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Im trying to find ways to keep myself busy while on bed rest. Any suggestions?
26 Responses
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1000480 tn?1266592599
That is great news! I hope you can make it close to full term too, that would be amazing. I know what you mean about the belly. I feel like I walk so funny, I know I do. I can't get out of my recliner very well by myself and I can barely put my pants on, its getting hard. Too embarrassing. I have DH help me to tie my shoes that is something I really can't do. I can't wait for it to be over in a way, but don't want them to come before 3wks from now. Even at 36wks its not guaranteed i'll steer clear of the NICU though. Well, I hope you are hanging in there and your babies are growing well! Take care!
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1139869 tn?1261107379
I see the occassional foot or hand but im so big that i can't see all my stomach so I probably miss more then I see. I had my last u/s yesterday actually. my ob thinks i might make it really close to full term since none of the babies have dropped yet : )
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1000480 tn?1266592599
mama_triplets- Do you ever see any body parts? Or your belly move from side to side. I know that mine did that a lot, now I see an occassional kick, but since they have gotten bigger they don't move as much. Not like they are doing somersaults like they used to anyways. lol. I just imagine with three the belly has to be all baby and you could possibly see like a foot or something. Too cool. Hope you are hanging in there. So when is your next u/s? Mine is still a week away. Ugh. Had to wait three weeks this time in between. Makes me nervous. lol. I just love to see the babies on the u/s and know that there are really two in there. It is sometimes hard to believe that our bodies can grow more than one. I wonder if guys ever wish they could experience the part of something growing in you. My DH says definitely not, but he sees how miserable I have been lately... plus the whole labor part. lol.
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1139869 tn?1261107379
Happy New Year to everyone as well. jakesgal88- my husband finds it entertaining when you push lightly on my stomach one of them will kick back
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1000480 tn?1266592599
Happy NEW YEAR to all.

mama_triplets: I can't even imagine having a third baby in there moving around, how crazy. Weird to think of all the things they are in there messing with while somersaulting and beating each other up. lol. Sometimes I swear it feels like one kicked me in the butt. Well hope you are holding out and feeling well! Take care.
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1139869 tn?1261107379
I get the creepy feeling times three. My boy likes to stay around my bikini line which feels odd but ive started to get used to it. one of my girls is right under my rib cages and thinks my spine and diaphragm are punching bags. my other girl lays diagnal feet by hip and hands by my liver. its the craziest feeling when they are all moving.
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299260 tn?1304216105
My bedrest is really due to my cervix issues 'cause I was really taking it easy too. I think I was also too tired to do much, so I'd come home from work every day & just crash ;) Yes, I had the steroid injections when I was in the hospital just in case the babies came within 2 weeks. Thurs will not be a cervical length measurement. I'll do my 3hr glucose test, plus another fetal fibronectin test & she'll do an u/s, check heartbeats & see if I'm dilated. The fetal fibronectin test is like a pap (I've had two so far). If it's negative, they'll assume I'm not going into labor soon. If it's positive, I'll be back in the hospital with steroids & magnesium sulfate. Although it's not ideal for the babies to come soon, they have a much better chance after 28 weeks & so we're happy I'll be 27 on Thurs. The longer, the better, but we will breathe a sigh of relief next week ;) I totally hear you about the creepy feeling ;) My boy is so low & it freaks me out when I feel him moving below my bikini line! When's your next appt?  
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1139869 tn?1261107379
jakesgall88- okay. thats good to hear that your not. sorry for the confusion. i get an ultrasound every week to see how the babies are progressing and to make sure they arent planning an escape : )
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1000480 tn?1266592599
mama_triplets- i'm not on bedrest, was just chatting. lol. I am however off of work and I take it easy just to avoid bedrest. If I were to get put on bedrest it would be super hard because i've got three little ones at home. So my DH and I have always had the plan that I would relax as much as possible at home and just do the cleaning and cooking and maybe one trip out a week... no extended walks. This way we were hoping to avoid bedrest, so far, so good. We decided the no extended walks after going to the mall for an hour at about 20wks I think. I hurt so bad and was so exhausted it wasn't even funny. Do you get to have an ultrasound each week as well?

mommyin10- Wow, your belly is measuring well. Mine measures 8weeks ahead at this point. So i'm measuring 39wks, whoa. I think that baby A moved lower for me, i've been feeling odd movements down in that area, yuck some are so creepy feeling. I went in for a NST today because I wasn't feeling baby A move. Of course she went crazy as soon as the monitors were on. Good thing, but they always make me out to be a liar. lol. Anyways, where she found the heartbeat of baby B the lady at the hospital thinks she flipped back to breech. Can't be sure because they didn't do an ultrasound though. Really wish she would stay head down! My next appointment is January 8th for a NST and then I have one on the 12th for another ultrasound. How have you been feeling? Hopefully on Thursday you will find out that you've stopped shortening and thinning and dilating. That would be nice! Atleast for like 4 more weeks. 30 or 31 weeks would be wonderful and the NICU stay wouldn't be too long. Are they going to start giving you steroid shots just in case they come soon? My doctor said if I looked like I would go before 36wks they would do that, I think I may make it though. Getting more uncomfortable every day though. Well, take care!
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299260 tn?1304216105
Yes, the Orphan was scary! ;) At my appt last week, my belly measured 30 weeks. We'll see how it is on Thurs. As far as the babies dropping, my boy is super low! When he moves, it surprises me... I mean, I feel movements really low. When is your next appt? Have fun watching the kids sledding, but definitely bring a chair! ;) Too much standing isn't good at this point. That's what I'm told any way!
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1139869 tn?1261107379
jakesgal88-my ob is being careful so i go once a week. its nice to hear my babies' heart rate every week.  may i ask why  you are on bed rest?
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1000480 tn?1266592599
mommyin10- Glad to hear you have found some things to help to keep you busy. DH and I just watched the Hangover, it was pretty hilarious not to mention crazy. The Orphan looked like a scary movie... I don't do those. lol. We got lots of snow yesterday so we might go sledding again one day this week... not sure if i'll go unless I take a lawn chair. I was so tired of standing after an hour of sledding last time. I feel very out of shape. My next goal is 34wks, my doctor says my uterus was measuring at 38wks last week which means next week i'll measure full term. Woke up this morning and could barely walk, I hope that doesn't mean that one of the babies is dropping or in the process. I hope you make it to 30 or 32wks. Just hang in there. Need a wheelchair to go to appts, that would eliminate much walking although i'm sure you'll enjoy those brief moments of being out and about. Good luck with all.

Mama_Triplets- Sounds like your little ones are growing wonderfully. At 30wks my girls were about 3 1/2lbs each. I wonder if like twins, triplets grow even faster because of the fact they have less time in the womb. It'd be neat if the body and babies actually knew things like that. Glad you aren't on bedrest for anything too serious at the moment. 34 weeks would be wonderful, even for twins or a singleton getting to 34 is a pretty good thing. How often are you getting out to go to the doctor? Take care.
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1139869 tn?1261107379
jakegal88- we dont really know how much they weight its hard to tell sometimes. last appointment my ob said my boy was around 4 and the girls not to far behind. we hope to get to at least 34/36 weeks. its a wait and see game. im just on bed rest because i cant move around very well anymore.
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299260 tn?1304216105
mama_triplets: We're about the same # of weeks. I'll be 27 on Thurs. I've been keeping track because every week I reach is another milestone ;) Congrats on the girls & boy! Very exciting :) I'm having a boy & a girl. I can imagine how it is for you trying to get around. Having twins is hard enough on my body. After going to my doc appt last week, I was exhausted ;)

Jakesgal: Yep, strict bedrest til the babies are born. Our doc doesn't expect us to go too much longer since my cervix is continually shortening. We're just hoping to make it to 28 weeks, then we'll
hope for 30, and so on. I'm actuall catching up on my journal, which I hadn't written in in about 3 weeks & yes, we watched The Hangover last night. Very funny :) And I watched The Orphan last week.  Yikes! Totally not what I expected ;) It was good. That's good you're planning to take it easier soon.
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1000480 tn?1266592599
mama_triplets- How fun, nice to get atleast one of each! I see lots of people having triplets on tv and they have three girls or three boys, that would be wonderful too, but a combination would be better especially for first time parents. I understand about the getting antsy knowing the weeks. I've known since like 5wks along now i'm 31wks and the thought of 5 or 6wks kills me, but i've been waiting way more than that so far. The end seems to go slower sometimes. Do they have a weeks that they want you to make it to? I see a lot of triplets go by 33 or 34wks. How are your little ones weighing in? About 4lbs each for mine at the moment. Well, take care!
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1139869 tn?1261107379
jakegal88- i can feel them moving a round individually. they all have their favorite spots to kick and sleep. identical girls and a boy. at one point we thought it was two boys and a girl but we were wrong. about 26 weeks along. i try not to keep track it started making me antsy.
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1000480 tn?1266592599
mama_triplets- how amazing to be carrying not two but three babies. I feel pushed to the limit with two, can't imagine three, how many weeks are you? I'm 31wks, been counting down weeks since about 24 or 26wks along. lol. Can you feel them all move individually? What combination are they? Identical girls here.

mommyin10- so you are definitely on bedrest through the finish? Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas breakfast and dinner! How sweet of your DH. I'm still up and about, but I told my DH in the next two or three weeks I will not be doing much and will be resting because once the babies come there will be no rest time. He's been really sweet and has been sleeping in the living room with me. lol. Our bed isn't comfy and the couch is wonderful so he takes the recliner and I take the couch. (We have plush leather furniture). Do you have lots of movies to catch up on? Well, take care!
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1139869 tn?1261107379
almost 7 months along. im on modified bed rest. to some degree its a good thing because i cant move very fast anymore. my belly is getting in the way too. so i cant do a whole lot anyways.
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Hi ladies!

I went on strict bedrest at 29 weeks due to complete placenta previa and had to lay down the whole time exept for bathroom breaks and a 5 minute minimum shower. I have to say, the time went by really fast because I was working a ton before the bedrest so I really looked at it as a time to relax and I did work from home via wireless. If you are not planning on working at all I would recommend the following:

1. Go to sidelines.com for other women on bedrest
2. Get a book on learning how to crochet or knit. Believe me, this can knock out HOURS of time LOL.
3. Have a friend of yours come over with some strawberries and melted chocolates, etc. so you can make something for hubby. they tend to take on a lot more than what they are used to as well, especially if you have an older child at home.
4. Movies, Movies, Movies. find something that you wanted to catch up on and they tend to have whole seasons on Netflix, etc.

Good luck. For us, I ended up going four weeks longer on bedrest and had my girls at 33 weeks 6 days and they are now 10 months old and both have caught up to their "normal" gestation peers : )

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299260 tn?1304216105
Jakesgal: I have to lay down, unless I'm eating. Then I can prop up a bit. I can only get up to use the restroom, occasional showers & my doc appts. Dh has taken great care of me, made me an awesome Christmas breakfast & we're about to have dinner, turkey with all the trimmings :) He's awesome! :)

crumbs: Your doc would have been clear if you were being placed on strict bedrest. It sounds like yours is modified. Mine started out that way. Take it easy & best wishes! :)

mysty: I totally understand :) I think my modified bedrest was worse 'cause I felt good & wanted to get laundry done, etc. After going to the hospital the second time, I realized how important it was for me to rest. I'm only 26 weeks & want to give the babies the best chance ;) I hope you don't have more bedrest; but if you do, you can definitely handle it ;)
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161938 tn?1212169149
I only had 4 days and I went nuts crazy
I had a laptop - I could not have survived without that
Best of luck
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I'm almost 21 weeks and also on bedrest since last wed cos I had bleeding due to low lying placenta. I've been surfing the net on my phone and watching DVDs. My sister is having her school break now and I have her company! My husband took a few days off from work to keep me company too. Hopefully I will be well enough next week to go back to work. But I'm definitely going to take things easy and try not to stress too much.

I'm also wondering, does bedrest mean that u can't sit up on bed? My doc wasn't too specific on the details - just no walking around too much and definitely no shopping. I didn't think much about sitting up in bed till I saw your posts...
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1000480 tn?1266592599
Sounds so tough, you guys are awesome for enduring that! Have any reading you've been wanting to do? On strict bedrest do you have to lay on your side or can you sit in a reclining position. If you can sit up a little you could play cards or something with DH. I hope for the best for both of you! Stay positive and imagine how cute those babies are going to be and how nice it will be to hold them! Enjoy your holidays!
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299260 tn?1304216105
How far along are you? Are you on modified or strict bedrest? Christmas Eve is at my mother-in-law's, but I can't go. I can only get out of bed to use the restroom & for appts. Merry Christmas!
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