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Quick Question.

Are there any mothers who didn't get any vaccines or immunization shota for their babie's? I'm being looked at horribly & down graded because of it. But, in my opinion there's too many risks that come along with it & plus I am of a different religion.
29 Responses
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10798067 tn?1431550433
I totally think all babies should have their immunisations,you have to take other peoples children into consideration too..im in ireland and no child here will be accepted to any creche or without them and rightly so because it puts every other child at risk
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I get my children vaccinated im in canada and they will act deni  your child from schook if not vaccinated.  my cousin who lives down south in the USA dosent  get her 3  boys vaccinated.   Boy let me tell you.  I had never seen such heart ache when i was talking to her on the phone and she sent me a video of her 2 yr old with whooping cough. . :(    also she incounters alot more illness then most households  examples chicken pox, whooping cough,  Scarlett fever . Her 2  older ones actually got hand foot month disease..  they risk the long term if not deathly outcome. .  May i ask why your so against it when its .00000000000001% outta zillion to get a side effect when you can prevent all of it from happening To your child
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I don't believe anyone is wrong. Vaccinating goes bout ways. I believe they do help because lots of disease like chicken pox are rarely heard of. But I do believe the CDC lie to us about New disease the vaccines cause. Like every year there is a new killer flu. Aids is effecting one race more then the other. I believe they could use more stuff from the earth to cure us but they wanted make as much money off us then. Like the women who said by breastfeeding her child she will pass a lot of antibiotics to her child which is true. Which is better then medicine from the store where antibiotics are given to offend. Anytime my daughter gets sick the daughter only recommend medicine for pain and fever. Not medicine for coughing or running nose cause thats our bodies fighting whatever illness we have.
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I didn't mean for an arguement to start. However I will not get my son vaccinated. I believe children that young shouldn't be exposed to so many chemicals. Everyone haa different beliefs. But mine will stay. Sorry. & I hope my son doesn't go to school or run into any of your children. I don't want to have to deal with biased mothers!
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Thanks RockRose... sone information that actually makes sense. Uve put my mind at ease. Merry Christmas.x
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I agree with Kirah_93. Also, did no one else see this year about the doctor who worked for the CDC and admitted that he was forced to lie about his study that linked the MMR shot given to African American boys under 36 months with a higher incidence of autism? If that one doctor was forced to lie about that one study, how many more lies have they told. And this was a main stream media story. And yes, my pediatrician with a military background is totally fine with me not vaccinating after candid discussions with her. I don't care if you want to vaccinate your children, that's your choice. I'm exercising my choice. No hard feelings on my end!
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Yes rose it was awful that we had to be that 7 out of 100,000 :-( after we stopped vaccinating we had no other seizures.
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The ignorance.... Vaccinate your child to protect them.  There is ZERO scientific facts that link vaccinations to autism. It's a theory.
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13167 tn?1327194124
ak - the medical community does recognize a link between the DTP vaccine and febrile seizures.    I'm sure you know this,  but somewhere around 7 in 100,000 children who receive the DTP will have a seizure shortly afterwards - and so you're wise to not give your child more boosters.  I think anyone would think that was a rational decision on your part - you know what happens to your child with the vaccine.
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My 3 year old son had 2 seizures as a side effect to the DTP vaccine. Both times it was after the vaccine. One at 6 months and one at 14 months. Look up the side effects and seizures is one of them. As a result his pediatrician agreed we should stop the vaccines and I even got a certificate of exemption from the state to give to schools, etc. I learned that the hard way. And I decided they are not worth the side effects (some include deafness or death). The way I see it if others are worried about being around my children, then they can just home school their kids.
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8961294 tn?1404176667
I'm not going to give my newborn vaccinations. As long as I'm breastfeeding him, he'll get my immunities. I'll get him his vaccinations after he's weaned, before elementary school, and spaced far apart.
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When children start going to a school don't they have to have their vaccinations done? I remember back in the day when I was little I had to have already been to the doctors and give them my information...
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Im getting my baby shots but i want them spreaded out . I believe when they come back to back to back thats when a problem with health occurs .
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Lol vaccinations cut the risk of SIDS in half. FACT. Kiera....you are 21 years old. You don't even work in healthcare. You are probably a cashier at Wal-Mart. Sorry but it's true. You are jot a healthcare professional and all you have is access to google. You've never watched a child struggle for breath and die in their parents arms from whooping cough. You've never seen a child suffer hallucinations from having such a high fever from chicken pox that they obtained brain damage. And you certainly have never taken care of a crying mother whose child died from a preventable disease because she chose not to vaccinate.n you are barely out of high school and guarantee don't work nor have never even worked in healthcare. I am tired of hearing your crazy rants. We get it. You don't vaccinate. Good for you. Like I said in the other post to you...hopefully nothing happens to your children and sadly if it does hopefully you can live with yourself knowing you could have prevented your child's death. Your facts are off...your research is done from the internet and like I said....you are jot a healthcare worker....do not work in the medical field I'm sure....and have never seen what happens when a child isn't vaccinated. When you've grown up and seen what other people have seen...I for one have worked in HEALTHCARE over 15 years...watched my brother die from whooping cough at the age of 10 because he and myself were both not vaccinated....or the women above who has also suffered the consequences of not being vaccinated....then you have room to talk. You haven't even been around to know anything and ill repeat what I said to you on my last post....the die I EVER listen to a 21 year old child who isn't even a professional in the field over my own research and medical professional advice is the day I die. I will not be ethically negligent and put my child or anyone else's lives at risK because of my own ignorance.
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There are ways around the required shots. You can be exempt for religious reasons and they cannot question you about your beliefs .  Also , there was an act put into place called the Vaccine Injury Act of 1986. This act was signed to protect to manufacturers of the vaccines from lawsuits because they were all shutting down left and right.  So many children were dying , becoming paralyzed right after the vaccine, one on particular the polio vaccine. please don't attack me do the research for yourselves better yet If you all see a chiropractor they'll most likely tellyou as most chiropractors are against vaccinating. If the vaccines are so effective and safe , then why is the government protecting the manufacturers that make these vaccines ??? If there were no such act , all the manufacturers would have gone out of business thus no making of vaccines. The risks outweigh the benefits.. No one has died from any of these diseases that the vaccines were made to prevent unless the vaccine was administered . Whooping cough is controllable if you treat it right away. Measles is an innocuous disease which was declining in rates not due to the vaccines but with doctors figuring out with a sick child you must starve a fever , whick is one if symptoms of measles .  Doctors did not know that decades ago and many children were dying because of this . Measles is NOT something you can die from.  You may ask why would they do this why would doctors that we are supposed to trust do such  a horrible thing .... Well there all a pawn in all this as well there's bigger people pulling there strings and some doctors feel what they are doing is helping your child as you do as well  Most are not aware of the side effects to the vaccines most think it's just a fever and crying bouts in infants but the risks are more deadlier than just that , some you may have heard of but never connected them to vaccines , .. There's a lot of unknown diseases with unknown causes ... You have no idea what are in these vaccines ... If you do choose to vaccinate or continue vaccinating your child , make sure they give a packet with the possible side effects and ingredients ,,, I believe on the packet for the DTAP shot it lists SIDS as a possibility ...... If you have nothing decent to say in response , please do not because it is very ignorant when you attack someone in an insulting manner ... Thank you .
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To me it is simple: these diseases KILL and maime kids so WHY would you risk having to bury your child or raise a cripple? Something as simple as a tetanus vaccination saves lives. My aunt had polio as a kid..she is a cripple. BUT she could just as easily have died...google iron lungs and polio...these are FACTS.  Vaccinations dont kill or cause autism...another FACT.
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My child who is 11yrs old is fully vaccinated,  we also get flu shots. With this pregnancy i did not get flu shot because i tend to get sick every time I do. But luckily i haven't gotten sick at all except the morning sickness and headaches in the first trimester.  
About 7 yrs ago I had the opportunity to get the hpv vaccination,  which i chose not to get it. Now i have hpv and have had 2 surgeries done on my cervic, which the dr found pre cancerous cells. Now i regret my choice of not getting the vaccine.  
I will however have my daughter get it when she is old enough. So she doesn't have to go through what I have gone through. Luckily I'm 33wks now and with the hpv my cervix could have opened early and could have miscarried. I'm on my second child now with this pregnancy and it might just happen to by last.
I knew a girl years ago who was never vaccinated,  she came from a different country,  she was diagnosed with TB and had a baby. She ended up talking with her dr, they gave her all the vaccinations she needed and vaccinated the baby. TB is not a good thing to have. It'san air born disease.  Whooping cough kills many children. And i keep going through all the vaccinations but i wont.
Luckily for me and my child, i will get them vaccinated and not have to worry about the children who aren't.  Though it is ultimately your choice to not have your child vaccinated i know that no dr is okay with a non vaccinated child. But school records and enrollments here in the USA do require children to be vaccinated before attending school. So the dr may be okay with not vaccinating infants but sooner then later your child will need to get vaccinated at some point.
Everything has its side effects and risks. Even regular tylonal has a list of side effects.
Whatever you choose to do i hope your child remains healthy and happy. Best of luck to you and your family.
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@emmyou, but I honestly do care what you and all moms think.  No one here is crazy. I really want to change your opinion about the issue. It's all right to reasonably disagree.  Conflict is ok & important sometimes. No one is attacking here. I support your right and all moms rights to make the choice.  I believe this particular choice affects the population more than you realize. Your individual decision can affect the public--your fellow moms & kids and I think you should and probably do care about that generally speaking.
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I will choose what I believe is best for my baby and right now it's not getting any vaccines.
This poor women asked who was not getting their kids vaccinated not who is and let's argue and post your opinion.
Everyone's opinion is different!! I know that's crazy! Give this woman a break!
You are not a terrible person for doing it and not doing it. It's your family your children.
I honestly don't care what you all think!
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Clearly there is a public-health reason to vaccinate your child, but as a medical professional, I’m even more concerned with the ethical ramifications, and they’re simple: Children will die unnecessarily when they are not vaccinated. We live in a society with access to the best medicine in the world. This should never happen. Some parents believe that vaccinating their children is a decision that only affects them and their families. Not true. Vaccinations are based on the premise of “herd immunity.”  A certain percentage of the population must be immunized to fully protect against the disease. Once that number falls below a certain level, people are at risk, especially children too young to be immunized, pregnant women and immuno-compromised individuals such as those being treated for cancer.  Parents who choose not to vaccinate their children also are putting other peoples’ children at risk along with their own younger children, whose immune systems may not be developed enough to fight off these infections. Simply put, parents who choose not to immunize their children are ethically negligent. They contribute to the loss of innocent lives.
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I do the older vaccines (chicken pox, mmr, polio, ect) but I don't do the flu shot or hpv vaccine or anything newer than 25ish years. I don't mind other moms who choose to space out vaccines but not vaccinating at all is a dangerous choice imho, to those children as well as to my own. I try not to chastise anyone and just hope all decisions we make as parents are well informed. You can't really ask for much more than that. :)
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@mommymom I don't believe it. I think your doc is respectful but I don't believe the doc is perfectly fine with it.  I hope your decision doesn't affect my family.  I wish you would additionally consider what's best for all kids and talk with your doc about that as well. There's prioritization in everyone's mind of their own baby's safety but I think you should add a consideration for others into your criteria for making this choice.
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13167 tn?1327194124
Well,  MommyMom,  as this movement picks up,  and more and more mothers are refusing to vaccinate,  your child will be at greater and greater risk as the years go by.

I know a lot about vaccines,  and so I decided not to vax for Chicken Pox because frankly it's not a big deal.  My kids all had chicken pox,  and now they are immune for life where kids who got the vax are now losing their immunity.

But there is no way I could live with myself if my child got polio because I refused to take precautions.  I have a cousin who got polio,  and it's a shame because no one has to get that crippling disease anymore.
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I'm with you. I did my research and decided against vaccines. Believe it or not, my pediatrician has had very candid discussions with me and is perfectly fine with my decision. I don't worry about what anyone else thinks. They don't know what I know and I'm okay with that. We all need to make decisions that are best for ourselves and our families.
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