt but wants her to gain more since she is a BF baby.  i only have 10 feedings that are frozen, and wondering how i will store enough for when i go bac 2 work since im gvn her the pumped milk, n its 2 hard 2 pump evry 2-3 hours. any suggestions:(  i jus feel so burnt out.
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TY so much for your responses, again, i would not no what i would do had i never found this site, this site was such a help when i had my m/c, me ttc, getting preggo and now here for me during this time.

I really was feeling bad, then you here the LC say well you should jus keep up with it, its the best for the baby, well some women can do it and some cant.  I have to go back to work in less than six weeks, i will be going in for an inservice that is manatory this thursday, (wow, they didnt even care that i had a baby 2 weeks ago, told me i HAD to come) and this time i will ask about if i will be able to pump at work.

I will continue to pump and give breast milk in the bottle, i have been supplementing with formula at night, i have been using the nestle good start, gentle formula.

I guess i can say we all did are best and shud not feel bad, i am slowly starting not to feel  as bad.  I ask myself why do i feel so bad and i didnt even BF my first baby, and he is a healthy 14yr old, the stress we put are selves threw
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473246 tn?1293833673
Hi Ladies,

So many of us dealing with similar challenges!!  Great info from everyone!

I have found the whole feeding thing the most challenging by far.  Jake is almost 8 weeks and I just started to supplement with formula once a day, soon to be twice a day - I'm using Nestle Good Start as I have heard great things.  Jake is now 9lbs and takes 3 to 4 ozs per feeding (7-8 times per day).  I am now pumping about 4 bottles per day, breast feeding twice and supplementing with 1 or 2 bottles of formula at night.  He is an "inefficient" feeder so he was taking almost an hour to breast feed but was fast with the bottle which is what led me to continue pumping and bottle feeding - and the pain of breast feeding OMG.  He was in the NICU for the first week and I was pumping that whole first week and got used to it so I find it works really well but it is challenging finding the time to do it!!

However I still find with breastmilk Jake was spitting up a TON and had bad gas pains...all the time.  This prompted me to try the formula a few days ago although it has not made much of a difference.  I think the spit up and gas is just something he needs to grow out of.  I have tried Oval and Gripe water with no luck along with different positions, burping, etc etc.

At the end of the day we need to do what is best for us and our babies.  If BF does not work don't feel badly.  You tried and there are very good formulas and I have known many children who were not breast fed (including myself!!) and we have all turned out fine.  As long as your little one is tolerating the food and gaining weight that is most important...along with both of you being happy and not stressed!!

Stacey :)
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195469 tn?1388322888
No mother should ever beat herself up, if BF doesn't work out.  With today's ladies, dealing with jobs, the household and a new baby, is much more than our ancestors had to deal with.  You've done a great job for your baby, even if you only BF for a few days.  You gave your baby the best.  Be assured of that.

Many, many years ago, there was not formula available and many women suffered through terrible pain while breast feeding.  It is true that your nipples toughen up over time and breast feeding does become easier.  When I was pregnant, my OB told me to massage and pull on my nipples every day in the last month of pregnancy, to toughen up my nipples.  He said that breast feeding would be easier.  

Both of my kids lost interest in breast feeding very early on.  I certainly had more than enough milk to feed both of them.  My grandmother told me that babies have to work harder at the breast than bottle feeding, that's why she told me not to supplement with a bottle.  I tried to do what she said, since she breast fed both of her babies up to two years.  If she could do it, I could do it.  I tried, but wasn't successful.  Breast-feeding is exhausting.  It seemed that no sooner had I fed my babies, got them changed and put them back to bed, they wanted more.  I was never getting any sleep.

My milk supply started to diminish and I was forced to start them on formula.  I felt bad, but I knew that I had done the very best I could.  I gave them the antibodies they needed, in the first few weeks.  I commend mother's that seem to have little trouble BFing.  My hats are off to them.  I just wasn't one of those mother's.

When I contacted a lactation specialist, she said that my breasts were very large and because of that fact, had a very flat nipple.  My babies couldn't latch on like they needed to.  She instructed me to squeeze my breast to make more of a "cone shape" at the end, so the babies could latch on better.  I have to admit, that it was tiring to hold the weight of my breast and hold the baby up to the breast all at the same time.

I used to beat mysefl up, for giving up on breast feeding.  Of course, I know that if I lived in the days, where no formua was available, I would have had to endure with the BFing.  I would have had no choice.  My babies would have starved. Or have to be given very stomach powerful cow's milk, which would have been the only thing available.  My grandmother told me that in her day, when a woman died during childbirth, they would find women in the community that were called "nurse maids."  Lactating women that would take over the job of feeding the newborns.  It was common practice.

We are lucky we live in a day, where formula is broken down into small particles for the baby to easily digest, rather than the first formula's of years ago.  My son was a huge spitter and use to spit up chunks of formula at one time.  Wow, did it stink.  I think you all can identify with that.  He's a healthy 6'5" man now, so I guess I didn't do so bad afterall.

As long as your babies are getting the nourishment they need, be satisfied with that and not dwell on what you think are your breast feeding "failures."  You didn't fail, you did the very best you could.

Big Mommie Hugs to all of you that gave it your best shot.  You love your babies the same, whether they are at the breast or drinking their nourishment out of a bottle.

Much Mommie love and Sisterhood.

from the MS Forum  
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439903 tn?1380137882
Latrice, thank you for posting this question!! I feel so guilty but Bryce has to eat, today is day two of formula. I'm just not making enough milk. I was averaging 8 to 9 feedings a day while pumping, I ran out last night and fed him the last one. The only thing that is hard now is his tummy is having a hard time adjusting. He has spit up everything after each feeding except the last 3 feedings. I freaked out yesterday after the 2nd time he did it and started crying. I was about to rush to the er but Jason calmed me down and had me call the open peds office. We started to do what they said (burping a lot more and not laying him down after eating) and that seemed to help. Plus we changed his formula from the enfimil lipil to nestle good start and he loves it. (he made faces the entire time while eating the enfimil) anyway, long story short, I am so glad that I am not the only one. I was secretly upset yesterday at church, we go to the infant room now and there where 2 mothers bfing, one baby not much older then Bryce an one that was 4 months. I said to myself, I want to be that mom giving my son the best, but I can't and I feel bad.
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I made it 4 weeks until my milk supply gave out.  Plus, I think my BP med was causing issues.  It's taken us about a week to finally get used to formula.  Be proud of what you have been able to do, that;s what everyone, including my doctor and husband, have said.
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761653 tn?1266271699
I agree with everyone!!!  You should be proud of how far you've come, I mean your little one is two weeks old and you've been able to give her breast milk until this point, and even if you quit now, you know that you've given her the best starting out.  Sorry I don't really have more to say, cuz I choose not to BF, but kodos to everyone who have kept it up this long!  But I'm going to say this as well, formula feeding isn't the BEST way to given your baby what it needs(I know BFing is) BUT that will get the same nutritional componants of it, maybe not all of the antiboides and such, but you're still providing for your baby all of the same.  So you shouldn't feel about your choice, and like I had to keep telling myself, you are a great mother all the same!!  So good luck and I hope that everything turns out better with what ever choice you do make!
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715930 tn?1338722436
Latrice, I agree with Nicmom.  My ped said I had done a great thing for my baby even to BF him this long.

I had BF problems from the start.  After I got over a case of horrible damaged nipples DS decided he did not want to latch.  It took me a few days to come to terms with the idea of switching to formula.  I had my heart set on BF but sometimes it's just not worth the pain and suffering.  I created a plan with my LC that seems to be working.  I am pumping 6x daily, knowing that won't be enough for DS, and feeding him 1-2 bottles of forumla/day to supplement.  (6x is the max I find reasonable, Ari, I just couldn't do 8 either.)  I will taper off slowly over the next while and see how it goes.  But it does feel great to have accepted the formula because now I don't mind the pumping and am sure DS is getting what he needs, no more stressing over supply.

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349463 tn?1333571576
Latrice I think you should be really proud of yourself for making it through the first few weeks even if you have to quit now. I heard the same thing from my pediatrician that the first 6 weeks are the most important.
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TY ladies so much i was feeling so bad, once i go bac to workk i dont think i will b able to nurse and pump like crazy. jus feels good to no that im not alone
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719902 tn?1334165183
Latrice, I was in pretty much the same position.  BFing is so hard!  Not to mention time-consuming, and then we're suposed to pump in between?!?  

When I went back to work @ six weeks, I had only about 12 4-ounce bottles in the freezer.  By the end of the week, I was supplementing with formula.  Now, at 2 months old, my son is getting only a few ounces of breastmilk a day (which I have to pump- he is no longer interested in nursing.)

I do feel sad, because I had high hopes of BFing for at least six months, and it was more like 6 weeks.  Still, I know that this was the most important time for my baby to get breastmilk!  Be proud of what you've done already!

BTW,@ his 2 month check-up, I told the doc he was getting just a few ounces of breast milk each day and she said "Don't; quit! Some is always better than none."  So I am going to try to continue.  I have cut back to pumping only twice a day, and I don't even leak anymore.  

Good luck!!  Try not to feel guilty if you have to supplement, just be proud of what you have given him already. = )
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507875 tn?1423160261
I am down to nursing at bedtime...my milk was not coming in and she has been on formula since she came home....
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558787 tn?1327785288
Hi, i have gone on to formula at night and breast during the day. It has helped me and Zac so much, plus he sleeps longer on formula.
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Girl we are on the same boat. Baby Brandon is killing my ts! LOL. He is eating so much I can barely keep up with him. When i spoke to the lactation consultant she said pumping should be done at least 8 times per day which i find to be crazy. Giving the baby formula as supplement isn't bad so if she still hungry you can give her some formula after breatmilk to tap her off. I hope this helps.
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