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Poll for all those with multiples or pregnant with multiples

A few questions for all those pregnant with twins now and all those who already have twins or more:

1.  Did you have / are you having any complications with your pregnancy?  (Just wondering how many are on bed rest or had to be put on bed rest vs. those who make it through without complications.  Just seems like many end having something)

2.  Did you have your babies naturally or through c-section or for those still pregnant, do you plan on trying to do it naturally/normally or go straight for a c-section?  

3.  For those who delivered their multiples naturally and have also had a single baby born naturally, how was the multiple birth different? (I have a girl which I delivered completely naturally - no PDA, etc - and was just wondering if since twins come earlier usually and are usually smaller, if that makes the birth easier. Some say the 2nd birth is easier anyways.  Or maybe a twin pregnancy is less easy because there are two!?)

4. For those who already had their babies, in which week did your babies come?  How long/big were they?

5.  Did you get stretchmarks?  (I really have to stop searching the internet because I found a site where people posted their huge twin/triplet bellies - and sooooo many had stretchmarks and then some posted photos of "twin skin" which I guess is the saggy skin after the twin birth!  The internet can really be scary sometimes!

6.  Do you have a side-by-side twin stroller or a stroller where they sit behind one another (in a row)?  For those still pregnant, what do you plan to get?

Ok that is all for now, but I am sure I will have more later!  Thanks in advance :)
22 Responses
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385161 tn?1270081218
well update from me....

34 weeks with the twins now

C-section is planned for May 11th @(36 Weeks)

No bed rest

55 pounds gained and yes some light red stretchmarks on bottom 1/2 of tummy I went from 110lbs to 165lbs! So I feel HUGE!! (is my body ever gonna be the same again??)

Still closely monitoring baby B for heart and many other abnormalities...she is hanging in there at around 2lbs while baby A is a bit over 4lbs now. We are praying for a miracle!

Anyone else gain this much weight??? My feet are swollen too:( But I am excited about these babies coming in 2 weeks!!
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175317 tn?1256853321
This is wonderful information!  I have just recently found out I am pregnant with twins, so I love reading all of your stories!
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803146 tn?1241372700
1) Pregnancy was fine until 30 weeks. At 30 wk u/s, baby A had an issue with a vein in umbilical cord.  Started closer monitoring (non stress tests every 2 days), but after some decreased fetal movement, ended up in an emergency c-section at 32 weeks.
2) c-section was always the plan since my first daughter was born cesarean (stalled labor)
3) n/a
4) 32 weeks.  3lbs 13oz  & 4lbs 4oz
5) yep-saggy skin.  All a part of motherhood I guess!
6) I use both stroller types.  I like the side by side for outdoor walks, but find the front to back maneuvers better in stores, etc.
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178590 tn?1294176767
you can do it when you start to think you can't that is for sure a sign it's close I had no epidural or anything and that last few hours I was begging anyone that came near to just kill me it was tough and my Dr offered a c-section but i hung in there and delivered two healthy babies
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So glad to hear you did naturally as I soooooooo want to do that too.  I just read so many stories about c-sections that I was starting to get discouraged.   My DD was delivered naturally.... so hoping to do it again if everything goes well.
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178590 tn?1294176767
oh and to ? #1  I worked til 31 weeks and quit I was to tired
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178590 tn?1294176767
1.  no real problems some heart palps and a little pre term labor but did good besides that delivered at 36 weeks after being induced

2. Naturally no pain meds just as planned 22 hours labor

3.  N/A

4. 36 week Mekaila was 5 lb 14 oz and 18" long and Jacob was 6 lb 12 oz and 19" long

5.  My belly looks like a roadmap LOL

6.  I have both kinds of stollers started out with the graco duo glider so both carseats could snap on when they were tiny and now they are bigger and graduated to the big kid car seats I got a side by side umbrella to make it easier to just grab and go it's a Jeep Wrangler
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welcome to the multiples forum!

you have two sets of twins!??!!?!?!  wow!!!!  how old are they?  I see your second set was just born in december?  how old are your older twins?
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161938 tn?1212169149
1.  first set of twins - no.  Next set - I had a big discordance - at 35 wks 5 days they wanted to hospitalize due to discordance - my doc asked me to go home and stay in bed till the next day he worked.  I only got up for chrch, a doc appt, and to go to hospital
2. naturally and partial induced- both times pitocin to hurry along
3. diff with ,multiples where I live is required in OR in case complications
4.  35 week - 2 boys 51/2 lbs 41/2 lbs   36 week 3 days - boy breech baby b - 6 lb 12 oz - took 45 minutes to manipulate him out.  girl A - slid right out 5lb 6 oz
5. I wish I had side by side
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385161 tn?1270081218
1.  Did you have / are you having any complications with your pregnancy?
Well i'm having complications with one of my twins who has been diagnosed with endocardio cushin defect and a possible genetic disorder, has an enlarged heart, is 3 weeks behind in development. The other twin is healthy at this time.

2.  Did you have your babies naturally or through c-section?
I am 26 weeks 5 days so no delivery for me yet! But when I do deliver i will have to have a csection so the delivery is more controlled due to baby B's heart complications.

3.  For those who delivered their multiples naturally and have also had a single baby born naturally, how was the multiple birth different?
N/A no other children--first pregnancy IVF. I am 27 years old.

4. For those who already had their babies, in which week did your babies come?  How long/big were they?
N/A as of right now 26 weeks baby A is 1 lb 13 oz and baby B is 15 oz.

5.  Did you get stretchmarks?
None so far and hopeful not to get any...using lots of belly butter!

6.  Do you have a side-by-side twin stroller or a stroller where they sit behind one another (in a row)?
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I am glad to hear that you made it through your house move at 30 weeks.  We are currently in the process of building a house and it should be done when I am around 28 weeks.  I really really really hope to make it at least to 30 weeks without any complications so I can finish choosing tiles, bathroom things, paint colors, the kids bedrooms, etc!  There is still so much to do!
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159063 tn?1247272817
1.  Did you have / are you having any complications with your pregnancy?  (I DO NOT want to scare anyone, I had huge problems after my girls were born., I am 40 YO, had c-section I have always been very healthy, no blood pressure issues, at 30 weeks I started to swell, andBP went up, they said I did not have pre-eclampsia because I had no protein in my urine, long story short, i developed post -partum cardiomyopathy, heart muscle was not able to pump effectivly, I was ok discharged home on meds, etc.. HOWEVER. same night I went home I couldnt breath, I went by amb, to hospital my oxygen level was 43% normal is above 90% my Bllod pressure was 200/180, I went into congestive heart failure, the heart was unable to move all the fluid that had built up in my body, I was THISCLOSE to dying, whew.. still scares me to think about it as my girls are only 7 months. anyway, they gave me high doses of diuretics, removed 6 liters of fluid from me within 3 hours, I spent 5 days in ICU, yep had to leave my newborn twins with my DH who never had kids of his own ( and my 11 year old DD) from previous marriage.. bottom line, I still see a cardiologist every 3 months, and still on cardiac meds, I am getting better, I am a nurse (RN) and i knew before I left the hospital the day my girls came home that things were not right and I should have stayed, but I just wanted to go home, again this is NOT meant to scare anyone, I KNEW as a nurse swelling and elevated BP is somewhat expected during pregnancy, in hindsite I wish I said the MD, i think I should see high risk for no other reason other then I am 40 years old and expecting twins,, ohh yeah, and I conceived them via donor eggs, IVF!!
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hello xx
congratulations and welcome to the club!!!
i had no bed rest and actually moved into a new house at 30weeks..)lots of stretching and yoga)i just had a rest when i got tired and felt like i was overdoing it..

both my boys were breach so i had a c-section..

i made it to 38weeks and both weighed exactly 7pound each and 51cms long..they were huge for twins and my 1st pregnancy..no complications..

yep i have stretch marks but as time goes by they are fading and can barely see them anymore..rubbed aloevera plant on my belly as soon as i realised i was going to be massive haha and really itchy..

i went with the side by side stroller.. and love it..i went with a mountian buggie, its not cheap but was the best thing i bought..getting out and about with twins is hard enough without getting stuck everywhere you go..a big hint is if you do get side by side, make sure its not wider than the width of doors inside your home..many of them are far too wide(the cheaper ones) but there are some that are made a couple of inches smaller..

sit back relax and enjoy..twins are amazing to watch grow and learn together,ive done it as a single parent,and yes,the first year was a blurr but now am having a ball..
good luck xx
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Ohh I love this multiples forum!  So interesting to hear all your answers! :) :) :)

On number 1, so far only ONE of you didn't get put on bed rest!  Right now I feel great, I hope it stays that way at least until the 25th week (in 23rd-24th weeks I will be in the US for my brothers wedding and would hate if something went wrong before then and I couldn't travel!).  Curious to see if any more moms answer that they didnt have to go on bed rest!  I sure hope so! ;)

On number 6, I have heard that many twins prefer to be side-by-side... do you think that that is true with your twins?
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1.  I was taken off work for having 10-20 little contractions per day, then at 24wks was in hosp for 8 days as I was 1.5cm dilated, and then put on complete bed rest.
2.  Was planning on natural as both girls were head down but during labor, heart rate for one started to drop with every push/contraction so had to have C.

4. They were born one day short of 38wks, (not premies), 5.1lb and 5.4 lb both were 17in tall.
5.  I have then below belly button, were very itchy during pregnancy.
6.  To start with I had the casual baby trend front/back for just fit car seat. But got side by side since they are taller now. I prefer side by side just so that they are right next to each other.
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223372 tn?1240920676
1.  Did you have / are you having any complications with your pregnancy?  
- - -Yes, I went in at 28 weeks for my regular check up...that is when my Dr. starts checking vaginally.  I was 1.5cm dilated.  He sent me to L&D to be monitored and apparently, I was having contractions.  I never felt the first thing.  They gave me steroid shots to help the lungs develop in case I had to deliver.  I stayed in the hospital three days and was put on meds and strict bedrest.  I went to the Dr. twice a week for the remainder of my pregnancy for an u/s and sat on the monitor every time.  One of the babies was as low as he could go so I had to be very strict about laying on my left side and not getting up.

2.  Did you have your babies naturally or through c-section or for those still pregnant, do you plan on trying to do it naturally/normally or go straight for a c-section?  
- - -C section because one of the babies was breech (It was a piece of cake for me!  I had NO problems with the c section!!!!!)

3.  For those who delivered their multiples naturally and have also had a single baby born naturally, how was the multiple birth different?
- - -I have had no other pregnancies

4. For those who already had their babies, in which week did your babies come?  How long/big were they?
- - -I delivered at 36 weeks and 1 day.  My girl was 4lb 15oz and 19.5 inches and my boy was 6lb even and 19 inches.  They spent NO time in the NICU.  I had the babies on a Friday and we all came home on Monday.

5.  Did you get stretchmarks?  
- - -Not a one. (Do you count the ones on my hips that I have had since I was a little girl??  HA!) I think the bed rest really made a big difference.  Gravity was not pulling on me when I was at my biggest so no stretching.  And honestly, the way my babies were "packed" in there, I did not get a huge belly.  Now yes, things are loose in the belly region, but who am I kidding...I never had a nice flat tummy anyway.

6.  Do you have a side-by-side twin stroller or a stroller where they sit behind one another (in a row)?  For those still pregnant, what do you plan to get?
- - -I have the Graco Duoglide and I love it.  It is back/front and it is great.  The car seats slide in easily and then when they get bigger, they will just sit in there and I can use it for a long time.

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1.  Did you have / are you having any complications with your pregnancy?
*** Yes, I had complete placenta previa, went to the hospital by ambulance at 29 weeks 3 days with heavy bleeding. Stayed there for three days and then went home with strict bed rest.

2.  Did you have your babies naturally or through c-section?
*** I had mine via emergency c-section due to heavy bleeding that wouldn't stop. I would have had a c-section anyway dut to the previa.

3.  For those who delivered their multiples naturally and have also had a single baby born naturally, how was the multiple birth different?
*** I didn't have a natural delivery with the twins but my doctor said that with the second pregnancy you labor faster and with twins even faster than that. Needlesstosay, if you have contractions you should call right away instead of waiting like your first pregnancy.

4. For those who already had their babies, in which week did your babies come?  How long/big were they?
*** Mine came at 33 weeks 4 days and Baby A (Kendall) was 16-1/2" long and weighed 3lbs. 15oz. Baby B (Jamie) was 18" long and weighed 4lbs. 11oz. They have been in the NICU for a little over two weeks and we are hoping to bring them home next week.

5.  Did you get stretchmarks?
*** Yes, I have slightly more stretch marks than with my first pregnancy but you can barely see them already. I heard there is nothing you can do about it but I firmly believe that keeping well hydrated helps the skin elasticity.

6.  Do you have a side-by-side twin stroller or a stroller where they sit behind one another (in a row)?
*** We bought the City Elite twin jogger stroller. It fits through doors and they have great tires for use outside. I heard the Grago twin stoller (front and back) is really good.
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they're a LOT easier hopeful. my dad and his second wife had fraternal twins and they had the side by side stroller...thing was a pain in the a$$.
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501045 tn?1331083136
1.  Did you have / are you having any complications with your pregnancy?  
~~~~~ I've been on bedrest since 32 weeks. I received a positive fFN and my doctors gave me steroid shots to assist in lung development. So far the bedrest has been helping to keep me from going into labor.

2.  Did you have your babies naturally or through c-section or for those still pregnant, do you plan on trying to do it naturally/normally or go straight for a c-section?  
~~~~~ I plan on trying for a natural and vaginal birth. I REALLY don't want a c-section.

6.  Do you have a side-by-side twin stroller or a stroller where they sit behind one another (in a row)?  For those still pregnant, what do you plan to get?
~~~~~ We have what my husband calls the limousine of strollers. The twins will sit in a row. I've heard those are easier to handle. However we also have a side by side toddler stroller.
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1. i was put on bedrest at 34 weeks because i dialated 2 cm and was 50% effaced. i started to have bh at about 28-29 weeks.

2.  i had mine vaginally. my ob and i agreed that if i could then that would be best for me. i did have an epidural so i didn't really feel anything besides a pressure. which was great because all of my labor pains were in my back.  

3.  the twins were my first.

4. i went into labor at 34 weeks. was in labor for 8 1/2 hours. brett michael was 5 lbs 3 oz and 23 inches long, eli james was 5 lbs 15 oz and 23 inches long

5.  i didn't until week 32. then i got a few around my belly button. they've pretty much almost all faded now.

6. we have one where they sit behind each other. it's great for grocery shopping. and brett loves being snuggled up in the back while eli loves watching people in the front.
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1. I had no complications at all, healthy pregnancy never on bed rest very blessed.
2. I had a planned c-section they were breech.
3. Delivered at 36 weeks and three days, two very healthy babies a boy 5lbs 3oz and  
a girl 4lbs 10oz. They came home with me in four days.
5. I don't have any noticeable stretch marks, use tummy butter daily.
6. I have both kinds of strollers, the twins like the side by side better they are now 14 months old.
Relax and enjoy the wonderful journey!!    
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Since I am pregnant, will just give you my answers :)

1.   So far everything is ok, but only just starting 16th week now.  I am a bit scared that something will go wrong or that I will lose a baby or something.  I cant wait for my next doctor visit. (For those of you who dont know my history, my doctor has made me paranoid that the babies have chromosome problems, turns out they do NOT, and i am switching doctors - but have trouble forgetting some of her comments, and although I am much better, there is a little "angst" still lurking around in the back of my head).

2.  20 mo old DD came naturally and would like for the twins to come naturally too.

5.  Dont know if stretchmarks are heriditary or not, but I rubbed belly in first pregnancy with pure cocobutter everyday and managed to avoid them.  Wonder what will happen with this twin pregnancy though!

6.  I cant decide!!!
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