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Confused about Herpes

Herpes is confusing! I am a 20 year old male and have developed extreme anxiety about getting genital herpes. I know, it's dumb, and I'm not even sure where it stemmed from. Regardless, I understand that there are millions of people in the U.S. living with this virus. After each time I have sex (I've had 3 partners in college), I feel very guilty and start freaking out. I am constantly checking myself and looking for abnormalities in my genital area. Because 90% of the people who have herpes are unaware of their infection, I never feel safe having sex with someone because even they themselves might not know they have the virus. I REALLY want to get over this anxiety, but I feel like the reason why it is still lingering in my mind is mainly due to all the controversial and confusing information that is on the internet. I'll read somewhere that the virus is extremely contagious, but then I'll follow a post by Dr. HHH that says "only 5% of couples with an infected partner who have unprotected sex 2-3 times per week will have a transmission of the virus." That last stat makes it seem like herpes is somewhat difficult to catch.

Even after monitoring myself for 2-10 days after the exposure and finding absolutely nothing, I still manage to come to the conclusion that there is the possibility that I contracted the virus. I think this is because I know that so many people with HSV are asymptomatic and never show signs anyway. I'm really tired of going to the doctor to get blood tests every time I have sex with a new partner, because its a waste of my time and his. However, unless I have a negative blood test, I just can not get the thought of it out of my mind. I need a peace of mind and would love any advice you can offer. Thanks very much, it is appreciated.

Happy Holidays

3 Responses
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239123 tn?1267647614
On one hand, some studies suggest that up to 90% of HSV-2 infected persons are asymptomatic.  However, most "asymptomatic" persons with positive blood tests quickly come to recognize outbreaks that they previously didn't notice, or whose significance they didn't understand until the test result was available.  My guess is that most persons in your situation -- i.e. hyper anxious about herpes and looking for even the most subtle symptoms -- would notice genital blisters/sores if they were infected.

I have to wonder how you can "know for a fact" that you don't have oral HSV-1.  If you haven't had a blood test for HSV-1, you cannot know that.

The data show that when people HSV-1 catch genital HSV-2, they tend to have milder symptoms during the first episode.  

That will have to be all for this thread.
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Dr. HHH,

Thanks, and I am definitely going to take your advice. For my own knowledge, what are the chances that someone who is infected with HSV2 genitally will not show any symptoms at all? I'm not talking about those who are unaware because they had mistaken the symptoms for something other than herpes (ie: razor bumps.) Instead. I'm talking about people who downright do not show any symptoms. I know for a fact that I do not have HSV-1 orally. I read that sometimes HSV2 genital symptoms present themselves much more mildly, if at all, for some individuals who have previous "immunity" or "defense" from HSV1. Can you please advise?

Thanks again !

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239123 tn?1267647614
Welcome the the STD forum.

Indeed herpes can be confusing. In some ways, it probably is the most complicated STD.  However, some basic facts are clear and should not be confusing at all.  Indeed, it is clear that you know at least some of these important facts, including the low risk of transmission from any particular sexual exposure.  And you probably know that that low risk can be reduced further by consistent use of condoms, which of course should be automatic for all casual encounters or sex with new partners.  And you are correct that "it's dumb" for any sexually active person to go around with "extreme anxiety about getting genital herpes".  In any case, you don't ask any specific questions about herpes (the few facts you state about the disease are accurate).

This is obviously more than just a trivial problem for you; it is seriously affecting your sexual health and your general psychological well-being.  Your self-awareness that your fears are not entirely rational is a good first step in addressing the problem.  However, it is unlikely that you're going to be successful in working through this by online searching or by improved factual knowledge.  And that is all a forum like this can do, provide facts and scientifically based probabilities.  Accordingly, professional counseling is the way forward for you.  Start with a frank conversation with your personal health care provider.  I suggest it out of compassion, not criticism.  

Good luck--  HHH, MD
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Herpes spreads by oral, vaginal and anal sex.
Herpes sores blister, then burst, scab and heal.
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