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HPV...So confused

I am a 22 yr. old female and I have had 3 boyfriends. I had PROTECTED intercourse with the 1st boy. I never had intercourse with the 2nd boy but did have brief genital to genital contact(about 10 seconds)on two occasions, and alot of genital-hand-genital contact(I would give him a handjob and then masterbate). The third boy was exactly the same as the second.

In March of 06', I noticed a little growth on my vaulva. I went to my Dr. and he did a biopsy on it and also did a procedure where he put vinegar on the area and looked at it with a magnifying glass.  He said that nothing turned white and that we would get the results back on the biopsy in about a week.While I was waiting for the results I got nervous and desided to to the vinegar test on my self, so I put white vinegar on that area via a Q-tip. Although the growth did not turn white the skin to the left of it did even though there was no bumps there. A few days after that(still waiting for the results)a few little(1mm in length and height)bumps appeared in the area that turned white. The doctor called me the next day and said that the results came back on the orginal growth and it was NOT HPV, it was just "thickening of the skin".I told the Dr. about the new bumps and he said that it is unlikely to be HPV since the examination and biopsy was so normal, he told me that the vinegar may have irritated the area. A month went by and they still had not gone away, so I decided to do the vinegar test on my self again and the little bumps turned white, so I ran down to the Planned Parenthood(not my normal Dr.)and she looked at them and said that they "did not look warty" she spryed some vinegar on them, nothing happened and she sent me home. When I got home I put vinegar on them again (via Q-tip) and again they turned white. The next day one had gone away(I think the vinegar burned it off) but two more were still there, so I decided to call my normal Dr. and have him look at them. When I got there he did an examination but started on the left side(not where the little bumps were)and found a dark "mole" he said "THIS IS A WART" and cut it off and sent for another biopsy, I was so shooken up by his FIRM statement that I forgot all about the other little bumps.3 days later my Dr. called me with the results and agian, it was NOT a wart, it was a narcissistic(pre-cancer??)mole. So he sent me to a dermatologist(for the mole).I decided to show her the little bumps and she said they did not look like warts, until I told her that they sometimes itch, then she said they might be and for me to just keep an eye on them.  When I told her that I had two biopsys that both where negative for HPV she said,"ok they are not warts then".

I am confused by what the dermatologist said 1)If I had HPV would it have shown up on the 2 biopsys? 2)If they are not warts, why did they turn white, and sometimes itch? 3)What else could they be? 4)Do I need to have a biopsy on those exact bumps to know if they are warts? Thanks

9 Responses
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239123 tn?1267647614
Use the "contact" link on the MedHelp home page to send a message to the office.  I'm sure they will refund the extra charge.

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Sorry... not sure where to adress this issue, but I was charged twice for my one thread.  Is there a number or email adress that I could adress this mistake to?
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Yes your right, they have not grown at all since I first noticed them, thanks alot this forum is very helpful!!
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Thank you everyone for your comments, I ran out of room above and was not able to properly thank you Dr. H...I really do appreciate your time. This whole HPV thing is very annoying because you can't just go and get a blood test to see if you have it, instead its more like a watching game.  I am in a new relationship and I have not slept with him yet.  From what I wrote, do you think it would be safe to do so, even though I never had a biopsy on these little bumps.  He only slept with one girl before me and I don't want to be the one to expose him to this. but I don't even kinow if I have it!!  Any thought would be greatly appreciated
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239123 tn?1267647614
If "popped up out of nowhere" means it appeared overnight and didn't grow further over the next 1-2 weeks, it's evidence against warts.  Genital warts generally continue to enlarge for a while after first being noticed.

I see no reason for you to not have sex with your new partner.

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Just to clarify my original thread, I had two biopsys on two growths, both negative for HPV. Shortly after the last biopsy a couple little "bumps" showed up, I had a couple DR. look at them and neither seemed too worried, I guess I am just worried since they popped up out of no where!!
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It is a conspiracy by vinegar-making companies in order to increase profits(!).
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Until the doc answers, here are my thoughts.  If you will scroll down and read the post "What Do I Have" from 5/13, you will see that the doctor's response to vinegar tests is that they are "useless" in most cases, including yours I imagine.  Itchiness is also not a symptom of HPV according to Dr. H.  The circumstances you describe put you at such little risk anyway, I wonder why you are so worried, but as with most posters here, the fear overcomes our own logic sometimes.

You have had at least three doctors tell you they are not warts.  I think you really are fine and need to relax about this.
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239123 tn?1267647614
I'll try to help.  I cannot make a definite diagnosis, but the weight of evidence strongly suggests you don't have genital warts.  Your sexual exposure history indicates you are at low risk; as the (second?) dermatologist said, a biopsy always is more definitive than a provider's visual inspection.

Your main mistake was to use the vinegar test; your first doc shouldn't have done it, and you definitely shouldn't have tried it on yourself.  It is a poor test that is difficult to interpret even by skilled providers and we never use it in my STD clinic.  HPV infected tissues often don't turn white, and many things that turn white aren't warts.  The results are especially unreliable when a non-professional person tries to do the test on herself.  The only valid use is to apply acetic acid to the cervix in order to judge the extent of HPV infection, typically to guide a biopsy.

Many women have minor bumps and other irregularities of vulvar tissues, probably mostly mjucus-secreting glands.  But I can't make any specific diagnosis by online description.

I hope this helps.  Stay safe, use condoms, and restrict the vinegar to your salads.

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