491928 tn?1266177733


Hello my ladies, im feeling great today, thanks for making the switch!

So, tell me how everyone else is feeling???

Anything, how are the hubbies? The kids? The mother in law ANYTHING!! Tell me about your stuff, id love to hear =)

164 Responses
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272759 tn?1270485594
i am still exercising and i think it has been helpful.  i am trying so hard to keep up with my kegels because i heard that it was supposed to decrease the rippage.  we are about 2 hours from the ocean so i go there when i can, but ihave been spending lots of time at the pool...i have felt the hiccups...a few weeks ago she kept me up all night with them, but hasn't really had them since...as far as the glucose test, i could probably find out sooner if i call, but usually no word is good word and i find out the exact results at my obgyn appt.

girl, find out the gender!!  go and do it!  you will feel so much better!!  i developed a whole new bond with my baby when i found out.  the surprise part is fun, but seeing the little suzie Q on the sonogram is exciting too!!  i would have gone insane had i waited...i don't konw how i made it the first 17 weeks not knowing!!!  ;-)
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324911 tn?1276281382
Yeah the hot weather is DEFINELTY starting to suck lol......I was fine until we hit the 30+ mark and now its a little brutal.....I find that right now where I live is bearable at least at night because it cools down so much........Were getting an air conditioner soon , just waiting for the sales to come on in the next few weeks.....do any of you have like lakes or rivers you can go swimming in close by once summer hits?........My doctor told me Malls are a GREAT place pregnant in the summer lol.....but most Husbands dont agree :P lol.....I thought that was kinda cute , and probably so true.....hehe

Krissy ~ I know what you mean about breathing , its alot harder than expected lol.......I can lay flat but I find its my boobs that suffocate me LOL they are so darn big now its pathetic......I try to sort of lay on my back but sideways I dont know , hard to explain but it works for me.....laying on my side is hard sometimes because the baby will kick me sooo much if I lay too far to my side and ugh! I've just given up being comfortable lol.....are you still exercising and such?......I havent been which is probably so bad ,but I dont have the energy really and my back has started to bother me again so I dont know, I feel like such a lazy slob.....I should try to get out walking alot more maybe......Have you felt your little girl hicup yet?.....Im waiting , I dont know if it has and I didnt know it or what , Im excited though! lol

I went for my gluclose test yesterday....dude the stuff you have to drink isnt so bad , it tastes like McDonalds Orange Pop.....its hard to get down after the first few sips , but alot better than what I had expected!......Krissy , I get my results in 2 days? I wonder why its 2 weeks there?.....I feel so bad for the nurses at the clinic though , I have veins that run away so its like near impossible to get my blood lol....and the first round of blood work the nurse tried I think 3 times another one tried once and then finally the 3rd nurse got it....and this time around , the same nurse tried 3 times in one arm and then the 2nd nurse tried 2 times in the other......It hurts when they go like in the side of the crease of your arm!.....Oh well , it really doesnt hurt me , I just feel bad for them because im sure they dont like doing it that many times lol......the 1st nurse joked that we should just ask the old man across from me getting his blood taken if we can borrow some LOL.....

Im beginning to think NOT knowing the sex of the baby is a mistake LOL.....its driving me INSANE! Its all I can think about , its horrible , at night I just dwell on it and I dont know why...........People are irritating me ( mainly my stupid cousin) but im just sick of people being like " its a boy".....knowing full well that I really want a girl.....like its fine when my mom & Fiance do it , because its different , but like my cousin just says it to spite me because she had 2 girls and she wanted girls........and its hard cause its not that I DONT want a boy , I would obviously love it the same , but its just alot harder to imagine having a boy when my Fiance is gone so much and there are NO male figures in my family for a boy to look up too.....all my uncles are drunks & losers , my real dad isnt around much , my step dad would be there but its not the same.....My Papa but hes getting older , Im just afraid that if it was a boy it would turn out like my 2 boy cousins who dont have dads in the picture....whiney and girlie......and I dont want that , but im very girlie and as I said with my Fiance only home every other month , its gonna be a big challenge and it just seems unfair to a boy......and all the babies born in our immediate families , are boys , I have 3 nephews and a niece shes the oldest ( they dont live here though) and all 4 of my cousins are boys.....( me and my 3 oldest cousins are girls , then the 4 boys).....I dont know , just rambling , I guess trying to see if my fears are reasonable or if im just being weird lol.........I guess ive just always had this picture in my head of what my family would be like and it was always me & Rob and our little girl......and I know my Papa & his dad want a girl so bad , and I want that for them , I want my little girl to spend the time with my Papa like I did , coloring & going for breakfast at a special place.....and this sounds bad , but im my Papa's favourtie , first born and best behaved lol and I know that since all of my cousins were born & I got older , he misses the company of me....and the time I spent there.....so for me to have a little girl to kinda fill in that space for the time he has left , would just mean everything.....:(

Anyways K done rambling LOL sorry! Had to get it out though and I know you ladies will tell me if im being a spazz or over-reacting

Jamie ~ How did the 1st day of potty training go?........Glad to hear the boys seem to be transitioning well! Thats great! each day will just be a step at a time and before you know it you'll be crying for your babies back LOL.......I cant belive your 12 weeks already :) Time seems to be flying by :)

Joyce ~ Make sure to keep us updated on how your testing goes! Each day without AF is one step closer to your BFP! :) Im so excited! ********** BABY DUST*********
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514585 tn?1328740013
yeah jamie, i know.  although i never had to go through any but the very slightest of my preg in HOT weather...my oldest son was born jan 17th, and we were in Texas at the time....now THAT was hot.
the other 2, were both born in the beginning of summer...my daughter was july 1 and my youngest is june 28...needless to say i was not happy when the courts awarded my ex ALL of summer break, meaning that i will NEVER be able to celebrate the day he was born ON the day he was born EVER again, as long as this order stands.  it sux

anyhow that kinda has me stressing, i have to pack clothes and such tomorrow so that i can be ready for friday morning.

good luck hun for the rest of the summer...get some major high powered fans going...lol

hugs and luv
SSBD covered in honey to those who are still ttc
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460550 tn?1249846892
Nope, I wouldn't change it for the world, but man its hot out here lately and I am telling you I am dying and I'm only 12 weeks pregnant, and to think I still have the rest of summer to go, and this isn't even summer yet!!
Oh my goodness, and I got no AC in my house what so ever !!
Joys of being pregnant, at least the out come is worth it!!
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514585 tn?1328740013
lol jamie21, but you wouldnt have changed it for the world, right?
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460550 tn?1249846892
Ha I remember with my boys I could not breath at all with those two!!
Then when I gave birth the first one came out and its like oh wow breathing is a little easier, and then the other one came out, and wow I just couldn't believe how easy it seemed to breath, it was just big breaths and not short little ones like I had to do with the boys. Plus after they were born I was so happy on being able to make it an hour with out having to pee, I would make it through the full movie without going to the washroom and I thought it was the best thing in the world lol.
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