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please a help

since 4 months and half i had sex with unknown condition woman , i used a condom but it had been broke for like 5 secs b4 i realized and stopped and she made unprotected ******* for me ,, after two days from that exposure.
* I start to feel pain on peins that went to my Testes too in 2-3 days and "i got afraid i went to a doctor and he said there is nth
* 9th day i had pain at my Armpit " still have but with no tumor but it got better now its like sting that comes and go"
* 15th day i had rash on my neck , chest and shoulders "i still have those too but better for now ecxept the one on my chest nd behing my ears"
* 3rd week my first hiv DUO test " negative " on large lab here that they asked me to come on that day - but even    after that i had my symptoms i searched again and i found that i had to went at 4th week as some other doctor said
* 4th week elisa test , syphilis test "both negative " , took G injection just incase.
* 5th week hepatitis a,b,c "all negative" and a doctor told me to start antibiotc doeses for 1 month cuz he though i have prostats or bacertial infiction that cuases my peins and testicle pain but i cut it in 20 days cuase another doctor told me its more than enough and my body start getting worse in that time ..
* 6th week or maybe lil before i had a sore throat ,shortness of breathe , muscle aches all over my body , stomachache and , stings all over my body and finally worst  fatiuge ever  
* 8th week elisa test "negative "
* 9th weeks swollen lymph glands on the neck " and still here" - syphilis test "negative "
* 10th week elisa test ,  hepatitis b,c "all negative"
* 12 weeks (82 days exactly ) elisa test "negative"
* 13 weeks hiv combo test "negative" cmv test "IGM negative IGG positive" , ebv that one of my infiction diseas doctor said its a past infiction and the other one said its a reactiveted infictionn nd it was EA,EBNA,IGG "all positve" IGM "negative" so it might be the prolem , hepatits b,c "negative" ANA "negative"
* 15 weeks hiv combo and syphilis test " both negative"
* 17 weeks hsv general test for all kinds IGM,IGG "both negative" , sore throat culture " candida albicans"
* 18 weeks fungal culture blood test , cmv , ebv , stool alnalysis tests and i will take those results this week

I live in arabian country that they dont see alot of sexual diseas cuz its forbidden here and i was asking for half of those tests from my self i asked for " ebv, cmv, hsv , candida" its like they just know hiv and sypilis and am the doctor here when i had my candida over growth in my throat i asked for a blood test too to be sure is it there or not ,, sorry for writing so much ut it been near to 5 months and i need to knw wt is happening with me ,, am 75% better but still i miss the power in my body nd how my skin was before rashed and stinging and before all the symptoms u saw up
to just leave me without coming bc so please if u can inform me with any advise ,,
thanks alot .
20 Responses
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thanks a lot I appreciate your replay and about the salmonella test that there is something wrong with it because i did two stool culture and analysis after the first one and it was negative " nothing detected "but i took a ciproflix just in case and for the blood and the puss in it with a flagyl land I know that I felt better like something was dying ,, it could be Candida or Maycoplasma or both ,, I will try to contact Dr. Nicklson this week ..
Finally sorry for bothering,, thank you sir
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi Omar.
Pathogenic Mycoplasma in the tissue cannot be detected by blood tests.
Outside the tissue it is wrapped by cellular membrane, disguised as normal cells, undetected! Have you doctor contact Dr Nicolson at immed.org, in the U.S.A. as I mentioned before. The dx and treatment are VERY specific!!!!!
I'm unable to offer you anymore advice on this.
Salmonella and mycotoxins may be co-factors and may warrant further investigation.
You may also need to do a comprehensive anti-candidiasis treatment, including a strict anti-fungal diet and Extra Virgin Coconut Oil supplementation.
Wishing you well.
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Chlamydia igg , igm " both negative "
Mycoplasma igg , igm " both negative"
Stool analysis " yeast ++" after falgyl course
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tests update :
* Week 18 : EBV igm "negative" EA,VCA,NA igg "positive" VCA has been dropped from 330-190.
CMV igm "negative"  igg "positive" its also has been dropped rom 8.6-5.6
Monospot for the fifth time and still negative
FTA  test "negative"
Stool leukocytes test "non seen"
Ova and parsites anlysis "no ove and parsites seen , culture set-up: salmonella spices located"
HCVAB "non reactive"
HBsAB "reactive" * this is an antibody test to chick immune for hepatitis b
HIV Ag/Ab "negative"
* Week 20 : Occult Blood test "negative"
ESR test  on the scale of (0-20) mine was "2"
FBS ( fasting glucose ) on the scale of ( 70-110) mins was 89
Syphilis  screen " non reactive"
*Week 21 : Blood TSH on the scale of (0.35-4.94) mine is 1.070
HIV, Hepatitis B,C "all negative "
EBV igm "negative" igg EA,VCA,NA "all positive and  VCA went up to 300 again"
*Week 22 : Stool culture "non seen" , Stool analysis " Pus cells (6-8) RBCs (8-10) "  
Fecal Occult Blood Test " negative"
*Week 23 : ASO test "negative"
HSV 1/2 igm "negative igg "negative"
start a corse of ciproflex and flazol for 1 week for colon pain ( i got the stomach ache and colon pain with gazez since the end 8th week of my illness )
Did 2 more tests for Mycoplasma antibody igg , igm and chlamydia igg antibody searching for systemic infection and its going to be done in monday " is Mycoplasama antibody test accurate ?"

with all my thanks and respect ..
hope you are enjoying your holiday
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thnx again i will inbox you
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Polymerase chain reaction test  can be performed different ways to detect mycoplasma infections. Most labs DO NOT return accurate results, specially with the mutated form of mycoplasmas known as "stealth pathogens"!
Here's a link for your info but  be aware that most labs mentioned, detect accurately the garden variety of mycoplasmas only.
Infectious disease specialists in N.America are usually not very good this area of infectious disease.
Take care.
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believe me its really do,,
thnq for you all much love and I hope u all guys are enjoying your holiday <3
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what you wrote is so specific doctor work that i need to search to understشnad and to show it to my doctor ,,
i wanna ask about mycoplasma "pcr" and test why you didnt mention it  ! are we searching for something else too ?! i will pass what you sent to the biggest infection diseases doctor in my area that i will see next week and i will ask what can they do here or if i have to go to the capital to chick in a bigger hospital if they cant do it here ,,

Whatever I said I won’t say enough thanks and appreciates, I wish that you will have a great holiday with your family because you really deserve it
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551343 tn?1506830518
Ah bless thank you but its not me its our forum members who take the time out even when they are on holiday to help if they can.

I really hope that just having support will help you through this. Big hugs. Mariax
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi again Omar!
I'm still in Canada, at my daughter's place in Toronto and flying to Germany tomorrow evening.
So I'm sending you the info on a couple tests from a previous post, as my notes are back in my office. Like I don't trust my memory all the time-lol!
I know this stuff but sometimes there are too many things going on!
So here they are:
Well, first the blood volume test. This test measures the red cell
volume in ml to body weight in kg. The normal would be 30ml/1kg
red cell volume per Kilogram of body weight. Any result of >15%
less volume would be indicative of Pathogenic Infection.
The other preliminary test would be the 24H Holter ECG.
The clinician would be looking for T-Wave pattern abnormalities, where instead of peaks there are valleys and inversions, in which case the
blood in the left ventricle is not being pumped up through the aorta,
and tissue scarring occurring in the left ventricle.
So the physical evidence would be there, including the irregular heart beat and the scarring, with everything else showing normal.  It is one of those situations where if the doctor is not looking for it, it will be most likely missed.
With the previous test, if the doctor is not looking for something specific, then he wouldn't even think about a blood volume test, but if a person  in an accident had lost a few pints of blood, that would constitute a medical emergency! The health implications, when the blood volume is significantly lower, can be devastating! Hmm.
You just have to find cooperative doctors to get these done.
As I mentioned already, these tests are only indicative, not diagnostic.
But you will have opened the door to further investigate this, as the likelihood of having this pathogenic infectious condition is much greater.
Let me know what happens. And we take it from there.
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i will do what you said am already taking multivitamins, zinc , Q10 enzyme with maginusem to help my immune system and its really making a differnet with me and am suppose to do alot of tests next two weeks i will inform you of my results with the other new results i got today ,, thnaks alot for replaying and for caring hope every thing will go fine ,,
enjoy your travel and best wishes ,, tc
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Hi Omar.
This is VERY specialized work!
The possible GWS that you may have, is actually a  variant of a pathogenic mycoplasma SYSTEMIC infection. Most doctors will not be familiar with this, as conventional medicine with the influence of the more "dominant" western societies, is keeping "a lid" on it and many other related conditions.
The potential economic and political implications are enough to create such a controversial situation with negative consequences for the suffering.
Polymerase chain reaction testing must be done by labs, familiar with
pathogenic mycoplasmas. I suspect that the labs in the middle east are not!
There are preliminary tests that you can consider for general pathogenic mycoplasma infections, such as Blood Volume testing and the 24 Hour
Hlter ECG test-but the clinician has to look for specific references
in order to make any determinations.(indicative, not diagnostic)
I'm away from my office and home for the next 3 weeks, so I will send you more details on those tests later.
Meanwhile you may want to search  here using MedHelp's  search engine
for Dr. Garth Nicolson, regarding further information on this.
And , yes, there's treatment for this. You may have to co-ordinate your
doctor and Doctor Nicolson (or any Dr he recommends) by telephone consultations for proper treatment.
It will be a good idea, for the time being to work on strengthening your immune system, as it is vital for any suggested treatment to be effective
in destroying these pathogens. Medicine alone will NOT do it!!!!
So do whatever it takes, starting with the candida diet as I suggested earlier. You may want to search some of my previous posts here, as I make periodically reference to such health matters.
Wishing you well.
Your best approach would be

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U r amazing just for trying to help people u and every one is trying to help ,, you guys are giving me hope so thanks alot <3
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w alykom el salam :)
first of all thanks a lot for replaying ,,
I read what you send and i found Mycoplasma that i read about before and mentioned to my doctor but he laughed and said its not possible "i think because he doesn’t know much about it like everything else " ,,,
now I wanna go back to him and ask for some tests ,  I need you please to inform me what type of tests do I have to do and what type of machine lab to use on "PCR,Elisa,WB" ? And is there any tests for other stuff that are mentioned as a causes for the syndrome and is there a treatment for this ?
with all my respect ,, thanks so much for giving time and replaying
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551343 tn?1506830518
Thanks Niko for taking the time to answer this for us. Mariaxx
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1530171 tn?1448129593
Salam wa aleikum!
Check GWS (golf war syndome).
Very common in the middle east with military personel, their families
and sexual partners as it can be transmitted through ANY bodily fluids.
This could be indirectly linked to your sexual encounter, as this girl may have gotten it from another person and be unsymptomatic.(Many people may have GWS and stay unsymptomatic for years.)  The candida albicans is likely the trigger of GWS-if this is what you have. Very few doctors can diagnose this and most tests will return false positive results.
Check with Dr. Garth Nicolson at www.immed.org as he's very familiar with this syndrome.
Meanwhile do a strict anti-candida diet including consumption of extra virgin coconut oil 2T daily to start and go up to 4T in 2 weeks.
Hope this helps.
Niko (Unani)
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thnx alot for replaying ,, i had the mono spot test 3 times and its negative but not all of EBV people get mono as i heared and i saw my titers are changing in the last two "CMV,EBV"  tests so it could be the deal or it might be th else now i asked for candida test so they took a strep throat and they found "candida albicans" and i asked for a blood fungal culture to see if is it in my blood but it takes time so i will be waiting for it and i will be waiting for the expert in the fourm to help me too cuz am having bad timing dealing with this by my self ,, thnks alot again  
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thnx alot for replaying it means alot to see people caring even to say hi only ,,,
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551343 tn?1506830518
EBV can come back and can cause other diseases such as Mononucleosis which would match your symptoms down to the fatigue. The stinging sounds like a nerve problem. I have that sometimes in my hands. Mono can cause nerve damage if it is quite bad. Were you tested for Mono?

LIke Sarah said there is a member of our forum who is brilliant at this type of infectious disease, I will send him a nudge to come and have a look at your post. Maria

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1627868 tn?1333886342
I don't have any advice for you but I just wanted to welcome you to the forum.  There is a member who drops in now and then who is very knowledgeable about infectious diseases, etc.  I am sure he will be around soon and hopefully will see this and give his input.

Again, welcome!
Take care!
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