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368690 tn?1284357253

Baby Dust 4...POUF!

Hi Everyone!  I'm so excited to start the 4th long post.  :)  

Tonight I am having some light cramps on my right abdomen.  I bought a test (hopefully it will work) to take on the morning of Father's Day, the 15th!  :)

I am curious, I know I've read/heard a lot of ladies say, but all of you out there who are mommies or soon to be:  How did you tell your significant other about the pregnancy and upcoming parenthood and what was their reaction?  

Thank you!
~Your Katebud~
129 Responses
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324911 tn?1276281382
haha okay im glad im not the only one with an uber active baby! lol......Braxton Hicks do feel SO weird!.....Glad you werent going into labour though!.....Mine dont really hurt like a cramp , its more the just the tightening and such that gets me.....Last night though I thought something bad was happening because for over 3 hours I kept getting sharp pinching pains in my whooha , sometimes they would be so sharp and catch me off guard it was bad!.....I found out from my doctor today though its just because his head is so low......I also found out today that my cervix is alot shorter than they would like , apparently its 2.4 which I THINK is in centimeters , but when I was in the Vancouver Hospital it was 3.6 , so its shorten quite alot , leading them to think once again I wont make it to term.....Which ive already come to terms with , as long as I make it to at least 36 weeks, im fine & I know hes fine :).....Now though they have discovered I might be anemic , so I guess we'll deal with that next week lol.....If its not one thing its another :P.....

Glad to hear your doing good though Krissy! :) How are you handling still working?.....Are you getting at that uncomfy stage yet?
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272759 tn?1270485594
katebud-i hope you can avoid the morning sickness!! fortunately, mine only lasted 11-12 weeks!

mandy-i ate sushi 4-5x a week before pregnancy and always eat lots of seafood!!  i read that mercury passes thru your system quickly so what you had before you found out is probably fine.  i try not to eat fish more than once or twice awake now that i am pregnant.  they say it's good to have some fish in your diet...just don't eat too much tuna.  i worry about autism too, but i recently read that the rates are going back down again since they are changing some of the vaccinations.

keeks-my little girl kicks 10x every 15 too!  she's a wild woman!  i have been getting LOTS of bH!  i actually started timing them tuesday morning because i really thought i was going into preterm labor!!  fortunately, they ended up being scattered.  i get them several times an hour...i've noticed an increase in the last week or two.  i will ask my doctor about it next week, but i've been told it's normal...just feels so freaky!!  as for the fetal activity, i have bene able to easily watch her schedule.  she is up every 1 1/2-2 hours.  in the evening she stays awake for longer.  the other night she was partying for 90 min straight!!  she has only woken me in the night from my sleep a few times.  i often feel her at 2am and 4am when i get up to peepee.
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324911 tn?1276281382
The shot I was given is Betamethasone. I had one right before I was flown to the other hospital and I should have recieved a second one 24 hours later but they didnt for whatever reason , I guess because they were doing the Fetal Fibronetcin Scan anyways.....Did you have any side effects to the shot you were given?......Apparently the Betamethasone one can cause significant weight gain if given regularly to pro-long labour.....Yikes!
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324911 tn?1276281382
Yeah I think thats the shot I got , but I thought for some reason it started with a B....It worked for me though & sounds like it worked for you! :) You dont know what caused the contractions though?

I dont know , I am paranoid about things too , that hes gonna be colicy or have something wrong.....I think because its such an unknown there is no way to tell for sure that they will come out healthy ya know?......Im sure it will all be just fine though!.....and yeah I think there is alot when it comes to mothers intuition but ya never know , if your really worried about autism in paticular , read up on it , re-search it & prepare yourself.....Jenny Mcarthy has a book written about her experience with her sons Autism which would be one to look into , and she has a good way of making light of the situation so it might make you laugh & put some of your fears at ease!
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263950 tn?1221590691
They gave me Terbultaline .. or something like that...

I've been told to "take it easy" - no official bed rest orders as of yet. I haven't touched the Vicodin- I haven't taken anything, not even a Tylenol or a Tums.

I am pretty paranoid it seems...however, you know what they say about "mothers intuition"... and I just can't seem to shake this Autism thing... it just will NOT leave my head.
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324911 tn?1276281382
Hey Hun!
Glad to hear your okay! I've been thinking about you hoping little Aiden is still in there cooking!.....Although I know at this point even if he is born at least he will be fine :)......

Oh man that ***** you've been having contractions!.....Do they know why?......Is it because of the HELLP? or something else?..........Is your cervix open? are you dialated at all?.....Which shots did they give you? The cortinzone ones? I know it actually starts with a B the name of the shot , but they call them cortizone too I think?......I think that shot hurt less than ANY other shot or blood test I got LOL......Are you on bed rest now because of the contractions or anything?

I PERSONALLY wouldnt take vicodin but thats just me , I have yet to put any drugs into my body since getting pregnant , except one Tylenol in the beginning and I felt horrible afterwards for whatever reason , so I just dont think I could......But for me im at the point where im just so glad hes still inside & doing well , that the pain is worth it.....Rylen sticks his feet in my ribs and twists , it HURTS and he sticks his butt out and stretches across my stomach  , its sooo weird feeling lol.......I think they know just which spots to kick or curl up in that HURT lol......Kinda preparing us for Breastfeeding & sleepless nights lol.....no one ever said pregnancy was all full of  fun! haha :P

Im sure you just a bit paranoid about the Autism thing , but I have heard of like a mothers intuition almost with things like that , so I mean you never really will know , it can take a few years to develop anyways , but I highly doubt anything you ate or did caused it........I eat seafood ...Hell I eat Fish & Chips like almost EVERYDAY ( halibut )...but I've eat fresh prawns ( cooked of course) & shrimp......I dont like much other seafood though & shushi is fine , so long as its not the raw seafood meat which most kinds arent anymore......and as far as the R-H shots , 1 in 4 pregnant women have to get them , 6 of my cousins did , my Aunt did , I dont know about my grandma and stuff because I dont think they had them back then anyways but none of their kids have Autism or any form of disabiltiy , so I think your reading alot into it , just try to calm down.....If your going to spend time focusing on him , do it while reading a book to your tummy , or talking to him , start getting his nursery together ( like clothes & toys and stuff) and just keep positive!......It will all be fine hun! dont worry :)

Make sure to keep in touch!
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