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******BABY DUST 9********

So I thought we should start the new post with good news!
We had our ultrasound today and after the car accident everything is ok. It was the most exciting thing to see the baby and the heart beating away! Me and the hubby are very relieved!!
87 Responses
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baby dust 10 is here!
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514585 tn?1328740013
not yet but hopefully soon
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368690 tn?1284357253
Its ok!  You will get there very fast.  Have you started feeling beanie yet?  I know some women can feel them earlier in subsequent pregnancies...
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514585 tn?1328740013
katebud....i will only be 15 weeks on Saturday....wish i was 20 weeks or farther.
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368690 tn?1284357253
hkenny- Yeah, I am excited in a strange way, because I know I'm doomed to have bad PPD...it kind of runs in my family (but I'm going to stay positive anyway!)  :)   So the hormones will get a little boost before they start falling majorly after having Daniel.  Maybe I'll be like a *normal* woman... hahahahahahaha...what is that anyways?  ;)

Jamie, I'm sorry to hear that you felt sick and can't sit or stand.  :*(  that must really suck.  I'm sure I'll be finding out here in a couple months.  I hope you get to feeling better (and that would be delivering baby, right?)  :)

Joyce-------->    :)  You need some tlc!!!  xxx's and ooo's to you, lady.  How far a long are you now?  20 weeks or farther?  (sorry I don't recall right now!)
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460550 tn?1249846892
well, still here and dont think it will be much longer. yesterday he said i was 2cm dilated and he stripped my membrane. woke up in th e middle of the night feeling very sick, finally threw up and have had tummy burning and like hkenny both ends are working. on top of that mild contractions ...... i think, or cramping and pressure down there like crazy.  
dont need to go into labor now in a way, i can't sit or stand etc not the best time to get sick
hope all is well with you girls
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514585 tn?1328740013
hkenny, oh no that is not good, well keep everyone posted and hope you feel better soon.  take it easy and i am sure all will be fine.

omg i just read a post somewhere that someone is late for af and has NEVER missed a period and doesnt know whether to test or not....omfg, do some ppl do this for attention or what?  well duh if you are late, and are never late....then yes TEST it isnt rocket science.....

sorry had to vent a little dh is driving me up a wall, he is getting into a "pitty party" because everything about him irritates the **** out of me right now, from the way he talks to the way he acts like he knows everything (my sister even noticed THAT one) i really dont think that this relationship is gonna last regardless of baby....but you know what i am ok with that, i have raised 3 kids alone, i am sure i can raise 4 by myself...would like to NOT have to but unless he can learn to keep his mouth shut and talk to my kids with a little more understanding instead of yelling and being a jerk all the time then after i heal from having baby it is OVER.....may as well use him to help me heal otherwise i will be in ALOT of trouble....c-section and such....anyhow i havent decided yet but i do know that some stuff really has GOT to change if it is gonna work out.

sorry for venting probably just hormones, which is why i am not willing to give him the boot just yet, want to make sure that what i am seeing is actually there and not just over abundance of hormones...lol

hope everyone is doing good....hugs and luv
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katebud- sorry to hear abut the zoloft, but eally if its going to help now and after baby that is good. I have heard of some bad cases of post partum and its not fun. if you can nip it in the but now that is great news. I measured 19 inches at 17 weeks, was a bit down, it kinda made me feel fat but i realize its baby so oh well. the doc said it wasnt a big concern.

i was admitted into the hospital today, i was up all night throwing up and..... you can guess. i started to see blood in both so i went in, they figured i have the flu and bc of the blood and baby admitted me right away. i was on the drip all day, i ended up with 2 bags of saline! i do feel better being home, the throwing up has stopped but the other end is still going.......yuck! i am hoping to feel more human tomorrow!

JAMIE-wow girl so close! cant wait to hear how it went and see pics of your little girl!
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368690 tn?1284357253
HI Ladies!! :)

How is everyone doing???  Busy from the looks of it!  

I had my 28 week check up yesterday.  My uterus is measuring 1 cm behind, but since there is a 2 cm lee way on either side, we are ok.  :)  So I guess that means I measured at 27cms.  
Also, have to go back on zoloft.  :(  this 3rd trimester hit, and I've been having a lot of the same problems I had the 1st trimester emotionally and with my thoughts.  Plus, they want to preempt my post partum period, and get me ready for that, since I was on meds before the pregnancy too.  No biggie really.  They say zoloft is the safest anti-depressant (for baby) to be on while pregnant, so we shall see.  

Jamie, HOW ARE YOU??????  :)  

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368690 tn?1284357253
Jamie, you are so close!!!!  I'm going to congratulate you in advance.  :)  since I'm not on here as much as I had been...

Also, let's welcome Mrsspace24!  :)  
I hope you do get your bfp lady!    
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keeks- well when i went in for my very first blood test, i went to a walk in clinic, my understanding is that if you want a pap there you have to go in on the "pap" days b/c they are to busy to do one. my first visit with the obgyn she didnt do it and didnt ask, last visit i wasnt sure if i liked her or not.....if this visit was the same i was going to try and change doctors. this time i mentioned it and she said i need one and will get it. she was much better this time. I am not to worried about being rh- my mom was with my brother and should have had the shot and didnt b/c back then it wasnt as well known, my borther came out very yellow. so i think its good if i get one. heartbeat points to girl, chinese gender predictor says girl with luneral age boy with regular age, the ring and string test said boy and i just did my intelligender and it said boy. i have thought it was a boy all along so i think is a boy but we will see on dec 17th! we do have some names picked most likely Declan Connor for a boy....Connor is my husbands name and Jordanna Grace for a girl......Grace is my moms name.

jamie- you must be so excited! dont be nervous if you can do it with 2 1 will be a cake walk! kinda ***** about the terrible twos! poor you!!
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460550 tn?1249846892
LOL dont know either. mmy boys know where baby is, but probably not the understanding part of it all. as far as getting better well, lets just say they have hit the stage of wonderful twos.... not an enjoyable stage at all. yes, 10 days left and she is head down and i am 1cm dilated, and cervix is shortening. but sometimes when she moves it feels like nails scraping along my cervix and it can hurt. plus, her movements now can really hurt
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324911 tn?1276281382
She didnt do a PAP at your first visit? WEIRD , My Doctor did a PAP when I went in & got a BFP..... I thought that was just normal & then I had a PAP at my 6 week postnatal appt....RH + isnt a bad thing , its actually fairly common & I had a shot in the same spot when I went into pre-term labor & it doesnt hurt dont worry!.....Just hope & Pray your not GBS + cause an IV in labor ***** alot more ( I think anyways lol but I hate IV's ).....Good thing you like your doctor , I hated mine throught my pregnancy , I wanted to swtich SOOO bad , Thank god I had a different delivery doctor though :) lol.......156 is a good heartbeat :) I say Girl , but ya never know , Rylens was always in the high 140's & 150's so who knows....Are you hoping for a boy or girl?......have you decided on names yet or started to make a list?? Everything is so exciting in the beginning! I miss that stage!

Jamie ~ YAY sooooooo soon! I cant believe your about to have your little girl in your arms! Soooo exciting! Dont be nervous , you'll be just fine hun :) I cant wait to hear how it all goes & see pictures of the little princess!!!! How are the boys these days? getting excited or understanding yet?.....My friend has a 4 year old boy & is due with a girl in 2 weeks & her son told me that his baby sister has to sleep outside & can only come in to clean up his toys LOL.....I dont know if its worse when they do understand or dont LOL
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So i had my dr's appointment today and i am happy to say it went really well. i was able to talk to her and ask some questions. heartbeat was 156 again! and i guess i am rh - so i have to get a shot so my blood doesnt attack the babys blood. I mentioned to her that i hadnt had pap smear in 3 years and she was shocked, she said i wish i would have known,so she has that written down for next time.
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460550 tn?1249846892
names we have two picked out, he will name her when he sees her face
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jamie- have you decided on a name yet?
well i have my 2nd obgyn appointment tomorrow, i have decided that if i dont connect with her this visit i will loook for another doctor.  After talking with freinds i think its important that I like the doctor or at least feel like we connect somehow. Hopefully tomorrow is better.
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460550 tn?1249846892
well doctors appointment went well.... only 1cm dilated, and cervix is shortning, man the time is soon and i am getting nervous. but, got my hospital bag ready and all her clothes are washed.
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460550 tn?1249846892
hkenny- no we did just not in the right position to get a clear picture.

so this girl i know was due last week had her baby....but, their last ultra sound they did not find a heart beat, so they went straight to the hospital and induced her.... guess it was along labor and painful, guess the cord was wrapped tightly around his body and got pinched and starved. i have not been sleeping since i heard, but got a doctors appointment today so that is good, only 13 days left to go and getting anxious. lol what am i going to do with two 2YR olds, and a new born.

sorry if i offended any of you, or scared you with that story
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688022 tn?1275944889
Hey everyone!  I thought I'd join the thread.  I'm 22 years old and TTC our first. After a long hard road of m/c's and struggles we just started clomid and we're really excited.  We are hoping for the best Christmas present ever.  A BFP!
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jamie-did you ever get a 3d or 4d one done though?
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460550 tn?1249846892
I have mine every week. only 14 days left until i am due. my third ultra sound was at the beginning of november, most times you only get one or two ultra sound , with my boys  i went every week for one, so i really dont see why it would be a problem
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jamie- where did you go for your 3d ultrasound? I booked an appointment at uc baby, but a few freinds have warned me my doctor might warn against not getting it done. Any thoughts??
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514585 tn?1328740013
FYI....diapers for a year for $500 USD....GREAT DEAL...check it out

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368690 tn?1284357253
Hey ladies,
sorry I've been away as well.
I read posts a few times a week (ok, maybe everyday), but don't always say anything.  :P  
Daniel and I are doing great :)  He was rolling continuously or something last night for 10 minutes, while I was laying in bed... a stranger sensation than usual.  but there were plenty of kicks and jabs in there too.  :) One week until my next ob appt, then I'll have them every 2 weeks!!!  I am so jazzed about that!  :D
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