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6.5 week ultrasound showed nothin

Hello.  My wife is now just at 7 weeks pregnant.  She had a trans vaginal ultrasound on Friday which would have been right at 6.5 weeks.  We are sure that she got pregnant on Feb. 24 or 25th as I traveled a lot and we didn't see each other much other than then.  I'm worried because when we went for her scan they didn't see anything at all.  Everything I've read says that a trans vaginal scan will show SOMETHING by 6.5 weeks.  She had one day of SEVERE cramping and nausea, back pain, dizziness, etc but it didn't even last 24 hrs.  That was around 5 weeks.  She hasn't had any spotting and still has pregnancy symptoms.  Her OB didn't seem worried at all that nothing was visible at 6.5 weeks and my wife is very trusting with her doctor.  I'm worried about it and my wife is telling me to relax and not be worried.  Also, the doctor didn't tell us her hGC levels and said, "I'll call you if there's a problem with the results."  Since we haven't heard anything we assume the levels were ok.  Still, I can't shake this feeling that something should have shown up.  Can anyone tell me some information?  Again, we are certain that she got pregnant on the 24th or 25th of Feb.
23 Responses
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603463 tn?1220626855
I'm sorry I couldn't take the time to read through all the replies you generated!  If you were my patient (actually if your wife were my patient) I would let you know the HCG numbers.  It is possible that everything is all right, but it would be very nice to have hormone numbers to confirm that, and I would not hesitate to give them to my patient--she would have to then share them with her husband.

In a similar circumstance, I would check a quantitative beta HCG that day (of the ultrasound) and then do a follow up level in 48 hours.  If the level was rising appropriately ( we expect a 60-100% rise) I would repeat the ultrasound in one week.

I don't see any reason why your wife's doctor would be reluctant to do any of this if you and your wife ask.  But you are going to have to convince her to call for the information as they most likely won't give it to you!

I hope everything is OK--if so, this won't be your last nerve-wracking moment!

Good luck!
Dr B
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Again, this happened to me they saw absolutly nothing at seven weeks and four days later saw both sac and baby! I had not heard of that high of an HCG value with blighted o...If that is the case they will be able to tell on Thursday and schedule a D&C. Sometimes, like with me, the "pregnancy" wont abort itself. I would say if she has any severe cramping or bleeding before hand this might tell you its a blighted o. Does she have any more blood work scheduled? Was this last blood test the first one? If not what were the values of the first one? Just pray and believe everything will be okay! You only have one more day left to wait. I will be praying for you and your wife.
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I can only share with you my exp. with a similar situation. I found out I was pregnant and at my 10 week check the dr. could not hear a heart beat. She sent me for a scan and found out it was something called a blighted ovum (not sure of spelling on that!) They were looking for the fetus and could not see anything but a enlarged uterus. I ended up having a D&C because I too like your wife did not bleed at all. I would not have suspected anything had I not seen my dr.
My second pregnancy was scaned at 6 or 7 weeks again they saw nothing! They wanted to do a D&C however I said I wanted to wait till blood tests came back. Turns out the pregnancy was fine and I have a beatiful daughter to show for it. I cant help but think how awful it would have been if I got that D&C!
My point with all of this is 6.5 weeks is still early I would sugest waiting a couple more weeks, also a blood test could help. I'm sure the Dr. will want to do a 2nd HCG test to make sure her HCG values are doubling. I would not trust a scan at this point in her pregnancy!
I hope this helps, good luck to you two!
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   The Dr didn't see sac also. But she also ruled out abortion but I didn't ask her how she came to the conclusion. It was the second ultrasound and she did notice increase in the thickness of lining in the uterus compared to the first. My wife still shows pregnancy symptoms like fatigue, nausea, and feels very hungry too. I have 3 more days for the ultrasound. Thanks so much for understanding.
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713600 tn?1229583591
Dear Adam;
                 Sorry I also wanted to let you know that if I were in shoes with this Doctor,I would try to get another one considering he should have gave you the HCG results & a little heads up just so you were prepared for the possibilities.However always believe in your gut instincts I say.

P.S. Sorry about the spelling mistakes last time,My dog(**** Zu) was sitting on me LOL I just hope it did not make it hard for you to read.
Take Care to you & your wife & all the best.

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713600 tn?1229583591
Hi Adam;
             So sorry to hear what had happened with your wife as well yourself.All I wanted to say is even though it is hard Mentally,Physically & Emotionally,just give it some time for you both to recover as well for her Physically because it is hard on us all to grow through this terrible experience,then try again but try not to worrie to much when you have gooten pregnant again.I know it is hard I have been through all of types described here,I have had D & C twice also on 1 occasion a D & C then the next day ended up back in emerge because there was a twin (fraternal)in my tube.I have also had an empty sac as well miscarriages.Yet through all of this I have 2 son`s 17 & 18  my Daughter is 10 & during these 3 I was in & out of hospitals with scares & having to stay in bed,however they are all healthy & my 17 year old son only had 5 month`s to grow so it was rough for him & us the first year or so.See my pregnancies are High Risk due to Endometriosis (your wife can have this checked with a ultrasound or a Laparoscopy) also cervical cancer that struck awhile ago.However through all of this I`am now 34 & in my first going into second trimester but just taking it slow & day by day.So even though yes there is lots out there if we can`t do it on our own please do not think it is impossible,sometimes God has his own time(no I don`t go to church or preach but this I do believe in when it comes to him). So please do not give up ever on your wants,dreams or eachother & be there for oneanother & it sounds like you are so keep it up.

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I know Adams wife had a blighted ovum..i dont really know a lot about them apart from that there is no baby seen in the sack.
I was just sayin there seems a lot more risks with an Ectopic if it was that.
Well i have my fingers crossed for you..the waiting is just hurrendous.
When you say you saw nothing.... was there not even a sack there?
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  Adam's wife had a blighted ovum not an ectopic pregnancy which will affect your chances of conceiving  next time.
  My wife is also 7 week pregnant and the trans vaginal scan has not shown anything. The Dr has asked us to get a scan done 10 days later.
She had little bit of spotting during 5th week but no cramps or pain in the abdomen. Dr has ruled out ectopic pregnancy and has asked us to wait. Keeping my fingers crossed
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Im so sorry to hear your news..
However there are many positives you can take from this as if the pregnancy was Ectopic she would of had a risk of surgery or even loosing the tube.
You have every chance of conceiving again as most woman loose there tubes and have only IVF as the last option.
I hope she makes a full recover but the good news is with HCG hormones still in her system you may have more chance of catching again preety soon.
You do learn so much from these situations and they are massive learning experiences.
I really hope you have good luck again in the future and tell your wife to keep going as i was given no hope but IVF and here i am pregnant,we caught naturally with Chronic Morning Sickness...YUK!!
Chin up to you both x

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Hi lizzie. Good luck and prayers for you. My wife's doctor did rule out ectopic, but it turned out to be a blighted ovum. At her 8wk 2 day scan they could barely make out a sac. She began passing everything on what would have been the begining of her 9th week. She is ok now but was very upset. I had a strong feeling this was coming and since it wasn't growing in me I didn't have a real attachment to any of it. For me it was all sad but also very clinical and, quite honestly, educational. I learned more about this process of conception than I ever knew existed. I'm just happy that she's ok and it doesn't look like there will be any lasting affects from it.
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Its lovely to see a guy is so worried about his partner...its a breath of fresh air!!!
I am now 6 weeks preg and am being watch closely.Last weeks scan did show a small black dot so im hoping thats the sack,tomorrow is my next scan so im hoping to see more just like you.
The pains your wife had sounds a bit worrying,they are the signs they have told me to watch out for Ectopic Pregnancy as i have a blocked tube....
Severe pain,dizzyness and vomitting...
Her HCG Level look very good,mine was 3643 last week(just under 5 weeks) and i saw a very small sack.Has the doctor ruled out Ectopic completely??
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Okay...Okay...TWO days ahead for about a week!!! Wow I need to carry a calendar!!!LOL
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Thanks for your honesty.  I like that.  I don't mind people wishing luck and prayers, but I also don't want people to tell me everything is going to be ok if there is a possibility it won't.  As far as me going with her, I don't know.  I've got a big thing going at work and don't know if I can get off even for just a bit.  I really really hope I can though.  Also, her scan is Thursday, not tomorrow, so I still have a bit of waiting to do.  Geesh!!  I don't like the wait!!
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Ideally she would be bleeding if she misscaried, however I did not! That is why I was so surprised to find out I misscarried. I got a D&C at 11 weeks but the baby had died at 6 weeks!!! If the remains are not removed asap she could get very sick because of infection. I know you get your scan in 24hrs. here, if she starts to get fever, chills or the bad pain back I would take her right to the ER!! They most likely will do a scan, and blood work(this is standard with any pregnant woman) If they do find out she misscarried and shes having one or more of the symptoms stated above they will do a D&C right there and then. Some Drs will say wait and we will schedule it later in the week. I myself, having gone through the loss of three pregnancies, think its both medically and emotionaly better for her to get it done right away!  I have to say I am torn, My gut (based on her day of pain) tells me she lost the baby. However I would not be surprised to find out they found the little one with this scan. If it were ectopic her pain would be getting worse and worse as the baby gets bigger everyday. I would be shocked if it turns out to be ectopic. Take care, we will talk to you soon. Good luck!!!! Are you going with her to the scan?
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It troubles me too.  She was concerned when it first happened but has since just sort of shrugged it off.  Her doctor just sort of said, "yeah, that can happen.  as long as you're not bleeding things are probably fine."  In all honesty I would rather hear what is most likely outcome is.  The strangest thing is that nothing was seen with levels that high.  I just can't get that out of my head.  It is likely not an ectopic, but I am still somewhat concerned about that.
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Aprox. Two days before my D&C was done I had extreme pain like that. This is not to say somethings wrong. It may have been that her uterus is starting to grow (strech), this can be very uncomfortable! The cramping that comes with this made me sick to my stomach with both of my children. However prob. not to the extreme that she would pass out! That troubles me. Keep me updated I would very much like to know the outcome. Good luck!
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Thanks again.  It was her first blood test.  I guess I will just have to wait until Thursday.  The cramping and pain she had was very very bad.  she couldn't move and was vomiting and crying.  it takes A LOT to make her cry.  She was nearly blacking out from it.
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Only that one day of pain. I've read about blighted ovule with hcg over 100k. I still don't get why no sac would have been found with that  high hcg.
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I dont know if it matters if the scan is abd. or trans. I just know that 4 years ago I was in the exact same situation as your wife and now I have a perfectly healthy daughter! There has to be something there thats causing the high HCG #.  If it was a blighted ovum the numbers would never get that high. Has she had any other HCG tests done? The HCG # should be doubling every other day. I am confident that you will see the little guy on Thursday!  As far as the pill is concerned, many women get prego. while on the pill. If you dont take it every day and at the same time everyday the pill wont work as well. Also, How long had she been taking the pill?  The pill doesnt start working for a full month when you start it.  As far as the pill hurting the pregnancy, I have never heard of this happening. As long as she stoped taking it as soon as she found out I'm sure everything will be fine!! If her Dr. doesnt order another HCG test I would request one. This may set your mind at ease!! Is she having any pain at all?
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I've heard that but have been told that tilted uterus only matters on abdominal scans. Either way, 6.5 weeks and 34,022 hcg something should have shown up. Would the pill have changed anything? She was on the pill but it obviously didn't work!!
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Like I said this exact thing happend to me. The dr. was SURE it was a second blighted ovum. In my opinion I think they had trouble seeing everything because my uterus was tilted. Did they mention if she had a tilted uterus or not? That HCG value pretty much tells me it couldnt be blighted! Thats a nice and high number! I am sure they will find something on your second scan on Thursday! Untill then try to stay calm and positive for her ; )  Good luck to you two! Please, if you can, keep me posted!
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Her hcg levels were 34,022. I surely thought something would have been visible. The scan was transvaginal and the tech hunted around for about ten minutes. Checked the tubes for ectopic but still found nothing. We are going back on Thursday for another look. What do you all think??
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I was pregnant the same time as your wife, supposed to have conceived around Feb 24th.  I'm supposed to be almost 8 weeks (on this coming Tuesday).  I went for an ultrasound today, they saw a baby, a heartbeat (to early to scan only see), but I am only measuring 5 weeks 6 days, instead of 7 weeks 6 days.  I hope everything turns out okay for your wife.  My ultrasound turned out to be trans vaginal because they could not see outside from the belly in.  
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