

The nature of the treatment of mental health patients . Please share the true treatment you have seen over the years , and if you see improvement or decline or a miss diagnosis of the treatment establishment. I have seen the destruction of myself along with others due to inability of Doctors to listen , and there addiction to the pharmaceutical companies . I can not understand why until i had enough to just say NO , to every new drug the drug, the companies are pushing this week on T V . The rubber stamp doctors that no matter what you tell them already have a drug they were going to give you no matter what you said. I have had such terrible treatment in the last 20 years , not saying that prior to that it was any better , but I am just going to start when I first got clean and sober to be fair. I was treated with Depakote & Effexor for 15 years , and spent a large part of those years in the hospital for suicidal depression , and extreme mania insanity , always to show back up at Dr. Trans office , with the same treatment plan . In 2011 , I had all I could take and demanded to be treated with different meds , as I once was in 1978 , when a doctor seen me because of the hospitalization of falling while on Lithium and spletting my head open, Dr.Shore believed I had ADD , and bi polar , and started me on Ritalin for ADD, and Klonipin for mania from bi polar, and for the first time in years , I was free of the cycles and episodes, for over 1 year. In 1979 I started back drinking Alcohol again , and that was that until 1994. I ask for the same treatment plan from Dr.Tran , and after getting 2 other doctors to approve of this plan I went on to have one and a half bi polar free years until for no reason other than her despise , Dr. Tran took me off all bi polar meds and said I no longer had mania problems. In October 1 month from her chance to destroy my life she got her wish come true , I returned in full blown mania , ask to be hospitalized or at least give me meds and was ask to leave, I called again and ask what was i going to do that i was suicidal , and was told i could ask for a different doctor , on December with no one to help me I was put into mental health hospital for the possibility of hurting myself , and was put back on my mania meds , and now back to normal once again , can anyone explain why I just spent the last 4 months of my life in hell , and could not get help after 17 years of being seen by this doctor, how for her to try and put her ideas ahead of my safety, I almost lost my life .
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