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Help on my journey to dxs...

A bless day to all. First off I want to start by saying thank you to anyone who can give me more information. I am 28 yr old female who 4 yrs ago developed a severe headache that lasted a week, then started to have dizzy spells for a week, and finally felt this tingling sensation in my right leg arm and face. That scared me info to want to go get help. I don't have insurance so I went to this clinic. There after some bloodwork it was decided that I had an autoimmune disorder. But the clinic didn't have access to Specialist or X-rays. So I got on this medical program for one year. During that year fibro was ruled out, and b12. I had an MRI that showed one lesion that may have been cuase of the nonstop tingling in my right leg. I had an LP but nothing was shown there. I had my nerves tested and nothing there. I had a lot of bloodwork, but since I was just worried and unsure what to think, I didn't ask any questions really. My Nero told me suspect MS, but that it takes time to dxs.

The year ended and I was dropped from the health program. But today I begin my journey toward a dxs agian. I am back on the program maybe for a yr, but at least it's help for a bit. The thing is I want to know what I should be asking this time around. Also, what I should be looking out for.

Here is a bit more background to further give everyone an idea of what I am going through. First off I have had migraines since I took my first steps. I never have had a true fever. Nothing above 89.9, even when I had the chicken pox, the flu, mono, and the many sinus infections. About 5 yrs ago I found a cyst behind my right ear pop up but it was nothing. I also have a high tolerance for pain, so when i am in pain it most likely is severe. My mom says when I was extremely young I had blood in my urine but nothing came of it. Cancer and mental issues run in my family but nothing else. Although one of my cousins have Crohn's disease, and another is going through what I am(no dxs).

Recently my feet feel stiff, my hands tingle, I get sharp pain in my shoulders that only last a second. Right above my wrists are swollen a lil, and I feel so tired. My knees have been in pain to and at times feel stiff or pop. I also have had issues with my stomach I feel pressure in the lower right abdomen at night sometimes. This cuases me to feel like I constantly need to pee. I also get stabbing pains in different areas of my stomache. I have had ringing in my rifht ear and discomfort. My dizzy spells, headaches, and the tingling sensation are still around. The tingling has gotten more persistent in both my legs now and my whole face.

I know this was a lot of info, but I just want to be armed and ready to help find a dxs in this year. So if you feel you might be able to tell me what autoimmune disorders to be looking into, or some questions I need to ask I would be grateful. God bless you all.
12 Responses
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hey Kimberly.

Being "stuck" in limboland may part of a bigger plan for you!
"Illness as Path" is the title translation of  the spanish version of this book"La enfermedad como camino" original written in german by RĂ¼diger Dahlke Thorwald Dethlefsen.
I like it better than the translated title in the english version:
"The Healing Power of Illness: The Meaning of Symptoms and How to Interpret Them."

The reader may find herself/himself looking inwards to discover  the truth
about our illness and the meaning of it, an opportunity for evolution
and a return - if I may say - to our Divine nature.

Anyway, what I'm trying to convey here really is a VERY complex
concept in a form of a simplified message to suffering individuals "stuck in limbo".
Your* suffering ,your symptoms, your undx'd illness, your Neuros and your Rheumies, your tests and MRI's, your meds and procedures are all the main characters and main scenes of a production called: Your Life.

God, Higher Self, Faith, Consciousness, Meditation, Prayer, Awareness,
Enlightenment are secondary characters and secondary scenes at best.
And as disease symptoms progress further, the secondary characters
are soon reduced to plain extras.

My Ultimate recommendation that will help make a remarkable impact on EVERY aspect of Your Life  and give you a way out of "Limboland of the Mind" - as it is nothing but a product of the mind! - is to REVERSE the order of the above!
The Secondary characters become the Main characters, while the the Main characters become the Secondary.

When you make God, the Main character in Your Life, NOTHING & NOBODY  stands a chance from the original cast to interfere with God's role in Your Life.   Love, Peace, Health and Joy are His Part!

When you practice Meditation and Prayer you become Enlightened.
When you experience Hopelessness and  Frustration you stay in the dark.

Fear blocks your Awareness of your Higher Self.
Consciousness connects you to the Divine.

Formulate a plan that you can follow each and every day,
that will allow you to direct Your Life in way that serves you BEST!

Respect your mind and guard your thoughts carefully, with loving care.
This is Life's shortcut to transformation. Use it wisely!

* Your and You are meant to represent Anyone's and Anyone, as my intention is to address in a generalized manner and not anyone specific.

Any questions regarding meditation, prayer, reprogramming your inner voice, arthritic/rheumatoid conditions, holistic suggestions or anything else,
I'm just a couple clicks away, and my thoughts and prayers are always with you!

I had to smile when a read "Nero" (should be spelled Neuro), as  a funny thought came to me that some doctors think they're gods, well in this case a Neuro is actually referred to as Nero ( the Roman Emperor rumoured as the Emperor who "fiddled while Rome burned") lol!
All in good humour of course.

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Today as some may know I went to see my primary care doctor for the first time this second go around in hopes of being dxs. Well, it went just as I expected for the most part. I got told I need to see a Nero, and I had blood drawn. She wanted to test my b12, and do another ANA. The only thing different was I was told that she wanted to take a second look at rheumatoid related issues due to my joint pain.

So, soon I will have the results to my bloodwork, and tomorrow I call the program I am on to see about a Nero. I just pray that getting to a Nero won't be hard. I also will be looking up rheumatoid related disorders, so I know a little more about them. Thanks everyone for your support while I am stuck in limboland. May god bless you all.

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551343 tn?1506830518
GOOD LUCK TODAY hun, hope it goes well. Mariaxx
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That's actually really interesting. I do pray every day. I try to show care towards everyone, even if they have been mean toward me. I think I am gonna try to follow more of these fundamentals. Anything that may help me find some peace. Although I feel I control my stress pretty well.

Spiritually I guess I do struggle at times. But it seems like its when the tingling comes back. Still anything to help me spirtitually is also appreciated. I can't wait for the day I feel more enlightened.

Thanks again for being here for me. I have an appt Thursday with my primary care doctor. Wensday I am gonna put together a list of sxs, and questions. I want to feel like I am ready. I will be praying for you, please pray for me to.

God bless you,
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi Kimberly.
I understand what you're going through and share your pain.
This time I will bypass the physical and go to our spiritual aspects
of living, in order to best answer your last question, being the highest in importance.

A template for better living, health, relationships, communication, awareness,understanding, truth, is the basis of of my "turn-around"
from "Hell to Heaven" as I put it in my previous post.
The template is based on a few fundamental principles and rules:

1. All Energy material or ethereal is governed by the Higher Power (God, Universe, Creator). After all everything is energy!

2. The Higher Power is with-In and not with-Out.
The better we understand this, the more we diminish "problems" (in our minds since they are a only a product of our thinking), as
there can NEVER be fault,wrong,problems,illness,negative with God!

3. We all have a Divine ability to manifest and attract all that we need and desire, for we are part of God. Honour your Worthiness to Receive abundant Health, Happiness, Love, Joy and Peace.

4. Daily Prayer and Meditation increase our Awareness of the Divine power within us.

5. Unconditional Love to all people and all things is what connects us to our Divinity.

There are many other principles, but the above are very fundamental.
Once one reaches higher levels of Consciousness, based on the understanding and practice of the above,"Blissful Magic" happens.

  Knowledge, Answers, Solutions, just start coming to you as if you had installed a giant magnet to bring them in your life.
What we call "miracles",  simply manifest all the time when we become Enlightened. It's the way the Universe works!

So, the "secret" to Heaven, is not really a secret.
It's only a curtain that needs to be opened, to let the Light come and shine in on our Lives.

I have deviated a bit from the "traditional" direction in this forum, however,
I'm just following my Inner Guide.
I'm grateful for all that I have received and I enjoy giving back in the spirit of
of service and love. Please keep posting!
Many Blessings!
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You know it's crazy, but I believe that I maybe going through all those so I can help others later as well. Since I was very young I have wanted to help others in some way or another. So, this keeps me going.

I will look into magniesuim deficiency. As for anything that brought on the onset of all my sxs. I can't really think of anything for the first time they came on. Recently I got a severe sinus infection right before the onset of the latest new sxs. But the first onset just came on suddenly. The doctor tried to say it was stress. I was stressed at work, but my home life made up for that. My life seemed to be slowly becoming exactly what I wanted it to be. Then out of no where the week long headache, a week of dizzy, and then the last straw the tingling just came on. It really scared me cause it was very sudden.

The one thing I have is my family. My mom is great she remembers alot more then I do about what they tested for. At the same time it's because she is almost to the point of panic over me being sick. My husband is there, and lately he is trying hard to see my point that I have to try to have a normal life. But still every once and a while he cries saying he can't lose me. This is why this forum feels more like comfort, ya get me.

Thanks so much for ya kindness.  I wish I had a clue of the onset of these sxs. Recently after going over old notes I wrote on my health and talking with my family... It just seems like my body always has been off. At around a little before age age two, blood showed up in my urine. But the doctors never came up with a reason and it disappeared when I turned two. I also use to know a week before I got sick that I was going to. My mom would take me to the doctor with complaints of ear aches. They would send us home say it was nothing then a week later it would be a severe ear infection. Same with other illnesses. I never have really felt pain normally or gotten fever.

But all this seemed ok. These new sxs are scary. Today I had a few severe dizzy spells. I just don't get it. I was only 24 when this all came up. Sorry I am going on and on. I am just tired of feeling like this.

So how did you turn things around? What's your secret to "heaven"? I try staying positive. I trust in God, but still it scares me.well thanks again, and sorry again if I went on and on.
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1530171 tn?1448129593

Not sure where that "Reply!" came from, at the end of my post!
It was definitely NOT intended.

Anyway, I'm glad to see that you have your mom close to you and supporting you.

One thing that needs to be ruled out for sure is magnesium, but if you ask for this you need get for tissue magnesium levels checked (tissue mineral analysis), as almost 99% of your body's magnesium is not in the blood but in the tissues.
Also a urine magnesium load test will indicate a magnesium deficiency
in a short time.

Was there anything significant that took place before the onset of your symptoms? You are so young and I'm seeking possible connections
to your health issues. Do you have any suspicions-not so much of a dx,
as this is only a medical label and a consequence- but rather of a connection to a root cause or factor?

I'm glad you feel "connected" with our group here and we'll do our best to offer you support and encouragement.
There are many things that can be done.

Please feel free to post any time and you may pm privately any member
that replied to you so far- w/o hesitation!

We all understand what you're going through.
Personally I'm one of the few who managed to totally turn things around in my life - from Hell to Heaven in 2 Lifetimes! lol!- maybe this should be title of my book!
My 2 NDE's contributed PROFOUNDLY  to my expanded Understanding and Awareness of what IS and consequently re-enforced my quest for Wellness and Enlightenment.

And after returning to great health and fully functioning, it was clear to me that I had to fulfil some Higher Purposes.
One of my purposes  is to share knowledge, offer support, advice and help people live better and healthier lives, so they in turn can have the opportunity to do the same.

Many Blessings!
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Well, my mom said that thyroid was ruled out. B12 and D3 was I believe all fungus was ruled out. I am really not sure about the others but this coming up Thursday, or Friday I am gonna have my first doctors appt in this second go around for a dxs.

As for my faith I am trying to keep it. I trust this is all for a reason. Thanks for any help you can give me. I will keep you all posted.

May God Bless Ya,
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Reposting my original reply. -I have no idea what happened! lol
(just to keep matters  in proper perspective and order)

Hi Kimberly.
Welcome to our intimate little group.

Can you tell me about your blood work results?
Have you been checked for B12, D3, Magnesium (tissue),Glutathione deficiencies? Have you been checked for thyroid function and adrenal
fatigue (complete hormonal panel)?
any neurotransmitter deficiencies?
Sorry for all the questions, but if it's not too much trouble, please post again with your answers. Ruling out some of these will help narrow down your quest for a dx.
Meanwhile, stay strong, you seem to be a person with great faith and determination, and soon you will see Light.

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551343 tn?1506830518
HI THIS WAS POSTED BY NIKO ON THE DUPLICATE POST. I cant seem to delete the other post lol...


Hi Kimberly.
Welcome to our intimate little group.

Can you tell me about your blood work results?
Have you been checked for B12, D3, Magnesium (tissue),Glutathione deficiencies? Have you been checked for thyroid function and adrenal
fatigue (complete hormonal panel)?
any neurotransmitter deficiencies?
Sorry for all the questions, but if it's not too much trouble, please post again with your answers. Ruling out some of these will help narrow down your quest for a dx.
Meanwhile, stay strong, you seem to be a person with great faith and determination, and soon you will see Light.
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Thanks, for your response. Yeah I had started wondering about MS myself. I know there alot of miciming disorders. You are the second one who said to check into Lupus. So, I am going to do more research on Lupus. This group is a godsend. I don't feel as alone as I had been.

I have family, but they just don't get how I feel. My husband worries so much he has tried to take away my independence. I talked to him, and he has gotten better. My mom and dad worry that I am gonna get real sick or hurt myself real bad and won't be able to tell. I burnt myself at work, and didn't think it was that bad. But later found out it was pretty bad. So I guess I get why they worry. Still though I don't want to give up my independence until I have no choice. So, this forum is wonderful becuase alot of ya seem like you understand what I am feeling. Thanks agian for the response. May God Bless You.

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551343 tn?1506830518
Hi hun and welcome to our group.

After reading all your information I am not sure if it would be MS but I suppose it could, the problem with MS is everyone gets different symptoms, its really difficult to pin some of them down.

Have you been tested for Lupus? Lupus can cause headaches, tingling, fatigue, swellings and pain in the knees etc. It is an auto immune disease.

A lot of people with auto immune have high pain tolerance I think it is natures way of enabling us to cope with the pain. I have terrible pain most days, but can cope with it. I too have high pain tolerance.

This explains Lupus very well and covers your headaches including migraines....its a thought.


Have a read and see what you think. Mariax
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