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HPV/ Genital Warts


Thanks in advance for replaying to my post. About 5 years ago, my girlfriend at the time was diagnosed with hpv/genital warts (about 6 months into our relationship). We always had unprotected sex and were monogamous throughout all those years. I always figured i had infected her even though i had no signs or symptoms. About 2 years after we first started dating in 2008 ( about 3 years ago ) i noticed a couple bumps on the shaft of my penis and went to the doctor. He took a look and diagnosed me with Molluscum contagiosum, which i was treated with some kind of acid type stuff that burned them away.

I had been symptom free (no warts) since the spring of 2008. Since then i have broken up with my old girlfriend of 6 years, and had started a new monogamous relationship with this girl who ive been friends with for a while. Her past relationship lasted 3 years and she had no issues with him. Im the only other person shes been with since and vice versa. We usually always practice safe sex and she has yearly paps smears that are always normal. I recently had a full panel STD test  and all was negative.

My question is, i discovered a kinda hard "bump" on my circumcision scar along with 2 hard lines (maybe part of circumcision scar?) which kinda fold over. Could this be genital warts (links to pics down below)

Im worried of passing something to my girlfriend. I have heard that hpv usually clears the body in 6-24 months if there are no symptoms present.

My second question is... is it possible that i still have this virus and it has laid dormant for 3 years with no signs or symptoms?

Ive already made an appointment with a doctor

Please look at the pics below..


Thanks so much,

5 Responses
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239123 tn?1267647614
Welcome to the STD forum.  Unfortunately, we don't examine posted clinical photos.  Our view is that this comes too close to being tempted to make a specific diagnosis, I.e. practicing medicine from a distance, which is not an appropriate function of online medical advice.

But from your description, I very much doubt you have persistent or recurrent genital warts; and for sure molluscum contagiosum doesn't recur more than a few months after the initial infection.  It is true that the large majority of genital HPV infections clear up in 6-24 months, typically sooner for the "low risk" (wart-causing) strains.

I agree with your plan to be professionally evaluated, but I don't think anything important will come of it.  Most likely this will turn out to be a prominence in post circumcision scar tissue, a prominent sebaceous gland, a skin cyst, a fibrils, or something else equally inconsequential.

I hope this helps.  Please return with a follow-up comment to let me and other forum users know the diagnosis.

Regards--  HHH, MD
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239123 tn?1267647614
Thanks for the greater detail, but it doesn't change my opinion or advice.  I continue to doubt you have HPV or any other infection you can transmit to your partner.  And even if you do, it's too late to do anything about it.  I gather you and she have been having unprotected intercourse, in which case if you have HPV, you can assume she already has it.  Even if this turns out to be a confirmed genital wart, there would be no point in abstaining or starting to use condoms at this point.

Let me know what your exam shows, but until then I won't have any additional advice.
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239123 tn?1267647614
Even independent of military service, most clinicians in community health centers have lots of experience with STDs and genital examinations.  I'm sure you can rely on his judgment.

From your description, the bump in your mouth sounds like a cyst or something similar.  Oral warts are extremely rare and certainly herpes doesn't cause firm white bumps.  So I'm sure it's not an STD.

That should end this thread.  Take care.
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Hi Dr. Handsfield,

Thanks so much for your advice,

So i had my appointment Friday and the doctor took one look at my bump and said it was nothing to worry about. I go to a community health center for people without insurance ( very low doctor fees), but I trust his diagnoses partly b/c he used to be a doctor in the Navy and has seen every STD in the book.

I have another question if thats ok...

Sometimes get mucocele cysts on the inside of my mouth ( i often crew on my lips and cheeks.. nervous habit). Last night, I noticed a kinda clear bump on my lower lip and broke it open by biting it.. thinking it was one of these cysts... Today i have a hard painless whitish bump where it was. Is it possible that this was an oral wart? Or was it a mucocele cyst ( i usually get them on the inside of my mouth, not on my lip), Or somthing else? Ive never had a history of oral warts or cold sores and ive recently been checked  and cleared for both types of HSV.

Thanks so much,

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Thanks so much for your quick response.

Im sorry you couldnt view the attached photos, but maybe i can describe them better to you.

The bump i described earlier is actually more of a 2mm roundish lump which is flesh colored, no defined edge and is slightly rough and a bit lumpy. It kinda gets lost in the wrinkles of the skin on my circumcision scar and only when you stretch the skin can you really see it. Next to it, along the top of my scar and slightly folding over, are 2 arch looking lines that are slim, elongated and rough to the touch, but they seem to disappear after stretching the skin. I also applied a vinegar solution to the area and it did not turn white or anything like that (kind of a no no, i know).

Can i assume me and my partner are fairly safe from me spreading this virus? I mean giving the long period of time between my initial (i think) infection (5 years ago), flare up (3 years ago), and up until now with no signs or symptoms... is it safe to say i might have cleared the virus?

Thanks again for you response and i hope you will respond back to me. Im seeing the doctor next friday and the suspense is killing me.

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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
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Syphilis is an STD that is transmitted by oral, genital and anal sex.