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Checking in on Sept Mommies

Just checking to see how everyone is doing and holding up?  Any appts coming up?

My computer has been acting up and i need to get it checked out, so if you dont see me thats why, im using my sister's i phone right now lol.  I must say, it feels like i have a lot to do, my house is still a mess and i need to store these clothes that are 18month-2T away.  We are waiting for a part that was missing to put together the dressor.  My son is back home from spending the summer at his dads and he starts school 2mrw, so i have been out yesterday buying uniforms and school supplies (hes going to 9th grade, i feel so emotional, he is growing up so fast)

My 35th weeks apppt is friday, Dr said she will check to see if baby is head down, i am convienced she is transverse, it feels like she attempts to try and turn but it doesnt work.  I must admitt, i am feeling very miserable these days, cant sleep, get short of breath after walking less than a 100 feet, I am so ready to deliver. 6 weeks seem so far away.

I hope everyone is doing great, especially our mommies that are on bedrest, hang in there.
12 Responses
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349463 tn?1333571576
I loved reading all your updates! Thanks Latrice for putting up this post. So I'm 35 weeks and they think I'll go any day now. I know it's a month early, but I'm so ready. I think pregnancy in the summer is the pits! Plus add in all this crazy weather and it's no wonder most of us are ready to delivery in August.

Even as I type I'm timing contractions. It's hard to belive this pregnancy is almost over. I have to say the September moms have been amazing!
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251790 tn?1317312867
I think I'm right there with all of you.   I am working right up until I deliver so no rest for me :(  oh well it will help time pass by I hope.  Hang in there girls......I am trying to enjoy the last of my pregnancy seems how I plan for this to be my last.  I am getting pretty impatient tho. He he!
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715930 tn?1338722436
I just heard the average first baby is TEN days late...all I can say is, OMG.  He already feels so big, that would make it 6 more weeks!  
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408901 tn?1274687198
Im 35 weeks complete today, stepping into the begin of 36th week tomo, LOL! My last appt on Fri-7th Aug, my Dr confirmed that my baby is in head down position and weighs about 2.7-2.9 kgs.U know, I put on 2.5 kgs in 2 weeks time ..Errrrr...she said the swollen feet add to the contribution! My feet are FAT by lunch hour and by the time i get back home from work, they are as fat as an elephants'. one day i tried the warm water soak & made it worse!
Yup i too have had terrible nausea this weekend and throwing up of almost all that went in!It reminded me of the 1st trimester.I must say pregnancy INDEED is v challenging,heheh but all say "worth" the pain.
I have my 36th week scan n swap to check GBS on 20th Aug.Thrilled abt the scan, to get to see my baby:-) :-) WOW! scared abt the vaginal swap, so the Dr said think positive and enjoy the experience of motherhood.Yup, I need to prepare myself to push the watermelon size baby out into this world in my arms :-)
I cant believe, in about 4 weeks time my baby will be in my arms & will give me a bran new identity of being a 'MOTHER'...amazing..Gods creation indeed is unbeatable.
Hang on ladies, our meeting with the life inside us is just round the corner!

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210400 tn?1325380570
I'm about the same...wondering how many of us are actually going to make it to September lol. :)
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Well, I"m 38 weeks per my doc, 37 weeks per my count.  I"m so ready to be done with being pregnant.  Not saying that I haven't had an easy pregnancy, I'm just done!  Baby was measuring 6 lbs and a few ounces almost 2 weeks ago.  I'm not dilated at all, and he hasn't said if I was effaced at all.  I gained 6 lbs in 3 weeks, but my BP is fine, so he's not worried.  My OB keeps telling me that the baby will probably 7 or so lbs at birth.  Yeah right!  My nephew was 3 days late and he was 9 and half lbs!  Almost my entire family is coming down around the week of August 24th, and I would really like to have my little one by then.  Oh, but then I have my inlaws, who are going on vacation August 15-21 (yeah, I have no clue who picked that week, knowing my due date was in August), well my FIL keeps telling me to keep my legs crossed that week, so I don't ruin their vacation.  I would love to be able to sleep in and get some actual rest, but my disability won't start until I actually go into labor, or the doc puts me on disability!  So, I'm working until August 21st, it looks like!  Did I mention that I am so done!  My feet are swollen constantly, and I've had diarrhea (sorry, TMI) and nausea for the past 3-4 days (not sure if it's from my antibiotic for my UTI).  I hope when I go this week I'm dilated even a little.  I've had pain down there all this weekend, but no contractions that I know of yet!  I agree with Ari, I think we need to call our Congressmen and women and talk about FMLA!
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Ladies, I am 35 wks and getting over being pregnant. I am so tired and exhausted it's not even funny. Work is kicking my a$$ and I swear everyone wants everything TODAY or done by tomorrow. It really ***** b/c I wish I was home chilling and sleeping and trying to recoperate some energy for this big marathon I have coming in the next few weeks. My due date is 9/12 and I don't think I can make it that long. I am HUGE or feel huge.....I swear I think this baby weighs like 8lbs already. I think I just going to work til the end of the month and take early FMLA. I really didn't want to but having to drive 45 mins to work each way is really getting to me. I wish the new President would upgrade the FMLA program to like 16 weeks instead of 6-8 weeks. LOL. Pregnant women should be allow to take off as early as 36 weeks to get ready for the big day. Shout I may write my Congressman on this one. hahhahehhhahe LOL

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473246 tn?1293833673
Hi Ladies.  I can't believe it but my c-section is Wednesday.....that is 2 days!!  I will be 36 weeks and 5 days.  So, I am nervous and excited.  I feel like I am really big and will post some last belly pics tomorrow.  Timing is good because I am starting to get uncomfortable.  I am thankful this is coming to an end....or the beginning as I should say! :)  I'll check in tomorrow and will then update when I am home from the hospital!
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507875 tn?1423160261
Hello ladies...I am doing pretty well aside from the same aches and pains mentioned above...I am also very sleepy. My back and rib cage ache like there is no tomorrow....I feel like I swallowed a watermelon! Feet swollen again because of the 90degree weather here...hmmm...third trimester...not much fun...

On the flipside...I am almost done with MaKayla's room! It looks so beautiful! I will post pics as soon as I have applied the little butterflies on her wall! I am so excited to meet her....next appointmnet on tomorrow 08/11!!

Have a great day ladies!
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439903 tn?1380137882
Hi ladies, same complaints here, can't sleep, loss of breath after a short distance. Tomorrow we will have 6 weeks left till we meet Bryce. I have been pregnant for one year (of course I had 3 months off last oct. Nov. Dec. But at the end of this month it will be a year with those 3 months added) and I'm over it!!!! I'm so tired of drinking a gallon a day, it's getting so hard with each day.

Oh but guess what, yesterday there was a baby expo here in town and they were giving away free 4d u/s, basically a sample, if you wanted pictures you had to pay for them. But anyway, we seen Bryce!!!! He looks like he has my lips and daddys nose, just like Aidyn. And she showed us his feet, they're HUGE!!!! And he has really long legs.

We can't wait to meet him.   Rrrrrrrrrrgggggggg.  43 days to go
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715930 tn?1338722436
Two days ago I started having bad pubic pain--I think he shifted or something because every time I move or walk the front of my pelvis hurts.  And now there's ALWAYS an appt. coming up it seems!  Tuesday I have an appt., child care class, and "consultation" with the hospital to fill out paperwork.  Five more weeks--still have a lot to do but getting there bit by bit.
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691102 tn?1252876375
Hi ya, i am 37 weeks today and am so over being pregnant. I just to hurry up and have this baby and see what it is.
I honestly thought something was going to happen yesterday as i had cramps and pressure down there. I know babies head is down as last week when i went to my midwife she babies head is down 3/5ths of the way and the week before that it was 2/5ths so it'll be interesting to see in 2 days when i go see her again whether it's head is down anymore.
I too am like you, i can't sleep very well and just wish bubs would hurry up :0)
Anyway hope everyone else is feeling better than me lol.
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