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Possibility of an STD?

I am 37 years old. I regretfully had an encounter with a massage parlor. We had protected vaginal sex for like 5 minutes. She then took off the condom and gave me a hand job. I finally finished masterbating myself. The next day around 15 hours later a had a mild burning\aching feeling in my Urethra and tip of penis. I freaked cause the mild sensation lasted thoughout the day. There is no change when I urinate. This is the 2nd person in 20 years I had protected intercourse with. the last one which was 1 time was 10 years ago.

I went to my GP and he did a urinalysys and blood work. After 4 days the results came back negative for Chlamydia\Gonorrea(non culture I got these results the same day.)-Herpes-Aids. Now 15 hours after the incident the symptom started and lasted for 5 days (on and off throughout the day) and then 12 days later (With no mild burning in urethra) after having unprotected sex with my wife (Cause the tests were negative and was feeling better) the next day the mild urethra burning started up again. My wife is STD free I know this for sure. I got worried I gave my wife an std so I went back to my doctor and asked for another urinalysis and cbc. All came back fine he said. I still had aching in pernium area and back pain also waves of shooting sharp pain inside shaft of penis throughout the day. Now it being the 3rd week I went to an Urlogist. He said my prostate was a little enlarged and said its prostatitis. Personally I felt he needed to do more that that. He prescribed me Cipro twice a day for 2 weeks. 5 days into the all day discomfort and burning was better than on 6th day it started up again and has been this way for a week.
I am at a loss as to what this is. Its really hard for me to accept I didn’t “catch” something during that session.
9 Responses
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300980 tn?1194929400
We agree 100%.  You are taking things out of context.  My advice to you stnads.  You need to stop worrying about this being an STD.  Is it not.  EWH
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How can you say you share Dr Hunters views when he states the following on WBC on urine test vs STD. You tell me that no NGU  = no WBC and he says this:

by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., Apr 13, 2006 12:00AM
A urine check for white blood cells is not reliable either to diagnose any STD or to exclude one.  That, many men with such things as chlamydia, NGU, or gonorrhea have no WBCs in their urine; and when WBCs are present, they can indicate any of these, or other conditions.  But UTIs are rare in healthy, younger men.  (Most cases of apparent UTI in younger men probably are actually NGU or chlamydia that has been misdiagnosed.)

Bottom line: if your urine has WBCs, you need more testing to learn the cause.  If your urine has no WBCs, you still could be infected.  If you have reason to believe you are at risk for STD, you need specific testing.
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300980 tn?1194929400
I presume that since this is not an STD your questions relates to the expect response of prostatitis to therapy.  It can take  several days and tends to be rather gradual rather than abrupt.  For furrther questions of this sort you would be better off to ask your urologist than me.  EWH
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Thx Dr Hook, My Uroligist put me on 1 dose of Zithromax(1000mg) and 7 days of Doxcy. I started this yesterday. How many days usually until someone will feel relief and bacteria is zapped out? This is my LAST post - promise
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300980 tn?1194929400
1. The urinalysis would have looked for white blood cells. No WBCs, no NGU.
2.  Yes, there is no reason to be concerned that having unprotected sex might put her in danger.
3.  It is hard to make antibiotic decisions when there are no lab tests to guide them.  Ciprofloaxacin is the antibiotic most often used for prostatitis.  My advice would be to discuss the topic of an antibitoic change with your doctor

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Dr Hook Thank you for your time 1 last quick followup question if I may.
- Is an NGU possible or Has my urinalysis and blood work for std rule that out?
- Is it safe to begin sex with my wife again(unprotected)
- Should I request Zithromax instead of the Cipro to help this constant aching\stinging that I feel all day long?
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300980 tn?1194929400

Welcome to the Forum.  I have read your question and reviewed your interactions on the STD Community site.  I will briefly summarize my impressions, then answer your questions directly.  To summarize, you had a single episode of protected vaginal sex with a CSW, followed by masturbation.  since then you have been tested for STDs twice with negative results but continue to have symptoms which were first occurring in your urethra and more recently have been associated with perineal and back pain.  Your symptoms started within hours of your exposure.

The data do not suggest in any way that you have an STD.  STD symptoms categorically don not begin in less than 24 hours following exposure.  This fact, along with the fact that your sex was condom protected, that masturbation is not associated with STD transmission and that you have negative tests provide a body of compelling evidence that your symptoms are not due to an STD acquired at the encounter you describe.  Now, on to your specific questions:

1.  Prostatitis is almost never caused by STDs.  Your symptoms are somewhat suggestive of prostatitis and if that is what is going on, that it has occurred around the time of the exposure you describe is coincidence.
2.  The DNA tests for gonorrhea and chlamydia do rarely detect infections even when there are no other signs of inflammation.  That your DNA tests are negative effectively eliminates this possibility.
3.  No
4.  No, this does not occur.  Despite seeming as though it could happen, the fact is that it does not and you will not be the first in whom it does.
5.  No sure what to say here.  Sometimes after an exposure that, in retrospect, one wishes they had not had, persons tend to examine themselves and be far more attuned to genital sensations than in periods when they are not concerned.  This in turns leads to noticing what turn out to be normal sensations that might have been not noticed or ignored at other times.  Perhaps this was a contributor to your situation.  

Hope these comments help.  I do not deny that you are experiencing symptoms.  At the same time, I am confident that they are not due to an STD.  EWH
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To clarify: I been married for 15 years. this is the 1st time I had an indiscretion like this. My wife is std free.
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My questions are:

1. Could this be Prostatitis caused by an STD.
2. I seen a post on this site of a man in my similar case do a urinalsis that said it was std free but his culture a week later showed positive for chlymdia and gonorrea. Should I get a culture too?
3. Is there an STD im missing.
4. Could her hand that removed the condom after vaginal intercourse have the std and it was transferred during her handjob give me an std
5. I know nerves and worry play a part but this is definite pain and aching that lasts all day and the moment I wake up.
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