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324911 tn?1276281382

BABY DUST 5 ~ Extra Sticky!

Just thought I'd start the next thread since our last one is getting pretty bogged down by all our posts :)
132 Responses
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272759 tn?1270485594
katebud-i was positive that i was having a boy...but all of the old wive's tales were saying girl and i was dreaming about having a girl, but i was still so certain it was a boy!   so was my husband! subconciously in my dreams i was right!  and the old wive's knew!  it won't be much longer till you know!!  i think that was probably my most exciting appointment in my entire pregnancy!  although as i get closer to my d.d., i have been pretty excited about seeing the doctor!

keeks-her head is very low...i am dialating a tiny bit, but still have some effacing to do.  it's good that you are thinning out--i thought first timers effaced before they started dialating so i was surprised that i still have some thinning to go yet...  i am not convinced that i will go too terribly soon.  some people say this info means i can go any day, and others say it could be a couple more weeks.  either way, only 23 days till my due date so it won't be long whether i go early or on time.  i just don't want to miss my mom's labor day picnic!!!  i love her baked beans and chocolate snoballs!!!  i was tested for group b strep and find out the results next week.  i hope i don't have it, but have been told that it is very normal and if detected and treated, it's completely safe for mom and baby.  i swore you were having a girl too!!!!  but i think it would be harder to see a boy in the sono- and have it end up a girl rather than vice versea.  you definitely saw the pee-pee, right??  i have been so nervous that would happen with my with my little girl, but at my 36wk sono-, they zoomed right in and there is no mistaking that is a little girl in there!!

peeing onself-keeks, you are not alone!!  i have had a couple of squirts come out during pregnancy where i was wet, but hadn't fullout peed myself.  well, on sunday evening it happened!  i was putting aloe on my husband's sunburnt neck...didn't even realize i had to pee--i guess when you are pregnant, you can ALWAYS pee.  well, i sneezed and it all came out, right down my leg!!!!  yuck!  my husband found it to be hysterical!  actually, i was laughing pretty hard too and am surprised that i didn't pee myself again from the laughter!!  being pregnant is so attractive!  hehe.
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460550 tn?1249846892
Yes, it will be different, but she is a lucky girl to have two older brothers to look out for her that is for sure. She might be annoyed by it when she is a teenager, but appreciate it when she gets older=)

All- updated ultra sound picture
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324911 tn?1276281382
Jamie ~ YAY! A girl!  Thats so exciting! She will have fun with her brothers no doubt! I would love to have 2 older brothers , especially twins! Im sure they will torment her at times but its a great way to keep the boys away lol.....My Older Step Brother came into my life at grade 6 and he made sure no one messed with me through highschool! It was great LOL....Kinda nice its a girl this time although starting over from scratch on baby stuff can suck , its alot of fun!!

Krissy ~ Hmm maybe you will be going into labour before me LOL.....I have yet to lose my whole plug & I dont think ive dilated , she checked me today & still just super short cervix & thinning!.........Be exciting if you went on the full moon but I bet there would be alot of other screaming labouring moms in there too so maybe its not a good thing LOL...Your doctor didnt give you any idea on when labour might begin?.....If her head is down & engaged I would think soon , but if her head is still a big high and your not feeling much discomfort maybe a bit longer?

Katebud ~ I cant wait for you to find out what your having!.........I wanna say boy for you but I hope you have a girl.....We need more girls in the group LOL......How long until you can find out? have you booked an appt yet?......Are you going to the 3D ultrasound like Krissy & then find out the gender then or just find out the gender?........Hows your man doing? Getting excited I bet!!!!!

Ash ~ Good Luck! Cant wait to see pictures!!!!!!!!!

Update ~ Still here , still with baby LOL....Note to everyone though , apparently it is entirely possible to have your bladder give way and pee yourself LOL....didnt think i'd ever see the day but low & behold , it happened HAHA!.....I was standing in the kitchen on Sunday night cleaning up & all of the sudden I was wet.....I didnt know what to do so I calmly got changed & then tried to re-search the details on if your water breaks LOL.....I honestly thought thats what had happened , because I didnt feel the need to pee & I didnt feel like I had peed , it just felt like this sudden wetness LOL.....so I call L&D and of course they tell you to come out , so out we go...AGAIN LOL.....wait around & get a stress test done which was normal & back home we go LOL.....Now my Fiance finds its HYSTERICAL I peed myself ( JERK lol).....Whats SO weird though is we go up the mountain alot which is a bumpy almost like off-roading , and I never once even so much as needed to pee yet I can stand in my kitchen & go without knowing? LOL....odd!......But anyways thats my funny pregnancy story LOL....I had a doctors appt today & found out I have Group B Strep which kinda *****, I dont like IV's at all & now I have to have one throught my whole labour & delivery , which is kinda imobolizing , but its for the babys good , I know that so im trying not to be too upset.....Just one more thing to add to the list LOL.....Im beginning to get scared the baby is going to come out a girl after all this LOL.....I keep having dreams of it being a girl , and everyone I talk too find its funny im having a boy because when they were pregnant with their sons , they were complete opposite , even my mom had WAY different cravings & such when she had me & my sister , along with the higher heartbeat , its making me wonder LOL.....Im sure he is a boy but its still something in the back of my mind LOL

Hope everyone is doing well :)
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368690 tn?1284357253

Forgot to say, yes.  I am finding out the gender.  It will make having baby showers easier when people want to buy clothes or gender specific items.  :)  

I've been having dreams that I'm having a girl and also have this feeling.  But feelings can be wrong!  :)
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368690 tn?1284357253
that is too funny!  :)  I hope you go on time or early too!  NOt late!!!  My MIL is kinda funny.  She actually carried 3 of her 4 children at least on week past due, her other one being a day early for his EDD.  MY hubby she carried the longest, like 15 days past, I think...something like that.  ;)  

Jamie, YAY!!!!!   I've been feeling like I'm going to have a girl (even though we can't check for awhile yet), and I hope it's a boy hiding out in there.  I would just love a BABY though.  :)  

Ash, good luck Hon!!!  I'm praying for you!!

And where is Mandy???????????  Does anyone know if she and inner child are doing ok?
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272759 tn?1270485594
i am back and forth...part of me thinks i will go early like next week, but another part of me thinks i will go at the very end of the month.  i looked online and learned that after the plug comes out, the baby can come that day, or with in a few weeks.  so, who knows.  i just wish i could narrow it down a bit.  actually, the real reason i want to go a little early is because my nasty mother-in-law keeps saying that i will go a week or two late and i just can't have her be right!!!
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