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Feeling of bruising...but no bruising???!!!

Hi everyone,
I hope you are all well.  Not been on the forum in a while.
Couple of updates are that my ANA was recently slightly raised and speckled and I'm having it repeated in 2 months or so, and i've been seeing a chiropractor (3 sessions so far) and he has found what he thinks is a trapped nerve leading to my right foot, possibly also the cause of my groin, bum and back of thigh pain. Also, he has picked up on my shallow breathing and gave me some breathing exercises which I'm practicing.

My reason to come on here tonight is that i keep getting the feeling that the back of my hand is bruised.  The thing is, there is no bruise! Not even a mark! I haven't banged it done nothing to cause it, it just really feels bruised and sore.  When it's happened before, the feeling has lasted up to a week and then gone then it could be a week or month before it comes back, sometimes longer. It seems really silly, but i just wondered if anyone had experienced this and if they knew the cause?

I continue to have my numb bits and pins and needles wherever they fancy, with the saddle paraesthesia (which ive been scanned for and clear of abnormalities im told) and the shoulder blade pins and needles being the most bothersome at present. Using my sos neuro appt on may 3rd so going to mention all this and annoy him im there yet again lol when he believes there is nothign wrong with me. I may get my chiro to write a letter as he's already seen me with my numb foot days and it might push the neuro to do something?  Who knows. Anyway, would love to hear from anyone who's had hese invisible bruises haha!

All the best to everyone!
8 Responses
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1627868 tn?1333886342
Welcome back!  I can't really say that I've ever had that per se, but I don't doubt you for one second.  Anything is possible with these neurological diseases.

How high was your ANA?  Was it elevated before or was this the first time?  I ask because I think, and I am no doctor and really don't know much at all, lol, elevated ANA and having that feeling for bruising is a symptom of Lupus.  Does this sound right anyone?

Please don't think that I am suggesting that you DO have it, just thought I read that somewhere.  Have you had any other testing done to rule out other diseases?  Was anything else out of whack?

I say go for it and have your chiropractor write up something in their opinion to show to your neuro.  The more people on board and on your side the better.  But be wary of a chiropractor who thinks they can cure you of all your ills...

Take care and let us know how it goes!
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551343 tn?1506830518
oh yes the invisible bruise.

Another one is the invisible cut. I swear to go i have a cut somewhere usually on my index finger or under my foot. So bad one day I had to get my husband to check under my foot as I swear to god there was a large cut there, but nothing zilch nadar.

I did mention this to my neuro and he told me it was just another form of Paresthesia, and comes along side any illness associated with neurological problems.

Sometimes i think i am going mad lol....but you are not alone, i know so many people who have these weird things going on.xx
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Hi guys,
thanks for taking the time to reply.
My ANA was partially raised but i didnt't ask for the actual reading.  It's the first time i've had it tested.  I knew speckled ana could mean lupus so i asked and she said she would expect to see my crp and other inflammatory markers raised too, but they weren't.
I was meant to have lyme test too but the endo forgot to write it on the blood form lol.  It will be 2 months more before i have my repeat test but when the results come in, i will contact her and ask about the lyme being on the next blood form. I will ask the neuro about it when i see him too, thats in a fortnight.
I've had a lot of tests 3 monthly i have a full cbc and calcium and vit d check as i have hypoparathyroidism.  Apart from the calcium and vit d, the other tets have been normal.

Ive also had the invisible graze and invisible burn! I should've mentioned those! My skin feels incredibly sore in small patches but when i look theres nothing! If i touch it...ouch!

Today i've woken up with my fridge chills....it's as if i have opened the fridge door and stood there with the cold air chilling my skin, except i'm nowhere near the fridge and i could have several layers on!!!  It's on my back, face and arms today. Thats another thing i am going to mention to the neuro. I've mentioned it the last 2 times i've seen one and they have it in the notes. So weird! It's so hard explaining to people who really have no neuro probs that you are experiencing all these things as they think you're either making it up, or crazy! A fairly new symptom is pins and needles in my lower abdomen and slightly to the side on my right. You couldn't make it up!

Theres still a probable dx of fibro and cfs for me. Who knows though. Sometimes i think yeh ok i fit that dx, but other times i can't help but think they are wrong.  Dr hasn't sent me to a rheumy to confirm.  

Well i do hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, with as few neuro issues as possible lol!

best wishes to all xxx
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551343 tn?1506830518
I had raised ANA, and other markers. The second ANA though didnt show up again so they are keeping lupus on the back boiler.

The thing is with fibromyalgia they keep moving the goal posts. Originally it was just musclesketal with pressure points, now if you read some of the websites it includes neurological as well even to the same sensations as MS.

Also I found a web page linking fibromyalgia with dysautomia. This is talking about it:


Also with dysautomia you can get chills my brother has it and can get this freezing chill feeling.

I just think its bizarre how fibroymyalgia is becoming the new MS...I have spoken to people with MS who have all your symptoms ...

I just think there is a new illness in town but the medical people have their heads stuck in the sand.

You cant possible have 3 illnesses so alike now.

M.E./ FMS./MS.  They are virtually the same.

hummingbird guide shows you just how the same they are. The only main difference with M.E. and M.S. for example is heart and exhaustion after exercise which you dont normally have in MS.

All what you describe I have had, so have my MS friends.xxx
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I have thought the same to myself sometimes about how easily people are being diagnosed with fm or cfs with no extensive tests done. For example, i've had a brain mri for the neuro symptoms and lumbar mri for the saddle paraesthesia.....but lesions in the c and t spine can cause those symptoms too and i haven't had those scanned?
I have arm weakness still...i've woken this morning with my reduced feeling feet and a left arm with reduced sensation (the feet almost feel numb but to touch they feel pressure....usually lasts at least a morning which makes the chiro wonders if it's a trapped nerve in the lower back....they get the odd tingle and weird vibrations feelings).  I get this in my feet about 3/4 days a week on average i'd say but it can be very bad where i can barely feel them (even though still walk etc) and my ankles feel weird but also ache.  It's lasted more than a week in one go before.
I don't remember a day where i haven't had at least 5 symptoms in years...and that would be a very good day!!!

I read the article, i struggle maintaining a body temp quite often too, one minute i will be actually cold (not just the fridge chills where im warm to touch) and then the slightest movement will make be hot!

I do have to wonder if fibro is MS, but that the lesions are too small to see on the scans? I've seen SO many posts on different sites like the fm site and the ms society where ppl were originally told they have fm and to be on their way, then it turns out a few years later they have do have ms!  Surely that is a big link in itself?
My neuro said my exams were fine and he doesn't think i have MS, but we have good and bad days/times right?  All he can do is see us on a given date and time, which may be one of our better times? He's then only seeing a snapshot in time. he barely took any of my other symptoms into account and my list is over 60 long!  
I find it so frustrating and i think it's a cop out by the nhs to give a dx of fm/cfs/me when not all the tests have been done.  For those who aren't showing anything on mris, a lumbar puncture (although horrid) can show when there may be problems, but it's rarely offered. It makes me so cross as we could find out whats wrong and treat it so things don't get worse, but it seems they don't want to spend the money on us.

Mrs Aristotle, have you got a dx of ms? I'm sure when i spoke to you last you were still seeking a dx for all this?
I read some stats on how many ppl have ms...I'm sure it's much higher than they say as i personally know about 5 or 6 people who have it! There are loads of links to ms and viruses such as epstein barr too, and about 85% of ppl in the UK would test pos for having had that at some point in their lives.

I've said it before on here i think but it is nice to talk to ppl who have the same weird symptoms as i do....it makes you feel far less on your own and crazy haha xxxx
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Hi, my names Nora. 32/f/khronic Kat. Least of all, fibromyalgia , chronic fatigue syndrome and chronic ebv. I have to thank the cursed ebv for swelling up 8 different lymph nodes, and FORCING the doctor to do a cbc with cancer differential. My search term tonight was bruised feeling but no bruises. I have a doc appt tmrw that I'm gonna try to keep.its hot on the heels of my cats vet appt. But yeah, I'm supposed to get the full results tomorrow. Right on the side of my elbow the feeling is more painful than ita been in days. What I thought happened was that the IV prick hit a nerve, now I come to see its nowhere near the injection site.by comparison its swollen and almost hard. Feels like someone just grabbed and wouldn't let go. Extremely tender even to touch.

Which came first , chicken or egg? Mono which turned chronic, cfs,, and fibro. BC that's the exact order I experienced my symptoms and dx . Lets not quibble over opinion. Anyway, there's a possibility of MS.too many symptoms to mention but lss BC I didn't crash into a wall with my eyes closed and arms down, I was literally and stupidly discharged as a neurology patient, meaning BC i didn't give myself a concussion, I'm handy dandy. Keep in mind, despite a war zone abusive upbringing, I was healthy as a horse until after 911. I'm from bklyn and all of that toxicity in the air floated on over eight across the water. For 3 ½ months straight my backyard smelled like pure smoke. Cue the hacking cough, fevers chills etc etc. God forgive me, if it turns out to be cancer, at least ill be taken srsly

My other dxs include

Diabetes type 2, with type 1 in the shadows
Bilateral kidney cysts
Ovarian cysts
Slipped disc pushing up on the thecal sac of spinal fluid
Pancreatic dysplacia (my pancreatic cells are Mingling ' with my esophogeal cells. Mingling. Like its no big fin deal. Swear to Christ, these docs could be politicians with their Minimizing bs)
Spinal stenosis (cervical spine cracks audibly. I've many times had torticollis on account of it. Gr)
Bilateral patellar instability , with subluxation
Ibs with bleeding episodes
Benign positional vertigo
Premature ventricular contractions/tachycardia

And a boatload of psych disorders from being abused and losing my dad.

I can relate ^. I've been doing the dishes alot lately and as soon as the water hits my ring finger , I scream. It feels like there's a paper cut hanging on for dear life, but there's nothing there.

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Hi Emma,
I've ended up on this page searching for feeling of bruise with no bruises... And also had recently found from a blood test that I had speckling in ANA. I got that test done from being randomly very itchy all over with no skin or allergy cause.

Don't suppose you had any luck with a diagnosis?

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Hi I have never posted on a thread?.. I too entered feeling bruised with no bruises.. and came upon this page. As I read through I find that most of the different symptems being discussed are symptwms I have. I have the fatigue, I recently underwent radiation therapy for breast cancer(which I found out I had after going to Dr. Regarding fatigue) well at first we all assumed the cancer was the reason for the fatigue..and I assumed it got worse due to radiation.. a co worker basically convinced me , my boss, other co workers that I was beibg dramatic,dishonest,using cancer as an excuse for tired(although I never missed work before,and when I had my partial mascectomy on a Thursday and Dr told me to take a week to 2 weeks, I was back at work Monday (not saying this makes me special just pointing out that if I wanted to usecancer as an excuse to get out of working I wouldnt have went back to work that soon . Or got up 2 hours earlier every Morning so I could do radiation. Before work even after my boss ,Dr,family said going towards the end of day would be easier on me and boss gave me permission. To do this.. again I am not claiming to be  anything special. I know there are thousands of people doing the same or worse. Without over sleeping one day til my boss had to call my daddy to come wake me up at home, or towards the end missing at least one day a week and sleeping the entire time. Right now. , I am a tually experienci g a mixture of emotions. I am ,oddly enough , glad to see this page where other people have these other symptems. Now I know I'm not crazy,lazy, weak,or  my favorite (a quote from the cruel co worker bc I ended up taking The last week of radiation off.."you justdont have your priorities right,your not willing to go the distance, my aunt had radiation in her colon and worked every day"... Ok I need to quit guess it all surfaced ...I'll quit with all that because I am not posting because of the cancer... I realize,and this I have figured out before tonight, the other symptens are something else that coincidentally came around the same time throwing me off for a while. I am not a pityparty or dramatic type of person and I am sitting here Just bawling glike a big ole baby right now,well, and yelling "see, I k we it" repeatedly to my phone..lok(please please nobody post anything mean )just knowing tgere are others out there,who ha e gone through this.others that know how frustrating,scary,shameful,AWEFUL it is to have all this pain,all these things happining your body that YOU KNOW are not right,that are really affecting your life ,your children's lives, and you want to feel better so very badly, you want to just know what it is and what can you do to fix it..but worse of all sonograms show nothing, x rays show nothing , then friends and family start to get upset with you when you feel bad, then you start feeling guilty for feeling bad.
I actually lost my Job at an insurance company. My boss is not to blame , I wouldn't have believed him anymore  either. Besides he didn't fire me but every time I missed the routine became that I would be called back to his office and he would chew me out,make me feel like I was intentionally not caring g about my co workers having. To work harder because I wasn't there, even had to bring up every time the fact that I overslept til dad came over and woke me  "i mean angie, I have told you all along your health comes first as first but I do have an office to run and it's not fair to the other girls and I mean you've over slept til your dad came.. who took care of your two boys while you were over sleeping ??how did they get to school or did you get up get them off a d then ""overskeep"" " ...etc and of course the other 3 girls got to ignore phones,and hide in next office each time so they could hear me be humiliated and chewed out because well,"i say I'm in all this pain and I'm sooooo tired but hmmm Dr.s dont find a thing on xray,sonogram? So WE ALL HATE YOU!. I do have two young boys counting g on me to be an adult and shut my office door and ignore all the comments. Or the boss getting everyone e treats except me. Or the trying g to belittle me in front of clients.. Ok omg please New friends don't run away... I am done with the soap box... Got it out ... Made myself sound like a real lunitic to the only people who may understand every single thing I am experiencing right now. Promise IM NOT CRAZZZYY! I THINKS IT boils down to 8 months of feeling so guilty everytime I knew it was gonna be a bad day.. Or something would happen because I knew every one is going to be mad... But now that I see what I think is an answer... I am mad, mostly at myself though for actually wasting all that effort, and actually so.etimes .making it so much worse by trying to pretend it wasn't happening so no one would be upset. I have so many questions . Anyone who may, by some miracle , still be reading.How can I ask questions .Promise no pity party stuff.. only medical questions and co..e rd Fri. Here on. Out. I notice my pain rapidlly getting worse. I think my first question is ...how bad does it get .. how can you tell between fiber, and ms. Can you be tested for ms where as fiber I do know you can't. The past few days I have also been having shortness of breath, and chest not really hurting but just sore
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